Custom Query (4410 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#627 crash on opening gpx file framm defect blocker Core
#636 error opening gpx framm defect blocker Core
#642 Error while loading GPX file framm defect blocker Core
#1593 bug in open a permalink framm defect blocker unspecified
#1857 webkit photo tiles, each one is partly over each one framm defect blocker Plugin
#1891 Backtrace when trying to download a bbox framm defect blocker Core
#1995 Error by save Water-Area framm defect blocker unspecified
#1996 Edit existing Way framm defect blocker unspecified
#2269 Upload is broken team defect blocker Core
#2274 DirectUpload does not upload team defect blocker Plugin
#2277 Exception/crash with cadastre-fr plugin in JOSM snapshot 1479 team defect blocker Plugin
#2449 conflict when uploading changes after splitting way / one half of the way should remain on relation route, other half off relation route team defect blocker Core
#2468 JOSM upload failing - error 409 team defect blocker Core
#2493 deleting duplicate way fails with Nullpointerexeption team defect blocker Core
#2521 problems handling conflicts when two users edit the same onject Cobra defect blocker Core
#2556 java.lang.StackOverflowError after upload request team defect blocker Core
#2805 dragged nodes go out of sight/solar system team defect blocker Core
#2810 View not repainted after moving nodes/way team defect blocker Core
#2843 JOSM svn rev 1738 crashes when attempting to download plugins team defect blocker Plugin
#2992 Problem with way splitting team defect blocker Core
#2993 Problem with way splitting team defect blocker Core
#3047 Relation sorting adds new members - destroying data! team defect blocker Core
#3451 JOSM does not read OSM-Files correctly team defect blocker Core
#3610 Problems downloading along GPX track team defect blocker Core
#3622 stop when select a area (portable) team defect blocker Core
#3623 stop when select a area (portable) team defect blocker Core
#3949 download data Luebeck defect blocker Core
#3950 download large area team defect blocker Core
#3986 Unable to Edit existing Relation team defect blocker Core
#4209 getCurrentDataSet() is empty after adding new layers. team defect blocker Core
#4324 New ways not displayed jttt defect blocker Core
#4383 JOSM won't start team defect blocker Core
#4453 r2906 broke validator team defect blocker Core validator
#4516 unexspected error trying to add a node to a way with conflict team defect blocker Core
#4571 Deleted primitives referenced after update team defect blocker Core
#4575 Relation editor hides tags team defect blocker Core
#4629 josm stores password in 644 file team defect blocker Core
#4724 error on getting the state repport team defect blocker Core
#4727 Error after load of osm file team defect blocker Core
#4973 An error is made assumption outside during a Japanese input. team defect blocker Core
#4974 An error is made assumption outside during a Japanese input. team defect blocker Core
#5171 Tested JOSM crashed while selecting area for download team defect blocker Core
#5192 multipolygon broken dieterdreist defect blocker Core
#5334 how to handle inconsistent data? team defect blocker Core
#5733 Imagery: impossible to correct offset Upliner defect blocker Core imagery
#5832 josm freezes on middle mouse click (apparently)/ autosave-bug team defect blocker Core
#5896 josm hangs on start (current svn) team defect blocker Core
#6242 Errorfile at Start of JOSM team defect blocker Core
#6289 Program crashed on startup team defect blocker Core
#6548 contourmerge (image?) could not be loaded, exception raised team defect blocker Core
#6616 Cadastre-fr plugin fails at startup after updating to 4257 pieren defect blocker Plugin cadastre-fr
#6782 Kritischer Fehler // Critical Error team defect blocker Core
#6986 Could not load plugin Columbus CSV. JOSM 4487 OliverW defect blocker Plugin columbuscsv
#7411 StackOverflowError error when starting JOSM. team defect blocker Core
#7678 videomapping plugin crashes on attempt to import video team defect blocker Plugin videomapping
#8137 undelete plugin creating every other way as a 0 node way team defect blocker Plugin undelete
#8274 JOSM prevents opening of local files if OSM server is down team defect blocker Core
#8302 Crash while changing value of tag team defect blocker Core
#8524 Mac OS X package (version 5759) ist beschädigt Radfahrer defect blocker Installer MacOS
#8629 network broken team defect blocker Core
#8637 undelete plugin doesn't recover history properly, thus preventing re-uploading of deleted items team defect blocker Plugin undelete
#10657 downloading data in new version r7643 is impossible anonymous defect blocker Core
#11160 crash on lit streets mappaint style team defect blocker Core
#11301 Error when trying to add photolayer (Bing etc) team defect blocker Core
#11309 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when closing JOSM preventing it from closing team defect blocker Core
#11322 Problems with JCSCacheManager team defect blocker Core
#11596 8524 doesn't start at all team defect blocker Core
#11604 JOSM-latest not start !! team defect blocker Core
#12194 Preset Sources could not be loaded in Preferences team defect blocker Core
#13135 josm-tested package for OSX is absent team defect blocker Core
#14638 Deadlock due to movement to new location (deadlock on MapillaryData) floscher defect blocker Plugin mapillary
#15091 NoSuchMethodError: org.openstreetmap.josm.Main.addLayer mojodna defect blocker Plugin fieldpapers
#16470 Crash when upload team defect blocker Core
#18791 Error at startup after installation of latest version team defect blocker Core
#19154 rev.16239 crashed, many bugs team defect blocker Core
#19155 rev.16239 crashed, many bugs #2 team defect blocker Core
#19156 rev.16239 crashed, many bugs #3 Sergey <djam5@…> defect blocker Core
#19278 Exception while opening 'Open' window team defect blocker Core
#20394 error on open file dialog team defect blocker Core
#21466 JOSM can't access internet anymore team defect blocker Core
#23230 Cannot open the Download data dialog team defect blocker Core
#23297 OAuth2 semi-automatic button doesn't send client ID to non-default OSM servers team defect blocker Core
#143 Prevent the delesion of nodes that are still required by other segments/ways (Checked in V226) imi defect critical unspecified
#667 Relation support needs work up framm defect critical Core
#712 Lakewalker generated error framm defect critical Core
#743 JOSM crashes after osm data download framm defect critical Core
#752 Absturz gerade framm defect critical Core
#1060 Download --> Bounding Box --> URL bugged since 673 framm defect critical Core
#1439 Valitator Plugin error framm defect critical Plugin
#1692 [patch] telephone icon black on black isn't good in rev. >= 1045 ulfl defect critical Internal mappaint style
#2284 Not uploading gpx file vi plugin team defect critical Plugin
#2474 Provide scrolling drop down menus team enhancement critical Core
#2603 Error when grabing the data from OSM team defect critical Core
#2621 editgpx can't save modified gpx file team defect critical Plugin
#2637 Unable to resolve conflict in relation team defect critical Core
#2718 [patch] unclosed regex group xeen defect critical Core imagery
#2984 josm crashes when loading imagery tsult defect critical Core
#3073 JOSM uploads a corrupt relation to the server team defect critical Core
#3089 can't make new relattion team defect critical Core
#3278 redirect shortcuts in the undocked windows to the main window does not work team defect critical Core
#3654 Big edits neither finish nor time-out team defect critical Core
#3783 does not finish download API team defect critical Core
#3894 Systemcrash - 'Out of memory' team defect critical Core
#3977 Freeze when splitting outer way of a multipolygon team defect critical Core
#4005 Can't edit tags of selected objects Team defect critical Core
#4006 Delete is broken Daeron defect critical Core
#4402 Not possible to solve conflict team defect critical Core
#4403 JOSM silently resolves conflicts by destroying data team defect critical Core
#4584 cursor not show in textfields of relations-editor team defect critical Core
#4933 OAuth and DircectUpload dont work together team defect critical Core
#5014 Gpsd 2.92 don't work with josm/liveGPS plugin team defect critical Plugin
#5036 duplicate causes error team defect critical Core
#5113 connecting ways: header (options) for tags hidden. team defect critical Core
#5191 conflict management created unhandled exception team defect critical Core
#5232 plug in installation error team defect critical Core
#5234 Ban from WMS Service PCN - JOSM Error team defect critical Core imagery
#5280 Map window does not get focus right away team defect critical Core
#5297 Plugins problem team defect critical Core
#5462 Plug-in "turnrestriction" fails when I want to create a new restriction team defect critical Plugin turnrestrictions
#5487 open plugin list team defect critical Core
#5747 error by merge areas team defect critical Core
#5749 error by merge areas team defect critical Core
#6549 v4202 crashes during mass download team defect critical Core
#6605 Error when adding nodes team defect critical Core
#6658 PicLayer does not work team defect critical Plugin piclayer
#6735 exception on delete team defect critical Core
#6736 exception on delete team defect critical Core
#6770 NoSuchMethodError: String tr(String) team defect critical Plugin utilsplugin2
#6772 Renaming layers too eager team defect critical Core
#6904 Impossible de faire quoi que ce soit quand l'éditeur de relations est ouvert team defect critical Core
#6978 problems with popups team defect critical Core
#7137 Downloading data produces an exception team defect critical Core
#7292 NPE in WMS layer team defect critical Core
#7412 Crash at startup team defect critical Core
#7609 Replace Geometry command hangs josm with 100% cpu team defect critical Plugin utilsplugin2
#8299 Fehler bei Editierung von Relationen, Löschung von Knoten/Wegen von Relationen aus dem Datenbestand team defect critical Core
#8498 Conflate plugin crashes when conflating joshdoe defect critical Plugin conflation
#9431 terracer crash team defect critical Plugin terracer
#9640 NullPointerException team defect critical Core
#9698 JOSM starts as few pixel width window. team defect critical Core
#9777 ssl + OAuth and notes does not work ToeBee defect critical Core notes
#9936 Unexpectd Error in Pic Layer Plugin TomaszStelmach defect critical Plugin piclayer
#10665 Version 7643 problems with Plugin 'continuous download' Gnonthgol defect critical Plugin continuosDownload
#10948 Error when extracting PBF files. Don-vip defect critical Plugin pbf
#11075 Error starting josm team defect critical Core
#11204 This plugin doesn't work and never has been working (on selected architectures?) team defect critical Plugin videomapping
#11308 Underlying unable to download maps from the server - reports an error team defect critical Core
#11311 Can not download the source map. team defect critical Core
#11318 Download new data not working team defect critical Core
#11717 Bing layer hides data layer team defect critical Core
#13051 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException w/ ZoomToAction team defect critical Core
#13301 Imagery offset not functioning team defect critical Core
#14044 JOSM won't start due to expired certificate team defect critical Core
#14122 Fehler tritt bei jedem Versuch auf einen Bereich zur Bearbeitung zu laden. Keine Bearbeitung möglich! team defect critical Core mappaint
#14316 Old comment field value used instead of the one entered team defect critical Core
#14512 Error when I add the Bing layer Rub21 defect critical Plugin tofix
#14809 1 minute, 3 nodes & I hit a bug michael2402 defect critical Core
#14821 JVM crash on Windows 10 Creators Update when opening a file chooser team defect critical Core
#14903 [Patch] fix #13631 Hind defect critical Plugin commandline
#14992 InternalError: HTHEME is null team defect critical Core
#15257 Mapillary not loading in some blocks after the latest JOSM update floscher defect critical Plugin mapillary
#15270 Load error jBeata defect critical Plugin ImproveOsm
#15457 JOSM menu bar not accessible/shown in macOS 10.13 team defect critical Core
#15914 Bad and missed joke about Musk on start screen team defect critical Core
#16153 offset bug team defect critical Core
#16281 Connection problem: "the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty." team defect critical Core
#16383 IllegalStateException with Reverter plugin Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#17257 endless (?) loop after zoom out team defect critical Plugin continuosDownload
#17478 Cadastre team defect critical Core
#17864 Mapillary plugin frequently hangs jpietri defect critical Plugin mapillary
#18072 i need help for this bug team defect critical Core
#18073 i need fix this bug team defect critical Core
#18446 christmas decoration in main screen team defect critical Core
#18656 Mapillary triggering a Java deadlock jpietri defect critical Plugin mapillary
#18704 Freeze upon deleting and re-opening Mapillary imagery layer jpietri defect critical Plugin mapillary
#19068 No user information if "extract node" modifies a relation team defect critical Plugin utilsplugin2
#19178 rev.16239 do not close program team defect critical Core
#19185 rev.16239 crashed. No close team defect critical Core
#19587 Cannot load my saved data team defect critical Core
#19595 [OSM-dev] Deprecation of and team task critical Core
#20184 tried to download OSM data team defect critical Core restart
#20749 Show Status Report: IAE: "Parameter must not be null" at team defect critical Core
#21560 IllegalAccessError: class in unnamed module team defect critical Plugin areaselector
#21675 Upgrade to log4j 2.16.0 team defect critical Core
#22426 ll Error File - Open either from the menu or toolbar button or keyboard shortcut team defect critical Core
#22584 Geotagged image window, delete from disk issue team defect critical Core image mapping
#23146 PBF files not opening Don-vip defect critical Plugin pbf
#23456 Mi JOSM no funciona y no lo puedo configurar team defect critical Core
#23637 Scripting plugin not working Gubaer defect critical Plugin scripting
#13 Simplify data (drop dense nodes) imi defect major Core
#71 tool inconsistency imi enhancement major Core
#77 editing of Keys as well as values imi enhancement major Core
#96 Downloading from OSM imi defect major Core
#110 JOSM report a memory error even when loading a small number of jpeg images imi defect major unspecified
#226 JOSM Lint error josm@… defect major Plugin
#245 Appeared as I downloaded the josm-latest and tried to launch it on windows XP imi defect major unspecified
#246 upon startup josm@… defect major Core
#258 NoClassDefFound Error when trying to use namefinder josm@… defect major Plugin
#261 Namefinder plugging error in the josm-later (from 16.9.2007) josm@… defect major Plugin
#265 Exception while searching town name at download (plugin "namefinder") imi defect major unspecified
#355 New JOSM for API v0.5 seems not to support most plugins josm@… defect major Plugin
#357 just restarted after installing plugin and it crashes imi defect major unspecified
#367 Error when clicking to select button in new relation dialog josm@… defect major Core
#378 autocompletion broken on some platforms imi defect major unspecified
#396 Excpetion while Starting osmarender Plugin framm defect major Plugin
#401 after loading 3 plug-inns at once, JOSM fails to start framm defect major Core
#406 osmarender plugin framm defect major Core
#416 Combine Way exception (circularity?) framm defect major Core
#429 Bug when entering Tags framm defect major Core
#467 Windows: Runtime crashes with input methods framm defect major Core
#474 Being unable to turn off node creation, without node-reuse being turned off. framm enhancement major Core
#476 geotagged plugin: i'm not sure whether anybody but me experienced the same problem with josm's geotagged plugin (which i found very useful until recently, indeed - now it stopped to work). framm defect major Plugin
#477 geotagged plugin: i'm not sure whether anybody but me experienced the same problem with josm's geotagged plugin (which i found very useful until recently, indeed - now it stopped to work). framm defect major Plugin
#539 Restrictions deletes already existing restrictions framm defect major Core
#586 Easier method to create parallel ways framm enhancement major Core
#599 crash on using slippy map download plugin framm defect major Plugin
#604 Lakewalker vs JOSM settings framm defect major Plugin
#612 pressing delete with nothing selected in edit relation box causes exception framm defect major Core
#626 Opening gpx file --> error framm defect major Core
#628 Easy way of adding multipolygonrelations framm enhancement major Core
#649 GeoImages make JOSM unusable framm defect major Core
#654 Coding error when downloading data framm defect major Core
#665 array index out of bounds when selecting all images to import with [Command (Apple)]+[A] framm defect major Core
#690 anti delete mechanism framm enhancement major Core
#692 error loading osm data with slippy map framm defect major Core
#693 Version 609 unusable with validator plugin framm defect major Core
#742 version 631 does not show GPS through the OSM layer framm defect major Core
#744 WMS doesnt show transparency framm defect major Core
#748 Josm tells me that there is a error framm defect major Core
#749 Error after downloading data from server framm defect major Core
#750 unexpected error in latest version (2008-05-12) framm defect major Core
#751 NPE when I try to load OSM data after loading a GPX file framm defect major Core
#753 NullPointerException while opening gpx data framm defect major Core
#754 can't see more than one layer at once framm defect major Core
#755 can't see more than one layer at once framm defect major Core
#763 Download of data from OSM sometimes produces exception. JOSM bug report incl. stack traces follows framm defect major Core
#780 Splitting ways included in relation does not included all spllitted parts framm defect major Core
#782 Adding one way multiple times to a relation is possible framm defect major Core
#783 Adding multiple ways to a Relation triggers an exception framm defect major Core
#795 Area drawing defect framm defect major Core
#797 lakewalker exceptions and wrong preference value format framm defect major Plugin
#817 JOSM allows deletion of nodes outside bbox framm defect major Core
#1075 "URL from" textbox text entry crashes JOSM framm defect major Core
#1136 Presets don't work (Unexpected Exception) framm defect major Core
#1260 Crashed when looking at pictures framm defect major Core
#1355 Add security request before deleting a data layer framm enhancement major Core
#1391 JOSM only starts a white blank window on tiling window managers such as stumpwm and ratpoison framm defect major Core
#1394 Play/Pause button should pause immediately when playing at higher speed David Earl <david@…> defect major Core
#1434 PluginException: plugin validator framm defect major Core
#1435 validator plugin caused unexpected exception framm defect major Core
#1481 railway=tram is not visible framm defect major Core
#1484 slippy map plugin crash framm defect major Plugin
#1511 exception IndexOutOfBounds framm defect major Core
#1540 NullPointerException after loading GPX file framm defect major unspecified
#1543 Fehlermeldung nach Laden einer *.gpx-Datei (bearbeitet und gespeichert mit Mapsource v14) framm defect major unspecified
#1554 SlippyMap plugin: excaption and other oddities framm defect major Plugin
#1558 Feature request: prohibit actions outside the bounding box framm enhancement major Core
#1571 error after selecting a slippy map and downloading the data framm defect major unspecified
#1574 Slippy Map plugin crashes on r-click framm defect major Plugin
#1595 Exception when attempting to run Lakewalker framm defect major unspecified
#1605 Ich bekomme immer noch die Fehlermeldung "unerwarteter Fehler" wenn ich über den Dialog DAtei-Öffnen... versuche eine Datei zu öffnen framm defect major unspecified
#1615 NullPointerException when deleting all layers framm defect major Core
#1616 osmarender plugin doesn't work -> no xml file framm defect major Plugin
#1630 Error in NMEA reader framm defect major unspecified
#1634 Cannot click on pictures framm defect major unspecified
#1637 NPE in DirectUpload anonymous defect major Plugin
#1648 [PATCH] NMEA parser improvement framm enhancement major Core
#1651 Crash. Display config change framm defect major unspecified
#1658 Tags einfügen (STRG+Umsch+V) auch elementübergreifend framm enhancement major Core
#1659 IndexOutOfBounds on NMEA log import anonymous defect major Core
#1662 Exception bei GPSLive Track Aufzeichnung Ubuntu 8.04 Laptop geschlossen framm defect major unspecified
#1684 Simple template support for relations ce enhancement major Internal preset
#1699 German translation missing framm defect major unspecified
#1743 Move on Map (OpenStreetBugs plugin) framm defect major Plugin
#1748 412 server error for relations is not flagged framm defect major Core
#1750 NPE in measurement plugin framm defect major Plugin
#1760 Plugin DirectUpload: exception (de: Fehler bei direktem Track-Hochladen mit Plugin) framm defect major Plugin
#1766 "412 Precondition failed"-upload-error when working with relations framm defect major unspecified
#1781 Import/Export of Bookmarks framm enhancement major unspecified
#1785 Null Pointer Exception when trying to resolve conflicts framm defect major Core
#1794 Unexpected exception while pressing Ctrl-O framm defect major unspecified
#1806 conflict error blocking JOSM framm defect major unspecified
#1824 wish: show object id without press middle well framm defect major unspecified
#1837 Parallel roads framm defect major Core
#1852 duplicate: possibility to edit scale (edit zoom level of favorites) framm defect major unspecified
#1861 Correction to previous ticket - I was selecting a KEY after selecting a way. Happened twice. framm defect major unspecified
#1867 JOSM ignores keyboard shortcut setting framm defect major Core
#1884 DirectUpload: Error when trying to upload a GPX file Subhodip Biswas <subhodipbiswas@…> defect major Plugin
#1885 crashed when downloading plugins framm defect major unspecified
#1890 Error after adding/renew plugins framm defect major unspecified
#1892 tried to download an area berween Nottingham and Derby U.K but it failed - report below framm defect major unspecified
#1894 unexpected exception on data download framm defect major unspecified
#1895 error on plugin load framm defect major unspecified
#1899 error occured after first Start of 1182 and updating two plugins framm defect major unspecified
#1909 java.lang.AbstractMethodError returning to main screen from settings framm defect major unspecified
#1934 can not install plugins framm defect major unspecified
#1941 Crash when cancelling downloading plugins framm defect major unspecified
#1944 Fehler beim Starten von JOSM framm defect major unspecified
#1945 beim importieren von schleswig-holstein (geofabrik) ist ein fehler aufgetreten framm defect major unspecified
#1948 Start after updating plugins throws unknown exception framm defect major unspecified
#1962 two exceptions when downloading framm defect major unspecified
#1965 Plugins causing problems framm defect major unspecified
#1985 Proxy problem with NTLM, Windows and Java 1.6 framm defect major Core
#1992 Error on converting gpx to data layer framm defect major Core
#1994 use built 1221: crashes when selecting an area framm defect major unspecified
#1997 fehler framm defect major unspecified
#1999 Crash framm defect major unspecified
#2004 josm crashed while downloading/updating plugins. This was the first run of revision 1229. framm defect major unspecified
#2005 make menus (right panels) resizable framm enhancement major Core
#2007 Validator plugin can not be loaded. framm defect major unspecified
#2009 GPX Import framm defect major unspecified
#2016 Moving layers up effects the opposite ce defect major Internal preset
#2017 build 1255 exception on startup framm defect major unspecified
#2031 Error when downloading data from the OSM server framm defect major unspecified
#2032 Fehler kam direkt nach erster Benutzung framm defect major unspecified
#2079 Merge polygons framm enhancement major unspecified
#2085 Cursor focus on housenumber field when editing address data using template ce enhancement major Internal preset
#2143 define a color for gpx-elements framm defect major unspecified
#2144 API 0.6: JOSM ignores 409 conflict framm defect major Core
#2146 Cannot open NMEA files any more framm defect major Core
#2166 WMS yahoo! (webkit) . JOSM runs out of memory when zooming. framm defect major Plugin
#2178 JOSM (WMS) latest crashes memory problem framm defect major unspecified
#2190 Error Message when double-clicking a relation framm defect major unspecified
#2193 changing relation admin_level 10 -> 11 framm defect major unspecified
#2194 Unerwarteter Fehler bei doppleklick auf multipolygon im Relationsfenster framm defect major unspecified
#2204 Update of Plugins team defect major unspecified
#2235 save your edits every x minutes team enhancement major Core
#2268 Random connecting and disconnecting of points Zdeněk Pražák defect major Core
#2288 Some kind of layer would be very nice! team enhancement major Core
#2311 Fehlermeldung bei plugin Editgpx team defect major Core
#2323 Cant upload .. compileced from svn with ant on Mac OS X team defect major Core
#2324 paste tags doesn't work from nodes to ways team defect major Core
#2332 MacOS X interactive download map team defect major Core
#2334 Papierkorb klicken bis alle Layer weg sind. team defect major Core
#2340 Error occured whilst entering points - first use of this version of JOSM team defect major Core
#2346 Changing track and points coloring via Layers context menu team enhancement major Core
#2357 Shortening Presets Menu ce defect major Internal preset
#2364 slippymap plug-in causes out of memory error team defect major Plugin
#2371 Error saving a gpx edited file team defect major Plugin
#2373 JOSM error moving window to secondary monitor team defect major Core
#2397 Bug in Proxy configuration team defect major Core
#2401 JOSM 1523 not uploading housenumbers. team defect major Core
#2402 Save fails in GpxWriter.writeAttr ClassCastException: java.lang.Float cannot be cast to java.lang.String team defect major Core
#2444 Upload not working anymore team defect major Core
#2446 Upload not working anymore team defect major Core
#2456 josm crash team defect major Core
#2461 Show other icon if multiple images are on one track point team enhancement major Core image mapping
#2476 Error 400 not reported, editor becomes clean, possible loss of data when closing editor team defect major Core
#2477 save-as triggers Date cannot be cast to java.lang.String team defect major Core
#2480 Fehler mit LiveGPS team defect major Plugin
#2495 Select tool extremely sluggish team defect major Core
#2499 cut and paste from one layer to an onother team defect major Core
#2512 Conflict resolution on relation doesn't work team defect major Core
#2515 routing: Crash during a routing Probe vidalfree@… defect major Plugin routing
#2525 Error while pulling OSM data along a gpx track team defect major Core
#2533 Unexpected exception team defect major Core
#2536 Latest josm fails to upload team defect major Core
#2539 If I want to upload some changes this StackOverflowError occours team defect major Core
#2541 Upload trace fail with a stack trace for WhereamI+ traces team defect major Plugin
#2543 No plugins in version 1580 (and some previous versions) team defect major Plugin
#2549 Upload of changes failed second time team defect major Core
#2553 NullPointerException while Plugin Download team defect major Plugin
#2560 error on uploading changes team defect major Core
#2562 crash on upload team defect major Core
#2563 Missing: Plugins list not updating. team defect major Plugin
#2564 crash while trying to update plugins, after problems with agpifoj team defect major unspecified
#2565 crash while trying to reinstall agpifoj team defect major unspecified
#2566 saving / uploading problems with downloaded .osm-files team defect major Core
#2569 Slippy map not usable without mouse wheel team enhancement major Core
#2571 It is not possible to download new plugins team defect major Core
#2580 when i try to download plugins i get the message shown below team defect major Core
#2582 barrier=city_wall show like area team defect major Core
#2590 JOSM exeption stoecker defect major Core
#2592 exception when attempting to save gpx team defect major Core
#2598 Problems with editing relations team defect major Core
#2600 Coding error generated when trying to edit relation team defect major Core
#2601 Links in waypoints are no longer read from gpx file after patch 2214 team defect major Core
#2604 validator wrong warning natural=cliff team defect major Core validator
#2605 Edit relation fails since today (JOSM 1596, Mon, 18 May 2009) team defect major Core
#2606 Received exception team defect major Core
#2610 Validator causes exception with JOSM nightly 1599 team defect major Core validator
#2615 NoSuchMethodError at validator plugin team defect major Plugin
#2616 Exception resolving conflict when no tags conflicting team defect major Core
#2617 validator error, prevents submission of data team defect major Core validator
#2627 conflict dialog does not show any version to choose from team defect major Core
#2628 conflict dialog does not show any version to choose from team defect major Core
#2634 Save after GPX load team defect major Core
#2657 Routing plugin crashes team defect major Plugin
#2659 josm crashes once data is collected, just before opening the editing window team defect major Core
#2661 Removed members (via members own properites) reappear if the relation editor was open simultaneously and afterwards saved team defect major Core
#2679 Nullpointer on upload team defect major Core
#2680 change upload failure team defect major Core
#2681 exception when movin a point team defect major unspecified
#2682 I clicked on the "upload" button and got the following error team defect major Core
#2686 Josm confuses OSM account with proxy accounts team defect major Core
#2709 exception when selecting next image team defect major Core
#2720 WMSplugin is disabled team defect major Core imagery
#2725 Concurrent Modification of GPX data team defect major Plugin
#2728 Allow multiple selections in layer list team enhancement major Core
#2734 Splitting a line (>=1 way) at the midway point only splits one of the ways team defect major Core
#2736 Advanced Preferences aren't saved when editing the list, only when the "Edit" button is used team defect major Core
#2762 Invalid data on upload dmuecke defect major Core
#2764 turnrestrictions and splitting ways team enhancement major Core
#2768 Error in measurement plugin (version 1669) team defect major Plugin
#2785 version information in Startup broken team defect major Core
#2790 clear restrict-relation by splitting ways team defect major unspecified
#2796 JOSM does not display way team defect major Core
#2814 Nodes cannot be moved, then crash team defect major Core
#2817 latitude/longitude swapped team defect major Core
#2826 Exception when trying to import image(s) team defect major Core
#2827 Error when I try to import images. team defect major Core
#2830 natural=coastline bug/corner case team defect major Core validator
#2837 wish: area selection when no window define team defect major Core
#2839 wish: message when selected unsupported gps-file team enhancement major Core
#2841 plugin - Aktualisierung; Fehlermeldung team defect major Core
#2842 JOSM crash after edit preferences team defect major Core
#2844 Nullpointer crash on adding plugins team defect major Core
#2845 Make josm.../newticket link in crash dialogue clickable team enhancement major Core
#2854 NullPointerException when trying to install a plugin with Rev. 1738 team defect major Core
#2858 plugin update impossible team defect major Core
#2873 Beim Herunterladen Fehler team defect major Core
#2880 WMS Exception team defect major Core imagery
#2895 Simplify way error with version 1758 (1755 too), ok with 1669 team defect major Plugin
#2899 Download vom Server geht nicht team defect major Core
#2932 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException with "Download from OSM along this track" team defect major Core
#2933 java.lang.NullPointerException on photo import team defect major Core
#2938 Create node on Intersection failed team defect major Plugin
#2944 Error while downloading OSM data team defect major Plugin
#2946 Error team defect major Core
#2947 message box conflig to large (Version 1784) team defect major Core
#2956 exception on file open team defect major Core
#2960 Double-clicking on relation in preference/member menu results in a failure team defect major Core
#2967 Bug updating plugins team defect major Core
#2986 Slippymap maximum zoom setting not workigg team defect major Plugin
#2991 Error by Split Way team defect major Core
#3001 Split a way by two points team defect major Core
#3004 OSM-API rejected JOSM upload: Placeholder node not found for reference -534 in way 27712090 team defect major Core
#3007 Unhandled exception simplifying a way team defect major Plugin
#3017 Validator throws an exception when uploding lat/lon 0.0. data team defect major Core validator
#3019 Error when uploading content team defect major Core
#3021 Crashed by starting simplify Way team defect major Core
#3031 SHIFT-m (symplify way) doesn't work in 1822 team defect major Core
#3038 Copy/paste to new layer doesn't work team defect major Core
#3042 Jumping Preview in MAC OS X team defect major Core
#3048 [PATCH] wish: fileselct per default *.osm-selection dmuecke defect major Core
#3054 kein copy/paste in Version 1824 team defect major Core
#3057 Bug of the plugin validator team defect major Core validator
#3058 plugin routes error message jttt defect major Plugin routes
#3082 Error with waydownloader team defect major Plugin
#3086 start function to make way simple (less point) team defect major Core
#3088 version 1847 crashes when a new relation is created team defect major Core
#3100 Error when click on Update button, Preferences Window - Mac OS X team defect major Core
#3101 Error plugin livegps/surveyor see also ticket 3052 team defect major Plugin
#3106 Plugins team defect major Plugin
#3126 Intersect_way plugin not up-to-date team defect major Plugin
#3128 Josm windows displayed always on top, even when JOSM doesn't have focus team defect major Core
#3136 Suggesting History Combobox has entering problems team defect major Core
#3170 relations list is not updated when opening or closing a layer jttt defect major Core
#3189 Cannot open a file team defect major Core
#3201 JOSM and Error message with surveyor plugin team defect major Plugin
#3216 JavaWS does not work anonymous defect major Core Webstart
#3218 Split way does not work team defect major Core
#3219 split way does not work team defect major Core
#3224 Exception selecting a directory in AgPifoJ open dialog team defect major unspecified
#3225 Open images with AgpifoJ fails team defect major Plugin
#3227 crash while cutting a way without tags team defect major Core
#3253 A tool to make ways parallel/equidistant team enhancement major Core
#3273 interesting direction hints (arrows) for waterways team defect major Core
#3280 Error nach "Strg-O" team defect major Core
#3354 Exception from Openstreetbugs after download data from OSM team defect major Plugin
#3445 Crashes when selecting multiple ways and trying to change tags team defect major Core
#3457 Automatic exception report team defect major Core
#3507 turn_restiction-relations should care automatically on way splitting team defect major Core
#3537 display NASA SRTM height data team enhancement major Core
#3701 Unable to undo copy team defect major Core
#3707 JOSM erases new comment in upload dialog when the dialog is unfocused team defect major Core
#3808 Objects get duplicated in the selection list with search team defect major Core
#3905 Ways get modified without user interaction team defect major Core
#3906 Objects get lost (missing) after subsequent download team defect major Core
#3934 Exception when downloading data team defect major Core
#3956 NPE from remotecontrol when loading a >0.25 area framm defect major Core remotecontrol
#3985 Slippymap seems to be limited to z18 framm defect major Core imagery
#4072 Exception in the relation window team defect major Core
#4143 Issue when downloading incomplete members from within the relation dialog team defect major Core
#4193 surveyor plugin Error with buttons Church and Restaurant team defect major Plugin
#4211 Error when switching up layers team defect major Core
#4281 image == null when using WMSplugin team defect major Core imagery
#4367 merging 2 osm files: incomplete members are not adjusted team defect major Core
#4405 properties dialog does not show all relations an object is in team defect major Core
#4555 Errors on start up team defect major Core
#4558 JOSM crashes at Start team defect major Core
#4614 provide a offline function team enhancement major Core
#4623 turn-restriction relation not rendered right away ulfl defect major Internal mappaint style
#4643 render problem: public_transport= stop_position or platform ulfl defect major Internal mappaint style
#4658 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openstreetmap/josm/data/gpx/SingleSegmentGpxTrack team defect major Plugin
#4680 Bug: Issue with input encoding team defect major Core
#4696 Turn Restriction not displayed - Glitch in spatial index in DataSet? team defect major Core
#4721 exception raised trying to create a closed way team defect major Core
#4741 Search for "id:0" does not work anymore team defect major Core
#4745 check for "doubled" relations team enhancement major Core validator
#4767 Osmarender crashes at any region team defect major Plugin
#4768 invalid info about overlapping areas team defect major Core validator
#4817 bug unhandled exception dieterdreist defect major Core
#4831 option to autosave osm layer team enhancement major Core
#4833 relation presets do not work team defect major Core
#4906 JOSM Crash team defect major Core
#4991 JOSM moves objects that are not on the active layer team defect major Core
#5030 Im trying to open file team defect major Core
#5058 Fetching user info (click refresh to get open changesets) does block team defect major Core
#5301 background color changes when zooming in ulfl defect major Internal mappaint style
#5316 Requesting too many nodes silently fail team defect major Core
#5337 internal data structure broken in case of using clipboard team defect major Core
#5369 cancel-Button below download progressbar does nothing, but the 'x' closes window team defect major Core
#5380 multipolygon plugin sets shortcut to "m" bilbo defect major Core multipoly
#5414 Sorted uploads team enhancement major Core
#5540 crash by multiple houses zerebubuth@… defect major Plugin terracer
#5621 No warning about false chosen projection team defect major Core
#5719 requesting version history can't be cancelled, blocks josm temporarily team defect major Core
#5774 Empty value in preset definition no longer removes tag team defect major External preset
#5812 lower imagery resolution than possible zufallsprinzip@… enhancement major Core
#5904 svn rev 3851 hangs at startup team defect major Core
#5959 IncompatibleClassChangeError when starting JOSM rev:3902 team defect major Core
#5999 Exception when turning on Bing background imagery team defect major Core
#6001 Unable to add Bing imagery layer team defect major Core
#6019 preset list not scrollable team defect major Core
#6284 Upon opening JOSM encountered error message team defect major Core
#6341 prevent automatically moving of core short cuts. team enhancement major Core
#6342 the workspace should be rotable team enhancement major Core
#6453 Numbers stay in value fields team defect major Core
#6478 JOSM will not update map team defect major Core
#6503 after updating to latest veresion Josm failes to start (unexpected exception) team defect major Core
#6550 JOSM doesn't start - Loop on Launcher team defect major Core
#6582 command stack: no info about layers (seperate command stack per layer) team defect major Core
#6626 building tools: use existing node instead of deleting and creating new ones Upliner enhancement major Plugin buildings_tools
#6639 JOSM has thrown an exception while uploading a selected part of changes team defect major Core
#6828 problems joining points in last version team defect major Core
#6836 unglue way: only keep memberships of turn restriction if selected way is part of. team defect major Core
#6837 error when moving ways xeen defect major Core
#6842 unhandled exception on rotate team defect major Core
#7066 josm no longer under window manager control team defect major Core
#7142 Precondition failed cryptic error team defect major Core
#7340 problem with measurement plugin team defect major Plugin measurement
#7403 Josm only displays error. team defect major Core
#7404 Josm only displays error. team defect major Plugin measurement
#7509 NullPointerException when downloading area near Wegscheid team defect major Core
#7519 NPE when pasting relation with incomplete node members to new layer team defect major Core
#7790 [Patch] Make switching to lasso selection mode easier team enhancement major Core
#7792 JOSM does not start team defect major Core
#7868 NPE in multiGetIdPackage team defect major Core
#7933 Crash when downloading OSM data for Cairo Egypt team defect major Core
#7970 Copy Paste does'nt work on MAC OS X Eric Pommereau defect major Core
#7983 turnrestrictions plugin crashing when entering the preferences in r5466 team defect major Plugin turnrestrictions
#7996 buildings_tools: exception at finishing object team defect major Core
#8010 Crash at JOSM start (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: team defect major Core
#8139 order of relations in case of delete or undelete(revert) is unsorted and cause conflict team defect major Core
#8157 Issue when area stretches across 180 degree longitude. team defect major Core
#8198 relation loopings are lost when combining ways team defect major Core
#8317 ways without tags invisible team defect major Core
#8476 Self-crossing ways not found team defect major Core validator
#8632 unexpected behavior of "distribute nodes" team defect major Core
#8633 unexpected behavior of "distribute nodes" team defect major Core
#8754 Check against wrong highway values in connected oneway roads denying routing team enhancement major Core validator
#8783 No possibility to draw a shared wall Upliner enhancement major Plugin buildings_tools
#8949 JUnit projection tests fail team defect major Core
#9078 DataIntegrityProblemException when reverting changeset Upliner defect major Core
#9083 teach validator about "label" and "admin_centre" role of administration boundary relation team defect major Core validator
#9199 copy&paste of tags vanished team defect major Core
#9218 "Paste attribute" paste nothing but the type and the id of the source?! team defect major Core
#9444 RuntimeException when fixing one node way team defect major Core validator
#9665 Not displaying conflict team defect major Core
#9862 NPE after startup team defect major Core Webstart
#9946 IllegalStateException with reverter plugin Upliner defect major Plugin reverter
#9985 josm - buildings plugin Upliner defect major Plugin buildings_tools
#10109 direct download plugin not working team defect major Plugin DirectDownload
#10268 Joining of overlapping polygons results in multipolygon tumsi defect major Core
#10352 Translate engine change team defect major Core
#10675 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader team defect major Core imagery
#11066 Please add Unicode support team enhancement major Core
#11108 java.lang.RuntimeException: Fatal: unable to locate image 'tagkeepmine.png' team defect major Core
#11121 Regression: Exception when opening a conflict team defect major Core
#11159 JOSM 8100 won't start because of missing "pencil.???" icon team defect major Core
#11247 Keyboard does not work team defect major Core
#11293 turnrestrictions crashes team defect major Plugin turnrestrictions
#11418 Unicode chars >16 bit will crash JOSM team defect major Core
#11673 Error when adding ways to relation team defect major Core
#11782 JOSM Validator crashes with school holidays team defect major Core validator
#11791 "Circle arc" is deleting ways team defect major Plugin utilsplugin2
#12203 tags missmatch team defect major Core
#12331 JOSM freezes when clicking "Report bug" in the menu bar team defect major Core
#12332 Tag editor displays strange keys and values when (single-)clicking different cells team defect major Core
#12401 Too tall screen size when adding tags team defect major Core
#12820 Text and Icons too small on high res monitor (Windows) team defect major Core
#12830 Aliases per language in the presets team enhancement major Core
#12846 Error when trying to convert gpx to datalayer team defect major Core
#12931 Trying to open JPG images results in Null pointer exception. This has happened over the last few versions of josm team defect major Core
#12938 NullPointerException team defect major Core
#12946 Error ocured in "add tags dialog" when adding tag is not listed in history list or last item in list team defect major Core
#12968 NPE in layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer.getScaleFactor team defect major Core
#12972 NullPointerException when loading WMS imagery layer team defect major Core imagery
#13219 dxfImport no longer works bwallum defect major Plugin
#13220 dxfImport no longer works bwallum defect major Plugin
#13244 Regression: Duplicate operation (CTRL-D) is broken team defect major Core
#13377 Josm not displaying icons team defect major Core mappaint
#13440 StackOverflowError when drawing a spline Upliner defect major Plugin splinex
#13567 An exception when clicking ways team defect major Plugin measurement
#13697 Raster layer 'New offset' does not terminate on OK, UI blocked on layer offset setup team defect major Core imagery
#13711 No tag-correction prompt when reversing ways that contain nodes with "direction"-tag team enhancement major Core
#13739 Unable to continue upload team defect major Plugin sds
#13906 plugin "Cadastre-fr" while using address tool pieren defect major Plugin cadastre-fr
#13976 JOSM crashes at OSM download, MapView#paintLayer bug? team defect major Core mappaint
#13977 Enabling live tracking with livegps plugin will cause an error framm defect major Plugin livegps
#13994 NPE in tofix plugin when downloading osm data Rub21 defect major Plugin tofix
#14055 UnsupportedOperationException deleting a way after validation team defect major Core validator
#14128 Auto Tools Rub21 defect major Plugin auto_tools
#14203 JOSM slows down, then freezes team defect major Core
#14441 Explanation for each validator warning team enhancement major Core validator
#14659 Errors in Imagery icon loading blocks JOSM when the imagery is displayed in menu team defect major Core
#14722 Text encoding broken when reading .osm files team defect major Core
#14748 Crash when activating a PicLayer layer team defect major Core
#15060 DnD.Cursor.CopyDrop : cannot load system cursor: CopyDrop.32x32 team defect major Core
#15125 No scaling to large screens (orig.: Brak skalowania do dużych ekranów.) team defect major Core
#15373 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced in trying to revert a changset Upliner defect major Plugin reverter
#15567 JOSM hangs when trying to move a node in extrude mode team defect major Core
#15897 What Plugins do I need to load in KML Files to JOSM team defect major Core
#16062 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect major Core
#16151 Layer offset still active after clicking OK team defect major Core imagery
#16155 Imposible to edit address tag with the form in a multipolygon team defect major Core
#16221 auto-tools gives an error when pressing shift Rub21 defect major Plugin auto_tools
#16474 TODO plugin causes java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when object in queue is deleted (java.lang.NullPointerException) team defect major Core
#16620 opendata plugin will not load. lmason_aph defect major Core
#16983 Downloaded GPS data displayed as short horizontal oines on Windows 10 team defect major Core
#17686 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced during conflict resolution team defect major Core
#17752 Update error plugin PicLayer Larry0ua defect major Plugin piclayer
#17863 Adding http/2 Support to JOSM Editor to improve performance with Maxar Endpoints team enhancement major External imagery source
#17872 Faulty treatment of relation members when ways are split osm@… defect major Core
#17900 lots of errors deleting members from relations team defect major Core
#17957 Filter auto-completion in preset value fields team enhancement major Core
#17982 IOOBE at MemberTableModel.getSelectedMembers team defect major Core
#18052 Wrong message about not allowed value for wikipedia floscher defect major Plugin wikipedia
#18762 Editing a building tag error team defect major Core
#18947 IAE: Parameter 'member' must not be null - Bus route conflict resolution team defect major Core
#18960 Failed "add tag" dialog bug team defect major Core
#18973 "+ Add" function does not work on nodes and stsrts the bug reporter.. No problem on ways. Reproducible. team defect major Core
#18981 JOSM doesn't allow me to deal with conflicts team defect major Core
#19029 Crash when adding a tag team defect major Core
#19611 Unexpected error on start after JOSM update Tyndare defect major Plugin conflation
#20027 Opening preferences in Metal LAF on macOS produces exception team defect major 20.11 Core
#20136 Advanced Settings menu is empty team defect major Core
#20145 Crash with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Width and height must be >= 0 team defect major Core
#20263 Josm don't start team defect major Core imagery
#20264 Imagery refresh not working team defect major Core imagery
#20327 Couldn't get the newest version of JOSM (MacOS) team defect major Core
#21374 NPE at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.buildings_tools.DrawBuildingAction.lambda$setCursor$1 Upliner defect major Plugin buildings_tools
#21473 Loading gpx files one after the other freezes JOSM completely team defect major Core
#21734 Unable to open Preferences -> Plugins, wikipedia plugin causes problem and the update attempt causes this exception team defect major Core
#22107 offset images team defect major Core
#22523 Print plugin does not work at all team defect major Plugin print
#23038 Error downloading tiles on Maxar Premium Image team defect major Core imagery
#23475 Login fails team defect major Core
#23494 Preferences Crash team defect major 24.02 Core imagery
#23557 NPE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication$DefaultNativeOsCallback.handleAbout team defect major Core
#23763 ImportImagePlugin crashes when opening file explorer menu team defect major Core
#23973 Uppdating MicrosoftStore team defect major Installer Windows
#23982 JSOM crash after opening settings window team defect major Core
#3285 Validator fixing duplicated nodes unexpected slow team defect normal Core validator
#3292 Missing the familiar right-click behaviour team enhancement normal Core
#3293 Audio-Marke an aktueller Abspielposition einfügen ergibt Fehler team defect normal Core
#3297 Latest JOSM stays always on top (window manager fvwm) team defect normal Core
#3299 Relationseditor markiert nicht korrekt team enhancement normal Core
#3323 JOSM screen display broken between v1822 and v1823 team defect normal Core
#3330 Right Mouse Button and Drag on a Mac team defect normal Core
#3334 Allow uploading without closing changeset team enhancement normal Core
#3432 NullPointer Exception when clicking on Street/Parkway team defect normal Core
#3444 Osmarender has been broken since the last stable release team defect normal Plugin
#3452 add the ability to define filters on ways team enhancement normal Core
#3453 Fixing routine for doubled Nodes is very slow team defect normal Core validator
#3477 Allow manipulation other layers while uploading or downloading in one layer team enhancement normal Core
#3481 Selection list doesn't update when selection is changed with middle click from the popup team defect normal Core
#3503 Error on "Join Overlapping Areas" team defect normal Core
#3510 Splitting function behavior should be changed team enhancement normal Core
#3517 Exception on User->Open User Page team defect normal Plugin
#3552 Relationen für Wegstück kopieren team defect normal Core
#3579 File, Update Data: NullPointerException at hansendc defect normal Core
#3597 crash at second level of tools team defect normal Core
#3613 "download selected children" does not download the selected relation itself team defect normal Core
#3627 TortoiseSVN-like revert feature in history dialog team enhancement normal Core
#3636 check for and install plugin updates before loading plugins team defect normal Core
#3637 routes criteria vidalfree@… enhancement normal Plugin routing
#3657 OrthogonalizeAction problems team defect normal Core
#3667 F1 not working in detached ToggleDialog team defect normal Core
#3678 Exception while press a team defect normal Core
#3692 Split Area - Undo / Redo team defect normal Core
#3732 undo causes display inconsistency team defect normal Core
#3735 JOSM crashes when deleting a node (not in general) team defect normal unspecified
#3752 Unhandled exception while trying to reproduce a bug ;) (related to deleting nodes) balrog-kun defect normal Core
#3769 Absturz beim Start team defect normal Core
#3776 NullPointerException right away after starting JOSM team defect normal Core
#3799 Slippymap chooser in download dialog broken mjulius defect normal Core
#3824 Fehlerhaftes Plugin Validator team defect normal Core validator
#3829 Error message displayed while using LiveGPS. No problems when continued. team defect normal Core
#3830 Relations cannot be created team defect normal Core
#3858 georeferenced Videos team enhancement normal Plugin
#3868 error when load map (InvocationTargetException) team defect normal Core
#3871 Error merging layers team defect normal Core
#3872 Problem while downloading a specific map area from the OSM server team defect normal Core
#3876 UTM class to support other TM based national grids team enhancement normal Core
#3895 Change Preset Regarding pathes team enhancement normal Core
#3901 Not works Help (F1) team defect normal Core
#3903 Issue with wmsplugin team defect normal Core imagery
#3913 alt-U in name dialoge produces persistent error message team defect normal Core
#3914 No Exporter Found if you don't specify a file extension team defect normal Core
#3922 impossible to move WMS-Layer team defect normal Core
#3931 FR: Add a warning dialog if memory runs low team enhancement normal Core
#3946 NPE - While undoing terracer action zerebubuth@… defect normal Plugin terracer
#3953 Cant load map from OSM server team defect normal Core
#3957 remotecontrol plugin NullPointerException framm defect normal Core remotecontrol
#3962 Josm Crash after GPX files load team defect normal Core
#3973 display just important arrowheads doesn't display them for rivers and the like team defect normal Core
#4036 Select Roads when clicking Turn-Restriction-Icon team enhancement normal Core
#4038 download slippymap with other shortcuts than main josm team defect normal Core
#4066 Zoom out team enhancement normal Core
#4078 coloring: cycleway=track has preceedence over highway=secondary ulfl defect normal Internal mappaint style
#4087 Not works F1(Help) team defect normal Core
#4091 undo after update from server team defect normal Core
#4095 CastException in UpdateData team defect normal Core
#4096 ClassCastException: Undeleting deleted simplified ways team defect normal Core
#4135 Plugin osmarender malfunction report 80n defect normal Plugin
#4154 Josm Crash team defect normal unspecified
#4158 error when opening file team defect normal Core
#4173 Crash when removing layer above slippymap team defect normal Core
#4174 Error after openeing gpx-File team defect normal Core
#4184 Crash while download mapdata from server team defect normal Core
#4202 Please add apply button back to relations editor for role team enhancement normal Core
#4213 duplicating relation impossible because it causes an error team defect normal Core
#4217 Copying of a relation results into an error team defect normal Core
#4221 copy relation to create new. team defect normal Core
#4240 calling "osmarender" in JOSM fails team defect normal Core
#4244 Copy relation doesn´t work team defect normal Core
#4249 Osmarender crash team defect normal Core
#4251 check for direction=* when reverting a way team defect normal Core
#4254 Doesn't do anything loading data team defect normal Core
#4257 Validator: False positives team defect normal Core validator
#4258 anti-aliasing is broken team defect normal Core
#4264 Did the AgPifoJ functions disappear from unstable (2709)? team defect normal Core
#4271 Changeset manager should offer to download the changeset primitives Team enhancement normal Core
#4273 open jpg file -> "java.lang.NullPointerExecption" team defect normal Core
#4277 Put MRU list in File menu team enhancement normal Core
#4297 Trouble with names including "ê" team defect normal Core
#4301 Error message from plugin routes upon start of JOSM, plugin is deactivated team defect normal Core
#4307 JOSM crash on downloading data vadim@… defect normal Core
#4358 josm-2818 freeze at startup: tageditor grossing defect normal Plugin
#4379 terracer fails (special condition only) team defect normal Plugin terracer
#4380 Show progress meter on "Update selection" team defect normal Core
#4389 Reporting an error directly from JOSM failed team defect normal unspecified
#4407 confict manager: do not have to solve tag- and element-conficts when deleting team enhancement normal Core
#4446 Attempting to enter accented character causes OSM to get stuck team defect normal Core
#4452 NullPointerException in version browser team defect normal Core
#4472 Error on entering UTF-8 char (Hôtel) in tourism=hostel dialog team defect normal Core
#4473 OpenStreetBug bug team defect normal Plugin
#4475 restrict editing in areas that are not downloaded team enhancement normal Core
#4481 Typing a composed character will raise an error in the template dialog team defect normal Core
#4495 Log editing in JOSM to a temporarily file, and restore team enhancement normal Core
#4510 osmarender produces no output but an error message team defect normal Plugin
#4514 Predefined set of tags team enhancement normal Core
#4529 Exception raised trying to adjust an area team defect normal Core
#4544 NPE after uploading team defect normal Core
#4547 Java error after uploading changeset removing several duplicate nodes on same position team defect normal Core
#4553 Transitional Warning Message Window (was: Give warning when executing "Join Node to Way" with selection != 1 node) team enhancement normal Core
#4559 3009 fails to start team defect normal Core
#4560 NullPointerException at start team defect normal Core
#4563 Start if JOSM fails team defect normal Core
#4577 osmarenderplugin crashes team defect normal Plugin
#4590 Accent team defect normal Core
#4607 Too new Java? team defect normal Core
#4621 Search key values beginning with number doesn't work team defect normal Core
#4630 no autocomplete for numeric tags team enhancement normal Core
#4636 6 Not localised strings in Russian version team defect normal Core
#4640 LiveGPS Plugin not working in latest. stoecker defect normal Plugin
#4647 Typing a "´" (to type an "á") results in an program error team defect normal Core
#4655 Second & greater changesets of Multiple changesets lack comment team defect normal Core
#4672 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.GpxLayer.paint( team defect normal Plugin
#4682 Warn, if a highway ends on a landuse. ...or prevent it totally team enhancement normal Core
#4683 cannot edit hospital tag defect normal Core
#4710 Zeichnungs-Fehler bei Restriktionen team defect normal Core
#4714 - team defect normal Core
#4717 Crash while drawing a closed way team defect normal Core
#4720 Error when drawing a closed loop team defect normal Core
#4726 crash when loading data from osm database team defect normal Core
#4731 Crashing while active OSB-Layer team defect normal Core
#4732 Add feature to OSM file format to mark local access only team enhancement normal Core
#4734 When you download members of a relation, it doesn't download parent relations team defect normal Core
#4753 plugin Osmarender don't work team defect normal Plugin
#4757 Unable to "close" (remove) already closed changeset from list of open changesets team defect normal Core
#4772 Reading aerial images from Aerowest somtimes crashes JOSM team defect normal Core imagery
#4779 JOSM crashed "Ein unerwarter Fehler trat auf" grossing defect normal Core
#4804 [PATCH] bug in OsmApi capabilities parsing team defect normal Core
#4809 Feature or plugin request: Continue current way along all of or a subset of another way team enhancement normal unspecified
#4811 lübeck anonymous defect normal Core
#4829 wish tablepc: copy to / insert to-button team defect normal Core
#4843 JOSM should not allow creation of tags that are too long team enhancement normal Core
#4845 exception when adding a new node team defect normal Core
#4863 nothing special team defect normal Core
#4865 Fehlermeldung durch plugin terracer zerebubuth@… defect normal Plugin terracer
#4880 Draw assistant - comfortable creating of a parallel way team enhancement normal Core
#4886 right-to-left problem with arabic way name team defect normal Core
#4889 Improve ticks for scale slider team enhancement normal Core
#4893 validator: warns when way with tag addr:interpolation=* ends close to other way team defect normal Core validator
#4894 deleting a way within conflict-management does not delete unconneted nodes team defect normal Core
#4896 josm 3140. error on commit anonymous defect normal Core
#4898 AssertionError: unexpected null value for n.getEastNorth - when adding a new node (drag virtual node) wiml@… defect normal Core
#4918 Assign basic keys in Relation dialogue team enhancement normal Core
#4922 possibility to mark objects/layer to exclude from upload team enhancement normal Core
#4924 Exception while send data team defect normal Core
#4940 plugin update intervall not changeable team defect normal Core
#4942 tracer + testing josm = error dialog team defect normal Core
#4945 Tool for selecting areas team enhancement normal Core
#4954 ConcurrentModificationEx during upload team defect normal Core
#4960 The error which is not expected during a Japanese input occurs. team defect normal Core
#4961 The error which is not expected during a Japanese input occurs. team defect normal Core
#4962 Add a tool to draw parallel lines team enhancement normal Core
#4963 Validator to Fix abbreviated street names team enhancement normal Core validator
#4966 Programm crash on typing accent team defect normal Core
#4975 Network Exception when uploading through a proxy team defect normal Core
#4977 It became a coding error. team defect normal Core
#4980 Unable to upload edited osm file team defect normal Core
#4993 Feature to right click on a attribute and be able to select all similar team enhancement normal Core
#4994 Improve search with selected properties team enhancement normal Core
#5019 Merge + Unglue action produces strange results team defect normal Core
#5021 behaviour of function 'Join node to way' team defect normal Core
#5024 no idea, just errors when I try to add plugins team defect normal Core
#5027 vertical and horizontal lines make display unusable Weide defect normal Core
#5029 Coding error reported on editing (moving) node on existing way team defect normal Core
#5039 upload area (version 3223) team defect normal Core
#5040 Crash at start-up of JOSM team defect normal Core
#5047 Relationeditor: Not possible to reduce selection team enhancement normal Core
#5050 Filter hides to many nodes team defect normal Core
#5051 Lots of "Unexpected Exceptions" dialogs team defect normal Core
#5055 Osmarender plugin is not working team defect normal Core
#5057 JOSM crash during opening plugin-dialog in settings team defect normal Core
#5059 plugins update with new (last) josm version fails with error team defect normal Core
#5065 WayTag is too long team defect normal Core
#5080 Indicate distance (old -> new) during moving nodes team enhancement normal Core
#5086 warn when editing object with not downloaded relation-membership. team defect normal Core
#5087 Synchronizing photos / Timezone team defect normal Core image mapping
#5090 Don't use Proxy Settings for local connections on localhost (livegps - gpsd) framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#5095 "An unexpected error occured" after downloading data from api team defect normal Core
#5096 NullPointerException trying to add a new relation team defect normal Core
#5099 Fault report when trying to create new relation team defect normal Core
#5103 Popups machen das Arbeiten unmöglich team defect normal Core
#5111 Create a relation team defect normal Core
#5116 Exception when selecting way inside relation team defect normal Core
#5122 save last directory for each type of usage team enhancement normal Core
#5142 Slippy map with lambert cc 9 projections framm enhancement normal Core imagery
#5147 plug-in error team defect normal Core
#5156 Ask for password 3 times while uploading team defect normal Core
#5158 wish: reduce entry in pull-down tools team defect normal Core
#5161 Exception when moving point team defect normal Core
#5164 Extend a straight line team enhancement normal Core
#5177 TangoGPS log support team enhancement normal Plugin dataimport
#5187 Error when loading WMS from file team defect normal Core imagery
#5198 Combining two ways with relations caused crash and corrupted OSM file team defect normal Core
#5211 Error in JOSM team defect normal Core
#5217 no snap in building mode Upliner enhancement normal Plugin buildings_tools
#5222 Validator Zoom to problem doesn't zoom close enough team enhancement normal Core validator
#5223 Validator: Incorrectly warns of "similarly named ways" team defect normal Core validator
#5227 problem with columbus audio-files in josm dk31519 defect normal Plugin
#5230 loading wms from file halts JOSM team defect normal Core imagery
#5239 Short Cuts in File Open List. team enhancement normal Core
#5246 Cancel-buttons do not work team defect normal Core
#5260 Terracer Plugin crashes Sellerhäuser defect normal Plugin terracer
#5277 Way end node near other highway, by category team enhancement normal Core validator
#5282 Fehler beim Upload team defect normal Core
#5283 Invalid characters in XML-file team defect normal Plugin osmarender
#5294 image not found reported incorrectly as fatal error on gpx import team enhancement normal Core
#5300 error by merge areas team defect normal Core
#5305 Unexpected Exception on upload team defect normal Core
#5313 unhandled exception team defect normal Core
#5314 Remote control deadlock on empty selecton framm defect normal Core remotecontrol
#5329 Joining two large overlapping areas (with many points on the common boundary) crashes JOSM team defect normal Core
#5340 exception when showing message about closed changeset team defect normal Core
#5347 nothing to upload, but "upload needed" team defect normal Core
#5350 initialisation or installation of plugins dont succeed trekki <bergenholtz@…> defect normal Plugin
#5360 Hotkeys not working with several unpinned sub-windows team defect normal Core
#5391 Unexpected error while uploading changeset to OSM team defect normal Core
#5392 Revision: 3475 Register to OAuth failed team defect normal Core
#5403 create parallel way team enhancement normal Core
#5409 error in use Luebeck defect normal Core
#5412 print the visible area team enhancement normal Core
#5444 Add node should accept varied coordinate formats team enhancement normal Core
#5468 Add a node in the middle of a way using mouse pointer click causes error team defect normal Core
#5476 Error when moving a node whith mouse pointer team defect normal Core
#5483 exception when uploading to closed changeset team defect normal Core
#5486 Unexpected Error while trying to update/downloading plugings team defect normal Core
#5490 Store multiple set of authentication credentials team enhancement normal Core
#5499 Button to delete old autosave data not functional team defect normal Core
#5505 Exception at upload team defect normal Core
#5516 JAVA error when uploading (V3514) team defect normal Core
#5527 add shared borders draw assistant team enhancement normal Core
#5528 Crash while deleting nodes team defect normal Core
#5535 World file support to PicLayer plugin team enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#5548 JOSM permanently says: it looks like JOSM crashed last time team defect normal Core
#5555 conflict with the server, JOSM crashed team defect normal Core
#5557 Error when adding a node in a way whith mouse pointer team defect normal Core
#5566 Validator allows multiple deleting of objects and so causes exceptions team defect normal Core validator
#5573 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.SelectionTableCellRenderer.renderPrimitive( team defect normal Core
#5578 Exception when splitting way team defect normal Core
#5581 error when splitting a way on a node team defect normal Core
#5612 some menu-items not accessible if menu height > vertical screen resolution team defect normal Core
#5632 crash during update of large dataset team defect normal Core
#5655 Plugins not loadable actualizable team defect normal Core
#5656 problems with restore team defect normal Core
#5659 If Bing Imagery is added to the toolbar, button isn't grayed out if no data is loaded team defect normal Core
#5666 ? team defect normal Core
#5667 cancel during stalled download does not work, but 'X' in corner works team defect normal Core
#5689 NullPointerException selecting a way team defect normal Core
#5693 crash after changing column width team defect normal Core
#5699 Full screen command F11 team defect normal Core
#5712 bug team defect normal Core
#5722 download-dialog asign keys for zooming team enhancement normal Core
#5725 NPE when clicking on the map team defect normal Core
#5735 Crash while dragging team defect normal Core
#5736 Press Q after Shift+J team defect normal Core
#5738 Download is break team defect normal Core
#5739 Unexpected warning jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#5742 upload crashes, (large upload to api06 dev server) team defect normal Core
#5759 Imagery: Stop automatic zoom in on best available resolution Upliner enhancement normal Core imagery
#5765 imagery:" error: Could not open Bing aerials attribution metadata", please link to help-page team enhancement normal Core imagery
#5771 Layers list bugs wbski defect normal Core
#5775 failure team defect normal Core
#5780 Validator does not complain about coastlines with wrong direction team defect normal Core
#5782 do not render closed way with barrier=wall as area team defect normal Internal mappaint style
#5785 Fails to recognise closed changeset team defect normal Core
#5795 Plugin remotecontrol: load_and_ zoom: displaced zoom view if data already loaded framm defect normal Core remotecontrol
#5803 AssertionError when orthogonalizing shape team defect normal Core
#5804 Optionally use addr:street values as autocomplete data for name tags team enhancement normal Core
#5811 DataIntegrityProblemException: team defect normal Core
#5826 tms max zoom level team defect normal Core
#5842 resizing window separator in relation editor is restricted team defect normal Core
#5854 JOSM hangup removing layer team defect normal Core
#5858 JOSM sometimes insers points with (0.0, 0.0) coordinates team defect normal Core
#5866 opened .osm file and tried to scroll, got error team defect normal Core
#5870 tag vehicle and motor_vehicle unknown + not in presets ce defect normal Internal preset
#5874 jump to gaps in route-relations team enhancement normal Core
#5875 [GUI improvement] send sidebar buttons into main menu team enhancement normal Core
#5882 Crash on start team defect normal Core
#5890 unexpected error team defect normal Core
#5897 JOSM hangs when adding or deleting large number of keys from nodes team defect normal Core
#5912 Non-modal and on-demand download/upload team enhancement normal Core
#5916 NPE in SelectAction team defect normal Core
#5917 IllegalArgumentException while uploading changes team defect normal Core
#5923 JOSM not starting! team defect normal Core
#5924 JOSM not starting! team defect normal Core
#5928 Problems with relations on MacOS X team defect normal Core
#5931 zoom level 19 and 20 in tms layer Upliner defect normal Core imagery
#5948 DataIntegrityProblemException while uploading anonymous defect normal Core
#5966 Join Buildings JOSM error Andrew T Finney defect normal Core
#5969 Cannot download OS Locator data team defect normal Core
#5970 Error on adding OSM TMS Upliner defect normal Core imagery
#5971 WMS-Plugin memory-leak Bürste defect normal Core
#5972 josm-3907 does not start team defect normal Core
#5973 Cancel button does not work in Download Related team defect normal Core
#5978 Imagery with Openstreetmap as background created unh. exception on selection team defect normal Core
#5981 NPE when using trying to load osm as background team defect normal Core imagery
#5982 NullPointerException using Mapquest Open Aerial Tiles Upliner defect normal Core imagery
#5986 piclayer plugin does not function in josm latest team defect normal Plugin piclayer
#5989 PicLayer crash when open image with calibration team defect normal Plugin piclayer
#5992 Fehler bei Bing Plugin team defect normal Core imagery
#5995 Unexpected error anonymous defect normal Core
#5996 Bing Hintergundbild öffnet nicht team defect normal Core
#5997 Bing imagery cannot be loaded team defect normal Core
#6000 3915 no Bing Background team defect normal Core
#6003 Crash when clicking on map team defect normal Core
#6010 MapCSS: place icon images in center of areas bastiK enhancement normal Core mappaint
#6017 TMS tile layers have vertical blank stripes in Swiss Grid projection (EPSG:21781) team enhancement normal Core
#6046 Add reload button to map style info window team enhancement normal Core
#6059 Activating OpenStreetBugs plugin creates two layers team defect normal Plugin openstreetbugs
#6061 filtered multipolygon area is still displayed team defect normal Core
#6070 wrong error message for "file not found" team defect normal Core
#6071 Imagery offsets does not work Upliner defect normal Core imagery
#6073 Update failure team defect normal Core
#6076 Error on «Update data» team defect normal Core
#6080 Relation type Enforcement is unknown but it's official team enhancement normal Core validator
#6088 errormeldung nach start team defect normal Core
#6105 Crash on selecting layer (Dock box) team defect normal Core
#6120 Problem downloading as new layer team defect normal Core
#6124 fehlermeldung beim öffnen von bildern mit cal. file team defect normal Plugin piclayer
#6126 Remove changeset from list when already closed team defect normal Core
#6133 NullPointerException after splitting way with large relation (relation copied 2 times) team defect normal Core
#6138 Unhandled exception when downloading from OSM Nakor defect normal Plugin download_along
#6145 focus and select on "way end node near other highway" warning (WAS: validator: rename "way end node near other highway" to "end of way near other highway") team enhancement normal Core validator
#6154 Terracer plugin crashed Polyglot defect normal Plugin terracer
#6167 Shortcut for selecting adjacent nodes team enhancement normal Core
#6170 zoom level 19 and 20 in tms layer Upliner defect normal Core imagery
#6176 Error thrown when adding tag to new relation team defect normal Core
#6179 Relation analyzer can't handle forward/backward roles when on start/end team defect normal Core
#6183 Download an Area (was: descarga de una zona) team defect normal Core
#6188 Contourmerge crashed during purge of 9k nodes and their dependent relations team defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#6194 exception when receiving incorrect data instead of gpx team defect normal Core
#6196 Error on downloading Data team defect normal Core
#6203 descarga de una zona team defect normal Core
#6222 PicLayer meldet Fehlfunktion; kein Laden von Plänen möglich. erge50 defect normal Plugin piclayer
#6228 Crash after downloading OSM data. team defect normal Core
#6229 Bing Sat Offset team enhancement normal Core imagery
#6230 NPE clicking on map view with activated main menu team defect normal Core
#6234 JOSM produces inconsistant data splitting ways team defect normal Core
#6243 operation producing dublicate nodes in ways team defect normal Core
#6258 Cannot change imagery provider team defect normal Core
#6260 Refocusing the key dropdown should jump to the correct position team defect normal Core
#6265 Validator does not recognize 'platform' role of route relation team defect normal Core validator
#6269 Segments should be initialized with the previously used value zerebubuth@… enhancement normal Plugin terracer
#6271 NullPointerException adding an imagery layer team defect normal Core
#6280 Exception in Piclayer when zooming in team defect normal Core
#6299 No Start stays in the loading screen team defect normal Core
#6303 Lasso Markierung team enhancement normal Core
#6304 Lasso Markierung team enhancement normal Core
#6309 Version 4071: Silent shortcut conflict: 'relationeditor:sort' moved by 'menu:Tools' to 'Alt+D'. team defect normal Core
#6325 Version 4064 Windows binary Einstellungen geht nicht team defect normal Core
#6328 TMS layer does not warn about wrong projection team defect normal Core
#6340 Better progress indication on background tile loading team enhancement normal Core imagery
#6344 restart: needed start option and binary path settings Upliner enhancement normal Core restart
#6346 Nach neuest update auf Ubuntu/KDE kann JOSM nicht mehr geöffnet werden team defect normal Core
#6351 Conflict resoltuion of deleted ways team defect normal Core
#6352 error while starting josm. team defect normal Core
#6358 STRG+W is damaged team defect normal Core
#6366 Allow to order nodes in circle for multiple selected ways team enhancement normal Core
#6380 trying to upload to an closed changeset should not abort the upload team enhancement normal Core
#6383 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | mismatched ~/.josm team defect normal Core
#6389 unable to start JOSM team defect normal Core
#6392 Opening the preferences dialog is too slow team enhancement normal Core
#6402 No conflict resolution for deleted ways still used by relations team defect normal Core
#6406 All copy tags from one relation to an other relation in relation editor team enhancement normal Core
#6408 error when using Changeset Manager team defect normal Core
#6411 False positive for "style for inner way equals multipolygon" team defect normal Core
#6413 beim Hochladen Fehlermeldung team defect normal Core
#6417 'Select in relation list' is grayed out when more than one relation is selected team enhancement normal Core
#6420 Add power_source features to generator:source tags team defect normal Internal mappaint style
#6434 change tagging scheme to generator:source team enhancement normal Core
#6439 Starting older JOSM on newer config files generally results in a crash team defect normal Core
#6446 Unexpected exception while fixing a problem team defect normal Core validator
#6449 JOSM crashed after making a building rectangularly team defect normal Core
#6451 JOSM doesn't start team defect normal Core
#6460 validator: NPE fixing "Mixed type duplicated nodes - Duplicated nodes" team defect normal Core validator
#6465 Elevation Profile is crashing OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#6468 Applying tags from multiple objects to multipolygon crashes JOSM team defect normal Core
#6469 open recent: mixture of path information (full <-> local) team defect normal Core
#6482 Make the relation list pane hierarchical and/or filtered team enhancement normal Core
#6492 wilkürliche Tastenbelegung team enhancement normal Core
#6493 conflict dialog: Exception when adding members from their version to merged version. team defect normal Core
#6504 fixed default rendering mode team defect normal Core
#6508 JOSM under Ubuntu 11.04 team defect normal Core
#6521 add tag: problem with underscore in value team defect normal Core
#6527 Weird crash when splitting a way team defect normal Core
#6531 Anzeige der Menüs unvollständig team enhancement normal Core
#6539 JOSM crash team defect normal Core
#6545 OSM crashes occasionally when uploading team defect normal Core
#6553 NPE pasting tags with different values team defect normal Core
#6554 Not fully displayed the "tools" team enhancement normal unspecified
#6564 Error comes before the main window team defect normal Installer Windows
#6568 Undeleted way can't be saved Nakor defect normal Plugin undelete
#6572 Error while starting team defect normal Core
#6573 make "distribute nodes" not align them in line team enhancement normal Core
#6574 Start Josm 4201 team defect normal Core
#6577 Preset highway=incline, highway=incline_steep ce enhancement normal Internal preset
#6595 Do not complain about conflicts when both version are deleted team enhancement normal Core
#6607 turnlanes assumes right traffic only benshu enhancement normal Plugin turnlanes
#6611 Inserting node into way fails with error team defect normal Core
#6619 tagging-preset-tester: error during using plugin preset tester team defect normal Plugin
#6627 Mouse standart context ("right-click") menu not appears on text input boxes team defect normal Core
#6628 Mouse standart context ("right-click") menu not appears on text input boxes team defect normal Core
#6657 Option to highlight child relations' members when selecting parent relation team enhancement normal Core
#6660 Auto-suggest/complete for addr:street values team enhancement normal Core
#6663 Selected layer is practically invisible team defect normal Core
#6676 Bug during upload team defect normal Core
#6697 Unknown error team defect normal Core
#6709 error by delete multi adressnodes with relation-connection team defect normal Core
#6713 JOSM Program Failure dcp defect normal Core
#6738 bug by drawing houses team defect normal Core
#6762 Error on map click team defect normal Core
#6767 getting error with installed plugins team defect normal Plugin
#6768 getting error with installed reltoolbox team defect normal Plugin
#6779 expose "invert selection" in edit menu team enhancement normal Core
#6783 Errors after clicks on nodes for editing or choose several nodes team defect normal Core
#6787 An error occurred in plugin Curves team defect normal Plugin
#6791 Es kam ein Fenster ? team defect normal Core
#6798 Couldn't download any data team defect normal Core
#6807 [Patch] NullPointerException at way selection team defect normal Core
#6824 Error while moving an object team defect normal Core
#6830 Ошибка модуля Curves team defect normal Core
#6838 unerwarteter programmfehler team defect normal Core
#6839 unerwarteter programmfehler team defect normal Core
#6841 shortcut preferences i10n team defect normal Core
#6846 Update of the local map from the server is not possible (File->update) soucya@… defect normal Core
#6854 Неожиданная ошибка team defect normal Core
#6860 error trying resolve conflict team defect normal Core
#6861 Show icons team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#6862 Tools menu list to short team defect normal Core
#6863 Error dialog in JOSM team defect normal Core
#6867 pull-down-menus are to large team defect normal Core
#6877 after selecting with CTRL-Left-mousebutton team defect normal Core
#6884 NullPointerException at TMSLayer$12$1.mouseClicked( team defect normal Core
#6897 exception when downloading missing members of a relation team defect normal Core
#6903 NullPointerException on click to object team defect normal Core
#6908 Error reading audio files from case sensitive filesystem OliverW defect normal Plugin columbuscsv
#6910 org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.SelectAction.getCursor( team defect normal Core
#6915 *.WAV kann nicht immer abgespielt werden team defect normal Core
#6919 Piclayer toolbar buttons using up too much screen space team enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#6922 java.lang.NullPointerException at sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer.restoreTransientFor( team defect normal Core
#6924 josm hangs with first download of data from osm team defect normal Core
#6925 Imagery offsets list functounality suffer when too much offsets team defect normal Core
#6931 Error at start up team defect normal Core
#6941 Crash in X11.XWindowPeer.restoreTransientFor when displaying most basic things team defect normal Core
#6942 JOSM crash while selecting tabs in preferences menu team defect normal Core
#6943 in preset "amenity=fuel" add "fuel:octane_92" ce enhancement normal Internal preset
#6945 Importing non-geotagged jpg photo causes an Unexpected Exception team defect normal Core
#6946 Importing non-geotagged jpg photo causes an Unexpected Exception team defect normal Core
#6947 Importing non-geotagged jpg photo causes an Unexpected Exception team defect normal Core
#6948 java.lang.NullPointerException at sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer.restoreTransientFor( team defect normal Core
#6949 Unhandled Java exception when clicking Cancel after Close team defect normal Core
#6952 Public_transport: key shortcut already used by 'menu:Presets' team defect normal Plugin
#6956 Tag Shortcuts Don't Work team defect normal Core
#6962 Add ev_charging icon to JOSM team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#6981 unhandled exception team defect normal Core
#6983 Relation that doubles back on itself isn't sorted properly NE2 defect normal Core
#6995 Error while uploading team defect normal Core
#6996 OperationalError: database is locked stoecker defect normal Trac
#6998 Automatically upload to new changeset team enhancement normal Core
#7001 The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup team defect normal Core
#7005 Private files team enhancement normal Core
#7006 error while uploading changes team defect normal Core
#7008 Modify relation editor behavior -DONT close on Escape keypress without saving changes team defect normal Core
#7013 Taging-preset-tester error team defect normal Plugin
#7020 average multiple tracks of a feature to produce a single way team enhancement normal Core
#7035 Median of gps tracks team enhancement normal Core
#7038 Error when saving changeset team defect normal Core
#7059 randomly data created at 0,0? team defect normal Core
#7062 Fehler beim Löschen eines vorhandenen Punktes. anonymous defect normal Core
#7070 Splitting ways with relation editor open fails to copy memberships team defect normal Core
#7076 wish: start template by shortcut team defect normal Core
#7085 wrong alert about unglueing nodes from not downloaded area team defect normal Core
#7091 Problème plugin cadastre-fr team defect normal Core
#7106 Cancel history download malfunction team defect normal Core
#7108 crash opening route relation team defect normal Core
#7112 crash of 4550 team defect normal Core
#7120 Check: Railway end node near other railway team enhancement normal Core validator
#7125 recurring error team defect normal Core
#7126 Next/Prev marker action is not called by Shortcut in Markers layer team defect normal Core
#7130 [v4644] Problem with incomplete downloaded relation team defect normal Core
#7134 Lo siento no se exactamente que he realizado, estaba editando unas plazas de un parking team defect normal Core
#7149 Crash upon changing to way-extension mode and trying to extend newly created road team defect normal Core
#7152 TypeError: 'StripDirective' object is not iterable stoecker defect normal Trac
#7157 upload errors when a relations whith parent relation is deleted team defect normal Core
#7158 can't edit data anymore team defect normal Core
#7179 Bug team defect normal Core
#7210 error loading preferences team defect normal Core
#7222 Failed after deleting non-existent object team defect normal Core
#7227 josm 4765 fails on ~/.josm/preferences.xml team defect normal Core
#7238 object filter doesn't hide objects completely team defect normal Core
#7241 when importing gpx file team defect normal Core
#7244 Import KML/KMZ Polygon team enhancement normal Core
#7245 History window doesn't update both sides when an item is updated locally team defect normal Core
#7274 canceling "load history" fails team defect normal Core
#7283 JOSM/1.5 (4667 de) - Upload not possible team defect normal Core
#7298 JOSM will not start. Gets stuck creating main GUI. team defect normal Core
#7304 active WMS-Layer - Aerowest team defect normal Core
#7321 problem on upload, changeset is closed but JOSM doesn't recognize it team defect normal Core
#7323 Inconsistent behaviour of tag value editor for number team defect normal Core
#7337 Je ne peux plus travailler sur l'éditeur Java Openstreet Map, le méssage d'erreur s'affiche systématiquement team defect normal Core
#7342 Error while downloading using remote control team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#7343 Ability to change layer by KEY conbination team enhancement normal Core
#7348 2.nd bug report as asked from josm... team defect normal Core
#7351 IndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting layer merger team defect normal Core
#7365 Select nodes at end of way team enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#7366 Show search string in tooltip for search toolbar button team enhancement normal Core
#7368 Unexpected error occured team defect normal Core
#7369 Crashed when uploading team defect normal Core
#7383 [PATCH] add fuel:adble to presets team enhancement normal Core
#7390 add unglue functionality to Improve Way Accuracy mode team enhancement normal Core
#7391 Undocked panel doesn't show after disconnect secondary monitor team defect normal Core
#7393 unable to close dialog when offline - presets Luebeck enhancement normal Core
#7400 transaction oriented upload to prevent trouble on aborts team enhancement normal Core
#7407 nach herunterladen der osm-daten erscheint fehlermeldungsfenster team defect normal Core
#7408 OSM-Download doesn't work team defect normal Core
#7418 Error when merging team defect normal Core
#7439 Fehler beim laden eines Kartenausschnittes aus einer Datei (map.osm) team defect normal unspecified
#7440 Fehler beim laden eines Kartenausschnittes aus einer Datei (map.osm) team defect normal unspecified
#7445 Unselect All - Broken in 5018. team defect normal Core
#7452 IndexOutOfBoundsException team defect normal Core
#7453 Impossible chargement team defect normal Core
#7454 Exception inattendue team defect normal Core
#7457 Java exception when using 'mapnik (true)' map paint style. team defect normal Core
#7461 Uploading changeset produces "unexpected exception" team defect normal Core
#7475 upload apparently interrupter but JOSM doesn't recognize it team defect normal Core
#7476 Offer upload in new changeset if previous one is closed. team enhancement normal Core
#7480 zoombar in download map missing team enhancement normal Core
#7486 Error after start with new version and new plugin versions team defect normal Core
#7493 Merging two layers crash Version 5047 team defect normal Core
#7499 Exception when merging layers team defect normal Core
#7500 JOSM exception when trying to insert password from KeePass 2 team defect normal Core
#7531 RuntimeException - failed to locate image 'icons/green_stop.png' team defect normal Core
#7550 admin_centre should handle for multipolygons team defect normal Core validator
#7551 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Primitive must be part of the dataset" while trying to apply resolution. team defect normal Core
#7556 Introducing chuks of settings in Presets team enhancement normal Core
#7562 Upload after solved conflicts failed team defect normal Core
#7567 Encoding error when clicking on a way team defect normal Core
#7583 different behaviour for "add tag" in GUI and shortcut while drawing a way team defect normal Core
#7619 Exeption when use validator fix team defect normal Core validator
#7622 Crash team defect normal Core
#7645 Correcting a misspelt tag, unexpected error. team defect normal Core
#7652 imagery preferences: option to edit /copy servers team enhancement normal Core imagery
#7654 Validator does not respect ford=yes team defect normal Core validator
#7655 layer is mandatory for bridges/tunnels team defect normal Core validator
#7656 Save and open working sets team enhancement normal Core
#7667 OperationalError: database is locked team defect normal Core
#7675 Disable orthogonalize shape for unsupported projections team defect normal Core
#7690 Merge ebenen / Ebenen kombinieren team defect normal Core
#7694 false warning about untagged ways which are part of a relation team defect normal Core validator
#7696 Error while uploading data team defect normal Core
#7706 purge + merge +undo team defect normal Core
#7718 SAving current JOSM session as project for future use team enhancement normal Core
#7737 Validator tries to delete already deleted nodes team defect normal Core validator
#7741 Validator "similar named ways" check gives too many false warnings team defect normal Core validator
#7742 Validator "way node end near other way" false reports team defect normal Core validator
#7755 Color roundabout / Couleur rond-pont team defect normal Internal mappaint style
#7762 JOSM Cache. team defect normal Core imagery
#7763 Unexpected error team defect normal Core
#7764 Roundabout color is missing team defect normal Core
#7767 Bug during update dataset to osm team defect normal Core
#7768 bug exporting data to osm team defect normal Core
#7770 Suggestion: Change cache structure team enhancement normal Core imagery
#7771 deleting empty relation team defect normal Core
#7774 this bug joining two osm downloaded layer team defect normal Core
#7775 during update to osm team defect normal Core
#7779 Auto fixing a no label point after i deleted it using mouse on video team defect normal Core
#7780 i was fixing duplicate node team defect normal Core
#7781 Exception during merging two data layers team defect normal Core
#7782 error message after remote command from OSM inspector seichter defect normal Core
#7786 merge areas Luebeck defect normal Core
#7796 FullscreenMode with mouse menue select team defect normal Core
#7798 (duplicate) team defect normal Core
#7799 IndexOutOfBoundsException (during conflict resolution ?) team defect normal Core
#7800 From resolving conflict on joining layers anonymous defect normal Core
#7809 Save and use of 'NL:Dekkingsgraad' of layers, like Bing Sat team enhancement normal Core
#7810 preserve layers Upliner enhancement normal Core restart
#7816 Print : save as file not working on Mac OS X team defect normal Plugin print
#7824 unhandled exception on upload team defect normal Core
#7832 Keeps stopping download at 10 k team defect normal Core
#7836 New edits shown incorrectly in history dialog team defect normal Core
#7838 Open map data from Finland Raakkyla defect normal Core imagery
#7839 LiveGPS plugin fails at startup framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#7850 OsmTransferCanceledException when closing changeset during JOSM closure team defect normal Core
#7854 got error using plugin reverter team defect normal Core
#7860 absturz team defect normal Core
#7866 Error while downloading specific OSM data team defect normal Core
#7871 Authentication error closing a changeset team defect normal Core
#7875 Can only download very small map data team defect normal Core
#7876 NullPointerException when trying to resolve conflict on server during update team defect normal Core
#7882 Subida Correcciones team defect normal Core
#7893 "Way end node near other highway" should not be reported for highway and railway team defect normal Core validator
#7900 Can't download OSM data from server team defect normal Core
#7901 Improve way accuracy mode generates error team defect normal Core
#7912 Validator crashes on 0 node highway team defect normal Core
#7919 Fehler team defect normal Core
#7940 font size team enhancement normal Core
#7946 Imagery layers not displaying correctly team defect normal Core
#7954 TAG für Türme team enhancement normal External preset
#7955 Aligning detached segments make alignways crash tilusnet defect normal Plugin alignways
#7957 Map is Displayed Wrongly team defect normal Core
#7960 Reverter plugin bug? Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#7965 Error during bus route creation roland.olbricht defect normal Plugin public_transport
#7977 Error on Upload anonymous defect normal Core
#7988 Remove CT user information updates team defect normal Core
#7998 NPE after download of data team defect normal Plugin measurement
#8000 Aufhängen bei Abbruch des Herunterladens von OSM-Daten team defect normal Core
#8002 Fehlender Text bei Wegpunkten / Missing Waypoint Text team defect normal Core
#8004 download object dialoge by ID - error pop up team defect normal Core
#8016 JOSM startup failure mesg if opening in fullscreen mode already team defect normal Core
#8029 i was splitting an highway mcheck defect normal Core
#8034 Mac package doesn't work Radfahrer defect normal Installer MacOS
#8043 josm error deleting a final node of a highway team defect normal Core
#8044 josm error merging overlapped areas team defect normal Core
#8048 possibility to store more than one OAuth token in preferences team defect normal Core
#8053 deleting elements i get this error team defect normal Core
#8058 Crash team defect normal Core
#8063 Downloading raw GPS-Data fails team defect normal Core
#8065 error inserting point into a highway team defect normal Core
#8066 Add funktion to remove node from way team enhancement normal Core
#8072 Error in place search team defect normal Core
#8073 File picker button for tagging presets non-functional or crashes team defect normal Core
#8077 foutmelding team defect normal Core
#8082 Splitting way breaks relations which are not downloaded team defect normal Core
#8084 unable to edit tagless node in relation team enhancement normal Core
#8095 more understandable Properties/Membership window team enhancement normal Core
#8097 SAXParseException while uploading changeset 13345116 team defect normal Core
#8101 Icons not displayed in mapview bastiK defect normal Core
#8102 wenig hilfreiches Fehlerfenster manfred.haider@… defect normal Core
#8106 TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting team defect normal Core
#8108 deleting the end part of a highway i get this error team defect normal Core
#8112 Absturz bei Hochladen team defect normal Core
#8114 deleting a node in a amenity parking area team defect normal Core
#8120 OperationalError: database is locked stoecker defect normal Trac
#8131 this error on splitting a highway team defect normal Core
#8135 history spam when splitting ways team enhancement normal Core
#8136 Crashed when running validator team defect normal Core validator
#8138 IllegalPathStateException when running validator team defect normal Core validator
#8150 this error while doing data validation team defect normal Core
#8154 This error joining overlapped building areas team defect normal Core
#8155 this is a consecutive bug report josm request on joining building areas defect normal Core
#8156 problem uploading undeleted way, precondition failed team defect normal Core
#8167 NPE (when saving ?) team defect normal Core
#8178 unexpected expection when splitting a way team defect normal Core
#8179 Error in JOSM team defect normal Core
#8189 Support for rotation of images by EXIF tags. harald@… enhancement normal Core image mapping
#8194 JOSM fails to recognize error team defect normal Core validator
#8195 ways without nodes (Undelete Plugin) team defect normal Plugin undelete
#8210 NullPointerException with SimplifyArea plugin naoliv defect normal Plugin simplifyArea
#8214 "simplify way" sometimes failing to remove nodes team defect normal Core
#8216 Error when resolving conflicts team defect normal Core
#8221 org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.TMSLayer, in drawImageInside team enhancement normal Core imagery
#8223 Josm reported crash team defect normal Core
#8226 enhance placement of closed way and multipolygon relations labels team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#8230 OperationalError: database is locked team defect normal Core
#8235 OperationalError: database is locked stoecker defect normal Trac
#8236 Realation tree enhancement normal Core
#8245 Presets/Public Transport/Platform team defect normal External preset
#8260 OperationalError: database is locked stoecker defect normal Trac
#8267 Exception when editing relations team defect normal Core
#8291 Opening hours, Collection times team enhancement normal Core validator
#8295 JOSM crash during exit team defect normal Core
#8304 clicking on name attribute... to dress address team defect normal Core
#8312 JOSM Routing crashes franpd defect normal Plugin routing
#8315 error when loading osm data team defect normal Core
#8316 The "Change value?" dialog opens with the key field is preselected team enhancement normal Core
#8348 josm asks name of roundabout junction team defect normal Core
#8349 josm asks name of roundabout junction team defect normal Core
#8354 Supplementary characters out of the Unicode BMP team defect normal Core
#8356 Should not select all the text when the window gets focus team enhancement normal Core
#8357 Fehlermeldung im Validator team defect normal Core validator
#8363 Splitting an object did not work team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#8364 Basic authentication fails on DirectUpLoad plugin (linux) team defect normal Plugin DirectUpload
#8365 java.lang.RuntimeException when fixing validation problem team defect normal Core validator
#8368 Failed to delete relations - dependencies not resolved team defect normal Core
#8370 Exception attempting to upload team defect normal Core
#8373 Удалённые точки не удалены на сервере team defect normal Core
#8374 Удалённые точки не удалены на сервере team defect normal Core
#8375 Удалённые точки не удалены на сервере team defect normal Core
#8376 Удалённые точки не удалены на сервере team defect normal Core
#8377 Удалённые точки не удалены на сервере team defect normal Core
#8402 DataIntegrityProblemException (Primitive must be part of the dataset) when adding a node team defect normal Core
#8405 IllegalArgumentException when fixing validator results team defect normal Core validator
#8406 unexpected expection when expanding validator results team defect normal Core validator
#8411 No zoom buttons on download-OSM-window team defect normal Core
#8436 Firefox reports Josm certificate is NOT trusted. team defect normal Core
#8450 Error when modifying the projection joshdoe defect normal Plugin proj4j
#8451 Mirrored download does not have a corresponding 'mirrored update' function. roland.olbricht enhancement normal Plugin mirrored_download
#8453 IllegalArgumentException importing image from gpx context menu burkhard.kirchner@… defect normal Core
#8458 put validation layer behind data layer team enhancement normal Core validator
#8462 Error while trying to upload team defect normal Core
#8478 Adding WMS manually produces exception team defect normal Core imagery
#8487 Copy & edit relation while a filter is active team defect normal Core
#8497 Ctrl panning not working team defect normal Core
#8502 Error while downloading object/relation team defect normal Core
#8507 this on conflict resolution window when i select the resolution on a deleted node team defect normal Core
#8513 Import Image Plugin funktioniert nicht mehr team defect normal Plugin importimage
#8520 Validator error for keys suffixed with :lanes team enhancement normal Core validator
#8525 plugin error Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#8531 Validator is initializing for 30 seconds with this site down team defect normal Core validator
#8548 Display partially downloaded GPX data team enhancement normal Core
#8555 Improvement in design team enhancement normal Core
#8564 Wrong relation preset name team defect normal Internal preset
#8569 Impossible to validate or upload new data => WARN - ZERO NODES team defect normal Core validator
#8572 Error by purge conflict team defect normal Core
#8578 Fehlermeldung beim Hochladen team defect normal Core
#8590 tags on changesets team enhancement normal Core
#8598 System default browser should be used to open web content team enhancement normal Core
#8600 Deleting a layer just after confirm the saving/loading of it the load was succefull the layer is still loaded team defect normal Core
#8607 Import Image plugin error team defect normal Plugin
#8615 This when made standars validation check... team defect normal Core
#8617 joining two layers team defect normal Core
#8619 Error exiting the relation editor team defect normal Core
#8630 Crash team defect normal Core
#8662 bisognerebbe sapere l'inglese team defect normal Core
#8675 Should use the Notes feature for filling new bugs. team defect normal Plugin openstreetbugs
#8694 NPE in AddRouteNodeAction franpd defect normal Plugin routing
#8695 can't create new filter, tested with 'user:' and 'id' team defect normal Core
#8696 "erreur de codage" with "selection + rechercher" team defect normal Core
#8699 classcastexception when clicking "type:way" in search dialog team defect normal Core
#8702 Einfügen von georeferenzierten Plänen über Datei > Einfügen nicht mehr möglich. team defect normal Plugin importimage
#8704 Bug when adding/removing destinations in routing plugin franpd defect normal Plugin routing
#8705 toolbar button should drawn as "pressed" when option swiched on team enhancement normal Core
#8711 Exception when send data (DataIntegrityProblemException) Manu1400 defect normal Core
#8715 Bug when uploading canvec import team defect normal Core
#8718 Problem with PlugIn AlignWayS tilusnet defect normal Plugin alignways
#8719 Deleted node referenced Upliner defect normal Core
#8721 Sort autocompletion for tags by frequentness team enhancement normal Core
#8725 defaultpresets.xml percherie defect normal Internal preset
#8729 text transfer in search window fails team defect normal Core
#8731 Restart don't works team defect normal Core
#8739 for MacOS X does not work with Java 7 Radfahrer defect normal Installer MacOS
#8745 Don`t work with *.mov anonymous defect normal Plugin videomapping
#8751 roundabout and trunk team defect normal Core validator
#8756 JOSM exception when clicked new in search dialog team defect normal Core
#8763 Improved functionality of plugin continuosDownload by adding option to download tracks Gnonthgol enhancement normal Plugin continuosDownload
#8764 MacBook Pro Retina Display support neic enhancement normal Core
#8767 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Core
#8769 Validator and public transport team defect normal Core validator
#8789 control does not pan on Mac team defect normal Core
#8790 TODO Plugin buttons become unusable Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#8797 Loading Bing-Tiles only if license-file is already downloaded team defect normal Core imagery
#8813 Patch for #8809 - Document upload tasks team defect normal Core
#8819 crash on load team defect normal Core
#8833 Shrinking an extruded area leads to weird path team defect normal Core
#8841 Show proper error message if bounding box is too large team defect normal Core
#8842 Merge layers when downloading after opening file team defect normal Core
#8843 Merge layers when downloading after opening file team defect normal Core
#8860 upload wihe a automatic fixing of a confolict team defect normal Core
#8863 plugin code downloading and updating is not secured (most importantly: authenticated) at all team enhancement normal Core
#8867 During conflict resolving team defect normal Core
#8871 JOSM still using Java 6 as JRE on Mac OS X team defect normal Core
#8874 Select most needed node of many nodes under cursor team enhancement normal Core
#8884 Unable to upload modifications (OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset) team defect normal Core
#8892 Could not read GPX File team defect normal Core
#8898 java.lang.AssertionError when undoing a Purge. team defect normal Core
#8899 josm stores cache-files on wrong place team defect normal Core
#8907 ImageImportPlugin unexpected exception team defect normal Plugin importimage
#8910 Allow the creation of notes in JOSM team enhancement normal Core notes
#8922 NPE during download team defect normal Core
#8929 CCE draging the map with right mouse button team defect normal Core
#8930 Fehlermeldung bei "Kachelzwischenspeicher löschen" team defect normal Core
#8931 Fehlermeldung bei Tag-Löschversuch team defect normal Core
#8936 First tiles of Bing (per josm instance) always fail team defect normal Core imagery
#8937 IndexOutOfBoundsException merging layers with conflicts on the same area team defect normal Core
#8952 During validation team defect normal Core
#8958 Adding „library” section to presets. (idea) team enhancement normal Core
#8959 Preset: Option to link from one to another one (wunsch, von einem presets in ein anderes verlinken) team enhancement normal Core
#8960 "DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset" when reloading/updating OpenStreetBugs list team defect normal Core
#8977 NPE when using "Lane and road attributes" style team defect normal External mappaint style
#8984 unknown bug team defect normal Core
#8988 Support the new #map=zoom/lat/lon URL schema for team defect normal Core
#9004 Plugin for averaging GPX tracks team enhancement normal Plugin
#9005 Preset amenity=ranger_station team enhancement normal External preset
#9018 Error in JSOM team defect normal Core
#9022 Unexpected Exception team defect normal Core
#9026 Bug report request downloading data area form osm team defect normal Core notes
#9035 Java 6 is still used after update to java7 on Mac OS X team defect normal Installer MacOS
#9036 Connecting 2 outerlines made this happening team defect normal Core
#9041 Loading data anonymous defect normal Core notes
#9044 Null pointer exception whilst attempting to revert a changeset Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#9045 Null pointer exception whilst attempting to revert a changeset team defect normal Core validator
#9049 Something went wrong when uploading team defect normal Core
#9050 Error loading bing attribution data team defect normal Core
#9058 ack for restart after activating remote control throws exception team defect normal Core
#9063 WMS cache is not managed team defect normal Core
#9064 josm.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when importing image using ImportImagePlugin team defect normal Plugin importimage
#9079 tag "tunnel=building_passage" should be rendered such as "tunnel=yes" team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#9095 route_master relation preset sets "route" key for the type of route team defect normal Internal preset
#9098 clicking on map near a note point ToeBee defect normal Core notes
#9122 FIXMEs should be in category "Warning" not "Other" team defect normal Core
#9130 System frezes when trying to match images to gpx track team defect normal Core
#9136 OpenSeaMap icons werden nicht mehr angezeigt team defect normal Core
#9139 "Style for inner way equals multipolygon" warning strange team defect normal Core validator
#9140 validator false-positive: waterway=riverbank overlapping ways is not an error team defect normal Core validator
#9146 Absturz bei Zugriff auf Notes-Plugin team defect normal Plugin
#9151 Unable to revert changeset team defect normal Plugin reverter
#9153 "Unexpected exception" when attempting to upload data team defect normal Core
#9160 Backgroundmap Bayern 2m on 1680x1050 team defect normal Core
#9167 Problem with revert and deleted objects team defect normal Core
#9170 browsing area with download OSM data continuously plugin active anonymous defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#9180 plus key not working to zoom in team defect normal Core
#9184 Error loading query team defect normal Core
#9192 map icon for Diving team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#9198 add "select and zoom" for problems listed by validator team enhancement normal Core validator
#9202 JOSM duplicating nodes after failed upload brussell237@… defect normal Core
#9212 check layer value for illegal values team enhancement normal Core validator
#9222 Allow rectification of a set of 4 nodes team enhancement normal Core
#9224 Pasting tags broken team defect normal Core
#9225 Mac installer on Mavericks. team defect normal Installer MacOS
#9232 "DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset" when loading data on the server vorrutyer defect normal Core
#9233 Notify about unread messages send via OSM message system team enhancement normal Core
#9236 Change power=substation team enhancement normal Core
#9239 Bug report rquest at josm start team defect normal Core
#9240 bug report request, pasting text into text frame in the download from Overpass Api (mirror download plugin) team defect normal Core
#9243 Lombardia - Italia (CTR) map team defect normal Core
#9249 JOSM 6238 and Java 7 update 45 security team defect normal Core Webstart
#9267 Error while editing ways team defect normal Core
#9269 Make upload window less complicated without "expert mode" team enhancement normal Core
#9290 incorrect "align nodes in circle" operation - regression team defect normal Core
#9293 fixing (layer=+1) to (layer=1) may be fixed by validator in automatic way (via fix button) team enhancement normal Core validator
#9298 detect nodes with missing railway=level_crossing team enhancement normal Core validator
#9300 detect nodes with missing railway=crossing team enhancement normal Core validator
#9305 validate if *_link highways end at the respective road type team enhancement normal Core validator
#9308 mysterious "highway without a reference - Suspicious tag/value combinations" team enhancement normal Core validator
#9313 Start JOSM on OS-X 10.9 not possible team defect normal Installer MacOS
#9320 "Validation errors" layer should be added below data layers team enhancement normal Core validator
#9325 Fehler beim Hochladen der editierte Daten aus JOSM nachdem ein Konflikt gelöst wurde team defect normal Core
#9336 client auto updates team enhancement normal Core
#9338 Cannot load geotiff team defect normal Plugin importimage
#9340 rechtwinkling machen, nur auf Auswahl team enhancement normal Core
#9342 Fehler beim Hochladen der editierte Daten aus JOSM team defect normal Core
#9355 Data can't be uploaded from JOSM to the OSM-Server team defect normal Core
#9356 full automatic mode to optain an oauth token is broken vsandre defect normal Core
#9358 "Value 'ice_cream' for key 'amenity' not in presets." team enhancement normal Internal preset
#9359 Pixel offset on Linux Mint (Versatz des Mauszeigers im Hauptmenü) team defect normal Core
#9371 map panning shortcuts in JOSM conflict with system standard functions (OSX) gobftald defect normal Core
#9393 Exception error team defect normal Core
#9395 "way ends near other way" - some cases where I can't make any sense from warning team defect normal Core validator
#9396 Ошибка при передачи изменений на сервер team defect normal Core
#9402 Internet Explorer is convinced that certificate used by is invalid stoecker defect normal Trac
#9410 Multipolygon creation team defect normal Core
#9415 Sort results in validate screen team enhancement normal Core validator
#9426 ImportImage plugin does not load image... team defect normal Plugin importimage
#9429 deleting referencing relations gives a conflict team defect normal Core
#9437 Zooming doesn't work in MacOS team defect normal Core
#9464 warn on unreachable/unescapable oneway roads team enhancement normal Core validator
#9472 change changeset tags with remote control team enhancement normal Core remotecontrol
#9477 Layer offset setting is volatile team defect normal Core imagery
#9479 reverting crashes revert plugin Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#9483 GitHub mirror broken team defect normal unspecified
#9490 report crossing boundaries with the same tags team enhancement normal Core validator
#9498 Error while loading an image with PicLayer Larry0ua defect normal Plugin piclayer
#9499 error immediately after uploading a selection of nodes team defect normal Core
#9512 NPE in OAuth GUI (since [6523]) Don-vip defect normal Core
#9529 NPE in color preferences team defect normal Core
#9531 Make browser configurable team defect normal Core
#9536 Wrong validator warning team defect normal Core validator
#9538 File chooser for local validator files Don-vip enhancement normal Core validator
#9548 Exception in relation editor when inserting elements at end of list team defect normal Core
#9552 Possible improvement to select entries in validator screen team enhancement normal Core validator
#9573 warn on potentially unneeded layer tags team enhancement normal Core validator
#9582 JOSM crashes when sending changes to SOM-Server team defect normal Core
#9615 Not updating online rules team defect normal Core validator
#9641 Fail to validate at send to server team defect normal Core
#9642 unknown why .. team defect normal Core
#9648 Problem with uploading attached changes to server team defect normal Core
#9658 Geometrie ersetzen team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#9664 IllegalStateException while merging power lines meppen7 defect normal Core
#9672 remember alternative connection settings team enhancement normal Core
#9677 Multiple accounts in JOSM team enhancement normal Core
#9683 Detect missing railway=level_crossing team enhancement normal Core validator
#9688 Sorting in Relation-List team defect normal Core
#9719 crash after deletion of a multipolygon relation team defect normal Core
#9727 Support for entering Korean text with Linux (ibus) team defect normal Core
#9730 IllegalStateException in PDF import plugin team defect normal Core
#9735 git replication is suspended since 2014-01-10 team defect normal unspecified
#9761 Trying to print team defect normal Plugin print
#9764 Диалог "изменить отношение" теряет фокус team defect normal Core
#9768 JOSM won't download data from OSM team defect normal Core
#9780 resolving conflicts while merging ways doesn't work on first click team defect normal Core
#9821 "Overlapping Area" results are reported twice team defect normal Core validator
#9858 notes charset jezevec defect normal Core
#9871 No support for special characters in notes plugin ToeBee defect normal Core notes
#9883 Unable to load Java Runtime Environment on Mac OS 10.9 after upgrading to 6950 team defect normal Core
#9888 Note tooltip has wrong character encoding ToeBee defect normal Core notes
#9894 Crash showing/loading object history team defect normal Core
#9918 Allow multiple API access team enhancement normal Core
#9957 Auto correct data error bug report request... team defect normal Core
#9963 Join (polygons) dosn't work reliably team defect normal Core
#9971 overlapping 2 closed ways results in multipolygon or normal merge building Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#9973 preselection of cell content only working for letters not for numbers team defect normal Core
#9980 Закончилась выделенная память Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#9982 Joining areas creates multipolygons were they shouldn't be Grillo defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#9986 Resolving export conflicts team defect normal Core
#9991 Problem while saving 'updated' changeset in local area anonymous defect normal Core
#10005 relation editor freeze with openjdk-7 team defect normal Core
#10027 public_transport plugin crash roland.olbricht defect normal Plugin public_transport
#10116 leaf_type attribut missing team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10124 add "building=supermarket" to presets team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10136 Convert markers to a data layer team enhancement normal Core
#10137 Print regular marks while validating data team enhancement normal Core validator
#10149 False report "amenity=place_of_worship inside amenity=place_of_worship" team defect normal Core validator
#10170 After some time of editing operations of selecting and drawing do not work properly team defect normal Core
#10187 show icons for area POIs too team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10188 reload custom validator styles after file modification team enhancement normal Core
#10189 Irgendwann lief der Speicher voll Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#10199 InvocationTargetException team defect normal Core
#10201 "Areas share segment" for two different landuses sharing border team defect normal Core validator
#10213 JOSM should have by default 512 MB or more team defect normal Core Webstart
#10237 Shorten wait-time on read time out team defect normal Core
#10245 Typos in natural=tree preset team defect normal Internal preset
#10272 IAE "Comparison method violates its general contract" in bug report handler team defect normal Core
#10273 repeated crash with tested team defect normal Core
#10274 crash after edit of highway team defect normal Core
#10279 unexpected exception: "Primitive must be part of the dataset" team defect normal Core
#10285 Berufsbezeichnung Handwerk team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10291 "Join areas internal error" when working with multipolygon anonymous defect normal Core
#10295 bug dialog after shortcut key when JOSM is still busy loading/showing objects team defect normal Core
#10297 Unnecessary conflict messages team defect normal Core
#10298 Cannot open GPX file anonymous defect normal Core
#10302 [patch] default preset information=map values added team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10308 IllegalArgumentException after adding name to building team defect normal Core Webstart
#10309 IllegalArgumentException after adding name to building team defect normal Core
#10347 Keyboard input is ignored after adding/modifying several points team defect normal Core
#10349 Error Message while using HousenumberTaggingTool team defect normal Core
#10359 Add button stops working team defect normal Core
#10361 Dataset too large on saved osm file team defect normal Core
#10364 Housenumber Tagging Tool team defect normal Core
#10386 Error after server data are downloaded team defect normal Core
#10390 incorrect aligning in line team defect normal Core
#10394 MapCSS: select node on way by index team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#10395 Street name displayed on top of nodes team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#10397 Imagery >> More menu entry disappeared team defect normal Core imagery
#10411 Unable to connect to remote control from team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#10413 AssertionError when adding new property team defect normal Core
#10426 support translation of strings in external mappaint styles team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#10428 Deleting buildings and trying to resolve a conflict caused an exception team defect normal Core
#10439 Don't render street names over nodes with 'highway=*' tags as they become invisable team defect normal Core mappaint
#10451 MapBox imagery with zoom level > 17 team defect normal Core imagery
#10453 WMS: add a "reload tile" context menu team enhancement normal Core imagery
#10459 OS X: invoking ok-button by hitting enter in the textfield team defect normal Core
#10463 Window Focus Problems / Linux / KDE / Java 1.7 team defect normal Core
#10466 bridge:movable and bridge:structure team enhancement normal Core
#10472 Merging nodes: Always highest id chosen. team defect normal Core
#10475 if-then-else for <check> team enhancement normal Core
#10476 Attribute display involving asian (Mongolia?) alphabet crashes JOSM team defect normal Core
#10477 Uploading more than 2000 points team defect normal Core
#10515 AlignInLine action gives unexpected results with circular ways team defect normal Core
#10525 Support of "scratchpad" layers team enhancement normal Core
#10526 Incorrect warning "Style for inner way equals multipolygon" when different landuse team defect normal Core validator
#10539 missing disk selection in File open dialog window on OS X vlada@… defect normal Core
#10555 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Deleted node referenced" when uploading changeset latte_oz defect normal Core
#10561 Way tagged aeroway=runway causes warning in validator team defect normal Core validator
#10573 continuosDownload fails in java8u40-ea Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#10577 continousDownload make exception Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#10579 plugin "continuous download" doesn't work in this josm version team defect normal Core
#10583 Problems with continuosDownload Plugin (28565) and JOSM 7588 Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#10585 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Plugin tracer
#10586 continuous download plug-in team defect normal Core
#10591 Using the Command Line plugin breaks keyboard shortcuts. Stereo defect normal Core
#10595 Control properties of Arrows on ways based on zoom team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#10634 add camping car service area team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10643 after updating pbf plugin, a nominatim search fails team defect normal Core
#10644 Error message as search result team defect normal Core
#10645 Strange Nominatim Output causes Exception team defect normal Core
#10659 В новой версии проблема с загрузкой карты. team defect normal Core
#10676 Slow auto-fix with a lot of objects on map team enhancement normal Core validator
#10677 josm crashed while downloading data from osm kendzi defect normal Plugin kendzi3d
#10688 Icons do not scale down in mappaint dialog, main toolbar and in ViewMenu team defect normal Core
#10708 Crash while drawing line team defect normal Core
#10727 Support traffic_signals:direction team enhancement normal Core
#10728 ClassCastException sun.awt.Win32GraphicsConfig cannot be cast to sun.java2d.d3d.D3DGraphicsConfig team defect normal Core
#10732 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (openSUSE, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#10740 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (openSUSE, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#10755 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (openSUSE, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#10763 Image issue team defect normal Core imagery
#10765 sun.awt.X11.XException when clicking Help>About team defect normal Core
#10772 JOSM Validator: Procedure Role_verification for relation:route:type:hiking team defect normal Core validator
#10785 Problems displaying japanese names team defect normal Core
#10817 wanted to add a node team defect normal Core
#10818 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (openSUSE, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#10839 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (Ubuntu, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#10847 Absturz beim Zeichnen von zusammenhängenden Gebäuden. team defect normal Core
#10871 Plugin tracer2 crashes when team defect normal Plugin tracer2
#10876 Terracer: deletes history team defect normal Plugin terracer
#10879 Tracer2 team defect normal Core
#10886 Failed to join overlapping areas team defect normal Core
#10891 Crashes randomly while using traces2server team defect normal Plugin tracer2
#10901 Adjust imagery offset dialog default position nuisance team enhancement normal Core imagery
#10908 tracer2 touching buildings bug team defect normal Core
#10911 crashes while starting after system upgrade team defect normal Core
#10919 Mapillary support in existing PhotMapping plugins? team enhancement normal Plugin mapillary
#10931 download a note from ToeBee enhancement normal Core notes
#10936 Regression - Tracer2 plugin crashes when trying to trace connected buildings team defect normal Plugin tracer2
#10942 DataIntegrityProblemException while splitting a way naoliv defect normal Core
#10944 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (openSUSE, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#10946 Comments of 2 changesets replaced team defect normal Core
#10950 Strange role verification problem: "Role member type does not match accepted list ... of associatedStreet relation" team defect normal Core validator
#10952 Add pipeline=marker to presets team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10965 Es können keine aneinanderliegenden Gebäude mehr mit JOSM Tracer2 und dem ALK NRW WMS Layer abgezeichnet werden team defect normal Plugin tracer2
#10968 Validation layer not 100% opaque team enhancement normal Core validator
#10969 Downloading dialog is too obtrusive Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#10979 False role verification warnings for bicycle routes team defect normal Core validator
#10981 Notes: No possibility to update notes team defect normal Core notes
#10985 undeleted relations don't show in relations panel team defect normal Core
#10986 adding way to undeleted relation with deleted members creates error team defect normal Core
#11001 wrong tag: protected_class instead of protect_class team defect normal Core
#11009 Show number of changeset discussion comments in history dialog team enhancement normal Core
#11015 GPX Photo Correlation causes photos to disappear from view team defect normal Core image mapping
#11020 JOSM crash while navigating inside the map gorgonz@… defect normal Core
#11022 Consolidate with lists used by other editors team enhancement normal Core
#11024 Combo-boxes display issue in preset pop-up team enhancement normal Core
#11028 NPE on Shift+J team defect normal Core
#11029 josm fails to start (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader.initReaderIDs) team defect normal Core
#11041 imagery layers changed names or keys team defect normal Core imagery
#11042 Too large confirmation dialog team defect normal Core
#11043 Fehler während Ergänzung einer Route johann-lang@… defect normal Core
#11051 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (openSUSE, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#11068 Exception when displaying some languages in JOSM team defect normal Core
#11078 Bing imagery doesn't load team defect normal Core imagery
#11106 WMS not visible after loading session team defect normal Core imagery
#11112 OSX: Adjust imagery offset dialog appears when switching layers team defect normal Core
#11115 Bug report request on solve conflict team defect normal Core
#11116 JOSM crash on opening_times validator team defect normal Core validator
#11124 Duplicated via-nodes of restriction-relation when detaching lines using key G team defect normal Core
#11131 Enhancement: support <changeset> from a loaded .osm file team enhancement normal Core
#11132 Enter key does no work when adding a tag on Mac OS X team defect normal Core
#11149 ConcurrentModificationException loading plugins on startup anonymous defect normal Core
#11158 Exception when running eg. r8101 from josm-custom.jar team defect normal Core
#11161 Fallo al localizar la imagen "pencil.???" team defect normal Core
#11170 JOSM refuses connection with Firefox on https. No problem when using http. Chrome and IE are doing fine with https and http. team defect normal Core
#11174 Plugin turnrestrictions crashes immediately after downloading osm data team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#11186 Relation type is unknown (1) in JOSM validator for relation 399106 team defect normal Core validator
#11195 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (openSUSE, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#11199 Add "invert selection" team enhancement normal Core
#11205 Wrap coordinates if lon > 180/-180 team enhancement normal Core
#11207 Make power=pole more visible naoliv enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#11210 Notes plugin does not autodownload ToeBee defect normal Core notes
#11211 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (Ubuntu, 8u40) team defect normal Core imagery
#11212 Can't open file compressed with pbzip2 team defect normal Core
#11235 "Add value" dialog can't be closed with Enter/Return under Mac OS X 10.10 team defect normal Core
#11236 Make option for upload=true/false by default available in expert mode team enhancement normal Core
#11239 Unable to import OSM file team defect normal Core
#11252 automatic download of notes team enhancement normal Core notes
#11254 Tag editor window is not sized properly. team defect normal Core
#11256 better check for crossing highways and waterways team enhancement normal Core validator
#11267 i get this error while exporting as osm.pbf Don-vip defect normal Plugin pbf
#11279 "Guest House/Bed & Breakfast" entry translations do not show team defect normal Core
#11287 undelete: download objects history in parallel while restoring/undeleting team enhancement normal Plugin undelete
#11296 error on startup team defect normal Core
#11299 Improve download notes ToeBee enhancement normal Core notes
#11303 Error on opening map download dialog team defect normal Core
#11306 Download OpenStreetMap data team defect normal Core
#11307 Java Fehler beim Herunterladen mit Strg+Umschalt+Unten team defect normal Core
#11313 Download OpenStreetMap data fail team defect normal Core
#11352 Enter no longer works as a way to commit new tags from the dialog box team defect normal Core
#11364 Break long warning messages in pre-upload validation screen team enhancement normal Core validator
#11365 xdg directory schema support team enhancement normal Core
#11387 Window for add Key/value not show field to add key and value team defect normal Core
#11399 crash scrolling team defect normal Core
#11406 JOSM freezes with error messages team defect normal Core
#11407 Extremely slow loading of slippy map and silent null pointer exception team defect normal Core
#11410 josm fails to fall back to ipv4 in case of non functional ipv6 / obscure ipv6 detection team defect normal Core
#11412 'localhost' does not resolve to ipv6 address team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#11416 Crash on adding imagery team defect normal Core
#11425 WMTS support team enhancement normal Core imagery
#11435 new tags cannot be entered in OSX team defect normal Core
#11444 crash on lost Internet connection team defect normal Core
#11465 JOSM 8354 crashed with smth about TMSTileSource team defect normal Core
#11469 Keyboard seems frozen… don't really know how to reproduce team defect normal Core
#11470 JOSM not show the tile info of a map team defect normal Core
#11476 Max zoom option for WMS layers anonymous defect normal Core imagery
#11486 Add/edit tag dialog hijacks keyboard input Atalanttore defect normal Core
#11517 Simple error !! team defect normal Core
#11520 NoSuchMethodError in Mapillary plugin nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#11523 class with parent selector not working team defect normal Core validator
#11525 NoSuchMethodError in Mapillary plugin nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#11532 Unsaved changes dialog not working with notes team defect normal Core notes
#11534 Downloading Notes with "Mirrored Download" not working roland.olbricht defect normal Plugin mirrored_download
#11535 "Cancel" button missing on "unsaved" dialogs team defect normal Core
#11536 Add a link to mapillary key Don-vip enhancement normal Core tag2link
#11547 Lists should be sorted by translated items order team defect normal Internal preset
#11551 PBF plugin not working (NPE) when trying to save a file that was loaded from a shapefile Don-vip defect normal Plugin pbf
#11554 Have Mapbox Satelite zoomable to a level closer to earth team enhancement normal 15.05 Core imagery
#11588 josm start crash team defect normal Core
#11589 8519 does not run team defect normal Core
#11612 bug reports team defect normal Plugin imagerycache
#11613 report bug team defect normal Plugin imagerycache
#11620 ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData team defect normal Core mappaint
#11622 Undeterministic livelocks on JOSM startup team defect normal Core
#11637 [Patch] Moved zoom and center management and coordinate conversion of MapView to a new class. michael2402 enhancement normal Core
#11659 adding members to relation in the relation editor fails team defect normal Core
#11661 Exception occurs while trying to save relation team defect normal Core
#11668 UnsupportedOperationException with relations team defect normal Core
#11670 Warn on moving objects by over 1km team enhancement normal Core
#11712 Visibility in layers window team defect normal Core
#11727 NPE in (line 28) team defect normal Core
#11729 coding error team defect normal Core
#11731 Error message immedeately after starting josm team defect normal Core
#11732 Buttons don't show up resp. don't work Larry0ua defect normal Plugin piclayer
#11735 Can not connect JOSM to the server - JAVA 8 OSX Yosemite on Macbook Pro suzan@… defect normal Core
#11763 Changeset upload says Placeholder node not found for reference in way team defect normal Core
#11781 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced team defect normal Core
#11788 Can't directly open bzip2 file team defect normal Core
#11842 Allow time offsets with decimal point bastiK enhancement normal Core image mapping
#11847 exception when running Validator team defect normal Core
#11860 add healthcare:speciality=paediatrics team enhancement normal Internal preset
#11861 Yellow squares on nodes not visible anymore / gele vierkantjes bij knopen niet meer zichtbaar acfvh@… defect normal Internal mappaint style
#11865 snap zoom to native resolution of background map wiktorn enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11868 Refresh button for presets team enhancement normal Core
#11875 I started a reversion as described below and the system threw this error before returning to user control stating a coding error and to send this to you. Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#11876 Unable to see my updated Presets in JOSM team defect normal Core
#11888 NPE in relation editor after revert team defect normal Core
#11892 Can't download map data - OverlappingFileLockException team defect normal Core
#11920 Wrong values displayed in tags window team defect normal Core
#11921 Sorting of multiple values changes when edited with different language settings osm.mapper999@… enhancement normal Internal preset
#11927 NPE of missingsRoads plugin when trying to download OSM data team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#11941 cannot exit Align Ways mode after using it razvaneduard defect normal Plugin alignways
#11946 NullPointerException in CleanupThread$ team defect normal Core
#11951 Clicking on exit causes Josm to restart. anonymous defect normal Core
#11958 Geometries merging broken team defect normal Core
#11961 Preset does not update team defect normal External preset
#11963 AssertionError: Range violated: the new range must be within a single subrange anonymous defect normal Core
#11964 Exception while trying to load satellite imagery team defect normal Core
#11974 Error when trying create new restriction while using plugin Turnrestrictions team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#11996 Error while adding opening hours boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#11999 Shift+J on intersecting buildings fails team defect normal Core
#12003 Merging two connected polygons causes crash team defect normal Core
#12010 chrash after download team defect normal Core
#12017 JOSM is ignoring keyboard team defect normal Core
#12020 Error: joining intersecting ways team defect normal Core
#12021 Error on simply adding bing aerial imagery team defect normal Core
#12031 Way splitting: assign history automatically team defect normal Core
#12032 download fail even if on overpass-turbo i can download team defect normal Core
#12057 Combobox and table rendering problems team defect normal Core
#12061 Deadlock(?) while viewing object history team defect normal Core
#12062 IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index team defect normal Core
#12063 EDT violation detected in conflicts dialog naoliv defect normal Core
#12070 zweimaliger Absturz des PC beim zeichnen von Linien in JOSM team defect normal Core
#12074 Enhancing the Slippy Map download screen team enhancement normal Core
#12079 Error when selecting several buildings team defect normal Core
#12080 ImportImagePlugin - exception while opening geotiff's team defect normal Plugin importimage
#12087 Implement a slippy map download bbox reminder team enhancement normal Core
#12095 NullPointerException when converting layers team defect normal Core
#12105 PatternSyntaxException with invalid MapCSS team defect normal Core validator
#12121 Using purge command on administrative boundary causes an error team defect normal Core
#12125 180 east/west team defect normal Core
#12126 Values/tags changing while moving mouse on list team defect normal Core
#12134 convert GPS to data layer team defect normal Core
#12139 JOSM shows wrong field when clicking into a field to edit a tag team defect normal Core
#12145 freeze/crash when sending URL to browser team defect normal Core
#12166 sorting breaks selection in Tags/Membership window team defect normal Core
#12167 Copy and Paste error team defect normal Core
#12170 NPE while canceling area download team defect normal Core
#12171 Warning while opening a shapefile Don-vip defect normal Plugin opendata
#12172 NPE CacheEntry.removeBefore team defect normal Core
#12173 Visible warning when the current imagery layer is offset team enhancement normal Core imagery
#12174 Enhancement for JOSM pegeka enhancement normal Core
#12176 Error in plugin PDFImport : unable to read PDF file team defect normal Plugin pdfimport
#12184 add changed key/values to last-used list team enhancement normal Core
#12193 Unable to Load JOSM Preset Sources team defect normal Core
#12204 OpeningHours plugin crashed boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#12213 Add presets for office tags team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12223 Wrong key+tag pair opened when clicking Edit button, when keys list is not listed in alphabetical order by keys. team defect normal Core
#12228 Errors while plug-in/out external monitor to laptop team defect normal Core
#12254 Exception exiting JOSM jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#12258 Easy switching between projections team enhancement normal Core
#12269 can't close open note team defect normal Core notes
#12274 To small type letters on JOSM start page under Windows Surface Pro 4 team defect normal Core
#12289 Test for reversed roundabouts in validator team enhancement normal Core validator
#12290 Allow to comfortably reset "Do not show again" choices team enhancement normal Core
#12315 Reverter plugin can not return the change. luiswoo defect normal Plugin reverter
#12318 revert changeset apparently broken defect normal Core
#12319 relation not appearing in relation list defect normal Core
#12339 invisible relation prevents upload defect normal Core
#12362 reverter plugin doesn't seem to work anymore Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#12375 Error adding GPX team defect normal Core
#12385 wrong validator warning for multipolygon relations whose outer members have area tags defect normal Core validator
#12406 java.awt.AWTError: BoxLayout can't be shared team defect normal Core
#12414 NPE in object history team defect normal Core
#12428 detect unclosed roundabouts team enhancement normal Core validator
#12447 Issues with laptop with Hi resolution monitor team enhancement normal Core
#12451 Hang opening at Default Settings Glassman defect normal Core
#12475 Smarter number of nodes in circles team enhancement normal Core
#12480 Mapbox imagary not show team defect normal Core imagery
#12481 Option to use only native resolution zoom levels team enhancement normal Core imagery
#12489 Error message when trying to do convert to GPX Layer team defect normal Core
#12491 ConcurrentModificationException in StyleCache.equals team defect normal Core mappaint
#12513 changeset comment is removed at tab change team defect normal Core
#12519 Complain about railway=level_crossing on highway=footway team enhancement normal Core validator
#12520 Problem with manual adding tag with non-empty tag filter team defect normal Core
#12527 Add alternate {proj} parameter for WMS template definition with numeric id only team enhancement normal Core imagery
#12537 When reversing a highway direction, should also reverse nodes with "direction" team enhancement normal Core
#12552 Warning if using route=foot team defect normal Core validator
#12553 Allow to copy text from notes team enhancement normal Core notes
#12566 NPE when using "Convert to GPX layer" team defect normal Core
#12576 Execption Joining overlapping areas (CTRL-J) team defect normal Core
#12582 OAuth "Fully automatic" dialog hangs team defect normal Core
#12585 User switcher for OAuth team enhancement normal Core
#12588 Remove support for amenity=public_building and add tag to validator as deprecated team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12601 By default upload objects in chunks of 100 team enhancement normal Core
#12604 OAuth team defect normal Core
#12607 Upload isn't possible qd always create an error 'Stream closed' team defect normal Core
#12611 Hochladen funktioniert seit Tagen nicht team defect normal Core
#12618 Changing a node's position sometimes doesn't to mark it as modified by JOSM team defect normal Core
#12619 IllegalArgumentException when loading SelectAction cursor team defect normal Core
#12621 Download multiple relations does not update the download messagebox anymore anonymous defect normal Core
#12631 add download=false to osm layer team enhancement normal Core
#12643 Many error messages after Background Layer added team defect normal Core imagery
#12645 Pressing Q breaks josm team defect normal Core mappaint
#12648 IllegalArgumentException: "Comparison method violates its general contract" when copy pasting in open location dialog team defect normal Core
#12661 Using directupload plugin fails, then I get an 'unexpected error' team defect normal Plugin DirectUpload
#12689 Openstreetmap GPS traces not working (Build 9979) anonymous defect normal Core
#12692 Encountered an exception while marking/correcting roads and waterways team defect normal Core
#12693 Encountered exception while marking/correcting waterways team defect normal Core imagery
#12695 Continual errors caused by Terracer team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12702 Crash when using the indoor helper plugin when a defined preset file is not available. team defect normal Plugin
#12715 Leaving 'Keep outline way' de-selected causes crash team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12718 Exception on connecting second monitor team defect normal Core
#12719 Zoom out with minus key doesn't work on OSX team defect normal Core shortcuts
#12722 Using Terracer with fresh copy of JOSM causes crash team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12723 Attempting to upload 15 houses causes JOSM to crash & burn. Oh dear. team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12724 Keyboard shortcuts: Alt-number acts on layers in reverse order team defect normal Core shortcuts
#12727 Text size is too small to be readable team defect normal Core bugreport
#12736 JOSM is not warning about deleting nodes used by ways hidden by filters team defect normal Core
#12738 2nd + later terrace is missing addr:street key/value, whilst 1st terrace contains it team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12739 Security warning when launching on Ubuntu Xenial using webstart team defect normal Core Webstart
#12743 tried to open connection preferences team defect normal Core
#12745 Imagery list entries. team enhancement normal Core imagery
#12746 Opening file directory causes JOSM crash nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#12754 Requiest for mentorship checkbox during changeset commit team enhancement normal Core
#12756 There is no "man_made=mast" in pre-sets, which renders well on the OSM map, but there's "man_made=tower", which is not renedered at all team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12762 error notification during normal use team defect normal Core
#12764 N hotkey should be default behaviour during node move over way segment team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12769 NullPointerException in MessageDigest.update team defect normal Core imagery
#12773 Error while splitting road, multiple roads, after selecting supposed road team defect normal Core imagery
#12782 Small-scale font size not changable jengelh@… defect normal Internal mappaint style
#12784 No progress bar status when updating saved data team defect normal Core
#12792 Error Loading History Of An Object team defect normal Core
#12793 Exception when querying node history team defect normal Core
#12794 Error when asking element history team defect normal Core
#12795 Export From Overpass Turbo Into JOSM Generates Error team defect normal Core
#12796 Exception when display history (Ctrl-H) team defect normal Core
#12797 Crash on start team defect normal Core
#12798 You have encountered an error in JOSM AnkEric defect normal Core
#12806 Input language changed after saving tag team defect normal Core
#12807 DataIntegrityProblemException while trying to solve a conflict team defect normal Core
#12811 crash while trying to add way to relation Don-vip defect normal Core
#12819 Using Terracer with 'keep outline way' NOT selected crashes JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12821 JOSM default orthogonalization logic is too agressive team enhancement normal Core
#12826 Terracer crashes latest version of JOSM Upliner defect normal Plugin terracer
#12829 Плагин ’Reverter’ завешается с ошибкой, при отмене этого пакета правок: Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#12843 Validator didn't detect self-intersecting way team defect normal Core validator
#12845 JOSM throws an exception after a decent amount of no interaction, and switching back to the desktop that had JOSM running team defect normal Core
#12848 Unexpected Exception in build 10238 team defect normal Core
#12849 Exception downloading data around a GPX track team defect normal Core
#12850 Notification recurrent d'erreur sur la version 10238 de JOSM team defect normal Core
#12852 program crashes on download team defect normal Core
#12873 Should close the changeset when splitting it at the 50k limit team enhancement normal Core
#12883 Upload blocked by unhandled exception in validator: SH causes error in validation.tests.OpeningHourTest team defect normal Core validator
#12884 Mapillary plugin crashes JOSM nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#12886 Issue UI on HiDPI 4k Interface and more lags... ( team defect normal Core
#12888 cannot download the french cadastre using the plugin cadastre. pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#12893 Mapillary import images in sequence fails. floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#12903 Error when closing JOSM team defect normal Core
#12911 Terracer has enhanced defects when used with latest JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12912 JOSM does not exit cleanly if unsaved layers are ignored for upload michael2402 defect normal Core
#12917 Terracer now throws an exception on *every* Building that is created + JOSM displays/plays non-existent photos/audio notes team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12923 Joining new polygon with old polygon creates polygon with new id team defect normal Core
#12928 RuntimeException: Join areas internal error. team defect normal Core
#12930 Terracer + associatedStreet-relation=yes => crashes JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12939 Overpass geocodeArea support and area query team defect normal Core
#12969 NPE in tools.bugreport.ReportedException team defect normal Core
#12984 Unable to run JOSM with Java 9 team defect normal Core
#12986 Loading of background imagery results in IllegalArgumentException osmTOGA defect normal 16.06 Core imagery
#12989 Null Pointer Exception when trying to save gpx track team defect normal Core
#12990 Another Null Pointer exception, this time when trying to open gpx file team defect normal Core
#13006 Do not let users modify the created_by metadata tag content team enhancement normal Core
#13013 IllegalArgumentException: Listener was not registered michael2402 defect normal 16.06 Core
#13014 no message of the day on startup team defect normal Core
#13022 Unexpected errors after split way operation team defect normal Core
#13026 Stop complaining about "Waterway ends without a connection to another waterway or the direction of the waterway is wrong" on waterway=weir team defect normal Core validator
#13027 Make notes editable / deletable if not uploaded. team enhancement normal Core notes
#13032 Nodes on wrong layer are affected by move team defect normal Core
#13044 IAE: Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter (ToggleDialogAction) team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13053 unhandled exception on closing the relation editor team defect normal Core
#13057 Tried to add Bing or OSM base map team defect normal Core
#13059 relation editor remembers discarded change team defect normal Core
#13060 No members can be added to copied relations team defect normal Core
#13061 Error when entering new 'name' tag michael2402 defect normal Core
#13073 After downloading data from OSM JOSM zooms out a little bit chrabros defect normal Core
#13075 NullPointerException when trying to open gpx file team defect normal Core
#13077 opening a random layer at the first time in the session an error appears team defect normal Core
#13080 error while resolving a conflict team defect normal Core
#13083 IllegalArgumentException: ImageRead: No OperationDescriptor is registered in the current operation registry under this name team defect normal Plugin importimage
#13103 Using Terracer with ‘create an associatedStreet relation’ selected crashes JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#13109 Cannot use multiple displays on Mac OS X team defect normal Core
#13110 I can not read a osm file taborda.barroso@… defect normal Core
#13112 Warning after loading at startup wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#13131 Fehler anonymous defect normal Core
#13132 error darya defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#13142 Deadlock while merging 2 layers team defect normal Core
#13166 Popup dialogs open on different monitor when using multiple displays team defect normal Core
#13167 Attempt to upload JOSM Changes to Server Causes Exception team defect normal Plugin terracer
#13170 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) team defect normal Core mappaint
#13181 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError on runtime in eclipse team defect normal Core
#13183 building_tools do not remove address points from relation when merging with building Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#13189 split the address preset into 2 team enhancement normal Internal preset
#13216 Error when pasting text place name search box team defect normal Core
#13226 Crash using buildings plugin Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#13235 Warn for unordered multipolygon members team enhancement normal Core validator
#13242 Problem with WMS team defect normal Core Webstart
#13248 stacktrace AFTER clicking exit to exit application team defect normal Plugin gpsblam
#13252 unexpected error occurered team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13256 user metadata not updated on changeset upload. team defect normal Core
#13266 photoadjust mit Fehlern bei der Löschung von Bilderebenen team defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#13269 JOSM displays line which doesn't exist in the data team defect normal Core mappaint
#13270 Even after changing the comment JOSM took the old changeset comment during the upload team defect normal Core
#13273 Loading problem team defect normal Core
#13274 Loading problem team defect normal Core
#13278 error message when editing members relation bus and cuting highway member of the relation team defect normal Core
#13280 crash on select items team defect normal Core
#13282 Layer dialogue keyboard shortcuts not consistent (?) team defect normal Core
#13286 crash for no reason team defect normal Core
#13312 Relation Editor is a bit wonky. team defect normal Core
#13315 Add imagery_used and locale tags to changesets team enhancement normal Core
#13323 JOSM crashes every time I add a new node or select an existing node team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13324 A plugin handling shapes is wrong ? team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13329 Clicking on way with latest JOSM produces exception in shapetools team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13330 Cannot combine lines after opening JOSM after computer crashes anonymous defect normal Core
#13334 import GPX jttt defect normal Plugin routes
#13349 Deleting overnoded data in China causes "report bug" screen to appear team defect normal Core
#13353 An error occurs if I try to disable Mapillary layer team defect normal Core
#13359 Unexpected exception from ShapeTools plugin when clicking complex building team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13363 NPE in AbstractTileSourceLayer.drawImageInside team defect normal Core imagery
#13364 Error occured on first data loading after josm updating to v 10786 team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13366 background Bug "SIGPAC Spain" team defect normal Core
#13367 Make notes copyable team enhancement normal Core notes
#13379 NullPointerException when zooming team defect normal Core imagery
#13384 Tried to use building tool. This is the main tool without it back to the old version emediately... team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13393 RejectedExecutionException in MapillarySquareDownloadManagerThread nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13399 add option for 45 degree orthogonalize team enhancement normal Core
#13401 Midpoints missing - Even on max zoom team defect normal Core mappaint
#13407 UserInterface to cease responding team defect normal Core
#13409 Fast draw plugin NPE at FastDrawingMode.mouseMoved akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13410 Changed networking interface and got CCE in Java2D code team defect normal Core
#13411 Crash when clicking on a node team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13416 NPE in JCSCachedTileLoaderJob.ensureCacheElement while downloading OSM data team defect normal Core imagery
#13417 Downloading OSM data team defect normal Core
#13418 CCE when starting JOSM v10786 team defect normal Core
#13420 JOSM crashed when adding Mapnik as background layer Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13421 Nach Start und download stürzt JOSM ab team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13422 JOSM crashes repeatedly when downloading data from OSM server team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13425 Crashes when opening up OSM data team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13426 ClassCastException: javax.json.JsonValue$1 cannot be cast to javax.json.JsonString Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13428 josm crashes during download of map data team defect normal Core
#13436 startup crash Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13437 JOSM crashes when downloading small area team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13450 IAE: Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#13451 bug when adding new layer, or imagery, or clic on menu, or confirm on configuration team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13459 NullPointerException in Mapillary plugin while browsing pictures nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13462 NullPointerException: Failed to retrieve atom name team defect normal Core
#13463 Undo selection works only if nothing is selected team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#13468 Herunterladen der ausgewählten Gebietsdaten beim Start von JOSM nicht möglich, egal welches Gebiet / Größe ich auswähle Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13469 Exception when creating an empty level team defect normal Core
#13471 erreur josm en quittant ou en supprimant un calque team defect normal Core
#13475 exception when closing JOSM team defect normal Plugin conflation
#13476 Unexpected exception team defect normal Core
#13477 mapcss area selector matches open lines team defect normal Core mappaint
#13481 Java Exception on date string parsing team defect normal Core
#13482 JOSM does not download all ways/nodes anonymous defect normal Core
#13484 Use fix value as a choice for track/point drawing team enhancement normal Core
#13486 Non-reproducible exception dialog on downloading map data team defect normal Core
#13487 Conflict resolution causes DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#13490 SSLException anonymous defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13493 bug team defect normal Core
#13496 Josm crashes on downloading map team defect normal Core
#13498 SSLException in Mapillary plugin nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13499 RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException team defect normal Core
#13500 Validator doesn't detect some self-intersecting ways team defect normal Core validator
#13502 Something wrong with PictLayer? I just downloaded it, I guess to my computer somewhere. A message came up about an error. Larry0ua defect normal Plugin piclayer
#13511 Crash of Improve Accuracy team defect normal Plugin
#13523 NPE pasting to new layer team defect normal Core
#13525 Josm crashed team defect normal Core
#13527 Exception when pressing Ctrl+C team defect normal Core
#13528 StackOverflowError in Splinex plugin anonymous defect normal Plugin splinex
#13530 IllegalArgumentException when saving gpx file team defect normal Core
#13531 Crash right after enabling Yahoo Sat imagery layer team defect normal Core imagery
#13532 Crash after fastdraw first element creation akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13533 Error while adding custom TMS layer in OSM...the TMS is created using the script team defect normal Core imagery
#13537 NPE in MapViewState$MapViewEastNorthPoint.getInViewX team defect normal Core
#13539 Fastdraw plugin: IAE: Listener was not registered before or already removed akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13541 NPE in FiltersDownloader.downloadFiltersInfoList Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13542 Erro na inicialização team defect normal Core
#13543 Erro na inicialização team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13544 Erro na inicialização team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13545 Erro team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13547 After using Fastdraw, trying to switch back to any other tool results in the error below akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13548 Erro team defect normal Core
#13549 Erro team defect normal Core
#13550 Erro team defect normal Core
#13551 some related to fastdraw using it made josm crazy and errors team defect normal Core
#13552 Erro team defect normal Core
#13553 NPE in FiltersDownloader.downloadFiltersInfoList Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13565 IllegalArgumentException team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13569 Erro team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13571 Erro depois de habilitar o Fastdraw team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13572 Ferramenta Build team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13573 Erro fastdraw team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13575 Problem for FastDraw (32930) akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13576 Fehler beim Start von JOSM/1.5 (10972 de) defect normal Plugin download_along
#13578 Fast Draw Instrument fall team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13579 Building tool causes constant crashes Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#13580 Error when downloading map from OpenStreetMap while the download_along plugin is enabled team defect normal Plugin download_along
#13582 Bug Report. Crash JOSM VARVAR8 defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13583 bug downloading team defect normal Plugin todo
#13584 Unable to use Add or Select function after JOSM reported error. akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13585 Fastdraw plugin causes error akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13588 Erro team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#13598 upload dialog: automatically adding imagery source deletes existing values team defect normal Core
#13601 IAE: Comparison method violates its general contract (DataTransferer.setToSortedDataFlavorArray) team defect normal Core
#13602 Validator does not detect self-intersecting way team defect normal Core validator
#13605 unexpected exception opening some .osm file team defect normal Plugin todo
#13608 Mapillary-Picture Window / personal settings nokutu enhancement normal Plugin mapillary
#13610 JOSM crash when deleting layers before finishing the work jttt defect normal Plugin routes
#13611 IAE: Comparison method violates its general contract (DataTransferer.setToSortedDataFlavorArray) team defect normal Core
#13615 NPE at AbstractPasteAction.computePastePosition team defect normal Core
#13616 Datenbearbeitung nach Aufruf "Hintergrundbildversatz anpassen" nicht mehr möglich team defect normal Core imagery
#13617 IEA: Comparison method violates its general contract (DataTransferer.setToSortedDataFlavorArray) team defect normal Core
#13618 Random Error when trying to download team defect normal Core
#13619 Random error when tryign to create a new layer, after just oppening JOSM team defect normal Core
#13622 Error after downloading map data team defect normal Core
#13623 delete "cycle routes" layer caused NPE at SaveLayersDialog$SaveAndProceedAction team defect normal Core
#13627 IAE "Cannot paint layer, it is not registered" on data download team defect normal Plugin opengl
#13628 При попытке добавить слой Bing. Проблема после обновления до Kubuntu 16.04 с последними обновлениями. Также временно отключается второй монитор FilatovY.V@… defect normal Core
#13629 Cannot paint layer, it is not registered. team defect normal Core
#13637 Unexpected exception while using the download window team defect normal Core
#13638 Overpass API download team defect normal Core
#13639 SDS plugin team defect normal Plugin sds
#13640 Plugin rasterfilters: Opening GPX file -> JOSM hangs Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13642 просто нажал в браузере на дистанционное редактирование team defect normal Core
#13647 After updating to ver 10996 can't exit from image calibration mode. team defect normal Core imagery
#13649 Unknown error... team defect normal Core
#13650 Slow drawing of ways in version 10966. team defect normal Core mappaint
#13652 ScoutSign crashes on quit jBeata defect normal Plugin scoutsigns
#13654 freeze during gpx load team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13655 crash on 'new layer' (start) team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13657 Ошибка с плагином commandLine и address2 Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#13658 IAE Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) team defect normal Core
#13659 Leider gibt es jetzt ständig Konflikte die aufgelöst werden müssen. In unangetasteten (!) Gebieten. Änderungen lassen sich nicht hochladen. team defect normal Core
#13660 OsmTransferException: unexpected format of id replied by the server - when web page is redirected to hotel log on page team defect normal Core
#13662 al designar una capa como tipo de asociado, sin la variable "mantener la vía de contorno" team defect normal Plugin terracer
#13669 Bug team defect normal Core
#13670 Une bug - je ne sais pas beaucoups team defect normal Core
#13672 bug team defect normal Core imagery
#13675 Absturz team defect normal Core
#13677 IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'eastNorth' must not be null team defect normal Core
#13684 NoSuchMethodError: ImproveWayAccuracyAction.getEditLayer() kolesar defect normal Plugin ImproveWay
#13685 Ellipse zeichnen team defect normal Plugin commandline
#13686 An unexpected exception occurred team defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13691 NPE in Dimension.<init> at startup team defect normal Core
#13695 commandline cut element error Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#13699 "Auftreten einer unerwarteten Ausnahme" und Abbruch des Uploads team defect normal Plugin sds
#13700 "Auftreten einer unerwarteten Ausnahme" und Abbruch des Uploads 2 team defect normal Plugin sds
#13701 "Auftreten einer unerwarteten Ausnahme" und Abbruch des Uploads 3 team defect normal Plugin sds
#13702 Mapping a mundane feature when BOOM the way disappeared and only vertices were left team defect normal Core
#13708 group "role" warnings, "preset doesn't contain property" infos and missing names infos in validator list team enhancement normal Core validator
#13710 Crash team defect normal Core
#13719 Error message after downloading data while Kendzi3D plugin is enabled team defect normal Core
#13720 breaks team defect normal Core validator
#13721 JOSM error after detaching external screen team defect normal Core
#13726 Scrolling speed in main view and download dialogue on OSX to fast bitnapper enhancement normal Core
#13728 command cut do not work Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#13731 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win7, 8u73) team defect normal Core imagery
#13732 Bing and layer loaded from file team defect normal Core
#13733 JOSM suddenly shows an error dialog box team defect normal Core
#13736 Crash team defect normal Core
#13742 Validation of conditional tags team defect normal Core validator
#13751 left-hand button should be for panning like gnome-maps and Google maps. team defect normal Core
#13756 `ConcurrentModificationException` on launch team defect normal Core
#13757 Error while downloading data. team defect normal Core
#13758 Bing team defect normal Core
#13760 Option to create subgroups/categories in validator team enhancement normal Core validator
#13761 OpenStreetMaps team defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#13764 NPE in Dimension.<init> via ToolbarPreferences.refreshToolbarControl at startup team defect normal Core
#13769 JOSM crashed team defect normal Core
#13772 Provide immediate visual feedback on data validation or OSM queries team defect normal Core
#13773 DataIntegrityProblemException: Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation team defect normal Plugin terracer
#13775 Main canvas: be more precise about possible contributions team defect normal Core
#13782 SSL peer shut down incorrectly nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13790 unexpected error team defect normal Core
#13791 Uploading Problem - conflict team defect normal Core
#13792 bug error team defect normal Plugin measurement
#13794 NPE at HttpClient.connect team defect normal Core
#13796 Allow undo of deletions in current changeset team enhancement normal Core
#13801 AIOOBE in RoutePatternAction.calcOffset roland.olbricht defect normal Plugin public_transport
#13802 died in upload changes to osm: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: primitives already set team defect normal Core validator
#13803 Crash when trying to upload team defect normal Core validator
#13811 jenkins task is stuck for 1+ day stoecker defect normal Unit tests
#13812 NoSuchElementException at DuplicateNode.isFixable team defect normal Core validator
#13819 some sort of bug team defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13825 about copy paste problem in your latest version team defect normal Core
#13829 Save dialogues right pannel heights and widths for next session team defect normal Core
#13831 Error when importing file from Vesupucci JASON P TIPTON defect normal Core
#13832 some sort of bug Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#13833 Crash when start download area team defect normal Core
#13834 Fails opening CSV team defect normal Plugin opendata
#13836 GPS framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#13837 ? team defect normal Core
#13838 cannot close josm when system uses some swap space team defect normal Core
#13848 Huge Objects (nations) cause Error team defect normal Core
#13849 It broke. team defect normal Core
#13852 Ошибка после загрузки области team defect normal Plugin download_along
#13853 Simplify assigning a shortcut to an action without shortcut simon04 enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#13854 Exception on many differnt interactions team defect normal Plugin measurement
#13856 Shop=clothes with clothes type team enhancement normal Internal preset
#13858 error while adding "Geoportal 2: Ortofotomapa" layer team defect normal Core
#13862 error team defect normal Core
#13865 Add a Grid facilty in JOSM similar to --debug and --trace options team enhancement normal Core
#13871 Nach dem Versuch doppelte Strassenpunkte lt. Fehlermeldung zu korrigieren kam diese Meldung hoch team defect normal Core validator
#13874 Address2 tool team defect normal Plugin commandline
#13878 IAE: {zoom} is not a valid WMS argument team defect normal Core imagery
#13895 Error whan remove last layer (notes layer) team defect normal Plugin conflation
#13902 Crashes when starting. Before it worked fine. team defect normal Core
#13905 remote control plugin crash with | in addtags team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#13911 Can't replace geometry team enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#13912 AssertionError: Primitive was removed when purging, but is still there on undo team defect normal Core
#13917 RejectedExecutionException (MapillarySquareDownloadManagerThread) nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13924 Bug in displaying multipolygon team defect normal Core mappaint
#13927 error team defect normal Core
#13929 LiveGPS triggers Josm bug report framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#13935 commandline error Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#13943 Abbruch Programm - Ausführung hängt pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#13974 cancel wmts layers wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#13978 Fieldpapers plugin crashes on opening mojodna defect normal Plugin fieldpapers
#13979 Error message from JOSM team defect normal Core
#13983 a fourth point to transform the picture Larry0ua enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#13986 reverting an CS leads to bug-window team defect normal Core
#13987 reverting an CS leads to bug-window team defect normal Core
#13996 Knife tool is not working Rub21 defect normal Plugin auto_tools
#13997 Error while using Mapilary plug - in. nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#13998 Error fetching large number of wikidata IDs simon04 defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#14010 Error after exit app. team defect normal Plugin gpsblam
#14011 cannot change keyboardkey for tool: <Merkmale aus voriger Ansicht kopieren> STRG+ALT+F2 anonymous defect normal Core shortcuts
#14019 OSX: Letters typed into relation box search bar get interpreted as command team defect normal Core
#14020 reverter crashes Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#14023 Display icons in rules, styles and presets team enhancement normal Core
#14027 Show Wikidata ID as label in addition to ID team enhancement normal Core
#14028 Auto Tools / Knife tool crashing team defect normal Plugin auto_tools
#14035 IllegalStateException upon attempting to combine any two ways team defect normal Core
#14038 Error at first download of data team defect normal Plugin tofix
#14039 when loading data the mistake takes off team defect normal Core mappaint
#14041 Upon import through Remote Control from the HOT Tasking Manager Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14046 Problems importing and projecting images. team defect normal Plugin importimage
#14047 Apply EPSG:31468 team defect normal Plugin importimage
#14052 NPE in tofix plugin when adding imagery Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14058 Changes would not upload team defect normal Core
#14064 Tofix plugin drops NPE after downloading OSM data Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14067 Sudden crash when calling JOSM from browser team defect normal Plugin tofix
#14076 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (ElevationProfileLayer) OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#14079 The error dialog appeared at startup Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#14081 Quality Assurance Tools script: AttributeError: 'org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView' object has no attribute 'addLayer' Gubaer defect normal Plugin scripting
#14084 Помилка team defect normal Core
#14085 JOSM display corrupted after changing screen resolution team defect normal Core
#14089 Error shown when using the File > Update Data option team defect normal Core
#14095 imagery mapquest discontinued team defect normal Core imagery
#14107 IllegalArgumentException: Listener was not registered before or already removed Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#14109 Kartendaten lassen sich nicht vom OSM-Sever herunterladen team defect normal Core
#14112 Exception while trying to download data from OSM. Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14119 Doesn't restart team defect normal Core restart
#14121 Meldung kam automatisch als ich einen Bereich zur Bearbeitung öffnen wollte team defect normal Core mappaint
#14126 Fehler beim Kartendaten von OSM-Server herunterladen team defect normal Core
#14127 Exception during resolving conflicts team defect normal Core
#14134 Exception while selecting "Resolve to my version" for a set of conflicts team defect normal Core
#14138 Unexpected error if GPX layer is the last one closed team defect normal Plugin gpsblam
#14140 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException team defect normal Core
#14143 Opening a mbtiles. iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14144 Error using WMTS server team defect normal Core imagery
#14146 merge adresses with houses. Two of each, team defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#14147 Unexpected exception occured pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#14148 NPE in MapViewState$MapViewEastNorthPoint.<init> team defect normal Core mappaint
#14149 Exception in background team defect normal Core
#14150 Deletes one of the way's relations instead of entire way team defect normal Core
#14153 NoSuchMethodError: ImproveWayAccuracyAction.getEditLayer() kolesar defect normal Plugin ImproveWay
#14154 Enabling Remote Control + HTTPS causes exceptions team defect normal Core
#14156 Problemas al cerrar team defect normal Plugin
#14159 IAE: Node is already deleted: resolving multiple conflicts team defect normal Core
#14160 Started up JOSM and got this team defect normal Core
#14161 IllegalStateException: The amount of running downlaods is less or equals to 0 nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14162 Crash on delete osm-layer with plugin ImageWaypoint team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14170 JOSM 11223 crashed while initializing. The first screen never appeared; the unexpected exception window appeared instead. team defect normal Core
#14171 Error while closing team defect normal Plugin conflation
#14172 JOSM crash on Download team defect normal Core
#14173 Wikimedia Commons image query team enhancement normal Plugin
#14174 Strange warning installing plugin team defect normal Core
#14188 Installation sous windows défectueuse - Démarrage impossible team defect normal Core
#14189 Problem with plugins update team defect normal Core
#14192 The plugin "openinghourseditor" can not edit an existing data again. boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#14205 crash on downloading data Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#14206 Unexpected crash when exiting JOSM. team defect normal Plugin gpsblam
#14214 crash on downloading data Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#14222 IllegalArgumentException: Listener Immagine del punto del percorso team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14223 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (OsmDataLayer) team defect normal Core mappaint
#14233 Wrong changeset comments team defect normal Core
#14237 JOSM error team defect normal Plugin conflation
#14241 handshake alert: unrecognized_name team defect normal Core imagery
#14246 JOSM crash when resolving a conflict team defect normal Core
#14249 error with "Outil d'aide pour adresse Ctrl + Alt + F3" team defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#14250 System error message at startup Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#14254 LiveGPS not working framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#14261 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Plugin terracer
#14262 JOSM asked me to send an error team defect normal Plugin print
#14265 Data consistency problem - way without dataset detected team defect normal Core
#14266 Option to sort and group layers team enhancement normal Core
#14268 IllegalArgumentException: RouteLayer is not managed by us jttt defect normal Plugin routes
#14269 Error when downloading Data from OSM Server team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#14273 hissy fit team defect normal Core
#14276 error after deleting layers team defect normal Plugin routes
#14285 JOSM is out of memory hhhw@… defect normal Core
#14286 error after using HOT TM link team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#14292 Unable to convert gps data to data layer team defect normal Core
#14293 JOSM print plugin error team defect normal Plugin print
#14295 Josm freezed after changing the Map paint styles, and raised an exception at closing team defect normal Plugin conflation
#14300 an unexpected exception occourred. >> josm 11.427 + ubuntu 14.04 lts team defect normal Core
#14302 Strange behaviour creating a multipolygon with utilsplugin2 team defect normal Core
#14303 JOSM Crashed. Memory leak team defect normal Core
#14304 bug in JOSM team defect normal Core
#14308 SSLException: SSL peer shut down incorrectly nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14309 Program just crushed while mapping team defect normal Core
#14312 Bug on join overlapping areas team defect normal Core
#14314 Validator false positive oneway in combination with aerialway team defect normal Core validator
#14317 Simple erro team defect normal Core
#14320 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Listener CommandLine.PointAction@3d8c6cb7 (instance of CommandLine.PointAction) was not registered before or already removed. Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#14324 can't open .mbtiles file iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14326 Include clothes in shop → clothes team enhancement normal Internal preset
#14331 GPS > Capture GPS Track Generates stack trace framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#14338 When uploading notes on closing JOSM jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#14341 Cannot get MBTiles plugin to work iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14342 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) team defect normal Core mappaint
#14345 IllegalArgumentException: The sequence key '9c4e9ac0-e286-4b90-bf55-07dc50883a23' is invalid nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14348 Josm error team defect normal Core
#14350 automatisch erkannter Fehler team defect normal Core
#14352 unexpected excetion nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14355 error after opening an area with remote kendzi enhancement normal Plugin kendzi3d
#14362 Pád relácie team defect normal Core
#14365 Not show opening hours correctly boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#14369 IllegalArgumentException: The sequence key '...' is invalid nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14372 crash team defect normal Core
#14375 report bug Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#14380 Mac OS X, magic track pad: unexpected zoom-in or zoom-out instead of panning while performing secondary click team defect normal Core
#14382 Error! team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14383 bug Josm team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14384 bug josm team defect normal Core
#14385 Start crash team defect normal Core
#14388 can't edit tags on relations team defect normal Core
#14390 https team defect normal Core
#14396 incorrect warning on roundabouts: "street with odd number of lanes... and no oneway" team defect normal Core validator
#14397 Add https certificate to macOS keychain more easily team enhancement normal Core
#14399 More readable preferences dialog for macOS team enhancement normal Core
#14401 Double finger tap without click causes map to zoom in or out one zoom level team defect normal Core
#14403 cad tools gestartet .... fehler Anamaria.Rotariu defect normal Plugin cadtools
#14405 DataIntegrityProblemException: Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation team defect normal Core
#14406 Pasting tags onto way causes error team defect normal Core
#14407 bug team defect normal Core
#14412 bag report team defect normal Core
#14419 снимки не загружаются team defect normal Plugin gpsblam
#14430 jOSM crashed at start team defect normal Core
#14436 IllegalStateException: Dialog not created yet. Invoke createInstance() first team defect normal Core
#14443 IAE: Listener Image info (instance of ImageInfoPanel) was not registered before or already removed nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14447 NPE at DefaultToolBarLayout.preferredLayoutSize team defect normal Core
#14453 Another Unknown-Reason Exception Thrown nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14461 Exception selecting Imagery Menu Item team defect normal Core
#14467 Crash when exiting floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14473 Exception after deleting last layer floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14476 Can't close JOSM team defect normal Core
#14477 JOSM crash after connecting two external monitors and suspend mode team defect normal Core
#14484 josm crash after large relation edit upload floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14491 Using <Ctrl>+<arrow-key> to navigate the map causes an Exception floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14494 Unexpected Exception Whilst Creating a Terrace team defect normal Plugin terracer
#14496 Complete Program Freeze for Unknown Reason team defect normal Core
#14497 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (0) must be non-zero team defect normal Core
#14501 don't know floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14502 Crash when trying to edit a route team defect normal Core
#14503 Deleting the last layer causes IllegalArgumentException floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14504 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (1) team defect normal Core
#14505 Error after adding new layer Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14506 Error on JOSM startup Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14507 Exception using query from Firefox Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14508 to-fix crash Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14509 error message during downlad Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14510 mon logiel est la version 11639 Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14511 Getting random errors ans sometimes josm settings get reset Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14513 JOSM goes into "bug mode" many times when I delete a layer floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14514 deleting a tag while a search filter is typed in the tag window gives an error team defect normal Core
#14515 IllegalStateException: Missing merge target Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#14516 Error in opening .mbtiles iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14517 Complete Program Freeze for Unknown Reason #2 alexkemp defect normal Core
#14519 Exception when reverting changeset 45592770 Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#14521 Unexpected exception at startup. team defect normal Core
#14522 crash report while shutting down the program floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14523 Unable to use the Mbtiles plugin. iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14525 Hitting W to improve way produces exception kolesar defect normal Plugin ImproveWay
#14533 This "report a bug" has occurred quite a few times when I shut down JOSM. I have no idea why. floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14538 <Shift>-<J> Creates Multi-Polygon Rather than 'Join Overlapping Areas' team defect normal Core
#14543 Combining ways to reflect where the highway type changes from motorway to trunk. team defect normal Core
#14544 IAE: Width (0) and height (0) must be non-zero team defect normal Core
#14546 Open jpg image pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#14547 It occured when deleting a data layer which hasn't been modified. But there were modifications on other ones before in the same session. floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14549 Started JOSM, selected small area on west shore of Lake Michigan (one of the Great Lakes), exception was immediate. Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14553 RejectedExecutionException: MapillarySquareDownloadManagerThread.downloadSequence floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14559 IAE: Listener ... was not registered before or already removed. team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14560 CTRL+C/V - NOT worked team defect normal Core
#14561 crash at shutdown floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14563 RejectedExecutionException: DownloadOsmTask team defect normal Core
#14565 Unexpected exception when closing the application team defect normal Plugin print
#14575 bug lors de l'envoie des relations pour ligne de bus à Dakar team defect normal Plugin sds
#14580 scale adjustment of an imported .jpg picture layer from file pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#14581 IAE: ChannelDiGraphLayer is not managed by us joerg defect normal Plugin junctionchecking
#14583 Absturz beim Auswählen des zu ladenden Kartenausschnitts Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14584 bug lors de l'envoie des relations pour ligne de bus à Dakar team defect normal Plugin sds
#14585 bug lors de l'envoie des relations pour ligne de bus à Dakar team defect normal Plugin sds
#14586 Buildings plugin causing error team defect normal Core
#14587 Error message when loading data, probably to do with the tofix plugin Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14603 NPE in DownloadOsmTask: Remote fix-josm from Osmose gives error team defect normal Core
#14607 certificate exception - ZipException: error reading zip file 2 team defect normal Core
#14609 Error al cerrar JOSM team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14612 Second export from Osmose issue or Overpass Turbo Query to JOSM fails. team defect normal Core
#14614 Crush when try to load via ctrl-l team defect normal Core
#14617 crash on second overpass-request from website team defect normal Core
#14621 Unexpected exception occurred after I launched JOSM editor 11826. team defect normal Core
#14623 CCE: javax.json.JsonValue$1 cannot be cast to javax.json.JsonString Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#14624 wrong error message from validator team defect normal Core validator
#14625 RemoteControl Exception? team defect normal Core
#14626 Exception while using remote control to open relation team defect normal Core
#14628 Click in Osmose "fix-josm + direction = forward" causes problem team defect normal Core
#14629 OAuth Dialog conflicts with JOSM Updates team defect normal Core
#14630 Exception while clicking on coordinates from left side bottom corner team defect normal Core
#14631 IAE: Listener MapdustGUI was not registered before or already removed jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#14634 IllegalMonitorStateException - WalkThread floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14635 NPE in relation editor (WayConnectionTypeCalculator.makeLoopIfNeeded) team defect normal Core
#14637 While activating a backround image team defect normal Plugin imageryadjust
#14639 NPE at DetermineSdsModificationsUploadHook.checkUpload team defect normal Plugin sds
#14640 error al cerrar team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14643 Crash on launch team defect normal Core
#14647 Deadlock whilst using JOSM with Mapillary Plugin floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14648 Error reported after right-clicking team defect normal Core
#14656 Carsh on remote load team defect normal Core
#14657 Zoom Menu on Mac OS-X is not working when called with keyboard shortcuts team defect normal Core shortcuts
#14662 JOSM throws an exception if you load a second relation using remote control team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#14663 Can't open geojson created by JOSM itself team defect normal Core
#14675 after export from team defect normal Core
#14676 bug team defect normal Core
#14680 Plug-in kicks you out to bug report then starts on second initation. kolesar defect normal Plugin ImproveWay
#14681 Bug detected in editing session started form a web page team defect normal Core
#14682 CCE: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData team defect normal Core
#14684 Crash when downloading a relation team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#14689 JOSM Freeze due to Move Viewport Whilst ISP suffering Network Errors team defect normal Core
#14691 NPE at StopImporterDialog.setWaypointsTableModel roland.olbricht defect normal Plugin public_transport
#14695 fails to open browser when authenticating while attempting to upload using semi-automatic authentication miklcct@… defect normal Core
#14700 Downloading from Overpass Turbo causes exception team defect normal Core
#14702 Plugin loader prefers system installation instead of update team defect normal Core
#14707 Click on Osmose website team defect normal Core
#14712 Bug report by creating node from + on way team defect normal Core
#14713 DataIntegrityProblemException: Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation - while editing multiple relations team defect normal Core
#14716 Not working properly team defect normal Plugin imageryadjust
#14723 Error appear any button on JOSM even quit pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#14725 just press "jump to position" team defect normal Core
#14726 External links don't load team defect normal Core
#14727 Commandline circle throws error Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#14731 addres2 Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#14732 JOSM crashes when downloading map data team defect normal Core
#14735 umlaut InvalidPathException anonymous defect normal Core
#14739 hide unchanged objects team enhancement normal Core
#14752 JOSM frooze team defect normal Core
#14764 Freeze During Uplift (changeset post-processing phase) floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14768 freezes with "Postprocessing uploaded data" team defect normal Core
#14769 Error when set an imagery layer active team defect normal Core
#14777 NSME: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.ImageryLayer.setOffset Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#14780 Ao selecionar o Controle Remoto. team defect normal Core
#14781 Can't export shapes from Kapor plugin team defect normal Plugin freemapkapor
#14791 Mapillary layer creates exception team defect normal Core
#14798 IAE: Width (0) and height (0) must be non-zero (Fedora / cursors) team defect normal Core
#14803 Ошибка при загрузке с сервера базы GPS смещения Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#14808 Imagery DB plugin depends on wrong JOSM version Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#14816 IAE at floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14819 IllegalStateException: Dialog not created yet. Invoke createInstance() first team defect normal Core
#14820 Crash on program startup on Mac OS X gschaftlhuaba defect normal Core
#14822 IllegalStateException at DataSetCommandMerger.getMergeTarget Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#14824 NPE at WMTSTileSource.getTileSize team defect normal Core imagery
#14828 Opening picture as imagery layer which led to nullpointerException team defect normal Core
#14829 Unable to Switch Imagery Offset Off team defect normal Core imagery
#14836 I was connecting my OSM account to mapillary and using Josm the same time. team defect normal Core
#14837 I was cliquing on the green dot for activate mapillary's calque. team defect normal Core
#14839 Unexpected exception ocurred. team defect normal Core
#14844 NPE at JsonUserProfileDecoder.decodeUserProfile floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14845 I was working as usualy with several layers of aerial imagery and a layer of a cadastre map, and this error arose suddenly team defect normal Core
#14846 NPE in filter when data layer is not active team defect normal Core
#14851 tagInfo page import into JOSM failed team defect normal Core
#14857 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset (create multipolygon) team defect normal Core
#14860 Bug making imagery active layer team defect normal Core
#14878 JOSM should not download data into layers with upload=false team defect normal Core
#14883 Error by active image team defect normal Core
#14884 Error when set ImageLayer active to work team defect normal Core
#14885 Simplify way should pop up a slider to adjust distance team enhancement normal Core
#14888 NPE at SelectAction.getLastCommandInDataset team defect normal Core
#14897 Вылетает ошибка при использваонии инструмента Address2 Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#14900 manuel upload fail without any error display. upload on exit fail with this error team defect normal Core
#14910 Exception during upload team defect normal Core
#14912 Crashed while drawing a way. team defect normal Core
#14914 AIOOBE at RoutePatternAction.calcOffset roland.olbricht defect normal Plugin public_transport
#14915 Crash when opening GeoTIFF team defect normal Plugin importimage
#14918 Error while shut down JOSM team defect normal Core
#14919 Probablement une erreur de débutant. :-( team defect normal Core
#14920 cannot upload team defect normal Core
#14922 Shift R function change team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#14925 Pressing delete key when drawing polygon OSX team defect normal Core
#14927 utilsplugin2: Shift+R does not copy "last changed" tags team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#14928 Crash while deleting node team defect normal Core
#14932 attempts to upload then fails, previous to this error upload stops with a api failure and try again notice team defect normal Core
#14940 A bug in JOSM team defect normal Core
#14942 Just after clicking at the upload button JOSM did not respond; 5 mins later an out of memory message appeared. After clicking at upload button (2nd time) upload started and ended sucessfully. Panning the map afterwards made JOSM crash. team defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#14943 Exception Thrown at pressing ctrl z team defect normal Core
#14948 UnsatisfiedLinkError: no awt in java.library.path team defect normal Core
#14952 Warning message for non-square buildings team enhancement normal Core validator
#14953 Kapor plugin team defect normal Plugin freemapkapor
#14954 Traceback selecting a way outside of the downloaded area team defect normal Core
#14969 JOSM shows error when a new monitor is connected and xorg is switched to the new monitor team defect normal Core
#14975 Select multiple object team defect normal Core
#14976 can't load field papers data mojodna defect normal Plugin fieldpapers
#14984 erreur lors de la fusion de 3 zones contigues (building) team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#14985 Ошибка после первой загрузки данных Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14986 crash Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14988 NPE at dxfimport.DxfImportTask.realRun team defect normal Plugin DxfImport
#14993 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced team defect normal Core
#14999 the error message is “resource://data/projection/custom-epsg” the import flow failing team defect normal Core
#15001 open the resource “resource://data/projection/custom-epsg” import flow failing team defect normal Core
#15002 Copy tags from previous selection (shift+r) now has inconsistent behaviour team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#15014 JOSM crashed while doing a CS revert Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#15018 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset anonymous defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#15021 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#15028 pressed F4 team defect normal Core audio
#15031 NPE at SplittingTool$1.keyPressed Rub21 defect normal Plugin auto_tools
#15044 Detect highways with acute angles team enhancement normal Core validator
#15045 ! team defect normal Core
#15048 Bug team defect normal Core
#15049 Enable easy lifecycle prefix tagging team enhancement normal Core
#15061 UnsatisfiedLinkError: no awt in java.library.path team defect normal Core
#15063 Navigation toolbar for objects in GPX team enhancement normal Core
#15065 IllegalArgumentException: dayStart is not a valid day (0-6). Given value is -1 boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#15067 not updated team defect normal Core
#15069 Error dialog popped up as I was attempting to use the Fastdraw tool akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#15076 IAE: Relation is already deleted team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#15083 convert lines / note to route_ref darya enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#15087 NPE at SelectAction$VirtualManager.createMiddleNodeFromVirtual team defect normal Core
#15093 IllegalStateException: The layer has already been destroyed: MapdustLayer jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#15105 Ошибка валидатора mike140 defect normal Core validator
#15129 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#15130 IAE: "Length must be >= 0" at GlyphPainter2.getBoundedPosition team defect normal Core
#15132 All islands [landuse=*] inside [natural=water] mapped as multipolygon are considered as ERROR by JOSM validation: 'Coastline inside natural=water' team defect normal Core validator
#15137 DataIntegrityProblemException after purging objects team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#15140 Strg+Shift+P gives error team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#15144 Spurious errors "Coastline inside waterway=riverbank" team defect normal Core validator
#15153 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (macOS, 8u131) team defect normal Core imagery
#15156 Downloading using Overpass-API fails with error Message: "No data found in this region" OpenMapMax defect normal Core
#15161 NPE while merging overlaping ways team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#15179 unexpected exception occurred when trying to merge-overlap two ways. team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#15180 Tell user not to use oneway=-1 team enhancement normal Core
#15189 Unexpected Exception Occurred Zverikk defect normal Plugin geochat
#15190 open a ( gpx file manually (command line option) Zverikk defect normal Plugin geochat
#15191 NPE at JsonQueryUtil.queryAsync Zverikk defect normal Plugin geochat
#15202 NPE at StopImporterDialog.setWaypointsTableModel roland.olbricht defect normal Plugin public_transport
#15204 OsmDataLayer is not managed by us. Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#15214 IAE: Relation is already deleted Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#15215 after josm startup, when loading an osm file, i receive the error: an unexpected error occurred. jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15220 Download area too large messages from Mapillary plugin floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#15223 JOSM crashes when Virtual Box windows is resized team defect normal Core
#15234 Не отображаются загруженные данные jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15236 after josm startup, when loading an osm file, i receive the error: an unexpected error occurred. jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15245 Opening a prev version file (12545) immediately after updating to 12712 jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15247 New install, first attempt to use JOSM jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15251 Some deprecation warnings while compiling JOSM team defect normal Core
#15253 Fail creating new layer jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15258 Color Eyedropper on Simple 3D buildings team enhancement normal Core
#15265 First run after upgrade jBeata defect normal Plugin scoutsigns
#15266 error messsage jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15271 when downloading data from osm, i get this error jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15272 Error dialog after downloading data jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15276 Error when droping- GPX-file team defect normal Core
#15279 error occurs when gpx-files are opened - even older gpx-files are effected, which opened in the previous version of josm without any problems jBeata defect normal Plugin scoutsigns
#15280 Opening a local file OR downloading data from OSM with ImproveOSM plugin enabled results in an unexpected exception error. jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15284 enhancement: add holidays (PH) to the opening hours instead of reporting an error boman enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#15285 Bug notice appears when I open JOSM for first time each day jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15286 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#15287 IOOBE in ConflictCollection.get() (after revert + conflict) team defect normal Core
#15288 Got error dialog when downloading area to edit jBeata defect normal Plugin scoutsigns
#15289 bug error when starting JOSM jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15291 IAE: Comparison method violates its general contract! team defect normal Core
#15295 improveOSM plugin error jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15299 Programmierfehler team defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15300 Scroll page with cursor team defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#15306 Just errored while browsing around with a few imagery layers open team defect normal Core
#15317 Slipping map and downloading continuous error happens about every 3 hours. team defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#15322 Failed after downloading OSm data jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15323 If I plug in an external monitor while running JOSM, and JOSM crashes. team defect normal Core
#15328 Crash on Startup jBeata defect normal Plugin scoutsigns
#15329 As soon as i startup jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15336 Adding a (certain type of) barrier on a highway causes an unexpected exception team defect normal Core
#15339 Shift-r shortcut does not work as expected team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#15345 Add "Home location" as a button for the slippy map in download window team enhancement normal Core
#15351 JOSM crashed while regarding history of a way-element (Strg-H shortcut) team defect normal Core
#15352 Toggled out of full-screen in VirtualBox VM on Windows 10 host team defect normal Core
#15353 Error on display resolution change on Ubuntu team defect normal Core
#15354 Cannot exit after not resolving conflicts team defect normal Core
#15359 multipolygon creation moves tags regression team defect normal Core
#15377 error messsage jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15379 All i did was open JOSM, the from Chrome in OPenStreetMap, click on Edit > Edit in JOSM or Potlach jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#15381 crash on opening .osm file team defect normal Core
#15383 Josm does not start team defect normal Core
#15386 can't add new member to relation (multipolygon) Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#15392 Upload changes doesn't work since last update! team defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#15411 ОШИБКА В ВЕРСИИ 12921 team defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#15419 ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData team defect normal Core
#15421 turnrestrictions plugin reported an error when separating a building with terracer plugin team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#15422 Der Fehler trat auf nach dem Löschen der Datenebene, beim Versuch das Hintergrundbild zu verschieben team defect normal Core
#15426 ConcurrentModificationException in MapillaryWalkAction team defect normal Core
#15433 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Deleted member referenced" during Revert Changeset Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#15440 Absturz beim Beenden jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#15442 Reverter doesn't work. Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#15460 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#15461 ошибка во время расвязать конфликт team defect normal Core
#15465 AIOOBE at DrawableSegment.paint team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#15472 NPE at FilterMatcher.test team defect normal Core
#15473 Übernahme von Adressnode beim Building-Tool Upliner enhancement normal Plugin buildings_tools
#15485 ошибка при редактировании здания полиции team defect normal Core
#15486 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (1) team defect normal Core mappaint
#15491 Crash on align in line team defect normal Core
#15496 Need help to upload changed data to server team defect normal unspecified
#15499 Crased during uploud of cca 500 changes team defect normal Core
#15500 Customize stop error team defect normal Plugin CustomizePublicTransportStop
#15513 Allow the upload task to run in background team enhancement normal Core
#15518 IOOBE at ConflictCollection.get team defect normal Core
#15526 Exception in the shutdown of JOSM and fails to save changes team defect normal Core
#15542 deleting mapillary layer during download blocks interface jpietri defect normal Plugin mapillary
#15548 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/MimetypesFileTypeMap Gubaer defect normal Plugin scripting
#15553 Encountered bug message while using History team defect normal Core
#15555 RejectedExecutionException: FutureTask rejected from ProgressMonitorExecutor team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#15559 overpass turbo query crash team defect normal Core
#15564 Bug with align segment team defect normal Core
#15565 There was a problem to set two routes in a straight line with the command "L" team defect normal Core
#15579 NPE at VersionInfoPanel.lambda$build$0 team defect normal Core
#15581 NPE at turnlanestagging.LaunchAction.isRoad Rub21 defect normal Plugin turnlanes-tagging
#15583 Join areas internal error team defect normal Core
#15592 Programmierfehler pic layer team defect normal Core
#15594 JOSM crashes after uploading a changeset to OSM. team defect normal Core
#15602 overpass turbo query wizard crash team defect normal Core
#15603 Key "l" to straigthn line team defect normal Core
#15607 NoSuchFieldError: map at OSMObjInfotDialog.<init> Rub21 defect normal Plugin osm-obj-info
#15608 Error in new version Rub21 defect normal Plugin osm-obj-info
#15612 Plugin ImproveWayAccuracy crash with latest JOSM kolesar defect normal Plugin ImproveWay
#15614 Drop office=administrative preset and add validator warning team enhancement normal Internal preset
#15615 Show offset in the layer list team enhancement normal Core imagery
#15617 Luftbild Bayern 80cm team defect normal Core imagery
#15621 josm dumps when framebuffer size changes team defect normal Core
#15632 Error on downloading data (plugin Mapillary) floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#15636 exception in mapillary floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#15638 Mapillary plugin – IllegalArgumentException: No icon provided floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#15655 Maps description quoting i18n problem team defect normal External imagery source
#15658 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) team defect normal Core mappaint
#15672 Buttons always dissabled in the FixAddresses standalone window OliverW defect normal Plugin fixaddresses
#15679 IAE: Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) team defect normal Core
#15681 Unable to merge two closed ways with merge-overlap team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#15684 Mapillary plugin stops working floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#15685 уккщк team defect normal Core
#15686 Crashreport for mapillary-plugin appears after downloading a new area. floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#15687 Titles for filters team enhancement normal Core
#15715 crash when using "assistant overpass api" team defect normal Core
#15727 Bug Report team defect normal Core
#15728 Bug team defect normal Core
#15729 Bug team defect normal Core
#15735 Timeout when I load data from OSM JSeigneuret defect normal Core
#15739 IAE: Parameter 'member' must not be null team defect normal Core
#15741 disused:building and disused:landuse team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#15745 does not open any files, .osm and .jpeg team defect normal Core
#15758 Bug Report team defect normal Core
#15759 Bug Report team defect normal Core
#15762 Indoor Mapping Helper use the translated word in tags rebsc defect normal Plugin ​indoorhelper
#15763 DataIntegrityProblemException at PTAssistantPaintVisitor.drawStopLabel Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#15764 NoSuchElementException at CreateStopAreaFromSelectedObjectOperation.performCustomizing team defect normal Plugin CustomizePublicTransportStop
#15781 Error when switching out/in of full screen in VirtualBox on Win10 host team defect normal Core
#15790 crash and history say "move 2 nodes" with only one node in the layer team defect normal Core
#15791 Bug Report team defect normal Core
#15792 Bug Report team defect normal Core mappaint
#15793 Bug Report team defect normal Core mappaint
#15794 Bugs Everywhere team defect normal Core mappaint
#15795 Bug team defect normal Core mappaint
#15796 bug team defect normal Core mappaint
#15797 bug team defect normal Core mappaint
#15806 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#15814 Allow caching imagery by bounding box team enhancement normal Core imagery
#15819 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (1) team defect normal Core mappaint
#15822 Crashed after a lot of dialogs were open Upliner enhancement normal Plugin reverter
#15823 errors team defect normal Core
#15840 Exception on Zoom with Unresolved Conflicts team defect normal Core
#15841 IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location team defect normal Core
#15845 AIOOBE: Coordinate out of bounds! team defect normal Core mappaint
#15855 Crashed while trying to move imagery (not sure if that is the cause, but this is the second time it crashed within the day) team defect normal Core imagery
#15858 "Use address node under buildings" should give the option to retain history by keeping the address node Upliner enhancement normal Plugin buildings_tools
#15861 Crash when pressing s while "new offset" is active team defect normal Core imagery
#15865 NPE at MergeOverlapAction.combineWaysWorker team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#15867 Adjust imagery offset > Coordinates window not showing team defect normal Core
#15873 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Coordinate out of bounds! at AreaElement.create team defect normal Core mappaint
#15875 AIOOBE: Coordinate out of bounds at gui.mappaint.styleelement.AreaElement.create team defect normal Core mappaint
#15876 IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location rklmwf@… defect normal Core
#15879 Incorrect changeset comment being uploaded team defect normal Core
#15881 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#15884 Exception is thrown when trying to draw buildings team defect normal Core
#15890 in upload window, when click on Tags of new changeset, an unexpected exception occurred team defect normal Core
#15892 in upload window, when click on Tags of new changeset, an unexpected exception occurred team defect normal Core
#15895 offset bug team defect normal Core imagery
#15896 offet then clicked node marker team defect normal Core imagery
#15904 Pasting a stop sign results in a crash team defect normal Core Webstart
#15908 Error en JOSM team defect normal Core imagery
#15909 SecurityException: Can not verify security pack jar team defect normal Core Webstart
#15912 Allow adjusting Download bounding box before committing team enhancement normal JMapViewer
#15920 Allow grabbing the whole multicolored circle of points 1, 2, and 3 Larry0ua enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#15922 Have pointer change shape when over the center of points 1, 2, and 3 Larry0ua enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#15935 JOSM asked me to create a Bug Report team defect normal Core
#15938 Images distorted in Help Browser team defect normal Core
#15956 plantage team defect normal Core
#15959 JOSM Startet mit Fehler team defect normal Core
#15960 Error shrtly after launcing josm team defect normal Core Webstart
#15971 exception occured after upload complete team defect normal Core
#15972 JOSM crushed right after uploading data team defect normal Core
#15977 ClassNotFoundException: team defect normal Core
#15986 Help Browser crashes on OSM Main_Page team defect normal Core
#15990 in upload window, when click on Tags of new changeset, an unexpected exception occurred team defect normal Core
#15993 unclear error message team enhancement normal Core validator
#15995 It is first launch of josm-tested.jar with keywords: -d64 -Xmx8192M . Both JAVA 32 @ 64bit installed. 32GB RAM team defect normal Core
#15996 JRE with illegal Style file content encoding team defect normal Core
#15997 Error al iniciar el programa recientemente descargado team defect normal Core
#15999 coding error after updating JOSM team defect normal Core
#16001 Crash after resume after suspend to RAM team defect normal Core
#16003 Clicking to see a new message report doesn't trigger any action team defect normal Core
#16011 I pushed S, then tried to select a feature, but JOSM generated an error team defect normal Core imagery
#16013 After start up began mapping, did offset and then pressed B to start mapping buildings and error came up. team defect normal Core
#16020 The Help did not want to open the submenu team defect normal Core
#16022 Multiple (about 10) error messages after upload the small changeset team defect normal Core
#16024 impossible d'écouter fichier audio 3gp team defect normal Core audio
#16025 impossible to listen an audio note (.3gp) from osmand team defect normal Core
#16027 ? team defect normal Core
#16028 Josm startet bei mir nicht mehr team defect normal Core
#16035 unknown team defect normal Core
#16036 Расвязание конфликтов падает в мороз прога team defect normal Core
#16037 "An unexpected exception occurred. This is always a coding error. If you are running the latest version of JOSM, please consider being kind and file a bug report." team defect normal Core
#16040 Exception while downloading OSM map team defect normal Core
#16041 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive cannot be modified in read-only dataset team defect normal Core
#16049 Error without actual effect. team defect normal Core
#16056 GUI should show the Source Layer of the Geoimage window team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#16057 Error screeen with the .jnlp, but not with the .jar team defect normal Core Webstart
#16058 Error dialog when switching to map settings tab team defect normal Core
#16059 Crash after trying to add attribute to a new point team defect normal Core
#16063 Unexpected exception when loading custom imagery team defect normal Core imagery
#16065 Upload team defect normal Core
#16068 error window appearing at JOSM start team defect normal Core
#16070 JOSM encounters bug when pasting from clipboard team defect normal Core
#16071 Crash after adding 2 stop signs team defect normal Core
#16079 crash on copy relation team defect normal Core
#16083 Kopieren einer Relation team defect normal Core
#16086 ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData team defect normal Core
#16087 I was editing and went to add imagery for a more detailed look and the error popped up right after I clicked the imagery I was going to use. team defect normal Core
#16089 Crash when loading Bing background image team defect normal Core
#16090 Bing imaginary fails team defect normal Core
#16091 SecurityException after start team defect normal Core Webstart
#16095 Bug report while undoing team defect normal Core
#16099 can't copie a relation team defect normal Core
#16105 Adding a stop sign results in a permissions problem getting team defect normal Core
#16111 JOSM Crashes After Pressing CTRL+C team defect normal Core
#16113 Bug warning appeared on start-up of JOSM. Windows XP Home. Firefox ESR 52.7.0 but updated after. team defect normal Core
#16114 When i push the button to copy relation error window is appear team defect normal Core
#16116 eurreur from duplicate incomplete relation team defect normal Core
#16117 Funktionier eigentlich weiter team defect normal Core
#16121 Add man_made=mast team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16124 error when loading an .osm file team defect normal Core
#16125 open an hiking relation, wants to make a copy of it, then it crashes team defect normal Core
#16126 Trying to resolve a conflict team defect normal Core
#16130 bad bug team defect normal Core
#16131 When added the name of the street team defect normal Core
#16134 An error occurs when uploading. team defect normal Core
#16136 Add filter box to imagery list team enhancement normal Core imagery
#16144 Ошибка при отправке данных. Данные при этом отправляются. team defect normal Core
#16150 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) team defect normal Core mappaint
#16152 occurs often when i want to upload changeset and click on a tab in the upload-window to view changeset-details team defect normal Core
#16154 Applying Preset at Edit relation window fails team defect normal Core
#16160 program crashes while editing the opening_hours of a shop that is part of relation "6.329.004" team defect normal Core
#16168 unexpected error when editing relation team defect normal Core
#16179 Box of Offset disappear team defect normal Core
#16185 IAE: Comparison method violates its general contract! OliverW defect normal Plugin fixaddresses
#16187 Editing address of multi-polygon building team defect normal Core
#16195 error after uploading team defect normal Core
#16196 zoom in photo of mapping team defect normal Core
#16197 Bug report team defect normal Core
#16198 Ошибка на вкладке "настройка слоев" team defect normal Core
#16200 Trying making a route=hiking relation! team defect normal Core
#16210 Error QuickLabel jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#16216 some error team defect normal Core
#16218 Image offset does not turn off after activation. team defect normal Core imagery
#16223 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Deleted node referenced" when resolving conflict to my version team defect normal Core
#16225 Unexpected error during maping team defect normal Core
#16232 don't save modificate relation team defect normal Core
#16239 Change screen resolution without first closing josm Josm abends team defect normal Core
#16241 Error Kubuntu 18.04 64bit: "Error initializing test ApiCapabilitiesTest" team defect normal Core
#16244 Windows shortcut images EXIF data is not read maarten defect normal Core
#16245 IAE: Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) team defect normal Core
#16246 IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location team defect normal Core
#16250 I was about to upload my changes, but changed my ming and pressed Esc team defect normal Core
#16251 Zooming and panning slows down on at lower zoom levels with if a lot of data is loaded team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#16252 Reported crash while changing tags in the relation editor team defect normal Core
#16266 CCE: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData team defect normal Core
#16271 Crash when canceling upload dialog box. team defect normal Core
#16278 An error is displayed at any time jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#16279 An error is displayed at any time jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#16285 Fehlermeldung Gebäude im rechten Winkel team defect normal Core validator
#16286 Fehlermeldung Gebäude im rechten Winkel team defect normal Core validator
#16291 BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to XRSurfaceData team defect normal Core
#16296 Just moved a node with TMS in the background team defect normal Core imagery
#16297 Make presets support colors team enhancement normal Core
#16303 Unexpected exception team defect normal Core imagery
#16306 Crash on enabling mapdust layer jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#16309 unreadable text team defect normal Core
#16317 Download object=Relation solved team defect normal Core
#16332 validation buildings team defect normal Core validator
#16336 DataIntegrityProblemException while trying to merge overlapping areas ( shift + j) team defect normal Core
#16338 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#16341 broken link team defect normal Core
#16349 Error when entering a directory containing a file with a non-ASCII character in its name pdm@… defect normal Core
#16352 IAE: dayStart is not a valid day (0-6). Given value is -1 boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#16375 Support for search hints in presets team enhancement normal Core
#16384 Can't add imagery layers from Luxembourg's wms_endpoint imagery entry team defect normal Core imagery
#16387 "DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset" upon selecting 'Duplicated relations' validation error team defect normal Core validator
#16393 Cannot make an autosave file because of charset team defect normal Core
#16397 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Core
#16398 JOSM compatible with java 8 only? Not 8+? team defect normal Core
#16399 problème à l'ouverture de josm, Ubunt Oneiric, 13878 team defect normal Core
#16403 Cannot enter values in "add value?" box maarten defect normal Core
#16422 Incorrect rendering of one-way roads with cycleway=* and oneway:bicycle=no team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#16426 ConcurrentModificationException while viewing Mapillary objects floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#16435 Continous Download Plugin/Addon is only compatible with newest "latest" version not "testet" team defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#16446 Don't show useless warning about unfullfilled plugin dependencies at startup team defect normal Core
#16457 IAE: object is already deleted team defect normal Core
#16460 Reorder Imagery Layers Hot key not working team defect normal Core
#16473 Exception when typing in Hindi contrapunctus defect normal Core
#16476 In the relation list, show easier-to-distinguish relation names team enhancement normal Core
#16479 continuity line in Relation Editor for sub relations team enhancement normal Core
#16488 the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty team defect normal Core
#16507 problem while uploading Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16518 can't upload on josm or id editor :( team defect normal Core
#16520 Unable to upload data and restart team defect normal Core
#16529 test ApiCapabilitiesTest error anonymous defect normal Core
#16532 Preferences-dialog: Icon sizes team defect normal Core
#16537 The Overpass query wizard should recurse up team enhancement normal Core
#16538 tiles pierre.mariemont@… defect normal Core
#16552 error : loading tiles of openstreetmap belgium team defect normal Core
#16555 Gpx data layer to gpx: no timestamp exported team defect normal Core
#16563 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#16565 Support notes in osmChange (osc) files created by OsmAnd team enhancement normal Core notes
#16574 Drag and drop GPX team defect normal Core
#16579 GPX-tracks: nodes not deleted when line is removed team defect normal Core
#16585 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset - MendRelationAction Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16587 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset - MendRelationAction Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16599 IOOBE at relation.MemberTableModel.getValueAt Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16600 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset - MendRelationAction Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16604 MapCSS Colors modification should not require JOSM restart team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#16606 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset - MendRelationAction Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16608 IOOBE at relation.MemberTableModel.getValueAt Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16610 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset - MendRelationAction Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16612 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset - MendRelationAction Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16619 opendata plugin not working paulina.seromik@… defect normal Plugin opendata
#16625 Plugins Problem Zverikk task normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16626 Plugins Problems Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16627 When i try to open any imagery in Josm software say that 'An unexxpected exception occurred'. Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16631 No puedo actualizar el plugin para descargar imágenes. Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16632 RejectedExecutionException: PlaceSelection$NameQueryTask rejected from ProgressMonitorExecutor team defect normal Core
#16634 Impossible to load imagery Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16636 Tried to switch on Background aerial image via menu command Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16638 AWTError: Assistive Technology not found: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper team defect normal Core
#16639 JosmRuntimeException: Reindexing way failed to remove team defect normal Core
#16640 ClassNotFoundException: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView$LayerChangeListener Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#16642 Satellite image no longer loads. Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16643 ClassNotFoundException: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView$LayerChangeListener Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#16644 josm will not load imagery, it lists imagery and other plugins and says it did not find their info yet however it is up to date with all the downloaded plugins. Zverikk defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#16645 Imagery Offset DB: NoSuchMethodError: team defect normal Core
#16647 at josm starting after plugins update Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#16648 error occures loading background maps team defect normal Core
#16650 Unable to open aerials team defect normal Core
#16653 Error after installing current version team defect normal Core
#16659 Won't load xml tracks team defect normal Core
#16661 IOOBE at relation.MemberTableModel.getValueAt Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16662 Unstable josm acaiusa@… defect normal Core
#16664 IAE: Listener StreetsideViewerDialog was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin streetside
#16665 ClassNotFoundException: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper team defect normal Core
#16668 ClassNotFoundException: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper team defect normal Core
#16670 IAE: Attempted to add listener that was already in list: JunctionCheckerMapMode joerg defect normal Plugin junctionchecking
#16672 ClassNotFoundException: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper team defect normal Core
#16673 ClassNotFoundException: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper team defect normal Core
#16675 NPE at TransferFilter.filterRGB Nipel-Crumple defect normal Plugin rasterfilters
#16677 crash on lunch team defect normal Core
#16678 JOSM start-up crash report team defect normal Core
#16689 JOSM freezing kido defect normal Core
#16692 IOOBE at relation.MemberTableModel.getValueAt Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16694 Filename with unmappable characters cause exception with File -> Save a .gpx when displaying the directory team defect normal Core
#16715 Should warn when unable to download parent ways/relations team enhancement normal Core
#16720 crashed after quitting a too large download that downloaded sth nonetheless and trying to open a file then team defect normal Core
#16735 DataIntegrityProblemException: Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation team defect normal Core
#16741 NPE at team defect normal Core
#16742 NPE upon save/upload team defect normal Core
#16754 sort by name menu in the Todo list Gnonthgol enhancement normal Plugin todo
#16768 JOSM loses keyboard bhil@… defect normal Core
#16770 tried starting CADTools plugin, said it couldn't find it team defect normal Plugin cadtools
#16773 ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData team defect normal Core
#16777 When uploading Mapillary images, IllegalArgumentException "The sequence contains downloaded images." jpietri defect normal Plugin mapillary
#16790 Destination folder team defect normal Installer Windows
#16791 Unstoppable download team defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#16799 Unchecked time causes crash boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#16807 Error when pressing Esc in Upload Dialog team defect normal Core
#16812 Editing opening hours boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#16822 JOSM crashes when saving a gpx track Luiyo defect normal Core
#16823 opening osc-file form OsmAnd crached anonymous defect normal Core
#16829 JOSM crashes when saving a gpx track team defect normal Core
#16830 error by saving of file team defect normal Core
#16849 Draw cursor creates node with offset to its center team defect normal Core
#16884 Overlapping Identical Landuses not detected with multipolygon relations team defect normal Core validator
#16886 opendata depends on outdated Java EE modules Don-vip defect normal Plugin opendata
#16892 Download map notes team enhancement normal Plugin continuosDownload
#16896 Rotate entire view team enhancement normal Core
#16903 "Click to remove offset" button deletes saved layer offset team enhancement normal Core imagery
#16913 I was combining two ways into one, when the error message came up team defect normal Core
#16929 Can't import data from Cadastre-fr pluging team defect normal Core
#16931 Slow/laggy panning with a lot of data team enhancement normal Core
#16936 Crash when clicking Routing Helper Button in Relation Creation Dialog Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16953 Token confirmation window instant disappearing team defect normal Core
#16955 Error when using WMS backgrounds anonymous defect normal Core imagery
#16962 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Deleted node referenced" when trying to conflate multiple polygons Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#16969 Remove preset "office / administrative" team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16970 GPS tracks shows distortion team defect normal Core
#16979 An unexpected exception occurred: 'show tags with multiple values only' team defect normal Core
#16980 JOSM not saving the position of right side pannels (Windows7) team defect normal Core
#16986 Gps traces glitched team defect normal Core
#16996 Spurious raw gps data in JOSM team defect normal Core
#16997 Josm dans ubuntu 18.04 team defect normal Ubuntu package
#17002 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#17004 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#17015 Allow to choose multiple tags while solving a conflict team enhancement normal Core
#17023 GPS Linien verzerrt team defect normal Core
#17031 indoorhelper and geotools plugins do not update in my JOSM team defect normal Core
#17033 consider supporting healthcare=hospital tag team enhancement normal Core
#17042 IAE: Node is already deleted - Cannot delete building team defect normal Core
#17045 ClassNotFoundException: javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel vodryc defect normal Plugin MicrosoftStreetside
#17059 Problems with unit tests on Windows 10 + jdk 1.8.0_191 team defect normal Unit tests
#17066 NullPointerException upon exit team defect normal Core
#17070 AssertionError ReplaceGeometry team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#17079 Show Imagery Offset in Layer Pane team enhancement normal Core imagery
#17080 Possible IM-related bug team defect normal Core
#17093 EPSG3031 Antarctica Polar Projection display problem team defect normal Core
#17105 IAE: Listener TracerAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin tracer
#17106 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u171) team defect normal Core
#17122 Unexpected exception on switching tabs of "upload" dialog team defect normal Core
#17123 DataIntegrityProblemException while solving conflict team defect normal Core
#17135 natural=wood on an unclosed way team defect normal Core
#17139 Opening_hours validation dialog window too wide team defect normal Core
#17142 Messagebox "unexpected exception occured" at launch team defect normal Core
#17144 Include zoo type in presets team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17150 Bug when trying to save team defect normal Core
#17165 crash when creating relation team defect normal Core
#17166 Unexpected exception team defect normal Core
#17171 [PATCH] update preset wiki languages team enhancement normal 19.01 Internal preset
#17195 User Input freezes after JOSM loses focus (OSX) team defect normal Core
#17203 IAE: relation is already deleted team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#17205 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Primitive must be part of the dataset" preventing upload after conflict team defect normal Core
#17208 Jump to relation member in history viewer team enhancement normal Core
#17210 unable to open PBF file team defect normal Core
#17232 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#17236 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced team defect normal Core
#17245 After the installation of ElevationProfile-plugin the error occured OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#17248 Keyboard Shortcut Zoom In and Zoom Out don't work on MacOS team defect normal Core shortcuts
#17251 Crashes on upload team defect normal Core
#17259 NPE at ElevationProfile.visitWayPoint OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#17283 ClassNotFoundException: org.geojson.GeoJsonObject Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#17289 OsmTransferCanceledException: Operation canceled team defect normal Core
#17290 error while reverting (seems any) changeset (eg cs 66873690) or even when undelete any object by object-id team defect normal Core
#17304 NPE at WayConnectionTypeCalculator.makeLoopIfNeeded team defect normal Core
#17306 ClassNotFoundException: org.geojson.GeoJsonObject Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#17315 pbf plugin cannot read pbf-files written by the same plugin osm@… defect normal Plugin pbf
#17318 IllegalStateException: "Recursive update" when opening a GPX file recorded with OSM Tracker anonymous defect normal Core
#17319 ClassNotFoundException: org.geojson.GeoJsonObject Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#17321 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#17335 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#17337 keine ahnung erschien einfach team defect normal Plugin tofix
#17347 IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location team defect normal Core
#17351 failed to remove primitive: Relation team defect normal Core
#17352 Plugin elevation profile causes crash when downloading gps data from osm server OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#17355 IllegalStateException: "Missing merge target of type node with id 1 802 869 919" Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#17357 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Plugin terracer
#17372 JsonException: Cannot auto-detect encoding, not enough chars floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#17374 Wrong internal validation rule team defect normal Core validator
#17384 Not able to submit changeset with JOSM Mapillary-plugin floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#17385 Check source:maxspeed combined with maxpeed value team enhancement normal Core validator
#17387 NegativeArraySizeException at ImageWarp.warp team defect normal Core
#17396 I used "mark as done" in TODO plugin during background upload. Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#17409 Problem of JOSM 14824 with Elevation-Plugin OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#17413 JOSM reported a bug when opening a gpx file team defect normal Core
#17417 Cryptic Error Message. No Instructions for Resolution team defect normal Core
#17430 Add shop=massage team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17433 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#17436 Possibility to customize autofilters team enhancement normal Core
#17439 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#17446 Error in German translation for cycleway=track team defect normal Core
#17461 JOSM plug-in cadastre-fr Don-vip defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#17467 French imageries disappeared (BDOrtho IGN, Cadastre) team defect normal Core
#17476 man_made=silo + name=Silo descriptive name team enhancement normal Core validator
#17508 Fail to save file cemhardt@… defect normal Core
#17513 DataIntegrityProblemException: Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation team defect normal Core
#17537 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u201) harneetcoolit@… defect normal Core
#17538 sport rowing is missing team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17550 MarkSeen plugin caused app to become unresponsive team defect normal Core
#17560 Display issue with downloaded raw GPS data team enhancement normal Core
#17571 Ctrl-Z team defect normal Core
#17577 utilsplugin2 sometimes causes a crash when trying to save a preference team defect normal Plugin
#17590 Detect missing oneway:bicycle team enhancement normal Core validator
#17597 ImportImagePlugin crashes when opening directory with non-ASCII characters anonymous defect normal Plugin importimage
#17605 ClassNotFoundException: org.geojson.GeoJsonObject Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#17624 Ctrl-Z While editing a way (w) team defect normal Core
#17627 ClassNotFoundException: org.geojson.GeoJsonObject Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#17628 Start screen says "Strange version - You should update" team defect normal Core
#17636 JOSM crashes after select two elements in a json layer team defect normal Core
#17637 Improve resolution of length measurement team enhancement normal Core
#17641 NPE at JFileChooser.showSaveDialog team defect normal Core
#17657 Conflict resolution (of about the 10th or 12th of 100 nodes) during revert changeset 69628483 team defect normal Core
#17658 NPE: "Failed to retrieve atom name" team defect normal Core
#17703 Error opening session and not all layers are restored team defect normal Core imagery
#17712 office=administrative => deprecated team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17725 JsonException: Cannot auto-detect encoding, not enough chars floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#17734 JAXB not found with Java 11 when loading a TCX file team defect normal Plugin dataimport
#17735 IAE: Relation is already deleted (Deleting a boundary relation) team defect normal Core
#17747 Doesn't open a new Layer Larry0ua defect normal Plugin piclayer
#17756 Модуль PicLayer при добавлении файла *.png как подложки, выдает неизвестную ошибку. Larry0ua defect normal Plugin piclayer
#17766 Attribution not loaded yet team defect normal Core imagery
#17775 JOSM crashing when trying to load picture via PicLayer Plugin Larry0ua defect normal Plugin piclayer
#17776 Also support nodes (download data in radius around nodes) team enhancement normal Core
#17806 Update embassy in defaultpresets.xml team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17839 NoClassDefFoundError: javax/script/ScriptEngineFactory team defect normal Core Webstart
#17840 El programa no carga el plugin Scripting team defect normal Core
#17847 Erroneous error message for wikipedia tag josm@… defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#17855 IAE: Listener buildings_tools.DrawBuildingAction was not registered before or already removed Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#17857 Partial download from Overpass changes the area of complete data team defect normal Core
#17889 IOOBE at MemberTableModel.getSelectedMembers Don-vip defect normal Core
#17890 IOOBE at MemberTableModel.getSelectedMembers team defect normal Core
#17892 IOOBE at MemberTableModel.getValue (move up last relation member) team defect normal Core
#17893 OOB, related to #17889 team defect normal Core
#17896 IOOBE at MemberTableModel.getSelectedMembers team defect normal Core
#17897 relation editor: sorting and directions with forward/backward not working properly. team defect normal Core
#17902 IOOBE at MemberTableModel.getSelectedMembers team defect normal Core
#17909 Moving two or more relation members down results in re-arragment team defect normal Core
#17913 IAE: Invalid number of points in LinearRing (found 3 - must be 0 or >= 4) Tyndare defect normal Plugin jts
#17923 support for phone numbers team enhancement normal Core validator
#17937 github bridge broken simon04 defect normal Git mirror
#17942 "Remove all members referring to one of the selected objects in the current data set " button team defect normal Core
#17951 NoSuchElementException at MergeOverlapAction.actionPerformed team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#17960 Extend access preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17963 (large/partly transparent) image causes piclayer to throw an exception tstelmach defect normal Plugin piclayer
#17964 One member relation from Osmose rules is wrong team defect normal External rule
#17966 Plantage en cas d'utilisation simultanée des calques mapbox-building et cadastre-FR team defect normal Core imagery
#17968 offset "bookmark" will be reset by clicking on button "remove offset" iman defect normal Core
#17969 "Join areas internal error" : polygon cannot merge itself at overlapping areas team defect normal Core
#17974 ConcurrentModificationException at sun.java2d.cmm.ProfileDeferralMgr.activateProfiles team defect normal Core imagery
#17985 NPE: name at surveyor.ButtonDescription.createComponent team defect normal Plugin surveyor
#17993 Reverter crashes Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#18004 Validator error on all wikipedia tag s floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#18005 IAE: 2 > 1 at AbstractTileSourceLayer$DeepTileSet.<init> team defect normal Core imagery
#18011 IOOBE at MemberTableModel.getSelectedMembers team defect normal Core
#18025 Error using Wikipedia plugin floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#18027 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#18028 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#18030 Erreur de codage survenue lors de création d'une nouvelle relation team defect normal Core
#18041 NPE at MendRelationAction.findNextWay Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#18044 IOOBE on removing multiple relation members at once (RemoveSelectedAction) Don-vip defect normal Core
#18045 To save/load overpass queries to/from osm account/local josm pathways deuzeffe enhancement normal Core
#18046 IOException: The Wikidata Action API reported an invalid query floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#18049 Keep note comment historic and reuse team enhancement normal Core notes
#18069 NPE at SelectBoundaryAction.actionPerformed team defect normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#18071 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#18080 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#18084 Split way: No warning about outside download area team defect normal Core
#18086 Editing relations on map and relation pannel at the same time team defect normal Core
#18096 ClassCastException with Java 9 team defect normal Core
#18108 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced team defect normal Core
#18109 ConcurrentModificationException at mapillary.gui.layer.MapObjectLayer.paint jpietri defect normal Plugin mapillary
#18129 Add historic=fort team enhancement normal Internal preset
#18156 When drawing nodes JOSM keeps zooming on every click Jan Málek defect normal Core
#18157 Conflicting wikipedia tags validation/check floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#18158 RejectedExecutionException at QuadTreeMeta$MarkBoundsSeenRequest ris defect normal Plugin markseen
#18159 IllegalComponentStateException when opening changeset tab in upload window team defect normal Core
#18167 ClassCastException: QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#18169 Repeated error with the wikipedia plugin when adding Wiki tags (under Linux and Windows) floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#18175 NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/JavaVersion when loading shapefile anonymous defect normal Plugin opendata
#18177 Please add facebook to contact: presets team enhancement normal Internal preset
#18180 opendata still in error after apache-commons Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#18181 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#18184 Custom imagery in JOSM does not display above zoom 22 and can crash with "a unexpected exception occurred" team defect normal Core imagery
#18186 Offer "Use OpenStreetMap website style mouse bindings for dragging the map" preference team enhancement normal Core
#18191 Update Data reports issues but doesn't sync from server team defect normal Core
#18208 Opening hours validator failed if "SH off" is used team defect normal Core validator
#18239 Panning camera when adding nodes is bad UX team enhancement normal Core
#18241 High CPU Usage baptiste.millemathias@… defect normal Core
#18244 No warning on closing unsaved edits in layers with upload=never flag team defect normal Core
#18268 IllegalStateException: Missing merge target when using reverter plugin austinzhu666@… defect normal Plugin reverter
#18269 n/a team defect normal Core imagery
#18278 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced team defect normal Core
#18281 Validator error message for tag opening_hours with SH team defect normal Core validator
#18288 InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters team defect normal Core
#18291 CCE: QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#18304 IllegalStateException: Missing merge target for node Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#18307 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u201) team defect normal Core
#18317 NPE at UpdateThread.lambda$updateUI jBeata defect normal Plugin ImproveOsm
#18321 Unable to insert text in input boxes pangoSE defect normal Core
#18330 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#18342 CCE: QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#18345 Missing ability to cancel an ongoing action team defect normal Core
#18348 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#18354 CCE: QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#18400 Incorrect asking for "missing" water tag team defect normal Core validator
#18407 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException team defect normal Core imagery
#18419 Moving node can change information about download area skyper defect normal Core
#18423 show presets shop=art and tourism=museum when searching for "gallery" team enhancement normal Core
#18427 JOSM consume 100% CPU for no apprent reason team defect normal Plugin http2
#18432 Stars on the background in JOSM team defect normal Core
#18435 CAD Tools : from irregular polygon to regular polygon - Crash after CTRL+Z Anamaria.Rotariu defect normal Plugin cadtools
#18437 ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.Time jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#18439 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException team defect normal Core imagery
#18442 ConcurrentModificationException at JCSCachedTileLoaderJob.finishLoading team defect normal Core imagery
#18448 InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters team defect normal Core
#18450 Unexpected exception when opening GPX directly from Android phone team defect normal Core
#18465 NPE at java.awt.color.ICC_Profile.activateDeferredProfile team defect normal Core imagery
#18467 NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Time jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#18470 Bug report team defect normal Core
#18473 Remove Maxar from aerial image list team defect normal External imagery source
#18474 Surveyor plugin in a low memory environment leads to unhandled exception team defect normal Plugin surveyor
#18478 ConcurrentModificationException at JCSCachedTileLoaderJob.finishLoading team defect normal Core imagery
#18489 IAE: node is already deleted (DeleteAction) - Conflicts crash JOSM Wulfmorn defect normal Core
#18496 JOSM is unusable because text is too small anonymous defect normal Core
#18498 Unable to join areas and ways when some nodes are outside downloaded area team defect normal Core
#18499 Saved overpass queries team defect normal Core
#18500 NPE at JoinAreasAction.joinOrientedWays team defect normal Core
#18506 Combine ways no longer active team defect normal Core
#18512 FastDraw throws exception akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#18516 Не загружаются слои от "Maxar"!!! team defect normal Core
#18529 NPE at ICC_Profile.intFromBigEndian team defect normal Core imagery
#18547 Search term is empty team defect normal Core
#18548 JOSM top menu, mainly Imagery layer is very slow team defect normal Core imagery
#18560 IllegalStateException: deleting the conflation layer Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#18570 MapWithAI crashing taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#18575 Error when splitting polygon team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#18587 Solve all the conflicts densyakun1128@… enhancement normal Core
#18589 Show wikimedia_commons as GeoImageLayer floscher enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#18600 IAE: Node is already deleted (ContourMergeMode) Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#18609 Show same/similar (exception) info message once per run, only team enhancement normal Core validator
#18617 Move node to way - distance problem pangoSE defect normal Core
#18618 JOSM throws error on startup, continues to show splash screen but does not proceed to edit window team defect normal Core
#18621 При попытке выделить больше 5 way линий в слое mapwithai выбивает ошибку taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#18626 Same rendering for oneway:bicycle=yes as cycleway=opposite team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#18630 NPE at MapillaryImageDisplay.paintImage taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#18634 JOSM encountered a bug taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#18636 Deformed Upload Window team defect normal Core
#18655 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced (contour_merge) Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#18660 Ich habe die Schnauze (sorry) voll von der schlechten Programmierung der macOS-App team enhancement normal Installer MacOS
#18676 IllegalArgumentException node is already deleted at org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand.executeCommand (JOSM crashed during conflict clearance) team defect normal Core
#18681 IAE: Parameter 'data' must not be null team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#18686 IAE: Listener buildings_tools.DrawBuildingAction was not registered before or already removed anonymous defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#18688 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#18689 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation" during save/conflict of relation team defect normal Core
#18695 Installation directory team defect normal Installer Windows
#18714 When using a preset, combo with editable="false" parameter is twice less height from usual team defect normal Core
#18715 Crash after pressing F11 for full screen team defect normal Core
#18719 Change car by motorcar on amenity=charging_station preset Don-vip enhancement normal Internal preset
#18732 JOSM-crash with Contour-Merge Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#18734 ClassCastException: Node cannot be cast to Way Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#18742 ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.DataSource Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#18743 JOSM freezes when trying to re-load Mapillary team defect normal Plugin mapillary
#18751 Wikipedia Plugin crash when trying upload of CS with new or changed elements with Wikipedia features team defect normal Core Webstart
#18753 OpeningHourTest.ENGINE uses/wastes 10 MB of heap memory team defect normal Core validator
#18773 Unknown error in wesion 15936 team defect normal Core
#18774 Cannot start JOSM team defect normal Core
#18775 new JOSM Version does not start at all, but stops with this report team defect normal Core
#18776 while installing team defect normal Core
#18777 Invalid token=EOF team defect normal Core
#18778 JOSM keeps running forever at startup team defect normal Core
#18779 JOSM-TESTED.JAR v. 15927 fails to start team defect normal Core
#18780 Fehlermeldung bei erstem Start nach Aktualisierung auf 15927. Popup bei "Aktualisieren der Erweiterungen" team defect normal Core
#18781 не открывает team defect normal Core
#18782 Crash team defect normal Core
#18783 JOSM Erstinstallation auf einem neuen Notebook mit Win10Pro team defect normal Core
#18784 Crash at every run after update team defect normal Core
#18785 JOSM 15927 crashes on start-up sequence team defect normal Core
#18786 JOSM 15927 does not start team defect normal Core
#18787 JOSM wont staRT!!!! team defect normal Core
#18788 While starting something went wrong team defect normal Core
#18789 run java -jar josm-tested.jar from command line team defect normal Core
#18790 Installation auch nach mehrmaligem Versuch mit gleicher Fehlermeldung gescheitert. JOSM hängt. team defect normal Core
#18792 downloaded new version and fails to load team defect normal Core
#18793 JOSM crashes on startup team defect normal Core
#18794 Downloads refers to 15937, but start 15927 team defect normal Core
#18805 error when add tag team defect normal Core
#18811 Add a way to choose between several OSM accounts team enhancement normal Core
#18816 IAE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.history.HistoryBrowserModel team defect normal Core
#18822 Adding new tag team defect normal Core
#18823 Bug appear when i try to add new tag team defect normal Core
#18826 Add tag dialog causes error and fails to show team defect normal Core
#18827 JOSM Validator on opening_hours (nodes): Cannot read property "0" from undefined boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#18828 NullPointerException when adding property team defect normal Core
#18834 IAE instance of org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.tracer.TracerAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin tracer
#18836 Freezes while loading team enhancement normal Core
#18837 this occurred during startup team defect normal Core
#18839 JOSM fails to open on NoClassDefFoundError for ch/poole/openinghoursparser/ParseException team defect normal Core
#18840 Start problem team defect normal Core
#18843 Unable to tag only nodes. team defect normal Core
#18844 Bug on start team defect normal Core
#18846 Erreur au démarrage avec le .jar team defect normal Core
#18859 NPE when editing a node team defect normal Core
#18872 Tried to add an access tag. team defect normal Core
#18873 InvalidPathException team defect normal Core
#18874 InvalidPathException - dup report team defect normal Core
#18875 InvalidPathException - dup report 2 team defect normal Core
#18876 InvalidPathException team defect normal Core
#18877 InvalidPathException team defect normal Core
#18882 JOSM não permite adicionar tags. Janela "Adicionar" não é aberta para novas inclusões. team defect normal Core
#18887 Crash report comes up after downloading map data from OSM team defect normal Core
#18888 adding tag "construction" team defect normal Core
#18890 This version of josm is unusable team defect normal Core
#18891 Fehlermeldung team defect normal Core
#18895 CME on first nodes drawn team defect normal Core
#18900 Janela para adição de etiquetas não é aberta quando solicitada. Ao invés, abre o aviso do bug. team defect normal Core
#18902 Polygons are exported to GeoJSON as linestrings team defect normal Core geojson
#18906 Too many open files when panning team defect normal Core
#18910 JOSM won't let me add tags to barriers team defect normal Core mappaint
#18914 JOSM report issues searching values of highway team defect normal Core
#18931 failed to load system cursor: DnD.Cursor.CopyDrop : cannot load system cursor: CopyDrop.32x32 anonymous defect normal Core
#18950 NPE at GeoPropertyIndex$GPLevel.isInside adb422006@… defect normal Core
#18952 Null pointer exception in mapcss team defect normal Core
#18957 just crashed ... team defect normal Plugin tracer
#18958 pugin error team defect normal Plugin tracer
#18963 Change religion = muslim to religion = Islam team enhancement normal Internal preset
#18966 Exception during attempt to add a tag to a pre-existing natural=tree team defect normal Core
#18976 Uploading and this error pops up. Does not prevent upload. team defect normal Core
#18991 mini_roundabout throws error team defect normal Core
#18995 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (1): I zoomed out team defect normal Core mappaint
#18996 Adding a tag causes error team defect normal Core
#18998 Right/Left hand traffic throws exception (single node tag add) team defect normal Core
#18999 I tried to select all buidings and click (Q) as orthogonalize shortcut SHABANI MAGAWILA defect normal Core
#19024 Tagging bus_stops not possible team defect normal Core
#19031 JOSM is very slow to edit team defect normal Core
#19033 error when trying to add a tag to amenity=bicycle rental team defect normal Core
#19034 Tagging bus=yes or something in the the not possible team defect normal Core
#19035 Tagging bus=yes or something in the the way not possible team defect normal Core
#19036 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#19037 Unexpecter error team defect normal Core
#19039 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced team defect normal Core
#19046 ClassCastException: Node cannot be cast to Way in SortPTRouteMembersAction if platform mapped as way Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#19080 Made changes to bicycle routes, upload: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException team defect normal Core
#19085 Move away from Transifex team enhancement normal unspecified
#19086 unchecked/disabled filter remains active by layer switch team defect normal Core
#19088 NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Time jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#19131 new template man_made=mast team task normal Internal preset
#19144 Unexpected exception while uploading. team defect normal Core
#19166 Mapillary/Java-osm plugins Don-vip defect normal Plugin javafx
#19167 Downloading data from overpass produces javafx exception team defect normal Core
#19172 Bing Aerial Imagery anonymous defect normal Core
#19187 [TaggingPreset] Enhance <combo /> to set multiple keys per entry (or create a <combo_set /> element) team enhancement normal Core
#19192 opendata plugin disfunctional due to "counldn't load plugin geotools" when starting josm. Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#19207 ошибка при работе с josm team defect normal Core
#19212 bug little.banana.peel@… defect normal Core
#19213 bug team defect normal Core
#19229 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.wikipedia.Caches floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#19231 Добавьте стрелки перемещения в верх в низ для Presets team defect normal Core
#19244 Error on opening a folder in JOSM team defect normal Core
#19256 Enabling javafx-windows on Windows Results in Error Don-vip defect normal Plugin javafx
#19258 Unexpected error team defect normal Core
#19262 an error message appears when trying to open a file. I use Ubuntu 20.04 (daily update). Best regards Oliver H. team defect normal Core
#19266 JOSM fails to save a new relation team defect normal Core
#19279 Ошибка при использовании модуля Fieldpapers mojodna defect normal Plugin fieldpapers
#19303 Mapillary plugin not working team defect normal Core
#19318 Keyboard shortcuts seem broken on Mac. Particular issue with zoom controls since mouse scroll wheel unusable due to sensitivity issues. team defect normal Core shortcuts
#19319 [Patch] upload dialog does not update object list after first upload, (if Mapillary plugin is installed) team defect normal Core
#19332 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced alt.people.davidcalman@… defect normal Core
#19339 Validator complains about Su,PH team enhancement normal Core validator
#19342 javafx-osx plugin crash Don-vip defect normal Plugin javafx
#19344 problem team defect normal Core
#19350 Wrong "Incorrect roundabout "warning team defect normal Core
#19365 IAE: Invalid scanline stride (Не запустился модуль pick layer) rebsc defect normal Plugin piclayer
#19371 NO me deja guardar los cambios. La versión actual se está bloqueando mucho y toca reiniciar el PC para cerrar el editor. team defect normal Core
#19372 błąd zapisu team defect normal Core
#19373 błąd zapisu team defect normal Core
#19408 JOSM automatically pans and centers to any new node team defect normal Core
#19424 adding new bus route via PTv2 scheme, and it snapped assanges defect normal Core
#19428 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced after conflict resolution anonymous defect normal Core
#19429 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced resolving some conflict Micheal Kaluba <micealkal@…> defect normal Core
#19435 Authentication failed dialog window remains hidden under the OAuth window jBeata defect normal Core
#19443 JosmDecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest fails on Ubuntu with Java 11 and 14 team defect normal Unit tests
#19447 Wikipedia link from relation does not work team defect normal Core tag2link
#19454 issues with 4k resolution anonymous defect normal Core
#19471 "Automatically obtain source from current layers" in the upload dialog should not include layer "JOSM validator" team enhancement normal Core
#19475 potential update of validator rule: highway=footway & foot=designated team enhancement normal Core validator
#19477 NPE in MultipolygonCache.clear team defect normal Core
#19490 will not upload changeset. anonymous defect normal Core
#19497 ctrl+w team defect normal Core
#19507 Bugguig ctrl+W team defect normal Core
#19522 Error loading tms image with 16731: Project 8839 (as example) team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#19530 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced anonymous defect normal Core
#19531 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced after [Delete], [Resolve to my versions] team defect normal Core
#19548 Bug during josm-latest startup team defect normal Core
#19550 Gridify plugin is broken JeroenHoek defect normal Plugin Gridify
#19553 Option to Disable Tooltips (graphical mess) team enhancement normal Core
#19557 Error when pressing "c" to combine ways. team defect normal Core
#19558 ConcurrentModificationException team defect normal Core
#19559 bug reported. stopped with JOSM after finishing mapping work. No tasks to upload. just open team defect normal Core
#19564 I got at start of josm.jnlp "Sie sind auf einen Fehler in JOSM gestoßen" jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#19565 HTTP 5xx error text is not fed to dialog properly team defect normal Core
#19586 Error message while JOSM is closing team defect normal Core
#19590 Trying to delete fastdraw first node causes error. akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#19593 "an unexpected exception occurred" team defect normal Core
#19596 memory problem not saved team defect normal Core
#19599 automatic bug report team defect normal Core
#19601 error window shows up while updating the upload dialog without obvious problems (error window can be closed and upload works team defect normal Core
#19606 Get this every time I open the new version of JOSM . Warns me that John Doe is author of conflation plug-in Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#19607 Firsst start of JOSM 16812 Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#19608 Josm can't open gpx track that contains russian letters in filename team defect normal Core
#19610 JOSM error when map is displayed Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#19617 Unclear Error message when the server does not respond team defect normal Core
#19621 Crash when moving to next item with upload in background Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#19625 Conflation plugin crash with the last JOSM version Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#19626 Error while switching windows team defect normal Core
#19628 Plugin loading issue - Conflation team defect normal Core
#19640 CCE: Way cannot be cast to Node at SortPTRouteMembersAction.sortPTRouteMembers Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#19644 Crashed during revert of Changeset 89038659 Don-vip defect normal Plugin javafx
#19661 Width and height must be >= 0 issue while using JOSM team defect normal Core
#19667 Adding a new map paint style anonymous defect normal Core
#19676 Mapillary plugin crashed on startup + revert 89364394 Don-vip defect normal Plugin javafx
#19678 opened josm after computer reboot team defect normal Core
#19679 Trying to undo after loading data after having resolved conflicts created by a revert. team defect normal Core
#19682 JOSM complaints about faults but the screen stays empty. so no restaurations possible. team defect normal Core
#19686 Just seemingly random pop up error while adding poi from photo surveys team defect normal Core
#19687 JOSM crashes at startup team defect normal Core
#19693 power=terminal nodes on buildings should be explicitly allowed. team defect normal Core validator
#19697 ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.Time team defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#19700 Crash - sry idk more about it Don-vip defect normal Plugin javafx
#19707 DataIntegrityProblemException: Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation seichter defect normal Core
#19708 Excessive logging of INFO: Waypoint time value unset team defect normal Core
#19709 JOSM crash team defect normal Core
#19711 browsing map paint styles, this bug shows up, doesn't crash the program team enhancement normal Core
#19719 Strange characters in validator results' object strings team defect normal Core
#19723 Can't load the conflation plug in. Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#19727 Crash while uploading / Validation team defect normal Core
#19737 I couldn't save changes in newly created public transport route team defect normal Core
#19744 IAE: Listener TracerAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin tracer
#19755 GPX trace export team defect normal Core
#19761 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced - Trying to delete node or way outside downloaded area team defect normal Core
#19762 Conflation plugin: score assertion error Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#19766 ElevationProfile crash when a gpx file open and a mouse is over the elevation window OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#19775 unexpected exception team defect normal Core
#19776 I cannot open a file in the map. I am new to the software, so I may solve the problem team defect normal Core
#19785 Checkbox for expert mode in view menu missing simon04 enhancement normal Plugin flatlaf
#19791 Possibility to turn the editor team enhancement normal Core
#19795 Easy way to add lifecycle/status prefix to tags team enhancement normal Core
#19800 Crash - sry idk more about it taylor.smock defect normal Plugin openqa
#19801 Add node dialog, pressing enter key no longer works team defect normal Core
#19802 Random popups error. team defect normal Core
#19804 JOSM crash when uploading changes team defect normal Core
#19810 Merge selection: No warning with layer state `upload="never"` team defect normal Core
#19815 geotools plugin error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.DataSource team defect normal Core Webstart
#19829 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when trying to upload to OSM team defect normal Core
#19838 you have encountered a bug in JOSM team defect normal Core
#19840 wiederholt auftretender Fehler beim Ausfüllen der Changeset-Beschreibung team defect normal Core
#19845 erreur inattendue suite à quelques corrections géométriques et types, cause non identifiée team defect normal Core
#19846 leisure=track can be oneway? team defect normal Core validator
#19847 siehe bitte hierzu meinen letzten Fehlerbericht, Fehler tritt regelmäßig jedes Mal beim Ausfüllen der Changeset-Beschreibung auf team defect normal Core
#19849 DataIntegrityProblemException after trying to solve conflicts team defect normal Core
#19855 Natural duplicated nodes fix does nothing team defect normal Core validator
#19861 Bug report team defect normal Core
#19867 Reproducibly failing to open folder certain folder with cyrillic filename team defect normal Core
#19870 Bug team defect normal Core
#19878 Uploading new ways team defect normal Core
#19882 Impossible to open JOSM on mac team defect normal Core
#19883 Crash before uploading team defect normal Core
#19891 JOSM ERROR : How to autorise OSM for use my WMS service team defect normal Core
#19897 kann mit JOSM keine Bearbeitungen mehr hochladen. h-jo defect normal Core
#19899 NPE in TrafficSignFilter.getIcons taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#19900 E: Region [WMS_BLOCK_v2] : Failure getting from disk team defect normal Core
#19905 Exception on working with relations team defect normal Core
#19910 Add support for cycleway:both team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#19916 Duplicate node autofix fails silently team defect normal Core validator
#19919 Exception during uploading data team defect normal Core
#19921 Parallel way tool length display is broken with version 17084 team defect normal Core
#19922 Erreur non comprise apparue à l'enregistrement de ma session team defect normal Core
#19923 ClassCastException: Node cannot be cast to Way in SortPTRouteMembersAction team defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#19925 Setting are gone after update. team defect normal Core
#19927 JOSM won't open. Is this because of the new version of Java????? team defect normal Core
#19928 Unexpected exception on loading plugin vodryc defect normal Plugin MicrosoftStreetside
#19932 wrong with the load of one of gpx file anonymous defect normal Core
#19935 Plugin unit test net.simon04.comfort0.OsmToLevel0LTest.testNode is failing because of additional invisible character simon04 defect normal Plugin comfort0
#19940 Folder name causing an error team defect normal Core
#19946 Could not save relations team defect normal Core
#19984 [RFC] [Patch] Changeset manager shows wrong data after sorting team defect normal Core
#19991 Trying to upload a changeset, entering description team defect normal Core
#19992 Exception when trying to upload changeset, after filling out description. team defect normal Core
#19994 JOSM can not open a gpx file team defect normal Core
#19999 Unexpected error team defect normal Core
#20010 Parallel copy distance hard to read team defect normal Core
#20011 exception when creating building passage through wizard team defect normal Core
#20016 restart from sleep - crash OS X team defect normal Core
#20028 "Restart JOSM" doesn't Stereo defect normal Core
#20036 JOSM crash on overpass download team defect normal Core
#20049 Presets: add calculated fields team enhancement normal Core
#20053 An unexpected error occured (maybe related to the relations plugin) team defect normal Core
#20060 Error while validating team defect normal Core
#20062 Bug when loading GPX tracks team defect normal Core
#20063 relation route=train team defect normal Core
#20064 保存されたセッション「.joz」ファイルをLOADするとEasyPresetでエラーが発生します team defect normal Core
#20069 MapWithAI not working taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#20073 JOZファイルをLOADするとエラーが発生する maripogoda defect normal Plugin EasyPresets
#20077 Unexpected error on start after JOSM update maripogoda defect normal Plugin EasyPresets
#20079 Please add boundary=marker into "Add tag" dialogue team enhancement normal Internal preset
#20083 Possibility to turn the imagery and the data to edit in other "not North" direction team enhancement normal Core
#20087 wiederholt auftretender Fehler beim Editieren der Changeset-Beschreibung team defect normal Core
#20093 Neue Versionen der Presets werden nicht geladen. New versions of the presets are not loaded. team defect normal Core
#20104 Crash Report team defect normal Core
#20105 unknown error team defect normal Core
#20106 IAE: Listener was not registered before or already removed. team defect normal Plugin tracer
#20107 Full-screen pop-up on latest Mac OS stevenjo1@… defect normal Core
#20109 restriction[:<transportation mode>]:conditional gets an error in the validator. anonymous defect normal Core validator
#20111 Full-screen inactive pop-ups on latest Mac OS, latest JOSM beta-release team defect normal Core
#20114 Error report at randomly clicking a mapillary image team defect normal Core
#20116 Error on plugin update maripogoda defect normal Plugin EasyPresets
#20122 Plugin error on JOSM start maripogoda defect normal Plugin EasyPresets
#20125 sudden crash team defect normal Core
#20132 upoading new data failed at the first try, second try worked team defect normal Core
#20135 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Width and height must be >= 0 team defect normal Core
#20138 How to Undo this OSM layer data? team enhancement normal Core
#20144 The created styleMappingAccessibility is not working without appear error LorenzoStucchi task normal External mappaint style
#20148 MacOS release Stereo defect normal 21.02 Installer MacOS
#20149 Exception when adding a site relation with a house number to an associatedStreet relation. team defect normal Core
#20151 Exception when adding a street name (Impasse Fages) and a few information nodes. team defect normal Core
#20153 Crash after plugins related error message after opening a .joz maripogoda defect normal Plugin EasyPresets
#20156 Plugin error on JOSM start team defect normal Core
#20157 piclayer not working rebsc defect normal Plugin piclayer
#20162 Upload dialog: exception team defect normal Core
#20163 Split way corrupts relation when splitting via way GerdP defect normal 20.12 Core
#20168 Unexpected crash team defect normal Core
#20170 Attempting to load PNG using latest JOSM rebsc defect normal Plugin piclayer
#20172 wiederholt auftretender Fehler beim Ausfüllen der Changeset-Beschreibung team defect normal Core
#20175 Parallel tool gives length of resulting way instead of offset team defect normal Core
#20176 "Unexpected exception" Crash team defect normal Core
#20180 wiederholt auftretender Fehler beim Ausfüllen der Changeset-Beschreibung team defect normal Core
#20185 It keeps showing me the bug report page when I try to go to preferences. team defect normal Core restart
#20191 Tried to open preferences. team defect normal Core restart
#20194 Can't open any folders, therefore can't open osm file team defect normal Core
#20196 fastdrow akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#20200 After adding a new layer source and saving the current session, JOSM was reeled in team defect normal Core restart
#20206 JOSM/1.5 (17329 en) application crash team defect normal Core
#20216 Changeset Viewer Plugin not working team defect normal Plugin changeset_viewer
#20221 JOSM displays error at Ubuntu team defect normal Core
#20223 JOSM crash as I was about to upload a solar farm team defect normal Core
#20224 No idea how to reproduce this. team defect normal Core
#20229 Automatic Bug Report For Unknown Reason team defect normal Core
#20243 Overpass query builder fails on "tag"!=* team defect normal Core
#20247 Program crash when enabling Bing imagary team defect normal Core imagery
#20249 Error getting layers: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target team defect normal Core
#20252 I got an unexpected issue while trying to add some items to public_transport=platform team defect normal Core
#20255 Bug team defect normal Core geojson
#20260 An unexpected excpetion occured during startup team defect normal Core
#20261 Crash upon application launch after upgrade team defect normal Core imagery
#20265 Josm don't start team defect normal Core imagery
#20266 "Eine unerwartete Ausnahme" bei Starten von JOSM 17329 team defect normal Core imagery
#20267 unexpected error occurred team defect normal Core imagery
#20268 sous ubuntu , bug quand on souhaite ouvrir un fichier team defect normal Core
#20271 Missing Barrier: Log team enhancement normal Internal preset
#20275 Clicking on a window or changing windows while downloading child elements of a relation freezes JOSM team defect normal Core
#20280 errore bloccato team defect normal Core
#20282 Error during edit team defect normal Core
#20292 add-on ST with trouble team defect normal Core restart
#20298 bug team defect normal Core
#20301 bug team defect normal Core
#20303 JOSM crashed as I tried to save some new houses team defect normal Core
#20317 Mapillary/Java-osm plugins taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20322 Crash on close team defect normal Core
#20323 Purge + Update data + Undo : gives an error team defect normal Core
#20347 double-clicked on a route with 176 members team defect normal Core
#20348 Didn't double-click. team defect normal Core
#20350 Multiple urls as value not regognized. team defect normal Core tag2link
#20357 NPE at FancySourceEntryTableCellRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent team defect normal Core
#20359 Cause of exception unknown taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20367 `area:highway` is not detected as being an area, causing the validator to be wrong. team defect normal Core validator
#20370 Auf Anforderung von JOSM Fehlermeldung team defect normal Core
#20372 Exception when adding a tag of image links to 2 hiking route relations. team defect normal Core
#20397 crach loading way on 180-th degree longitude team defect normal Core
#20400 Opening the Upload Changes dialog also created an error dialog team defect normal Core
#20408 Rotate whole view team enhancement normal Core
#20420 Crash when 'File > Download Along...' selected team defect normal Core
#20422 "Relations with same members (1)" false positive team defect normal Core validator
#20423 Unknown error that popped up; did not crash program team defect normal Core
#20427 shp file upload Don-vip defect normal Plugin opendata
#20448 error team defect normal Core
#20452 Fehlermeldung erscheint beim abschliessenden hochladen der neuen Daten. team defect normal Core
#20459 Using the commandline plugin a number of things stop working Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#20460 NPE at FieldPapersAddLayerAction.openUrl mojodna defect normal Plugin fieldpapers
#20466 The error occurs when switching photos team defect normal Core
#20472 Unexpected Exception Occurred team defect normal Core
#20476 Continuation of #20475 Taylor Smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20482 Нажатие "Скачать вдоль трека" привело к ошибке team defect normal Core
#20483 Exception while Upload Dialog team defect normal Core
#20488 Show cycleway:left|right=opposite_lane team enhancement normal Core
#20495 mappaint.DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (1) team defect normal Core mappaint
#20496 JOSM said "problem" without specifying what team defect normal Core
#20499 poly erstellt für osm-transport-karte No 16 team defect normal Core
#20502 Regarding MATSIM Plugin double-m defect normal Plugin matsim
#20503 regular errors team defect normal Core
#20507 upload dialog crash team defect normal Core
#20511 Rendering tram level crossings and show on JOSM team enhancement normal Internal preset
#20512 Exception when making a section of a street one-way. team defect normal Core
#20523 Probleme avec les les requêtes OVERPASS turbo team defect normal Core
#20525 Plug-in bug jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#20529 Tried to remove tags from an object team defect normal Core
#20533 cannot import matsim scenario team defect normal Plugin matsim
#20538 Problems with matsim plugin - "failed to locate image 'images/dialogs/logo.png" team defect normal Plugin matsim
#20542 automatic report team defect normal Core
#20544 IAE: Listener plugins.tracer.TracerAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin tracer
#20545 Absturz vor dem hochladen von Änderungen team defect normal Core
#20546 Jenkins seems to hang? Don-vip task normal Unit tests
#20548 123 team defect normal Core
#20549 Exception on loading way on 180 degree team defect normal Core
#20552 JOSM was frozen, closed using task manager, tried to reopen it taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#20553 JOSM was frozen, closed using task manager,can't reopen it (update on previous ticket) taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#20556 Crash/Excpetion on upload team defect normal Core
#20562 automatic report team defect normal Core
#20567 ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.Time jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#20574 "Download Along" causes error team defect normal Core
#20580 chyba team defect normal Plugin tracer
#20584 cannot open file in Downloads folder team defect normal Core
#20592 Download data along the GPX track does not work Strubbl defect normal Core
#20595 Neu installiert auf zweitem Rechner (Windows 10 64 bit): JOSM 17428 neu und Java 8.0.2810.9 neu team task normal Core
#20601 Customise GPX track drawing by Fix team enhancement normal Core
#20602 IllegalArgumentException when uploading changes team defect normal Core
#20603 Plugin Update Fails? jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#20611 IAE: Parameter 'data' must not be null - solving conflict routine showing no error data team defect normal Core
#20615 Mapillary plugin error taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20636 Dectection of role=* team enhancement normal Core validator
#20638 Memory issue in josm team defect normal Core
#20639 pas de transmission de modifications demande de vérification team defect normal Core
#20640 Zooming causes NPE taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20642 Memory issue in josm team defect normal Core geojson
#20649 Mapillary is not loading in tracks completely taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20656 CSS :selected pseudoclass doesn't update for child items with selection change team defect normal Core mappaint
#20662 Bug team defect normal Core
#20671 Menu tooltips on macOS show <html> code team defect normal Core
#20679 JOSM crash on purge team defect normal Core
#20687 IAE at taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20691 Opening shapefile using opendata plugin causes error(geotools related?) team defect normal Core Webstart
#20692 JOSM Mac keyboard shortcut problem with PC keyboard team defect normal Core shortcuts
#20697 It don't allow to open a document team defect normal Core
#20698 Josm asks to report an error when filling changes summary team defect normal Core
#20700 AE: Primitive was removed when purging, but is still there on undo team defect normal Core
#20702 Mapillary Error! taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20705 Mapillary will not download more images with (SHIFT + .) Bug report instantly opens upon entering command taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20712 Incorrect message saying gpx file should be saved team defect normal Core
#20723 using updated version taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20724 Randomly appearing mapillary update, then bug report appears. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20726 Can't open GPX file in public_transport plugin team defect normal Core
#20727 Unable to select Mapillary nodes in JOSM taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20736 NPE: "Initial LatLon cannot be null" at MapillaryAbstractImage.<init> - trying to download a new data set taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20746 Offset Popup opens in unclickabel Tab on macOS 11 Apple Silicon M1 animaux defect normal Core
#20758 NPE in mapcss.Functions.osm_user_name team defect normal Core mappaint
#20761 JOSM не загружает более одного стандартного слоя team defect normal Core imagery
#20765 Error when uploading data team defect normal Core
#20767 IAE at taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20772 NPE at GPXSettingsPanel.putLayerPrefLocal when change GPX marker color team defect normal Core
#20779 TMS server cache team defect normal Core imagery
#20789 DataIntegrityProblemException: identified sequence of equal nodes in a node list Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#20794 NPE at team defect normal Plugin changeset_viewer
#20801 add building=digester team enhancement normal Internal preset
#20802 maxspeed is misrepresented in the latest build team defect normal Core mappaint
#20803 IAE at taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20807 KeyError: 'token' stoecker defect normal Trac
#20811 Problems with javafx-unixoid plugin (used by MicrosoftStreetside plugin) Don-vip defect normal Plugin javafx
#20818 the only symptom has been the actual flag popping up stating I ran into "an unexpected exception" - all that was done previously was looking at the Mapillary imagery from one camera to the other. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20831 Clicking on a Note caused this (osm-obj-info error) Rub21 defect normal Plugin osm-obj-info
#20845 Bogus "editing failed" message when loading a map area from OSM team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#20855 Tooltips show html tags as raw team defect normal Core
#20857 IAE at taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20868 Deleting conflation layer produces IllegalStateException Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#20870 Mapillary Plugin taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20871 RejectedExecutionException in TMSCachedTileLoaderJob team defect normal Core imagery
#20886 Unexpected exeption in buildings_tool Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#20889 Markerade och tryckte delete på lager i legenden team defect normal Core
#20890 IAE: "Invalid location" at AutoCompletingComboBoxDocument.insertString (mac - Aqua) team defect normal Core
#20894 Hiding Mapillary layer: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20897 IAE at taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20911 Validator incorrectly reports overlapping buildings for building and building:part that share nodes team defect normal Core validator
#20912 Smart split team enhancement normal Core
#20914 Manually downloading data while editing sequences, footage would download then disappear. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20915 Manually downloading data while editing sequences, footage would download then disappear. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20917 Error updating the building tools plug in team defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#20918 Bug taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#20930 "Choose track visibility" option on .gpx tracks triggers an exception team defect normal Core
#20936 while cruising (editing) and following the mapillary images the pop-up window appeared again... no extra consequences thus far. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20938 Using Mapillary plugin normally and manually requesting data. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20939 Manually downloading data while editing sequences, Mapillay image nodes would download then disappear shortly after taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20944 exception flag has been popping up with no particular sequence made while following .gpx tracks on Mapillary. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20947 JosmRuntimeException: Fatal: failed to locate image 'cancel.png' maneasa.andrei@… defect normal Plugin ColorPlugin
#20949 Mapillary conflict when opening mapillary imagery taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20956 Mapillary unexpected error occurs when running filter taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#20968 Restore selected tag from revisions panel on empty field fails team defect normal Core
#20970 Deleting multiple filters at once team enhancement normal Core
#20972 Bug using building tools Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#20978 Not sure what happened. Reporting the bug anyway. team defect normal Core
#20980 error came after trying to combine two ways team defect normal Core
#20984 buildings plugin update Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#20985 When deleting a turn restriction using delete button... (Not sure what happened. Reporting the bug anyway.) team defect normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#20993 NPE when removing DataLayer while SegmentToKeepSelectionDialog opened Bjoeni defect normal Core
#20998 unable to go into directory while opening file team defect normal Core
#21004 NPE at PhotoAdjustWorker.translatePhoto holgermappt defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#21020 Mapillary image date is not displayed taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21022 JOSM-crash after conflict on line Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#21025 File dialog crashes when files are in folder with umlaut team defect normal Core
#21030 Mapillary error taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21033 I have just opened the Mapillary plugin and selected a frame... this message popped out immediately and did not allow me to see any frames. I could not get the original flag that popped out this time. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21036 Optionally save locally saved data layer after successful upload team enhancement normal Core
#21040 Bug error taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21045 Not enough memory to show imagery team defect normal Core imagery
#21062 Image viewer: Colorfulness not working if image has only few colors team defect normal Core image mapping
#21066 Clicking through Mapillary and this bug popped up InnerPace defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21070 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key anonymous defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21083 Feature request: show reference image of an element based on its tag(s) team enhancement normal Plugin
#21088 Mapillary: MapillaryVectorTileWorkarounds: Failed to remove primitive taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21089 InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters team defect normal Core
#21091 NoSuchMethodError: 'java.util.Date Rub21 defect normal Plugin osm-obj-info
#21096 NPE: Crash after adding tag from presets team defect normal Core
#21100 Listener DrawBuildingAction was not registered before or already removed Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#21101 NPE when splitting way team defect normal Core
#21108 description should be a source for naming relations team enhancement normal Core
#21110 Crash on close after opening GPX file and exporting it to new file team defect normal Core
#21112 Strava Heatmap Error anonymous defect normal External imagery source
#21119 NPE at GpxLayer.getAssociatedFile team defect normal Core
#21130 NPE when loading images from Wikimedia Commons team defect normal Core image mapping
#21137 Error dialog appears, and app refuses to quit team defect normal Core
#21147 JosmRuntimeException: Fatal: failed to locate image 'cancel.png' maneasa.andrei@… defect normal Plugin ColorPlugin
#21158 Open GPS file - FILE-OPEN team defect normal Core
#21160 NPE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.GpxLayer.getAssociatedFile team defect normal Core
#21165 NPE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.GpxLayer.getAssociatedFile team defect normal Core
#21169 JosmRuntimeException: failed to remove primitive: taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21171 NPE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.GpxLayer.getAssociatedFile team defect normal Core
#21180 Crash when closing software team defect normal Core
#21182 Went to close JOSM after leaving it idle for some time (a few hours), and it reported this exception. team defect normal Core
#21183 Went to close JOSM after leaving it idle for some time (a few hours), and it reported this exception. This is now happening repeatedly - will probably kill the process from elsewehre. team defect normal Core
#21184 do not close application team defect normal Core
#21185 close error team defect normal Core
#21191 bug team defect normal Core
#21202 java.lang.ClassCastException: class cannot be cast to class java.lang.String team defect normal Core
#21205 plugin PublicTransportLayer does not exist; edit its wiki page team defect normal Wiki content
#21209 Crash on exit team defect normal Core
#21226 IAE: class cannot access class sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#21232 java.lang.ClassCastException on upload team defect normal Core
#21236 Always Showing Error "to update the plugins and bugs found" team defect normal Plugin tracer
#21241 Crash while merging two nodes team defect normal Core
#21252 Multipolygon margin drawn twice team defect normal Core mappaint
#21259 IAE: POLYGON cannot have zero area taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21266 Mapillary alpha version does not show image author taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21267 NoSuchFieldError: way at DrawBuildingAction during crossing line Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#21283 Font size anonymous defect normal Core
#21287 Unexpected error while entering tilde in Overpass Query Wizard dafadllyn defect normal Core
#21288 Pinyin erroneously triggers bug report The_Cute_Chick defect normal Core
#21297 Weird High DPI display team defect normal Core
#21306 Crash when editing a characteristic of a multipolygon AlbertCohen defect normal Core
#21313 NumberFormatException: For input string: "t5szwne27q0bmd8zphr0u8" taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21314 NumberFormatException: For input string: "t5szwne27q0bmd8zphr0u8" taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21322 Mapillary error team defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21352 Update does not work team defect normal Installer Windows
#21355 Failed to upload data to or download data from<br>' team defect normal Core
#21356 CCE: Cannot cast org.glassfish.json.JsonNumberImpl$JsonBigDecimalNumber team defect normal Core geojson
#21359 CCE: Way cannot be cast to Node at SortPTRouteMembersAction.sortPTRouteMembers Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#21361 building_tools: NoSuchFieldError: way team defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#21363 Unknown conditional restriction team defect normal Core validator
#21366 .osm file gets lost every time team defect normal Core
#21369 Not enough memory to draw layer team defect normal Core
#21371 Tooltips in the edit pane team enhancement normal Core
#21389 DELAYS TO CODE team defect normal Core
#21401 the contour merge plugin was not responding. Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#21402 Error with Conflation? Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#21405 NPE at GpxLayer.getAssociatedFile team defect normal Core
#21412 Adding a new tag via ctrl+a doesn't auto select the entire entry field anymore team defect normal Core
#21414 kendzi 3d funktioniert seit wochen nicht kendzi defect normal Plugin kendzi3d
#21417 Conflation Plugin not Working Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#21428 NPE in mapillary.utils.MapViewGeometryUtil.lambda$getSequencePath$1( taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21435 Payment options error team defect normal Internal preset
#21437 IAE: Listener TracerAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin tracer
#21440 Missing key barrier=height_restrictor team enhancement normal Internal preset
#21450 OsmTransferException in LoadAndZoomHandler anonymous defect normal Core remotecontrol
#21453 Kap._9.1.9.1_Geologischer_Wanderweg_Witzenhausen_.gpx wird nicht geladen team defect normal Core
#21454 IAE: java.base does not export to unnamed module team defect normal Core
#21457 JOSM Freezes - intermittently team defect normal Core
#21459 erreur en essayant d'ouvrir un fichier team defect normal Core
#21472 Adding tags for relations via UI not possible team defect normal Core
#21474 Could not initialize class team defect normal Core imagery
#21484 error when click on download button team defect normal Core
#21486 Upon command to delete a geotagged image from disk, the corresponding marker sometimes is not removed from the map view bartosomail@… defect normal Core image mapping
#21489 Programmfehler beim Verbinden von Linien mit vielen Relationen team defect normal Core
#21496 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21501 crash data team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#21511 [PATCH] Areaselector don't work with JOSM team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#21513 The PlugIn ShapeTools causes an error since JOSM v18303 team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#21514 Bug when starting JOSM team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#21520 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21529 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.MapPaintDialog$1 cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21535 memory shortage to show the areal image team defect normal Core
#21539 .... team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#21544 erreur inattendue après mise à jour des greffons team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#21545 CCE: class cannot be cast to class contrapunctus@… defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#21546 re error with ShapeTools after reinstallation team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#21547 IAE: "offsetLimit must be after current position" at (Japanese) team defect normal Core
#21552 Parking lanes preset doesn't work team defect normal Core
#21556 Error message after a relation is being edited and then clicking on a template team defect normal Core
#21559 RuntimeException: Fatal: failed to locate image 'cancel.png'. maneasa.andrei@… defect normal Plugin ColorPlugin
#21564 Error ocurred anonymous defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21566 Add power=connection to validator and preset? team enhancement normal Core validator
#21569 AIOOBE at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginListParser.parse team defect normal Core
#21573 Preset "ParkingLanes" causes exception team defect normal Core
#21581 Opening GPX file changes colours of ways team defect normal Core
#21583 Josm encountering exception while searching tag presets team defect normal Core
#21586 erro na preddefinição de estacionamento via team defect normal Core
#21590 add display support for railway=tram_crossing team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#21598 Errors occur when entering Japanese. team defect normal Core
#21601 IAE: offsetLimit must be after current position team defect normal Core
#21611 Mapillary error taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21612 Error Catastro team defect normal External imagery source
#21614 NPE while applying preset team defect normal Core
#21615 IAE: offsetLimit must be after current position from AutoCompTextField team defect normal Core
#21618 NPE in org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.presets.items.PresetListEntry.getCount team defect normal Core
#21622 CCE: josm.gui.widgets.JosmTextField cannot be cast to (custom projection) team defect normal Core
#21628 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange team defect normal Core mappaint
#21635 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21647 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21648 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21650 ? suite lien osmose team defect normal Core
#21653 Ctrl+Alt+P and Ctrl+Alt+J do not cycle between next/previous GPX waypoint markers team defect normal Core shortcuts
#21658 NPE in org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.presets.items.PresetListEntry.getCount team defect normal Core
#21660 IAE: Listener org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.fastdraw.FastDrawingMode was not registered before or already removed akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#21661 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21662 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21664 NPE in org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.presets.items.PresetListEntry.getCount team defect normal Core
#21671 Mapillary tests fail taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21672 Parking lanes plugin throws error team defect normal Core
#21677 JOSM bug report popped up unprompted taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21683 JOSM installer for Windows hyjacks .zip file association w/o my consent team defect normal Installer Windows
#21687 Opening the help throws an exception team defect normal Core
#21690 SAXException: (3,130)Illegal value for mandatory attribute 'uid' of type long (>=0). Got '-1'. (History showing error) team defect normal Core
#21692 history not working team defect normal Core
#21706 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21709 coastline intersecting with buildings or residential areas generates an error team enhancement normal Core validator
#21713 CCE org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#21714 unclipping mapillary filter from josm dock causes bug team defect normal Plugin mapillary
#21715 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Core
#21719 wikipedia plugin NoSuchMethodError floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#21723 Problem when updating plugins floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#21726 Unerwartete Ausnahme - Vorlage Sitzbank bei einem neuen Knoten team defect normal Core
#21728 WMS Service Catastro Spain als Hintergrund wird nicht geladen team defect normal External imagery source
#21729 NPE at continuosDownload.AbstractDownloadStrategy.fetch() team defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#21733 NoSuchMethodError in org.wikipedia.gui.WikiPreferences.addGui floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#21737 Crash after? remote control request (maybe it's because of the Continuos Download) team defect normal Core
#21744 Areaselector error team defect normal Core
#21746 [Patch] Update default map paint style to handle better cycle lanes/tracks on both sides of the road team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#21750 IAE: Attempted to add listener that was already in list: RoadSigns team defect normal Core
#21751 JOSM doesn't start complete team defect normal Core
#21761 Error tiles appearing while downloading data team defect normal Core
#21776 Menu font gigantic anonymous defect normal Core
#21787 bug team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#21790 Encounter error when using custom projection team defect normal Core
#21795 IAE/NSME in AreaSelector team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#21799 NoClassDefFoundError: (Can't import a shapefile) Don-vip defect normal Plugin opendata
#21804 export shapefile Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#21810 Customise track drawing regardless of file format team enhancement normal Core
#21816 Reproduction of #21811 bug. team defect normal Core
#21818 Error loading Geotools plugin Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#21820 Changeset attribution not working properly team defect normal Core imagery
#21823 JOSM fails to load geotools plugin Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#21834 IllegalStateException: Already registered a conflict for primitive (merging layer) team defect normal Core
#21845 не включился team defect normal Core
#21846 error when clicking download button team defect normal Core
#21847 download option is not working in josm team defect normal Core
#21848 download option is not working in josm team defect normal Core
#21849 JOSM Unable to Download Map Data team defect normal Core
#21852 Conditionals on lanes team enhancement normal Core validator
#21857 OSM Inspector could not parse wms layer list team defect normal Core imagery
#21858 Public transport route template error team defect normal Core
#21860 images in program duplicate team defect normal Core
#21861 images in program duplicate team defect normal Core
#21863 Error message when deleting a layer team defect normal Core
#21877 add to Microsoft Store Don-vip enhancement normal 22.10 Installer Windows
#21880 IAE: Attempted to add listener that was already in list: RoadSigns team defect normal Core
#21883 NPE: date must not be null OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#21898 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.wikipedia.WikipediaApp.getSiteUrl()" because "app" is null floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#21899 ubuntu JOSM SNAP package team defect normal Core
#21903 OsmTransferException in LoadAndZoomHandler team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#21905 IAE: Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter (after deleting layers completely 2 times..) team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#21912 Add support for footway=traffic_island in the validator team enhancement normal Core validator
#21916 IAE: Attempted to add listener that was already in list: RoadSigns team defect normal Core
#21924 parking conditions not recognized as correct team defect normal Core validator
#21928 Please set "Rtklib quality" from imported NMEA track fixtype (gpx:fix) team enhancement normal Core
#21936 Validator show invalid syntax when using multiple suffixes in highways team enhancement normal Core validator
#21937 Icons appear too large for high resolution screen, unable to resize team defect normal Core
#21940 new defect team defect normal Plugin freemapkapor
#21945 IAE: class (in unamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#21955 Using the ColorPlugin version 1537115529 makes JOSM complain team defect normal Core
#21959 Nach Aktualisierung auf Version 18387 wird JOSM nicht gestartet. Das war bei Version 18360 auch schon so Ich muss Version 18303 nutzen. team defect normal Core
#21974 IndexOutOfBoundsException in `ImageData.getSelectedImage` team defect normal Core image mapping
#21983 Unexpected error when start team defect normal Core
#21987 java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters team defect normal Core
#22017 The button (arrow) 'upload' does not turn green when editing. I can no longer upload the new data? team defect normal Core
#22026 Can't upload the mappings to the OSM-Server team defect normal Core
#22029 Relation with external id 'XXX' refers to a missing primitive with external id 'YYY' team defect normal Core
#22031 Exception on Umlaute in file or folder name team defect normal Core
#22042 Validator complains about "no_entry" turn restriction relation having more than one "from" member, although Wiki says this is valid use team defect normal Core validator
#22045 Spanish cadastre tiles failing to load (PKIX path building failed) team defect normal Core
#22050 unable to open a file form a local drive team defect normal Core
#22060 360 images are pixelated team defect normal Core image mapping
#22062 JOSM OAuth fails: OAuthCommunicationException: Communication with the service provider failed: stream is closed. sladen defect normal Core
#22070 Error came after I edited cycling routes. There was nothing special about it. team defect normal Core
#22079 bug team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#22082 Non-functional plugins team defect normal Plugin
#22089 Trying to use undue button. team defect normal Core
#22092 "an unexpected error has occured" team defect normal Core
#22094 can't download osm data team defect normal Core
#22114 mapillary fail team defect normal Plugin mapillary
#22122 Problem with unicode in filename team defect normal Core
#22130 no enough memory to draw layer team defect normal Core
#22133 An unexpected error occurred. team defect normal Core
#22142 Validator should not show an error message for restriction:<transport mode> relations team defect normal Core validator
#22150 This plug-in had two useful functions : move the location of a photo, and adjust the direction in which it was taken , the latter is now broken team defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#22151 CTRL+click to adjust direction taken still doesn't work : disabled all but a few plug-ins holgermappt defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#22152 Still as before : CTRL + pointing somewhere won't turn the image directio narrow : you broke it > you mend it, please holgermappt defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#22153 This is to say "Thank you" to the PhotoAdjust author for quickly reverting to the working version holgermappt defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#22159 Josm failed to load - stalled at contacting server then crashed team defect normal Core
#22167 IAE: Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter team defect normal Core
#22171 dataset does not load team defect normal Core
#22181 Updating Building plugins generated an error. Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#22185 Error when clicked "Relations/ Lane Connectivity" at "Relation Editor" team defect normal Core
#22195 script plugin not working team defect normal Plugin scripting
#22201 InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters team defect normal Core
#22205 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction on upgrade to v18513 and plugin upgrades anonymous defect normal Core
#22206 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22212 failure to load dataset team defect normal Core
#22215 crash/error on quit team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#22217 OsmTransferException in$handleRequest team defect normal Core
#22219 missing warning during upload team enhancement normal Core validator
#22222 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class team defect normal Core
#22224 InvalidPathException when clicking "Open file" due to a special filename team defect normal Core
#22226 InvalidPathException when clicking "Open file" due to a special filename team defect normal Core
#22228 Opened JOSM from Map Roulette to an error team defect normal Core
#22229 Can't open task in JOSM from Map Roulette team defect normal Core
#22236 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22238 Area selection plugin throws exception when closing JOSM/removing LayerChangeAdapter objects team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#22244 JOSM hangs on startup and gives an error message. see screenshot. team defect normal Core
#22248 script plugin not working anonymous defect normal Plugin scripting
#22251 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22252 Error running change-set viewer with the latest version team defect normal Plugin changeset_viewer
#22260 Got this error just opening JOSM team defect normal Core
#22261 Erreur apparue au lancement de JOSM via java platform à l'étape "construction du menu principal" : lancement de josm arrêté team defect normal Core
#22270 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22271 Add support for geojsonl an optimized format for large geographic datasets team enhancement normal Core geojson
#22272 Fast draw plug in stopped working team defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#22273 Error when starting JOSM team defect normal Core
#22275 erreur lors du lancement team defect normal Core
#22277 IAE: Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#22288 False positives in "A linear object highway=* without area=yes has a tag indicating that it is an area" skyper defect normal Core validator
#22293 Unexpected exception occurred team defect normal Core
#22300 Not possible to undo merge layer / merge selection command team enhancement normal Core
#22302 Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Core
#22314 IAE: Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter team defect normal Core
#22315 Upload of data triggering expection "Primitive cannot be modified in read-only dataset" team defect normal Core
#22318 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22320 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.wikipedia.WikipediaApp.getSiteUrl()" because "app" is null floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#22321 org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22323 org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22325 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22327 Deleting the last layer crash Josm team defect normal Plugin areaselector
#22345 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22347 Trying to edit preset of multipolygon leads to an exception team defect normal Core
#22348 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22354 At start of JOSM team defect normal Core
#22356 Сrash when trying to open a preset for a relationship in the relation editor team defect normal Core
#22358 Der Fehler trat beim Starten des Programms nach wenigen Sekunden auf. team defect normal Core
#22360 cycleway:both is not rendered in data layer team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22362 Beim Start von JOSM team defect normal Core
#22364 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.SessionSaveAction team defect normal Core
#22370 Vorlage aus Relationsfenster heraus öffnen team defect normal Core
#22387 Error on File, Open team defect normal Core
#22389 conflict and uploading team defect normal Core
#22390 crash upon startup team defect normal Core
#22392 Eror when starting JOSM. team defect normal Core
#22393 Error on saving team defect normal Core
#22396 Fehler beim Start team defect normal Core
#22403 When the menu for saving is opened, the scale of the interface changes team defect normal Core
#22406 Starting screen stops and shows error screen team defect normal Core
#22407 Control + A no longer works team defect normal Core
#22408 crash upon startup team defect normal Core
#22411 crash upon startup team defect normal Core
#22415 Installation of JOSM 18565 in Windows does not work team defect normal Installer Windows
#22418 JOSM always show error message before closing the app. team defect normal Core
#22421 Uploading notes team defect normal Core
#22429 Open window enlarges window font toigopaul@… defect normal Core
#22433 JOSM refuse import second HOT tasking manager task after first is committed team defect normal Core
#22434 Error at startup when checking for latest version team defect normal Core
#22438 OsmTransferException in$handleRequest team defect normal Core
#22448 Pressing waste basket to delete last filter selected in Filter list, deletes first filter, not last filter selected team defect normal Core
#22449 Need upside down base layer map team enhancement normal Core
#22450 Standard style to handle "cycleway:both=" team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22459 NPE on plugin update to beta.17 taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#22461 Creating a screenshot under gnome/archlinux let josm crash team defect normal Core
#22465 Preset does not update from server as long as cache file is present team defect normal Core
#22483 Read-only layer team enhancement normal Core
#22490 IAE: Listener TracerAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin tracer
#22500 OsmTransferException in$handleRequest team defect normal Core
#22502 sort PT route members in relation causes ClastCastException in various places Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#22506 Unable to change engine for scripting Gubaer defect normal Plugin scripting
#22508 Color plugin crashes when selected from "More tools" menu maneasa.andrei@… defect normal Plugin ColorPlugin
#22536 Delayed rename and improper repaint of layer name in image viewer team defect normal Core image mapping
#22537 Crash on Close team defect normal Core image mapping
#22538 Crash on Exit team defect normal Core image mapping
#22548 Crash when adding a poop bag dispenser team defect normal Core
#22555 error when opening JOSM team defect normal Core
#22564 level=* should have numbers only with optional .5 increments team defect normal Core validator
#22566 cycleway:both not rendered in default style team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22572 InvalidPathException when clicking "Open file" due to a special filename team defect normal Core
#22577 MWAI data download cancel leads to error? taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#22590 Selected 360 mapillary while using viewer team defect normal Core image mapping
#22597 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#22601 IAE during layer cleanup team defect normal Plugin Magic Wand
#22602 adding roles to route=road relation team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22607 Tab in geoimage viewer window not working team defect normal Core image mapping
#22613 Download map data failed team defect normal Core
#22620 not sorting Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#22632 Unexpected exception when clicking download button team defect normal Core
#22646 Farbgebung area:highway=footway fehlt team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22648 Small font size of notes team defect normal Core notes
#22650 Geotagged photo marker bug team defect normal Core image mapping
#22666 Error appeared when i tried to update Microsoft Streetside vodryc defect normal Plugin MicrosoftStreetside
#22676 Exception when closing JOSM: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Listener was not registered before Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#22682 Afdrukken werk niet, leeg blad team defect normal Plugin print
#22686 Old JOSM version on Microsoft Store team defect normal Installer Windows
#22690 Crash dialog while JOSM should save the file and close itself team defect normal Core
#22692 Afdrukken team defect normal Plugin print
#22694 downloaded app from windows store suggest to update team defect normal Core
#22697 Module error message popped up team defect normal Plugin Magic Wand
#22709 Exception when validating team defect normal Core validator
#22710 Open multiple relation from Tags view. team enhancement normal Core
#22711 my maxar imagery isn't downloading imagery and i have been trying to load it for days. my internet is good as other imageries are working fine except maxar annejohnson305@… defect normal Core imagery
#22717 the plug in "print " does not work team defect normal Plugin print
#22724 Error with pt_assistant plugin (Sort PT Route members Relation Editor button) Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#22729 plugin mapwithai taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#22732 ISE: The layer has already been destroyed Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#22740 NPE: Cannot invoke "Object.equals(Object)" because "u" is null taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#22754 Ignoring Validation results doesn't work for some classes of bugs? mnalis defect normal Core validator
#22768 Add shortcuts to be able to select previous search strings in the Search dialog team enhancement normal Core
#22774 Fehlermeldung nach dem Start, vermutlich bei Aufruf des Fensters für Herunterladen-Funktion team defect normal Core
#22802 IllegalStateException when deleting Conflation layer Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#22807 Bug alert after selecting two relation team defect normal Core
#22815 incorrect warning "overlapping identical landuse" dieterdreist defect normal Core validator
#22830 Exception thrown when file name has Katakana in it team defect normal Core
#22834 NPE at$GPLevel.getBounded anonymous defect normal Core
#22836 StackOverflowError in `ImageViewerDialog.removeImageTab` team defect normal Core image mapping
#22838 Updating the Microsoft Store JOSM app team enhancement normal Core
#22850 Tracing (Follow) loops line back to first node after 4th node has been reached, team defect normal 24.01 Core
#22853 can't open an image file with imagery team defect normal Core
#22854 Can not install version 18700 team defect normal Git mirror
#22858 Unexpected error on mapillary click team defect normal Core image mapping
#22866 Validator rules from the Tag checker rules list are not updating team defect normal Core
#22877 impossible to open a pbf file with v18700 team defect normal Core
#22881 bug in ImportImagePlugin Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#22884 File open dialog does not support swedish characters team defect normal Core
#22885 Exception occured when loading a pbf team defect normal Core
#22888 Error when trying to download map from OSM team defect normal Core
#22895 After removing all layers team defect normal Plugin Magic Wand
#22900 Login failed team task normal Core imagery
#22907 osm.pbf file cannot be imported team defect normal Core
#22918 Reading pbf files on apple silicon team defect normal Core
#22923 JOSM false positive warnings about parking:both:fee:conditional and parking:right:fee:conditional team defect normal Core validator
#22932 Add footway=alley to acceptable value for footway=* anonymous defect normal Internal preset
#22934 Absturz beim Schließen team defect normal Core image mapping
#22936 Aggiornamento josm-setup.exe team defect normal Installer Windows
#22944 i trying to open a file team defect normal Core
#22945 Text input fields get disabled when adding tags team defect normal Core
#22949 Crash when closing JOSM team defect normal Core image mapping
#22953 Unexpecter error trying to donwload data team defect normal Core
#22959 Crash when closing the application team defect normal Core image mapping
#22962 crash during a download of an area team defect normal Core
#22964 IAE: Listener org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.pt_assistant.actions.DoubleSplitAction was not registered before or already removed. Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#22966 Error message pops up when closing window team defect normal Core image mapping
#22969 Fehlermeldung erschien beim Beenden von JOSM über das Fenster-schließen-Kreuz. team defect normal Core image mapping
#22970 error on program close team defect normal Core image mapping
#22977 Bug when i try to open a file in my folders team defect normal Core
#22979 Custom preset when selected shows an error screen before or after preset screen appears. team defect normal Core
#22981 Template still uses deprecated key "parking:orientation" team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22986 crash when closing josm team defect normal Core image mapping
#22987 Arrangement of Presets team defect normal Core
#22993 AIOOBE in PrintDialog#loadPrintSettings team defect normal Plugin print
#23000 Converting data layer to gpx layer failed team defect normal Core
#23003 Opening directory in file picker (non ASCII character file names?) team defect normal Core
#23036 Crashed while uploading data team defect normal Core
#23039 IllegalAccessError: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export to unnamed module team defect normal Core
#23040 終了時にパネルが表示される team defect normal Core
#23041 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23043 suspicious data not listed. team defect normal Core
#23046 Validator should check only updated data on upload team defect normal Core validator
#23047 please remove this empty suspicious-data-popups! team defect normal Core
#23058 JOSM crashes when opening the "download data" window team defect normal Core
#23060 exception when downloading data from OSM database team defect normal Core
#23069 Bug encountered opening help for any panel. team defect normal Core Webstart
#23073 Don't warn for missing tag if smoothness is tagged on area:highway team defect normal Core validator
#23075 street parking: false warning on conditionals team defect normal Core validator
#23077 Error when undoing polygon reconstruction with reltoolbox Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#23098 crash of JOSM while closing the software jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#23118 Seems to be related to copy-paste operations involving clipboard. team defect normal Core
#23123 Manipulating relations with the relation tool can lead to an exception Zverikk defect normal Plugin reltoolbox
#23128 Key:railway:switch = inner_curved (or outer_curved) wrong translation in german mikeho defect normal Core
#23131 crash after using CADTools Anamaria.Rotariu defect normal Plugin cadtools
#23133 male=yes and female=yes for hairdressers are the correct tags team defect normal Core validator
#23137 InvalidPathException when clicking "Open file" due to a special filename team defect normal Core
#23152 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23161 Duplicate housenumber warning dieterdreist defect normal Core validator
#23162 more zoom levels for 360° pictures team task normal Core
#23163 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23195 Oauth 2.0 token setup popunder blocks preferences dialog controls team defect normal Core
#23202 AssertionError: Range violated: the new range must be within a single subrange team defect normal Core
#23205 Josm bug report popped up after downloading new area and as I zoomed in a bit. team defect normal Core
#23207 Page "EdgeSelection" is under "En:" and it does not have any translation team defect normal Wiki content
#23224 Request for JOSM Trac Update - Version 1.2.2 to 1.6 stoecker enhancement normal Trac
#23237 emergency=lifeguard is not accepted in the "other" validations team defect normal Internal preset
#23243 IllegalAccessError: class cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23247 Error message after clicking on Preset link for highway crossing team defect normal Core
#23254 Wrong Visualisation of the width of the carriageway when using the Lanes and Road Attributes mappaint style team enhancement normal External mappaint style
#23259 Attempt to use CADTools Plugin resulted in fault Anamaria.Rotariu defect normal Plugin cadtools
#23262 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23264 On startup, JOSM warns of HTTPS certificate error for "" team defect normal Core
#23269 Wrong layer is activated after removing a data layer team defect normal Core
#23270 cannot apply resolution on deleted point team defect normal Core
#23275 add preset emergency lifeguard team enhancement normal Internal preset
#23278 ClassCastException: Relation cannot be cast to Way in QueryUtils.getMultiPolygons team defect normal Plugin polygoncutout
#23279 Regression: deleting imagery layer changes active layer team defect normal Core
#23280 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23281 Freeze when opening add tag dialog team defect normal Core
#23288 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23295 Bug when exiting, using apt version on Linux Mint jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#23306 exception when downloading data from OSM database team defect normal Core
#23315 IndexOutOfBoundsException in KartaViewPlugin.mapFrameInitialized jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#23328 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23329 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23334 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23336 18905 does not contain a double-clickable macOS app anymore team task normal Installer MacOS
#23342 バージョン18906をインストールしたところ、アイコンや名前が□□□と表示される。再インストールしても同じ。 team defect normal Core
#23343 Saving a session forgets that pictures are 360 team defect normal Core
#23346 Running validator and got bug. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23348 IOE: Unable to make field private [...] accessible: module java.desktop does not "opens javax.swing.text.html" to unnamed module team defect normal Core
#23349 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "retVal" is null team defect normal Core
#23351 not enough memory to show more than one imagery layer team defect normal Core
#23353 Manipulation d'image 360 géolocalisées pour Panoramax team defect normal Core image mapping
#23366 функцию Отключить снежинки team defect normal Core
#23372 Hashtags added repeatedly team enhancement normal Core
#23383 Kendzi 3D Addin is not starting kendzi defect normal Plugin kendzi3d
#23388 Missing icon ("Distinctive emblem used by KONS for National Monument of BiH.svg") team defect normal External preset
#23389 Plugins/Kendzi3D is not loaded. kendzi defect normal Plugin kendzi3d
#23396 Dialog "Add Tag" remains on top of all other windows team defect normal Core
#23410 exception when downloading data from OSM database team defect normal Core
#23426 AttributeError: is_authenticated stoecker defect normal Trac
#23429 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "retVal" is null team defect normal Core
#23435 ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in CameraPlane.mapping team defect normal Core image mapping
#23443 Das Öffnen von OSM-Dateien erzeugt einen Fehler. team defect normal Core
#23446 realtoolbox crash team defect normal Core
#23455 try to open file --> uncaught exception team defect normal Core
#23473 I opened a kml file,then continue to open another file,then error occured team defect normal Core
#23474 once open folder then error team defect normal Core
#23483 optimize the space in the history view (column width) and consider adding line wrapping team defect normal Core
#23487 Imagery management error team defect normal Core imagery
#23491 Unable to add imagery after clicking "imagery preferences" team defect normal Core imagery
#23493 Imagery Prefrences crash when opened team defect normal Core imagery
#23496 JsonParsingException: Unexpected char 60 at (line no=6, column no=1, offset=5) uchelewan1@… defect normal Core
#23497 JsonParsingException: Unexpected char 60 at (line no=6, column no=1, offset=5) team defect normal Core
#23508 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.wikipedia.WikipediaApp.getSiteUrl()" because "app" is null floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#23512 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "<local6>" is null team defect normal Plugin piclayer
#23528 svn Error messages when using svn co or svn up team defect normal Core
#23532 Erreur lors d'un glisser / déposer d'une photo team defect normal Core
#23541 Error when trying to download map data with arrow down button team defect normal Core
#23543 11-03-24 team defect normal Core
#23544 11-03-24 (копия) team defect normal Core
#23556 File open dialog navigation to home directory fails for snap package team defect normal Core
#23559 JOSM freezes for multiple seconds when selecting any object swedneck defect normal Plugin shrinkwrap
#23560 Replace Geometry function changed in a bad way team defect normal Core
#23563 Error dialog about missing JVM arguments when launching JOSM after update team defect normal Core
#23567 NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "<local6>" is null in org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ImportImagePlugin.LoadImageAction.actionPerformed team defect normal Plugin importimage
#23579 Counterproductive combine ways dialogue. Missing tags should not be considered a conflict. team defect normal Core
#23581 save team defect normal Core
#23583 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#23605 Unable to search for negative id team defect normal Core
#23607 Datei öffnen dialog fehlerhaft team defect normal Core
#23608 JOSM crashed while downloading a single relation. team defect normal Core
#23622 Unable to download OSM data team defect normal Core
#23623 Add search textbox to WMS layer selection team enhancement normal Core imagery
#23626 Unexpected exception on File Open with Sidewalk plugin present team defect normal Plugin sidewalks
#23632 mapillary not login taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23633 mapillary error taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23635 JOSM > Datei öffnen bringt Fehlermeldung team defect normal Core
#23655 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "retVal" is null team defect normal Core
#23657 can't open a file team defect normal Core
#23660 Error when trying to use the dowload button team defect normal Core
#23661 Auch in der neusten Version kommt beim Menüpunkt "Datei öffnen" die Fehlermeldung "Eine unerwartete Ausnahme ist aufgetreten" team defect normal Core
#23663 Cannot download map data team defect normal Core
#23664 Error with Extension Piclayer wihle loading OSM Data team defect normal Core
#23668 IAE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.conflict.tags.CombinePrimitiveResolverDialog.adjustDividerLocation team defect normal Core
#23670 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.wikipedia.WikipediaApp.getSiteUrl()" because "app" is null floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#23674 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "retVal" is null team defect normal Core
#23683 InvalidPathException when clicking "Open file" due to a special filename (e.g. ö,ä,å) team defect normal Core
#23689 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ToggleDialog$TitleBar.setVisible(boolean)" because "this.titleBar" is null taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23691 Sudden error team defect normal Plugin ImproveWay
#23713 Again: Meaningless informational messages for addr:* tags team defect normal Internal preset
#23723 JOSM 19039 and 19096: Reproducible crashes team defect normal 24.06 Core
#23726 Latest JOSM cannot start on Windows team defect normal Core
#23734 Mapillary Plugin crashes when zooming out too far. taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23736 Click on Open file button/ team defect normal Core
#23737 Restart option from File menu doesn't work team defect normal Core
#23757 Installed fresh, click "open" error happens team defect normal Core
#23764 Trying to remove KMZ layer throws error team defect normal Core
#23766 Cannot enter OAuth access token team defect normal Core
#23775 Error getting layers: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target team defect normal Core
#23776 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "<local6>" is null team defect normal Core
#23777 opening file bug team defect normal Core
#23778 opening file bug team defect normal Core
#23780 Unable to connect with josm et OAuth 2.0 alainporet@… defect normal Core
#23783 Mapillary plugin prevents to start JOSM taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23791 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "retVal" is null team defect normal Core
#23795 create Multipolygon team defect normal Core
#23803 Ismeretlen hiba beindításkor team defect normal Core
#23805 Restart team defect normal Core restart
#23807 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "retVal" is null team defect normal Core
#23814 Connection with JOSM failed Please verify if JOSM is running on your computer and the remote control is enabled. team defect normal Core
#23815 Crash caused by picking the "select an engine prompt" in the scripting plugin (only engine installed is jython) Gubaer defect normal Plugin scripting
#23824 Mapillary plug in: starting the filter gives a JOSM error taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23835 IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract in Windows file picker team defect normal Core
#23845 Se produjo una excepcion inesperada. floscher defect normal Plugin RovasConnector
#23881 DataIntegrityProblemException: identified sequence of equal nodes in a node list Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#23887 InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private java.awt.Image javax.swing.text.html.ImageView.image accessible: module java.desktop does not "opens javax.swing.text.html" to unnamed module team defect normal Core Webstart
#23890 Large data set with low zoom level: JOSM takes very long to do anything outside of the data region (like open a menu) team defect normal Core
#23891 InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private java.awt.Image javax.swing.text.html.ImageView.image accessible: module java.desktop does not "opens javax.swing.text.html" to unnamed module team defect normal Core Webstart
#23899 Mapillary Plugin in JOSM not functioning taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23900 plugin wikidata require josm update, not available on Windows store team defect normal Installer Windows
#23901 Moving an image without GPS coordinates resuts in an error holgermappt defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#23903 Dialog says "unexpected exception" if JOSM left open when monitor turned off team defect normal Core
#23916 Exception when trying to open Help team defect normal Core
#23918 bug with PicLayer (import calibration) team defect normal Core
#23934 Correlate with GPX - remember camera position offset team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#23944 exception when clicking the 'help' button on a preset team defect normal Core Webstart
#23947 Blue stripes appear across map when nearby water feature not fully downloaded team defect normal Core mappaint
#23952 NPE: Cannot invoke "java.awt.Image.getWidth(java.awt.image.ImageObserver)" because "retVal" is null team defect normal Core
#23957 InvalidPathException when clicking "Open file" due to a special filename team defect normal Core
#23958 AttributeError: is_authenticated stoecker defect normal Trac
#23959 The Style Philippines Traffic signs on the wiki team defect normal Trac
#23976 Exception upon clicking on a georeferenced JPG image from a Garmin Montana GPS team defect normal Core
#23983 Creating circular dependencies does not work. Josm bug window. team defect normal Core
#23998 Add "strolling" value to sac_scale team enhancement normal Internal preset
#24011 Bing maps are not loading at all, for any part of the world team defect normal Core
#24012 Bing imagery API is available in iD but not in JOSM team defect normal Core imagery
#24027 IAE: class (in unnamed module) cannot access class team defect normal Core
#24029 Error when accessing File-Open dialog team defect normal Core
#24044 Upload is Corrupt team defect normal Core
#64 Show color of layers imi enhancement minor Core
#100 Additional way tool mode? imi enhancement minor unspecified
#131 Only draw lines between GPS points no more than X seconds/meters apart imi enhancement minor Core
#150 import of gpx did not show anything imi defect minor unspecified
#165 selecting Properties imi enhancement minor Core
#234 Introduce support for Java Web Start josm@… enhancement minor Core
#399 Split way, and one part turns green framm defect minor Core
#412 Rename the most used shortcut-keys to 'a', 's' and 'd'. framm enhancement minor Core
#475 Trac website icon links to framm defect minor unspecified
#516 Make ways parallell framm enhancement minor Core
#526 [patch] Geotagged: loading a large number of pictures framm enhancement minor Plugin
#548 josm still showing conflict though data layer has been deleted and new one downloaded framm defect minor Core
#594 "an unexpected exception occured, that may have come from the wmsplugin" plugin. framm defect minor Plugin
#614 Wrong links framm defect minor Core
#639 Guest data load framm defect minor Core
#657 Lakewalker seemed to crash when I opened josm preferences via Edit->Preferences menu framm defect minor Plugin
#666 only nodes displayed and pop-up coding error framm defect minor Core
#669 The buttons in the relations panel are messed up. framm defect minor Core
#689 Need a function to find duplicate members in relations framm enhancement minor Core
#746 Default values for lakewalker plugin framm defect minor Plugin
#766 don't repaint when drawing ways framm enhancement minor Core
#775 Image import and timezones framm defect minor Plugin
#789 multipolygons are not rendered correctly framm defect minor Core
#793 Map not updated after downloading data from OSM framm defect minor Core
#866 Problem after updating josm from version 620 to version 656 framm defect minor Core
#925 Validator crash framm defect minor Core
#1362 Provide a Debian package and integrate in the desktop framm enhancement minor Core
#1409 Render bridges framm enhancement minor Core
#1420 Unglue - Move point framm enhancement minor Plugin
#1427 NoSuchMethod exception on slippymapchooser framm defect minor Plugin
#1660 (sometimes) invisible telephone icon (mappaint) ulfl defect minor Internal mappaint style
#1665 Loading MOTD delays JOSM start framm enhancement minor unspecified
#1667 Memory Leak (1042) framm defect minor unspecified
#1705 rendering of scale bar is confusing framm enhancement minor unspecified
#1725 Relation - restriction tools framm enhancement minor Core
#1734 NullPointerException at JOSM startup framm defect minor Plugin
#1767 Crash when try to enter preferences (F12) - some relation to unglueplugin framm defect minor Plugin
#1770 usability framm enhancement minor unspecified
#1778 Exception when loading an empty area twice. framm defect minor Core
#1880 Look and feel controls in preferences dialog added multiple times framm defect minor Core
#1951 List of Plugins: Description Text is bigger than Plugin Name framm enhancement minor unspecified
#1955 error message framm defect minor unspecified
#1975 Can't access to wms server url framm defect minor Plugin
#2003 Tool to move all polygons to a seperate Layer framm enhancement minor Core
#2019 [PATCH] bbox download selection overwrites my paste buffer when I paste an URL framm enhancement minor Core
#2034 upload popups too big, buttons not accessible framm defect minor Core
#2044 Auto-complete framm enhancement minor unspecified
#2071 panel size greatly unbalanced framm defect minor Core
#2097 wrong scale display on very far zoom framm defect minor Core
#2099 plugin - validator - parse key noname framm enhancement minor Core validator
#2101 JOSM shouldn't start full-screen framm defect minor Core
#2180 Error in loading plugins framm defect minor unspecified
#2182 Clicking restriction relation symbol should select relation framm enhancement minor Core
#2188 validator Crash on check defect minor Core validator
#2198 Orthogonalise 180 degrees framm enhancement minor Core
#2207 creating of a parallel way (like 'p'-key in potlatch) team enhancement minor Core
#2270 Icons missing ulfl defect minor Internal mappaint style
#2272 remote control crash team defect minor Plugin
#2276 Insert coordinates by right-clicking team enhancement minor Core
#2298 Java WebStart issues a security warning due to self-signed digital signature team enhancement minor Core Webstart
#2301 Java WebStart can't load any plugins team defect minor Core Webstart
#2307 wmsplugin: blank tiles saved xeen defect minor Plugin
#2348 NoSuchMethod exception with svn 1520 (wmsplugin) team defect minor Plugin
#2375 Multiple images on the same GPX point get lost team enhancement minor Core image mapping
#2390 natual cliff may be a simple way team defect minor Core validator
#2433 pedestian way incorrectly treated as area ulfl defect minor Internal mappaint style
#2445 Bad scale computing team defect minor Core
#2448 <osm version="null"> when saving a newly created OSM layer team defect minor Core
#2455 Piers can be ways team defect minor Core
#2463 "Unerwarteter Fehler" NullPointerException when advancing to next picture team defect minor Core
#2466 MOTD loaded is in system language instead chosen language team defect minor Core
#2469 barrier=retaining_wall false positive warning "unclosed way" team defect minor Core validator
#2471 Clicking Next Button of Image View: NullpointerException team defect minor Core
#2506 Not copying tags with changes team defect minor Core
#2509 NullPointerException when receiving empty diff reply team defect minor Core
#2523 NullPointerException when uploading changes team defect minor Core
#2528 Conflict not resolvable if node is deleted on the server team defect minor Core
#2531 Copy/Paste shortcuts do not work team defect minor Core
#2550 Fehlende Internetverbindung (DSL-Problem) wird nicht abgefangen team defect minor Core
#2554 a line tagged as railway:platform causes an "unclosed area" error team defect minor Core validator
#2584 copy & paste shortcuts stop working when using multipledata layers team defect minor Core
#2587 allow 180° angles for rectifier team enhancement minor Core
#2614 bug with flowing menus team defect minor Core
#2625 Right click on key or value for a given property to perform a search (or copy the text) team enhancement minor Core
#2629 Reversing forward/backward route member ways should show warning team enhancement minor Core
#2689 View Objects Filter ulfl enhancement minor Internal mappaint style
#2717 rotate viewport team enhancement minor Core
#2733 Webstart plugin fail team defect minor Core Webstart
#2742 error when installing wmsplugin team defect minor Core
#2848 Bug #2836 results in deletion of previously working plugins team defect minor Core
#2867 java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: eastNorth team defect minor Core
#2876 Cancel for Download members team enhancement minor Core
#2885 "disable plugin" window way too big team defect minor Plugin
#2943 "unexpected error" during data loading team defect minor Core
#2948 Disable tools and presets menus when no data is available team defect minor Core
#2973 Display entries in the Colors menu that differ from the default differently from the rest team enhancement minor Core
#2981 Problem is splitting ways team defect minor Core
#3025 Plugin crash team defect minor Plugin
#3026 Relation dialogue issues anonymous defect minor Core
#3081 Maximum zoom level locked at 60m since version 1823 team defect minor Core
#3238 ConcurrentModificationException team defect minor unspecified
#3257 plugin remotecontrol: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException after load and zoom team defect minor Plugin
#3268 Plus/minus buttons don't work team defect minor Core
#3274 warning message like oneway when changing direction of waterways team enhancement minor Core
#3326 scale value team enhancement minor Core
#3600 Split up "Edit" into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3601 Split up "Add" into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3602 Split up "Parking", "Rental" and "Shop" in presets into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3604 Split up "Station" into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3691 remote control error messages framm defect minor Core remotecontrol
#3804 Upload does upload unchanged nodes/ways/relations team enhancement minor Core
#3965 Error downloadning perastruplaustsen@… defect minor Core
#3979 Entfernen von Objekten ohne zu löschen team enhancement minor Core
#3981 Opening preferences takes a long time team defect minor Core
#4099 Selected relation members not drawn on top team defect minor Core
#4292 Add a revert tool to the history browser team enhancement minor Core
#4293 Add field to the upload window for source-tag team enhancement minor Core
#4363 validator: "end of way close to other way" - don't warn if layer tag is different (was: check for noexit=yes) team defect minor Core
#4390 add dialogs menu to mirror the buttons in the left side bar team enhancement minor Core
#4580 Copy&Paste openstreetbugs note featurerequest jstein defect minor Plugin openstreetbugs
#4592 open GPX-file: line where error occurred team enhancement minor Core
#4603 I'm not logged in after using the /josmticket redirect team defect minor unspecified
#5041 highway=bus_stop + public_transport=platform + bus=yes renders as white icon team defect minor Core
#5138 cancel on data download from OSM not working team defect minor Core
#5252 Exception when selecting a node team defect minor Core
#5435 false positive: pipeline on bridge team defect minor Core validator
#5549 Pop-up messages should be cut and pastable team enhancement minor Core
#5786 Interactive map, select region team enhancement minor Core
#5815 Make turn restriction symbol clickable to select the corresponding relation team enhancement minor Core
#5837 Validator should not check way-end close to way for barrier=* team enhancement minor Core validator
#6018 if using coloured traces, show legend in layer list team enhancement minor Core
#6065 Absturz, wenn Remote-Controll während des Startens benutzt wird team defect minor Core
#6110 in special cases JOSM warns to upload when no modifications are done team defect minor Core
#6114 Validator complains about religion=christian without denomination team defect minor Core validator
#6225 Message of the day not available team defect minor Core
#6226 NPE after trying to download a deleted way team defect minor Core
#6262 Validator does not recognize 'label' role of boundary relation team defect minor Core validator
#6272 Extend fuel preset dial for payment methods team enhancement minor Core
#6292 "multipoly-convert" has shortcut conflict with "mirror" bilbo defect minor Core multipoly
#6349 IndexOutOfBoundsException team defect minor Core
#6473 JOSM failure when run in "remote control" under special condition milker defect minor Core
#6509 datalayer with undone changes marked as layer with changes team defect minor Core
#6516 Josm logo looks bad on big-logo GUIs team enhancement minor Core
#6617 Implement doorhanger/nagbar notifications team enhancement minor Core
#6719 JOSM reports error after aligning nodes into a circle team defect minor Core
#7080 Warning about deleting nodes outside of the download area too eager team defect minor Core
#7081 Warning about ungluing ways outside of the downloaded are too eager team defect minor Core
#7133 WMS - bing - zoom jezevec defect minor Core
#7205 unerwarteter Fehler beim Löschen eines bereits gelöschten Objektes team defect minor Core
#7217 Error in parsing XML while saving settings team defect minor Core
#7272 error messages on startup team defect minor Core
#7588 [Patch] Negative incline value displays wrong direction arrows team defect minor Core
#7598 Error when merging 2 data layers team defect minor Core
#7643 Reduce GUI clutter by merging "Selection" and "History" panel team enhancement minor Core
#7685 When highway terminates on entrance do not warn "Way terminates on Area" team enhancement minor Core validator
#7753 plugin management: unable to activate plugin after aborted download team defect minor Core
#7897 Join multiple nodes team enhancement minor Core
#7898 Keyboard Shortcuts in tooltips are always shown in default language team defect minor Core
#8014 error on dowload relation team defect minor Core
#8111 Validator: crossing ways with bridged rail and cycleway team enhancement minor Core validator
#8126 "Clear tile cache" cannot be cancelled team defect minor Core imagery
#8161 Style for inner way equals multipolygon weird catch team defect minor Core validator
#8438 Send an empty changeset team defect minor Core
#8603 error when downloading raw gps data msdess defect minor Core
#8670 Problem with automatic selection in the "Add value?" dialog team defect minor Core
#8716 Validator: "Style for inner way equals multipolygon" triggered by diffent area types team defect minor Core validator
#8964 Warn about misleading/wrong values of "incline" team enhancement minor Core validator
#8970 Setting to prevent upload without editing the changeset comment field team enhancement minor Core
#9067 Cannot merge with a one-node way team defect minor Core
#9069 author regression: for objects updated in current session not the last editing mapper is shown team defect minor Core
#9221 Eigenschaften bearbeiten: Zu ändernder Wert wird nicht vorselektiert, wenn er nur 1 Zeichen lang ist team defect minor Core
#9310 Option Icon Size in Mac Look and feel to small team enhancement minor Core
#9436 Terracer throw an error on josm latest team defect minor Plugin terracer
#9457 feature-request multiple selection / manipulation in geometry (x) mode team enhancement minor Core
#9519 changeset comment field unexpectedly auto filled team defect minor Core
#9707 WMS cache should not be stored in AppData/Roaming on Windows machine team defect minor Core imagery
#9708 building=public is suggested by JOSM but not good mapping team enhancement minor Internal preset
#10174 Format JOSM info copied to clipboard in "You have encountered an error in JOSM" team enhancement minor Core bugreport
#10218 Left click selection box doesn't always disappear team defect minor Core
#10457 Support for OsmAnd Audio/Video Notes team enhancement minor Core
#10610 CMD-Shift-4 conflict on OSX team defect minor Core shortcuts
#10694 Dialog box for adding tags to nodes/ways ‘creeps’ across the screen each time it is opened. team defect minor Core
#11334 TextEdits should not resize on tag dialog resize Larry0ua defect minor Core
#11423 Input field for entering the house number in the address dialog is too small on Mac OS team defect minor Core
#11531 not solvable condition at closing closed note team defect minor Core notes
#12148 Data Integrity Exception when trying to revert team defect minor Core
#12291 Absturz beim Schließen von JOSM mit Hinweis auf Plugin ImproveOSM jBeata defect minor Plugin ImproveOsm
#13054 JOSM invites to upload changeset with no changes team defect minor Core
#13055 error message when closing parent relation team defect minor Core
#13062 Keystroke error w/ relation.RecentRelationsAction team defect minor Core
#13835 use ~/.cache not ~/.josm/cache team defect minor Core
#13860 MTP not supported? team defect minor Core
#13930 Too many history dialogs anonymous enhancement minor Core
#13990 Ability to collapse "rare" combinations in the presets team enhancement minor Internal preset
#14037 JOSM hangs on checking message count team defect minor Core
#14106 Please show currently active OSM username somewhere team enhancement minor Core
#14251 Exception when JOSM starts without network connection team defect minor Core
#14601 Bug report when downloading data from server - Possibly error thrown by tofix plugin Rub21 defect minor Plugin tofix
#14658 Pasting changeset url issues team defect minor Core
#14705 Download window should use standard layers icon team enhancement minor Core
#14767 JOSM catches exception on screen layout/size change team defect minor Core
#14842 Allow rotating the map, e.g., so south is up team enhancement minor Core
#14843 Allow showing grids on map. E.g., latitude and longitude team enhancement minor Core
#14941 Error pops up when deleting last node team defect minor Core
#15231 Exception error upon loading data around "Bärnzell" (the bus stop entry) requested from Nominatim jBeata defect minor Plugin ImproveOsm
#15350 Suggestion/Question: Create circle with more than 100 nodes. ika-chan! on OpenStreetMap enhancement minor Core
#15630 [PATCH] MinimapDialogTest: add tests covering "show downloaded area" functionality team enhancement minor Unit tests
#15846 Option to merge all layers team enhancement minor Core
#16004 Installer uses %Appdata% of Admins account team defect minor Installer Windows
#16026 Lock.svg needs smaller size team defect minor Core
#16178 OAuth login does not work when trying to upload changeset team defect minor Core
#17128 The level filter doesn't work for semicolon separated values team defect minor Core
#17212 Duplicate line in Installation Details team defect minor Core
#17373 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at sun.font.ExtendedTextSourceLabel.createCharinfo team defect minor Core
#17420 CCE: "sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData" (after resuming suspended laptop) team defect minor Core
#17675 Route name with →. Tag value contains unusual Unicode haracter - Tag 'name' invalid team defect minor Core
#18061 OpenStreetCam requires java.sql.Time, not included in Java >= 10 jBeata defect minor Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#18113 Security Warning (when using IcedTeaWeb) jpietri defect minor Plugin mapillary
#18454 Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay not working anymore team defect minor External imagery source
#18760 Error JOSM Validator on evaluation [opening_hours.js]: no "SH" definition. AnkEric defect minor Core validator
#19201 Show if a layer has changes team enhancement minor Core
#19204 cannot save data anonymous defect minor Core
#20118 Using MATSim plugin double-m defect minor Plugin matsim
#20371 Download along not working team defect minor Core
#20382 Update Track 1.2.2 -> 1.4.x (stable) stoecker enhancement minor Trac
#20413 Wikipedia tag validation incorrectly assumed + is a URL-encoded value floscher defect minor Plugin wikipedia
#20517 shortcut added to toolbar is greyed-out on restart team defect minor Core
#20561 Open relation properties dialog keeps some old info team defect minor Core
#20676 Bearbeitung des Uploaddialoges team defect minor Core
#21076 Error if file with infinity sign team defect minor Core
#21294 Error after downloading from FR cadaster Don-vip defect minor Plugin cadastre-fr
#21704 Incorrect warning "Water area inside water area" when natural=water / natural=wetland inside natural=coastline team defect minor Core validator
#21732 JOSM affected to Log4J-security-issue?? team task minor Plugin
#22256 Error team defect minor Core
#23547 not possible to open a local file team defect minor Core
#23847 Cannot login to mapillary plugin taylor.smock defect minor Plugin mapillary
#168 broken picture imi defect trivial Core
#431 Error message if server cannot be contacted insufficient framm enhancement trivial Core
#536 Broken link on all JOSM website pages framm defect trivial unspecified
#643 Logo on homepage links to framm defect trivial unspecified
#1603 Idea: Preset dialog enhancement idea ce enhancement trivial Internal preset
#1898 progress dialog for data upload to small framm enhancement trivial Core
#2829 Audio file remains locked after deleting marker layer team defect trivial Core audio
#3013 NullPointerException AddCommand.executeCommand UndoRedoHandler.add team defect trivial Core
#3204 Starting zoomlevel of a blank OSM-layer team defect trivial Core
#3675 right pane doesn't disappear when empty team enhancement trivial Core
#4286 load load team defect trivial Core
#4702 newly created "turn restriction" is not visible in drawing area team defect trivial Core
#5898 get object from server - parse links and lists team enhancement trivial Core
#6096 [Patch] two small enhancement proposals team enhancement trivial Core
#6724 Desktop Integration team enhancement trivial unspecified
#7224 Failed to locate image for plugin team defect trivial Plugin
#8371 A large number of files in the cache. team enhancement trivial JMapViewer
#9386 unverständliches Prüfergebnis team defect trivial Core validator
#10914 fix icon of "amenity=nightclub" team defect trivial 15.01 Internal mappaint style
#12747 attaching/detaching monitor results in crash team defect trivial Core
#13689 rename text label "Zoom to selected elements" > "Zoom to subselection" team enhancement trivial Core
#14745 Add Font Size stub menu items team enhancement trivial Core
#15975 Add checkbox: "Show tile edges" team enhancement trivial Core imagery
#16724 gpx export cripples data team defect trivial Core
#18149 Opening hours validator crashes and asks for a pull request at team defect trivial Core validator
#19873 Autofilters info shows wrong filtered level number rebsc defect trivial Core
#21925 Reporting bug team defect trivial Core
#23287 URL validator complains about invalid path, even though path is valid. team enhancement trivial Core validator
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.