
Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#20376 needinfo enhancement

[WIP Patch] New - Adding validation information to MapStatus – middle-mouse click feature information viewer

Reported by: mzagorski Owned by: mzagorski
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: validation information viewer Cc:


This new addition to the "middle-mouse click feature information viewer", adds the validation results information to the viewer as shown in the attached screenshot and demo.

Purpose: helps the user see the validation results of specific features in the data window. Especially useful in densely featured areas.

Please find code attached.

Attachments (3)

add_validation_info_to_middle_mouse_click_popup.patch (9.2 KB ) - added by mzagorski 3 years ago.
val_info_in_popup_screenshot.png (18.8 KB ) - added by mzagorski 3 years ago.
val_info_in_popup_demo.mp4 (1.3 MB ) - added by mzagorski 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

by mzagorski, 3 years ago

by mzagorski, 3 years ago

Attachment: val_info_in_popup_demo.mp4 added

comment:1 by mzagorski, 3 years ago

Note: "val_info_in_popup_screenshot.2.png" is an accidental extraneous attached file.

comment:2 by GerdP, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from team to GerdP
Status: newassigned

Thanks for the patch. I am not used to click with the mouse wheel but I'll have a closer look during the next days.

comment:3 by skyper, 3 years ago

Does this not belong to the validator layer instead of the data layer?
In my eyes, this list is too long already, see #20383.

If part of the data layer it could be optional.

comment:4 by GerdP, 3 years ago

OK, first of all it seems to work. The result seems to be same no matter if the validator layer is displayed or not, not sure if this is intended?
I always see this popup flickering, but that also happens without the patch. Maybe the mouse wheel clicking causes this?
Not sure, but my personal preference would be to get this information with a hotkey, maybe with Ctrl+I (Advanced Info). With the mouse wheel it is quite difficult to avoid other actions.

comment:5 by mzagorski, 3 years ago

Thank you for your feedback.

To answer your questions:

  • It is intended that even if the validation error layer is not displayed, the most recent validation results will remain in the middle mouse click popup. Many users I know prefer not to have “Use error layer” selected in the validation preferences, especially when working in densely-featured areas with many validation errors, due to all the highlighting.
  • I've not noticed a flickering when using the middle mouse click option.

The benefits of seeing the validation results in the middle mouse click info popup are these:

  • You can hold down the Ctrl key, cycle through the popup list, select a data feature that has validation result/s, then in the Validation window, click the Lookup button and the feature will show up in the Validation window. Especially useful for activating individual auto-fixes if available.
  • Useful when viewing many features with many validation errors. It is easier to middle mouse click for most users than to use Cntl+I to switch between many features in an area rapidly, especially for those focused on analyzing validation results and desiring to cycle through individual features.
  • It allows a user to run validation on an entire dataset, then zoom in and easily analyze the validation results within a small area, and apply auto-fixes if available.

With respect to the length of the list:

  • The length of the list only gets long, in my opinion, when zoomed out and many features in the reference frame are considered.


  • I could add an advanced preference option to turn on/off the validation information in the popup. The default could be set to off, then those who do a lot of validation work, could turn it on, as needed.

comment:6 by GerdP, 3 years ago

when zoomed out and many features in the reference frame are considered.

Try a way which is member in many relations

in reply to:  5 comment:7 by skyper, 3 years ago

Replying to mzagorski:

  • It is intended that even if the validation error layer is not displayed, the most recent validation results will remain in the middle mouse click popup. Many users I know prefer not to have “Use error layer” selected in the validation preferences, especially when working in densely-featured areas with many validation errors, due to all the highlighting.

I did not have in mind that there is the option to disable validator layer or to delete it, sorry. Maybe, we should take a closer look at the layer and enhance it, as myself, as well, have sometimes trouble with it.

  • I've not noticed a flickering when using the middle mouse click option.

I see the flickering, too, with middle mouse on Linux.

The benefits of seeing the validation results in the middle mouse click info popup are these:

  • You can hold down the Ctrl key, cycle through the popup list, select a data feature that has validation result/s, then in the Validation window, click the Lookup button and the feature will show up in the Validation window. Especially useful for activating individual auto-fixes if available.

Lookup button works with selection, so no real need of the popup. I`d rather think this would be one enhancement for the validator layer, to directly lookup the object.

  • Useful when viewing many features with many validation errors. It is easier to middle mouse click for most users than to use Cntl+I to switch between many features in an area rapidly, especially for those focused on analyzing validation results and desiring to cycle through individual features.

I like Ctrl+I, especially, if the windows would not block, I could even look quickly at several objects

With respect to the length of the list:

  • The length of the list only gets long, in my opinion, when zoomed out and many features in the reference frame are considered.

Ah, thanks, one more possibility but, please, take a look at #20383 for other examples.


  • I could add an advanced preference option to turn on/off the validation information in the popup. The default could be set to off, then those who do a lot of validation work, could turn it on, as needed.

+1, probably worth an option, like the layer, independent of where we add it.

comment:8 by anonymous, 3 years ago

Thank you for your feedback.

I see the list you reference, and suppose it is relative, the length of the list is not unmanageable, in my opinion.

I'm also on a Linux, and do not see the flickering you mention.

A team of geospatial analysts have been using this tool with the addition of the validation information for the past few years; I've not heard any complaints, only good things.

comment:9 by simon04, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from GerdP to mzagorski
Status: assignednew

I can see how this feature can be of use, if the flickering problem can be resolved. Here are some other issues I've found while reviewing your patch:

  1. We nowhere show the error code, thus, this dialog should not show it neither.
  2. valInfoMultiMap should only store errors for relevant primitives, not all
  3. Please do not rely on string splitting/replacement to filter/format the error string. In particular, the current implementation is broken for every language different from English!
  4. "This new feature has not been uploaded" lacks i18n and might not be very important in this popup dialog?
  5. By default, we never show the "temporary id", please remove this
  6. "Validation information" lacks i18n
  7. Instead of "Validation information" and "Warning" we could simply show the validation warning icon. This saves one line in the popup.
  8. l.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)) does not seem to have any effect?
  9. We do not maintain a "Change log" in each source file

comment:10 by Don-vip, 3 years ago

Status: newneedinfo
Summary: [Patch] New - Adding validation information to MapStatus – middle-mouse click feature information viewer[WIP Patch] New - Adding validation information to MapStatus – middle-mouse click feature information viewer

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