Open tickets, with patches attached (158 matches)

Active tickets, with patches attached


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Results (1 - 100 of 158)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#24207 [patch] Fix License Classes in defaultpreset new defect normal Internal preset
#24188 [WIP patch] Speed up tagging preset filtering new enhancement normal Core
#24090 [PATCH] Improve java version detection in /usr/bin/josm needinfo defect minor Core
#24078 [Patch] Warn when addr:*=* is added to a relation new enhancement minor Core validator
#24033 [Patch] There should be a validator warning for the deprecated key building:roof new enhancement normal Core validator
#24005 [PATCH] Missing direction on last image when adding direction on an image layer new defect normal Core image mapping
#23997 [Patch] Add "strolling" value to sac_scale new enhancement normal Internal preset
#23977 [PATCH] Add railway=train_station_entrance to standard preset and mapstyle new enhancement normal Internal preset
#23949 [PATCH] sidewalk=* missing new defect normal Internal preset tested
#23813 [PATCH] Update recycling presets, change number of points in circles new enhancement normal Core
#23753 [Patch] False positive from destination_sign relation validation new defect normal Core
#23694 [Patch] Add armrest tag to the default preset for amenity=bench new enhancement normal Internal preset
#23654 [WIP patch] Attribution text misalignment new defect trivial JMapViewer
#23513 [PATCH] simplify icon for sport=table_tennis new enhancement normal Core
#23482 [PATCH] optimize the space in the history view (column width) and consider adding line wrapping new defect normal Core
#23360 [PATCH] Saving the TODO task list reopened defect normal Core
#23327 [patch] enhancement: switch between preview and before in simplify new enhancement normal Core
#23311 [patch] Add natural=hill preset new enhancement normal Internal preset latest
#23258 [PATCH] JCSCacheManager locks the wrong directory new defect minor Core
#23255 [PATCH] Some MapCSSRendererTest reference images were rendered with the wrong font new defect normal Unit tests
#23102 [RFC PATCH] Poor map navigation on macbooks new enhancement normal Core latest
#23008 [WIP patch] Improve PowerLines test performance reopened enhancement normal Core
#23005 [WIP patch] Add preset railway=derail new enhancement normal Internal preset
#23002 [WIP patch] Inconsistent notification position new defect normal Core
#22940 [Patch] add autofix for node[type=multipolygon] and most way[type=multipolygon] new enhancement normal Core validator
#22841 [patch] Trunk and some highway links not possible to set on closed way when using presets new defect normal Internal preset
#22799 [WIP patch] Smarter DistributeAction action for single node new enhancement normal Core
#22793 [PATCH] Render boundary=place new enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22791 [PATCH] Minimal support for man_made=quay new enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22790 [PATCH] Minimal support for aeroway=taxilane new enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22756 Eliminate code duplication [patch] new enhancement normal Plugin ImproveWay
#22750 Make ImproveWayAccuracyAction extendible [patch] new enhancement normal Core
#22721 [PATCH] JOSM crashes when loading vector tiles (MVT) new defect normal Core imagery
#22677 [PATCH][RFC] Give hints as to what tags are being matched (was remove man_made=communications_tower) needinfo enhancement normal Internal preset tested
#22664 [PATCH] Make tagging presets more flexible new enhancement normal Core
#22634 [PATCH] Sorting relation members by connectivity changes order multiple times new enhancement normal Core
#22614 [WIP patch] Combine ways is very slow new defect minor Core
#22596 [Patch] Elevation at current map location / Automatic download of SRTM HGT files new enhancement normal Plugin elevationprofile
#22423 [Patch] Do not mix capital/lowerkey letter keys in Tags/Memberships window reopened defect normal Core
#22328 [Patch] Nodes should be exclude from "construction:highway without highway and construction" new defect normal Core validator latest
#22322 [Patch] Add tag list popup menu actions to create filters for selected tags new enhancement normal Core
#22308 [Patch] Add option to toggle layer read-only status to popup menu needinfo enhancement normal Core
#22299 [Patch] Allow selection of relations in relation membership table via middle click new enhancement normal Core
#22297 [Patch] JOSM always sorts value from multiselect when closing preset form new defect normal Core
#22266 [PATCH][RFC] Report exceptions on plugin load better new defect normal Core
#22083 Add tunnel=* and bridge=* to highway preset [RFC patch] new enhancement normal Internal preset
#22034 [PATCH] Improve OpenAPI and remote control output new enhancement normal Core
#22020 [WIP PATCH] Mac OS X > arrow keys cannot be used to move the downloaded map new defect normal Core
#22013 [Patch]Validator should accept denomination=sufi instead of denomination=sufism new defect minor Core validator
#21966 [Patch] Allow cardinal directions as roles in road routes new enhancement minor Internal preset
#21951 [WIP PATCH] Show user problems with the relation they are currently editing new defect normal Core
#21944 [Patch] Add 'replace member(s) with selected object(s)' button to relation editor new enhancement normal Core
#21932 [WIP Patch] Save NMEA / RTKLib values as extensions in .gpx files new enhancement normal Core tested
#21931 [Patch] .nmea/.pos/.wpt files always ask to be saved new defect normal Core tested
#21930 [PATCH] Support new conditional parking lane tagging in validator new defect normal Core validator
#21927 [Patch] Add optional direction tag to cycleway=asl preset new enhancement normal Internal preset
#21907 [WIP-Patch] Update leisure values in sport presets and add one for ice_rink (Was: Remove horse_riding (facility) from preset for sport=horse_racing) new enhancement normal Internal preset
#21904 [Patch] Pasting a changeset URL causes the changeset's objects and their historys to be downloaded new enhancement normal Core tested
#21901 [patch] JOSM lagging with over 500ms delay new defect normal Core tested
#21900 [WIP PATCH] Find better wording for "Supress the default modal progress monitor when downloading" option new defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#21851 [WIP PATCH] Rewrite of the presets system new enhancement normal Core
#21840 [Patch] Automatically refresh relation editor on external changes new enhancement normal Core
#21829 [Possible PATCH] F3 produces " Primitive must be part of the dataset" new defect normal Core
#21826 [WIP patch] Upcoming API 0.6 change: limit maximum number of relation members new enhancement normal Core
#21777 [patch] Tag combination: foot=no + sidewalk=left/right/both new enhancement normal Core validator tested
#21722 [patch] Warn about turning_circle with barrier new enhancement normal Core validator tested
#21663 [PATCH] Keep changeset tags when write to file. new enhancement normal Core
#21638 [RFC][Patch] Extend opendata plugin to support CKAN open data platforms new enhancement normal Plugin opendata
#21597 [patch] Zero-width space when copy/pasting URL from Notes new defect normal Core notes tested
#21572 [RFC][Patch] Allow matching by object history in search function new enhancement normal Core
#21432 [WIP PATCH] Tile images so that we can zoom in to full resolution assigned enhancement normal Core image mapping
#21334 [PATCH] image direction is wrong when position is beetween 2 gpx point reopened defect normal Core image mapping
#21286 [Patch] Add validate rule min_height < height reopened enhancement normal Core validator
#21227 [WIP PATCH] Too many autocomplete suggestions for roles in relation editor new enhancement normal Core
#21173 [WIP patch] Improve historic=ruins preset new enhancement normal Internal preset
#21163 [WIP Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails new defect normal Core validator tested
#21139 [PATCH] BasicPreferences Test Isolation new enhancement normal Unit tests
#20898 [WIP patch] Warn when nodes are 'merged' on geojson import needinfo enhancement major Core geojson
#20833 [WIP Patch] Restrictions `no_exit` and `no_entry` missing new defect normal Internal preset latest
#20832 [patch] Unknown turn restriction for restriction:hgv:conditional=no_left_turn new defect normal Core validator
#20663 [patch] Area style on outer way not flagged when different river area taggings are combined assigned defect normal Core validator latest
#20573 [WIP Patch] Search preferences dialog assigned enhancement normal Core
#20537 [Patch] Bad installation of plugin reopened defect normal Plugin
#20494 [WIP patch] Add priority=forward / priority=backward in presets new enhancement normal Internal preset
#20376 [WIP Patch] New - Adding validation information to MapStatus – middle-mouse click feature information viewer needinfo enhancement normal Core
#20227 [Patch] Presets not displayed when creating new relation new defect normal Core
#20160 [patch] [rfe] British National Grid projection EPSG:27700 new enhancement normal Core latest
#20141 [patch] ImageProvider: cache rendered SVG images using JCS assigned enhancement normal Core
#20130 [Patch] Use mapcss rules instead of CrossingWays java code to find overlapping areas assigned enhancement normal Core validator
#20102 [WIP Patch] Add area:highway new enhancement normal Internal preset
#19956 [WIP Patch] Double check if error still exists before executing autofix reopened defect normal Core validator
#19677 [Patch] Unnecessary tagging: cycleway:surface + surface + highway=cycleway new enhancement normal Core validator
#19648 [patch] Show warning on invalid MapCSS validator rule parsing new enhancement normal Core
#19594 [Patch] converting to multipolygon too aggressive assigned defect normal Core latest
#19549 [RFC Patch] Don't store cached file information in preferences new enhancement normal Core
#19327 [Patch] Deprecate long JosmAction constructors, use setters instead assigned enhancement normal Core
#19199 [PATCH] There should be some way to determine how many nodes are superflous in a way new enhancement normal Core
#19194 [PATCH] Account for virtual plugins when offering to download and install missing plugins new enhancement normal Core
#19061 [WIP PATCH] Allow SelectionManager to work on non-OsmDataLayer layers new enhancement normal Core
#18974 [patch] Add support for shortcut 'zoom to selection' (key '3') when note is selected new enhancement normal Core notes
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