
Opened 2 years ago

#22700 new enhancement

Follow line tool should automatically pick way segment under mouse pointer when there are multiple options

Reported by: Woazboat Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: follow line, add, way, hover Cc:


The "follow line" (f keyboard shortcut) tool stops and requires users to pick the next way segment to follow when it encounters a branching node with multiple possibilities. (Also at the start when it doesn't know which direction to go in.)

In the current workflow, the user has to pick the correct way segment by clicking on the corresponding next node. Nodes are rather small and can take a moment to accurately select. They also might be a long way away from the mouse pointer or even out of view. This can considerably slow down the tracing process and can be quite annoying.

Allowing to pick the next way segment to follow by simply hovering over it with the mouse pointer could help to speed up things. The potential next way segments are always local to the current follow position and also can't be out of view since they're whole lines and not just points. They also present a much larger selection area and are therefore easier to select. It also saves you from having to do a left mouse click every time.

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