
Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#21566 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Add power=connection to validator and preset?

Reported by: Gazer75 Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version:
Keywords: power connection Cc:


Would help avoid some misunderstanding and make validation easier.
Had some people "fix" some of these as they didn't know these types of connections were a thing.

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Change History (5)

comment:1 by skyper, 3 years ago

Component: CoreCore validator
Keywords: power connection added

For the preset part, please take aa look at #17034.
Regarding validator, I do not understand about which warning you talk about. Do you have an example, please.

comment:2 by skyper, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from team to Gazer75
Status: newneedinfo

comment:3 by harahu, 3 years ago

For reference, this is the changeset discussion that lead to this ticket: 113392283. I am the person who (wrongly) changed the original mapping, due to the combination of the Missing power tower/pole within power line warning from JOSM and not knowing that suspended (no pole/tower) connections exists.

In said changeset, there are two nodes where this ticket is relevant as of now:

I added the power=connection tag as a consequence of the above changeset discussion in a later changeset.

As I mention at the end of the conversation:

  • I, at least, specifically would like the Missing power tower/pole within power line warning to go away when two distinct lines are connected using power=connection.
  • You might also want to reword the error message, specifically for untagged nodes connecting distinct lines, in order to also suggest this power=connection tag, in addition to power=tower and power=pole.

Although, this latter point might be more controversial, given that the tag is not approved yet. It might not be a strong argument, but power=connection seems like one of the less controversial suggestions in the proposal from 2014, mentioned in ticket 17034, having even been suggested by reviewers in the discussion, and added to the proposal as a response to the suggestion, with no clear opposition on this point. Another issue mentioned in ticket 17034 is the lack of a wiki article. This seems resolved now, with a fairly high-quality article describing the tag and phenomena:

My reasoning for the first part of my proposal above is as follows:
Even though power=connection isn't approved yet, it is a pretty clear statement that there really is no power=tower or power=pole at the location of the node, and that no other mapper should tag a connecting node with one of these tags. It also implies that the node connecting the lines should not be removed. Hence, there shouldn't really be a warning associated with the node, as is the case today.

comment:4 by skyper, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from Gazer75 to team
Status: needinfonew

comment:5 by Klumbumbus, 3 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Closed as duplicate of #17034.

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