Custom Query (1205 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 1205)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#20828 Downloading French cadaster data in the wrong layer new Don-vip normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#20832 [patch] Unknown turn restriction for restriction:hgv:conditional=no_left_turn new GerdP normal Core validator
#20833 [WIP Patch] Restrictions `no_exit` and `no_entry` missing new team normal Internal preset
#20837 Disconnect node from way: No notification about the possibility of breaking relations new team normal Core
#20861 Tagging preset: "value_template" always overwrites value without strong indication and without option to disable. new team normal Core
#20869 Ctrl+U "update data" sends too-large overpass query new team normal Core
#20881 Add names from Wikidata new floscher normal Plugin wikipedia
#20884 Unglue Ways: Description in notification and actual selection after action differ new team normal Core
#20896 Add Tag and Change Value dialogs open at the same time new team normal Core
#20904 IllegalStateException: Already registered a conflict for primitive without conflict listed in conflict list panel new team normal Core
#20907 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced at (delete action) after undelete new team normal Plugin undelete
#20909 "No area style for multipolygon" produces lots of duplicates new team normal Core validator
#20916 The SimilarNamedWays test reports false positive on Arabic street names new team normal Core validator
#20923 Multiple images displayed from restored session file new team normal Core image mapping
#20929 Tried to import a defective geojson and JOSM crashed new team normal Core geojson
#21013 Customize track drawing dialog needs scrollbar new team normal Core
#21050 name of way drawn far from way new rebsc normal Plugin ​indoorhelper
#21054 Work offline does not work with imagery new team normal Core imagery
#21055 Layer: Wrong and misleading direction arrows for routes with dual directions new Biswesh normal Plugin pt_assistant
#21087 Dialogs for adding custom imagery need scrollbar new team normal Core imagery
#21098 Strange behavior of the gpx track loader when the connection is broken new team normal Core
#21141 EULA for background-image new team normal Core imagery
#21146 ClassNotFoundException: org.openstreetmap.josm.Main after adding RGB Filter new Nipel-Crumple normal Plugin rasterfilters
#21152 Undo Selection + Select last modified nodes/ways: ISE: JOSM expected to find primitive in dataset but it is not there, with delete, purge or undo new team normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#21153 Split Object: Overlapping areas created assigned GerdP normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#21163 [WIP Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails new team normal Core validator
#21179 Sporadic crashes right after download - Failed to load module "topmenu-gtk-module" - BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) new team normal Core
#21181 Panning using touchscreenhelper deselects ways new team normal Plugin touchscreenhelper
#21186 Undo Selection + Select last modified nodes/ways do not work with deleted objects new team normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#21187 Command Stack deleted after unsuccessful upload and conflict not found in first place new team normal Core
#21188 Upload Selection fails without info on read timeout during check of parents of deleted objects new team normal Core
#21189 Wrong number of objects in upload dialog and no option to upload only some deleted objects. new team normal Core
#21201 Display problem for riverbank multipolygon new team normal Core mappaint
#21211 Missing warnings in modifying partial downloaded data with some tools (e.g. splitting ways) new team normal Core
#21212 text rendered on tiles is too small on retina screens new team normal Core imagery
#21222 DataIntegrityProblemException: Complete node with null coordinates needinfo anonymous normal Core
#21234 During "OK" click in preference window. Should catch errors (Tag Checker Data Sources) without closing the preference window. new team normal Core
#21247 NPE: Cannot read field "width" because "this.componentInnards" is null new floscher normal Plugin wikipedia
#21255 Canceling an upload completely stalls JOSM new team normal Core
#21261 Command line option --status-report does not exit new team normal Core
#21262 The imagery toolbar buttons periodically disappear new team normal Core
#21270 IOException to open fieldpapers by local file new mojodna normal Plugin fieldpapers
#21273 kendzi3d: 'NSWindow drag regions should only be invalidated on the Main Thread!' new kendzi normal Plugin kendzi3d
#21278 JOSM.exe runs upscaled new team normal Core
#21282 Kartaview plugin causes warnings "CSS parser not implemented yet" and "Could not create font" new jBeata normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#21303 Searching for empty role with hasRole does not work new team normal Core
#21318 MVT style drops data when two points have same coordinates new team normal Core imagery
#21334 [PATCH] image direction is wrong when position is beetween 2 gpx point reopened Don-vip normal 21.10 Core image mapping
#21336 gray/grey colour value confusion in destination_sign relation preset new team normal Core
#21342 Viewing the article on wikipedia does not work new team normal Core tag2link
#21347 double-clicking on items in turn restriction windows no longer works new team normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#21362 better navigation of change history new team normal Core
#21368 NPE at new team normal Plugin freemapkapor
#21378 Use an own, temporally flag to block layer on upload. new team normal Core
#21379 public_transport plugin : remove or update to PTv2 scheme new roland.olbricht normal Plugin public_transport
#21381 Some German translations are shown even if language is set to English new team normal Core
#21382 IllegalStateException: Dialog not created yet. Invoke createInstance() first new jBeata normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#21384 sort/propose prefills on upload box for last used, not alphabetical new team normal Core
#21390 Odd word wrap in tooltip new team normal Core
#21392 IAE: Width and height cannot be <= 0 at ImageWarp.warp new team normal Core imagery
#21433 Wrong warning of the URL validator new team normal Core validator
#21444 Computer suspend while uploading freezes JOSM new team normal Core
#21448 StartPage direction for Arabic new team normal Wiki content
#21458 Use System Proxies does not work new team normal Core
#21475 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on gps filter sorting new team normal Core
#21487 Save Session: Using a dot in file name does not add file extension new team normal Core
#21523 Setting the direction of a panned 360 photo causes a counterintuitive result new holgermappt normal Plugin photoadjust
#21526 Loosing values pasting "Copy all/selected Keys/Values" with key with multiple values new team normal Core
#21549 url not found in new team normal Wiki content
#21563 Opening history of relation with high version number leads to exceeding OSM bandwidth limit new team normal Core
#21580 Opening GPX file changes colours of ways new team normal Core
#21584 Delete key only works every second time in the ToDo plugin new taylor.smock normal Plugin todo
#21594 don't ask about relation membership handling when combining 2 ways which are part of the same multipolygon new team normal Core
#21597 [patch] Zero-width space when copy/pasting URL from Notes new team normal Core notes
#21599 Fatal Error when opening a surveyed GPX file new team normal Core
#21606 Changing username still shows the previous one in object history new team normal Core
#21621 Open dialog traverse folders verify finicky on macOS 12 arm64 with Bluetooth mouse new team normal Core
#21632 Wrong syntax in hazmat:conditional key new team normal Core validator
#21633 Add scroll bar to dialog "Automatic tag correction" new team normal Core
#21639 selection highlight does not highlight the label new team normal Core
#21640 NPE: Cannot invoke "" because "this.parent" is null new maripogoda normal Plugin EasyPresets
#21643 MismatchedDimensionException: Argument "ETRS89 / UTM zone 33 + NN2000 height" has 3 dimensions, while 2 was expected. new team normal Plugin importimage
#21651 ACE: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "" "read") new team normal Core
#21654 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset: {Node) while editing restaurant with preset needinfo andre-sa normal Core
#21656 Abort rendering when obsolete new team normal Core mappaint
#21668 Closing already closed note from JOSM generates an error new team normal Core notes
#21674 IllegalStateException: Already registered a conflict for primitive (merging) new team normal Core
#21686 AIOOBE: mapmode.SelectAction$VirtualManager.createMiddleNodeFromVirtual new team normal Core
#21700 Grammarly app can cause problem with JOSM shortcuts new team normal Core shortcuts
#21711 Allow tourism=attraction inside tourism=attraction new team normal Core validator
#21740 IAE: Attempted to add listener that was already in list: external preset with group name RoadSigns new team normal Core
#21741 Unicode 'Modifier Letter Colon' (U+A789) gives spurious warning new team normal Core validator
#21779 Wikidata name is not shown consistently when Wikidata item is used in different tags new floscher normal Plugin wikipedia
#21781 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.wikipedia.WikipediaApp.getSiteUrl()" because "app" is null new floscher normal Plugin wikipedia
#21783 JOSM data validator check failure - "Unconnected highways" new team normal Core
#21798 No empty combobox item in preset names for deleting values new team normal Core
#21802 Exclude georgian wiki pages "wikipedia=ka:xxx" from "wikipedia page title should have first letter capitalized" new team normal Core validator
#21807 [Download] Update wiki page to say the Windows installer is for 64-bit only new team normal Installer Windows
#21808 OSM Inspector / JOSM layer new team normal Core imagery
#21811 To Get Access Token, Failure causes OAUTH OKAY to Hide new team normal Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.