Custom Query (2337 matches)


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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2337)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#22505 NoClassDefFoundError: org/graalvm/polyglot/Engine Gubaer defect normal Plugin scripting
#22512 [Validator] nodes with lwn_name=* and no name should be valid team enhancement normal Core validator
#22531 Tag editing window is too small team defect normal Core
#22541 [MapCSS] Color first/last half of way team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#22542 Empty error dialog team defect normal Core
#22544 Adding a check for wrong wikimedia_commons syntax team enhancement normal Core validator
#22545 natural=valley and =fell can be used on nodes team enhancement normal Core validator
#22550 Images correlation: wrong coordinates in images team defect normal Plugin photo_geotagging
#22551 Plugins disappear seemingly at random on restart team defect normal Core
#22553 Support new amenity=loading_dock team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22554 display when a superroute loops team enhancement normal Core
#22560 Keep zoom and position in image viewer when switiching between layers team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#22573 Excel-produced CSV file with doublequotes in fields not parsed as expected Don-vip defect normal Plugin opendata
#22575 Magic Wand: IAE during layer cleanup team defect normal Plugin Magic Wand
#22578 Position of zoom slider not correctly initialised after opening session file team defect normal Core
#22579 JOSM should not warn about unconnected way ends, if these are certain POIs team enhancement normal Core validator
#22582 Conflation plugin not robust to item manipulation/deletions Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#22583 Wrong tag in Kart Racing Template team defect normal Internal preset
#22585 [Imagery] Add as replacement for Maps4BW going to be turned off team enhancement normal External imagery source
#22587 mvt layer not stored in .joz file (java session) team defect normal Core
#22589 JOSM uploads modified data twice team defect normal Core
#22596 [Patch] Elevation at current map location / Automatic download of SRTM HGT files team enhancement normal Plugin elevationprofile
#22605 No indication of and no option to delete automatically added CS-tag "hashtag" team defect normal Core
#22609 Box selection mode should have it's own shortcut team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#22610 Crash when triggering a mouse click while panning mapillary image in image viewer team defect normal Core image mapping
#22611 Validator - add a test for traffic_signals=* - less specific or undocumented values team enhancement normal Core validator
#22612 A single click can touch multiple geoimage layers team defect normal Core image mapping
#22617 Include shop=agrarian team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22618 Use a default sort order in the "Download Track" window of the "DirectDownload" plugin team enhancement normal Plugin DirectDownload
#22619 Validator should not warn for direction relations which use roundabout team defect normal Core validator
#22621 Display errors in the presets dialogs, not zoomed correctly on Windows 10 - System team defect normal Core
#22628 Rotate/scale sometimes activate when using keyboard modifiers but without clicking team defect normal Core
#22631 IAE in EDT team defect normal Core
#22633 Check tag with multiple values on power lines when changing direction of way team enhancement normal Core
#22634 [PATCH] Sorting relation members by connectivity changes order multiple times team enhancement normal Core
#22636 Conditionally show preset sections team enhancement normal Core
#22637 Allow positive matching for match_expression attribute in preset item team enhancement normal Core
#22639 False validator warning "voltage:* without transformer" team defect normal Core validator
#22651 Combine ways may not find best solution with oneways team defect normal Core
#22664 [PATCH] Make tagging presets more flexible team enhancement normal Core
#22665 Conflict resolver has my/theirs wrongly assigned team defect normal Core
#22668 Complain about disused:shop=yes shop=florist and similar combinations team enhancement normal Core validator
#22678 Wrong track names when exporting multiple route relations to gpx team defect normal Core
#22679 Extend improve way accuracy mode to allow unglueing of nodes from other ways team enhancement normal Core
#22695 MAPCSS, Note on: icon-rotation: way; text-rotation: way; coordinate transformation, documentation team enhancement normal Core
#22698 Wms and viewport dynamic generated tiles. team enhancement normal Core imagery
#22700 Follow line tool should automatically pick way segment under mouse pointer when there are multiple options team enhancement normal Core
#22701 360 image viewer : Reset Yaw/Pitch to 0 team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#22720 OsmTransferCanceledException: Operation canceled team defect normal Core
#22721 [PATCH] JOSM crashes when loading vector tiles (MVT) team defect normal Core imagery
#22725 Add legend for WMS team enhancement normal Core imagery
#22731 "Unkown value" does not properly handle white space team defect normal Core validator
#22735 Add type=site to preset Wind Power Plant team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22738 IllegalArgumentException when conflating after using MWAI merge function Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#22745 UnknownHostException: when is not resolved on /imagery remote control call team defect normal Core
#22746 title changed in MAPCSS, JOSM doesn't reload the title team enhancement normal Core
#22747 IOOBE in MapWithAIDefaultLayerTableModel.getRow taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#22748 Extend utility=* to buildings, street cabinets and industrial landuses team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22750 Make ImproveWayAccuracyAction extendible [patch] team enhancement normal Core
#22755 Inconsistent behavior of ∈ (building node part of building shape) team defect normal Core
#22756 Eliminate code duplication [patch] kolesar enhancement normal Plugin ImproveWay
#22758 Dedicated, error level complaint about combining highway=* and building=* on one way team enhancement normal Core validator
#22759 Avoid changing the zoom/view after loading a file team enhancement normal Core
#22766 Text input eventually stops working team defect normal Core
#22771 Keyboard movement through the versions in the History dialog is not entirely correct when local changes exist team defect normal Core
#22772 Text fields autoselection behavior when activating JOSM window team enhancement normal Core
#22776 Right clicking inside the todo plugin pane causes the selected item of the todo list to change Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#22778 reconsider mapcss function osm_timestamp() team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#22780 Add another coordinate format for "add new node" team enhancement normal Core
#22781 Warning for highway and layer combination team enhancement normal Core validator
#22790 [PATCH] Minimal support for aeroway=taxilane team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22791 [PATCH] Minimal support for man_made=quay team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22793 [PATCH] Render boundary=place team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22797 The "Add Tag" dialog should not be modal team enhancement normal Core
#22799 [WIP patch] Smarter DistributeAction action for single node team enhancement normal Core
#22800 Align Nodes in Circle: Keep position of nodes with tags or membership team enhancement normal Core
#22801 Possibility to assign shortcuts to menu check box entries team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#22804 MAPCSS: error regarding rotated text: no rotated coordinate system, rotated alignment horizontal / vertical --> error team defect normal Core
#22805 MAPCSS: Error while parsing a mapcss file (division, comment). team defect normal Core
#22809 Improvvisa chiusura duranteuno spostamento in un area contigua a quella scaricata. team defect normal Core imagery
#22812 When I attempt to use a custom image tile server, JOSM crashes team defect normal Core imagery
#22813 Relation Editor: Sort members of type=waterway according to water flow direction. team enhancement normal Core
#22816 Check for check_date:xxxx if tag xxxx is updated (and offer to fix it) team enhancement normal Core validator
#22820 duplicate way : sometime with(out) auto-repair team defect normal Core validator
#22823 WMTS layer max zoom isn't detected by Josm team defect normal Core imagery
#22824 WMTS : No way to refresh capabilities manually team defect normal Core imagery
#22829 IAE: Listener org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.pt_assistant.actions.DoubleSplitAction was not registered before or already removed. Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#22837 Remember last selected download area even when download failed team defect normal Core
#22841 [patch] Trunk and some highway links not possible to set on closed way when using presets team defect normal Internal preset
#22843 ISE in AutoScaleAction#getFirstSelectedLayer team defect normal Core
#22847 Objects of a data layer with no downloaded area at all should be considered as object outside of downloaded area team enhancement normal Core
#22848 java.util.NoSuchElementException when adding a tag that is covered by a filter team defect normal Core
#22849 Support traffic_signals:vibration team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22851 Error while opening .gpkg file Don-vip defect normal Plugin opendata
#22861 note not closed after changeset upload Kmpopppe defect normal Plugin notesolver
#22869 LVM WMTS fails: "stream is closed" team defect normal Core imagery
#22870 Mouse cursor doesn't show/change mode modifer after a data download team defect normal Core
#22872 Incorrect 'overlapping water ways' validation warning team defect normal Core validator
#22874 Jump To Position dialog - missing/incorrect label team defect normal Core
#22876 Add command stack items (ie scrollable window) to upload window team enhancement normal Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.