
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#21163 new defect

[WIP Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails

Reported by: DodalerAfenger Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version: tested
Keywords: template_report conditional highway lanes Cc: angoca


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Validating this way

I came across that way by trying to solve an OSMOSE warning...

What is the expected result?

Looking at this page, I think the conditionals look ok. (Though I am not that much an expert ;-))

What happens instead?

Warnings are issued in JOSM saying the conditional keys use a wrong syntax on their values.

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2021-07-12 02:41:41 +0200 (Mon, 12 Jul 2021)
Build-Date:2021-07-12 00:42:49
Relative:URL: ^/trunk

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (18004 de) Windows 10 64-Bit
OS Build number: Windows 10 Pro 2009 (19042)
Memory Usage: 643 MB / 3616 MB (382 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 1.8.0_301-b09, Oracle Corporation, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Look and Feel:
Screen: \Display0 1920×1080 (scaling 1.00×1.00)
Maximum Screen Size: 1920×1080
Best cursor sizes: 16×16→32×32, 32×32→32×32
System property file.encoding: Cp1252
System property sun.jnu.encoding: Cp1252
Locale info: de_DE
Numbers with default locale: 1234567890 -> 1234567890
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

+ reverter (35732)

Last errors/warnings:
- 00005.719 W: Unable to request certificate of
- 00006.245 W: Unable to request certificate of
- 07173.462 W: No command found in undo/redo history, skipping confirmOrUndoMovement
- 07186.477 W: No command found in undo/redo history, skipping confirmOrUndoMovement
- 07501.212 W: Read timed out. Ursache: Read timed out
- 07501.213 E: Read timed out. Ursache: Read timed out
- 07501.229 E: Verbindung zum OSM-Server fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.. Ursache: Read timed out. Ursache: Read timed out
- 07501.229 E: Verbindung zum OSM-Server fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.. Ursache: Read timed out. Ursache: Read timed out
- 07501.229 E: Verbindung zum OSM-Server fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.. Ursache: Read timed out. Ursache: Read timed out
- 07501.243 E: Ein-/Ausgabefehler - <html>Datenübertragungsfehler zum Server<br>",48.7679374,9.1522263,48.7719374"<br>beim Hoch- oder Herunterladen.<br>Details: Read timed out</html>

Attachments (4)

2021-07-25 21_18_21_Verdächtige Daten gefunden. Trotzdem hochladen__Michael.png (20.1 KB ) - added by DodalerAfenger 4 years ago. (12.4 KB ) - added by DodalerAfenger 4 years ago.
josm_21163.patch (6.0 KB ) - added by DodalerAfenger 4 years ago.
Adopting checks in validation for key combinations of lanes and conditional generating false positive warnings before. E.g. tagging a way with "access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)" is now checked valid. (5.1 KB ) - added by DodalerAfenger 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

comment:1 by skyper, 4 years ago

Keywords: conditional highway lanes added
Version: tested
bus:lanes:conditional=yes|designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)
cycleway:right:conditional=share_busway @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)
lanes:bus:forward:conditional=1 @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)
parking:condition:right:conditional=free @ (Mo-Fr 19:00-22:00);free @ (Sa 08:00-22:00)

Right, all are valid and only parking:condition:right:conditional could profit from a white space in front of the second value or be summarized to one value: free @ (Mo-Fr 19:00-22:00, Sa 08:00-22:00).

By the way, the tagging of the way is inconsistent and a mix of two different systems. :lanes-tagging is incorrect as at least :forward/:backward are missing with some keys and access:lanes:forward:conditional plus bicycle:lanes:forward:conditional are missing. Adding lanes:backward=1 is appreciated in such cases, too.

comment:2 by skyper, 4 years ago

Similar to #9679.

comment:3 by DodalerAfenger, 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback!

Hopefully it does not take another 7 years to make the validator a little less restrict as

Similar to #9679

may imply. ;-)

By the way, the tagging of the way is inconsistent and a mix of two different systems. :lanes-tagging is incorrect as at least :forward/:backward are missing with some keys and access:lanes:forward:conditional plus bicycle:lanes:forward:conditional are missing. Adding lanes:backward=1 is appreciated in such cases, too.

I will look into that. But I am not that much into mapping/tagging complex stuff, yet.

comment:4 by DodalerAfenger, 4 years ago

I have worked on the adaption of the java code to address this issue myself.

This is my first work on the project and as well with Java. I did some programming (Perl/Python/Javascript/... scripting) before, but never worked in a huge project like this one before. So please, feel free to have a look at the code when it shows up in the repository and let me know if I can improve anything. Your input is strongly welcome.

I already place this information here, since it seams to be good practice to reference tickets within the commit comments.

Before startet my work, I checked taginfo for information on how often the combination lanes/conditional is used. I place it below, in case anyone is interested in this, too. For me it was used often enough, to adopt the checks in JOSM ;-)

Ok, it is not THAT easy after all to commit code to the repo. My user account does not have the appropriate rights and I then came across this note via here. So, as mentioned there I will simply attach my work to this ticket. It would be sad not to see the changes become productive. Please leave a short comment when you "found" the attached code. :)

btw, that would have been my commit comment:
see #21163 Adopting checks in validation for key combinations of lanes and conditional generating false positive warnings before. E.g. tagging a way with "access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)" is now checked valid.

key occurences
lanes:bus:conditional 3317
access:lanes:conditional 627
psv:lanes:conditional 611
lanes:psv:conditional 511
hgv:lanes:conditional 427
goods:lanes:conditional 272
lanes:conditional 213
lanes:backward:conditional 210
lanes:forward:conditional 181
motor_vehicle:lanes:conditional 147
lanes:psv:forward:conditional 144
motorcycle:lanes:conditional 97
bus:lanes:conditional 87
bicycle:lanes:conditional 82
lanes:psv:backward:conditional 79
cycleway:lanes:conditional 74
motorcar:lanes:conditional 55
turn:lanes:conditional 46
access:lanes:forward:conditional 40
hov:lanes:conditional 39
lanes:bus:forward:conditional 31
psv:lanes:backward:conditional 25
tourist_bus:lanes:conditional 21
coach:lanes:conditional 21
access:lanes:backward:conditional 20
bus:lanes:forward:conditional 18
motor_vehicle:lanes:forward:conditional 15
motor_vehicle:lanes:backward:conditional 13
destination:lanes:conditional 12
lanes:taxi:conditional 12
hgv:lanes:forward:conditional 12
lanes:motorcycle:conditional 12
lanes:bicycle:conditional 12
vehicle:lanes:conditional 11
lgv:lanes:conditional 10
bicycle:lanes:forward:conditional 10
cycleway:lanes:backward:conditional 10
lanes:tourist_bus:conditional 9
maxspeed:lanes:conditional 9
lanes:coach:conditional 9
turn:lanes:forward:conditional 9
motorcycle:lanes:backward:conditional 8
lanes:bus:backward:conditional 7
lanes:cycleway:conditional 7
turn:lanes:backward:conditional 7
lanes:goods:conditional 6
maxspeed:lanes:forward:conditional 6
bicycle:lanes:backward:conditional 6
lanes:hgv:conditional 6
lanes:hov:conditional 6
was:lanes:psv:conditional 5
vehicle:lanes:forward:conditional 4
turn:motor_vehicle:lanes:conditional 3
taxi:lanes:forward:conditional 3
moped:lanes:conditional 3
psv:lanes:forward:conditional 3
emergency:lanes:conditional 2
note:lanes:conditional 2
lanes:motorcycle:backward:conditional 2
hov:lanes:backward:conditional 2
maxspeed:hgv:lanes:conditional 1
vehicle:lanes:backward:conditional 1
lanes:emergency:conditional 1
lanes:motorcycle:forward:conditional 1
was:bus:lanes:conditional 1
Last edited 4 years ago by DodalerAfenger (previous) (diff)

by DodalerAfenger, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

by DodalerAfenger, 4 years ago

Attachment: josm_21163.patch added

Adopting checks in validation for key combinations of lanes and conditional generating false positive warnings before. E.g. tagging a way with "access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)" is now checked valid.

by DodalerAfenger, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by skyper, 4 years ago

Summary: Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails[Pacth ]Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails

Replying to DodalerAfenger:

Before startet my work, I checked taginfo for information on how often the combination lanes/conditional is used. I place it below, in case anyone is interested in this, too. For me it was used often enough, to adopt the checks in JOSM ;-)

Be careful, these tags are mixed from two different tagging systems. lanes=* plus lanes:[forward/backward]=* is used by both but lanes:[VEHICLE_TYPE]*=* has only numbers as values while *:lanes* is the :lanes-tagging-schema and has the mentioned value combinations with multiple values with inner separator ; and outer separator | like turn:lanes:forward:conditional=left;through|through;right @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-10:00, Sa 07:00-09:00; PH off). [VEHICLE_TYPE]:lanes* as all access tags should only have one inner value like hgv:lanes:conditional=no|yes|destination @ (Mo-Fr 00-00-06:00,22:00-24:00; PH,Sa,Su).

Ok, it is not THAT easy after all to commit code to the repo. My user account does not have the appropriate rights and I then came across this note via here. So, as mentioned there I will simply attach my work to this ticket. It would be sad not to see the changes become productive. Please leave a short comment when you "found" the attached code. :)

Patches are welcome.
Please, always add [Patch] to the summary to have the ticket listed under Open tickets with patches attached.

btw, that would have been my commit comment:
see #21163 Adopting checks in validation for key combinations of lanes and conditional generating false positive warnings before. E.g. tagging a way with "access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)" is now checked valid.

Mmh, access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00) is incorrect in my eyes as twice the same value is strange. But I guess this is a general problem of the conditional tags so far, as the time spans are only checked singular and not as combination.

comment:6 by skyper, 4 years ago

Summary: [Pacth ]Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails[Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails

comment:7 by DodalerAfenger, 4 years ago

Be careful, these tags are mixed from two different tagging systems.

Thanks for that hint. I was aware of that since i checked this site. But I did not set up my checks in a way that it fits both. Currently it would allow | separators for lanes:[VEHICLE_TYPE]*=*. I will look into that again.

with multiple values with inner separator ; and outer separator |

I was not aware of the inner separator ;. Now I found the spec here. (Just adding it here for reference...)

Patches are welcome. Please, always add [Patch] to the summary to have the ticket listed under Open tickets with patches attached.

Ok. I will do so, when I fixed the stuff mentioned just above. Until that I will remove [Patch] from ticket subject again.

Mmh, access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00) is incorrect in my eyes as twice the same value is strange. But I guess this is a general problem of the conditional tags so far, as the time spans are only checked singular and not as combination.

I only added that for showing the allowable format, not even thinking about checking overlapping time spans. But, I will also spend some moments on how checking this. ;-)

Thanks for your feedback!

Last edited 4 years ago by DodalerAfenger (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by DodalerAfenger, 4 years ago

Summary: [Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) failsValidating an object (way with conditionals) fails

in reply to:  7 comment:9 by skyper, 4 years ago

Replying to DodalerAfenger:

Be careful, these tags are mixed from two different tagging systems.

Thanks for that hint. I was aware of that since i checked this site. But I did not set up my checks in a way that it fits both. Currently it would allow | separators for lanes:[VEHICLE_TYPE]*=*. I will look into that again.

Basically, lanes=*, lanes:[forward|backward|both_ways]=* and lanes:[VEHICLE_TYPE]*=* have only a single, positive number as value. I thought half lanes are sometimes mapped, e.g. 1.5 is OK, but the wiki, taginfo and JOSM validator tell a different story.
Anyway lanes:[VEHICLE_TYPE]*=* is not included in numeric.mapcss and would need some lines of new code.

with multiple values with inner separator ; and outer separator |

I was not aware of the inner separator ;. Now I found the spec here. (Just adding it here for reference...)

Right, the inner separator is only used with a few keys like e.g. turn and destination + subtags. Basically, all keys which may have multiple values in their basic form can have multiple values within the outer separator.

Patches are welcome. Please, always add [Patch] to the summary to have the ticket listed under Open tickets with patches attached.

Ok. I will do so, when I fixed the stuff mentioned just above. Until that I will remove [Patch] from ticket subject again.

Fine. Some use [WIP Patch] instead of removing.

Mmh, access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00) is incorrect in my eyes as twice the same value is strange. But I guess this is a general problem of the conditional tags so far, as the time spans are only checked singular and not as combination.

I only added that for showing the allowable format, not even thinking about checking overlapping time spans. But, I will also spend some moments on how checking this. ;-)

This gets really tricky and is probably worth an own ticket. Identical values like the example above or hov:lanes=conditional=yes|yes|designated @ (Mo-Sa 06:00-09:00); yes|yes|designated @ (Mo-Fr 14:00-18:00) might raise a warning about prettifying it into one value but digging deeper and interpreting the complete opening_hours part is some work, I guess. So far, I have to check my time spans each on its own at

comment:10 by skyper, 2 years ago

Summary: Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails[WIP Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails

comment:11 by skyper, 2 years ago

Ticket #21852 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:12 by skyper, 2 years ago

Cc: angoca added

See also #9679, #18831, #21778 and #22714.

Last edited 2 years ago by skyper (previous) (diff)

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