Custom Query (2337 matches)


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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2337)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#21970 Only activate data layer loading a session team enhancement normal Core
#21971 Command stack for relation editor team enhancement normal Core
#21972 Improve Way Accuracy: incorrect node removal team defect normal Core
#21981 Error when pasting a node, copied to an .csv.osm file team defect normal Core
#21984 .zip file in session file isn't reopened Don-vip defect normal Plugin opendata
#21985 Allow remote control to start/stop as JOSM gains or loses window focus team enhancement normal Core remotecontrol
#21991 Remember camera position offset team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#21992 Smoother position correlation for automotive vehicules team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#21999 Automatically trunken pasted url (from buffer) Upliner enhancement normal Plugin reverter
#22000 Use core functions for recognizing objects ids and types plus automatically include buffer content team enhancement normal Plugin undelete
#22001 display_value's in presets ignored when sorting value list team defect normal Core
#22002 Presets: XmlParsingException using reference plus list_entry in chunk team defect normal Core
#22003 ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format/conversion and registered toolbar action overwritten: team defect normal Plugin
#22011 JosmRuntimeException: orthogonalize error team defect normal Core
#22012 Ability to jump to the first and last point of the line team enhancement normal Core
#22018 Download Track - Column re-arrangement doesn't arrange the actual rows only the header team enhancement normal Core
#22019 Download Track Window - Visibility column team enhancement normal Core
#22020 [WIP PATCH] Mac OS X > arrow keys cannot be used to move the downloaded map team defect normal Core
#22023 Warn on mixed use of sidewalk:both=* and sidewalk=* team enhancement normal Core validator
#22034 [PATCH] Improve OpenAPI and remote control output team enhancement normal Core
#22036 HiDPI screen with JAVA-17 is broken again team defect normal Core
#22044 Render embankment=dyke the same as embankment=yes team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22049 multiselect field emptied after new dialog opened team defect normal Core
#22053 Windows installer shows no success message team defect normal Installer Windows
#22054 Exception raised while writting commit message team defect normal Core
#22058 Cannot type in text boxes team defect normal Core
#22061 error when saving matsim layer double-m defect normal Plugin matsim
#22067 Add fuzzy string matching for search menu items action team enhancement normal Core
#22078 Localized names should be in Traditional and Simplified Chinese team enhancement normal Core
#22083 Add tunnel=* and bridge=* to highway preset [RFC patch] team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22090 Tried shift_V, and gotan error. team defect normal Core
#22099 Conflict resolution: allow to obtain more information team enhancement normal Core
#22101 Windows-ROOT not found team defect normal Core
#22108 The work hours editor cannot edit some some values boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22112 Elevation data team enhancement normal Core
#22118 Conflict Dialog Panel should close after Resolving all team enhancement normal Core
#22124 Problem with PDF import team defect normal Plugin pdfimport
#22127 Mapillary plugin: extract sequence GPX taylor.smock enhancement normal Plugin mapillary
#22128 Windows keyboard input language switches automatically from german to english if opening "add key" dialoge window team defect normal Core
#22138 Parse and use the status element in OpenStreetMap GET /api/capabilities team enhancement normal Core
#22147 For waterway start node avoid "Way end node near other way" warning team enhancement normal Core validator
#22158 plugin: measurement - I miss hotkeys team enhancement normal Plugin measurement
#22164 No reaction to any key press team defect normal Core
#22168 Add 'man_made=quay' to ferry route connection check team defect normal Core validator
#22174 Enhancement request about the continuity line for superroutes in the relation editor team enhancement normal Core
#22180 Use layername in Save to file dialog team enhancement normal Core
#22200 Validation only: power transformer/compensator compatibility with substation team enhancement normal Core validator
#22203 JosmRuntimeException: Fatal: failed to locate image 'dialogs/wikipedia.???'. floscher defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#22204 NPE: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "<parameter1>" is null team defect normal Core imagery
#22207 Input field switches to RTL input despite no RTL language being used team defect normal Core
#22213 JOSM doesn't handle gracefully when a relation is attempted to be deleted for a second time. team defect normal Core
#22214 'Orthogonalize Shape' function not working if 'Follow line' has been used right before team defect normal Core
#22220 golf=bunker preset should offer surface as a sub tag rather than natural team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22245 Add more presets for wind turbines team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22254 The GeoJSON contains an object with property 'overlap' whose value has the unsupported type 'JsonObjectImpl'. That key-value pair is ignored! team defect normal Core geojson
#22258 opening_hours value: error in plugin but parsed correctly by other evaluation tool boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22259 Opening a geo: URI schema in JOSM does nothing team defect normal Core
#22266 [PATCH][RFC] Report exceptions on plugin load better team defect normal Core
#22267 Route master New relation not possible double-m defect normal Plugin matsim
#22274 Allow changing offset of data layers team enhancement normal unspecified
#22278 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced in large `SequenceCommand` with many `ChangeMembersCommand` team defect normal Core
#22284 Warn about indoor=no inside and indoor=yes outside of a building polygon team enhancement normal Core validator
#22290 Vi-like keyboard shortcuts - binding templates team task normal Core
#22291 Additional `created_by` changeset tag missing after conflicts on upload team defect normal Core
#22297 [Patch] JOSM always sorts value from multiselect when closing preset form team defect normal Core
#22299 [Patch] Allow selection of relations in relation membership table via middle click team enhancement normal Core
#22301 Variable circle degree possibly with different colors team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#22305 Inconsistent tooltips in the edit toolbar team defect normal Core
#22322 [Patch] Add tag list popup menu actions to create filters for selected tags team enhancement normal Core
#22324 update multipolygon incorrectly removes tags from inner ways team defect normal Core multipoly
#22328 [Patch] Nodes should be exclude from "construction:highway without highway and construction" team defect normal Core validator
#22329 Many false positives for ":lanes" tagging with additional prefix team defect normal Core validator
#22332 Filters set to 'hide' objects completely override and disable other active 'hiding' filters team defect normal Core
#22334 Use association element on java web start team enhancement normal Core Webstart
#22339 Too wide url confirmation window for data import from overpass turbo team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#22341 Allow setting of an offset on importimage layers team enhancement normal Plugin importimage
#22343 Warn about junction=roundabout with oneway=no team enhancement normal Core validator
#22346 ToggleDialog: fix maximum height team enhancement normal Core
#22349 layout for boundary=aboriginal_lands team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22350 [TaggingPreset] Add some values for "match" attribute to determine negative results of matching team enhancement normal Core
#22353 Add internal presets for charging station output team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22355 Some ideas to improve Tags/Membership window and "add tag"/"change tag" dialogue team enhancement normal Core
#22369 Enable "Download from OSM along this track" for freefloating GPX nodes team enhancement normal Core
#22372 Problem with GeoJSON Export for MultiPolygon or in boundaries.osm team defect normal Core geojson
#22376 PC crashed and lost all my preferences team defect normal Core
#22377 Allow shortcuts to be conditionally enabled team defect normal Core shortcuts
#22380 Unable to renew OAuth token using semi-automatic method team defect normal Core
#22382 restore after crash is not restoring the session team enhancement normal Core
#22384 splitting ways in route relation when relation editor is open can be improved team enhancement normal Core
#22385 [NEEDS RELEASE] NoSuchMethodError: Anamaria.Rotariu defect normal Plugin cadtools
#22386 JOSM freezes from time to time without clear indication why team defect normal Core
#22410 Window not resizing as it should team defect normal Core
#22412 Complain about end_date in the past team enhancement normal Core validator
#22420 Undocked windows lose focus after dialog closes team defect normal Core
#22427 JOSM validator shouldn't issue a warning for a tag level=n-m team defect normal Core validator
#22431 Add tag "capacity:charging" in preset "presets/vehicle/parking" team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22437 suspicious tag combination tracktype=grade2 and surface=ground team defect normal Core validator
#22441 Reconsider fee=<interval> syntax in internal presets team task normal Internal preset
#22452 JOSM on Microsoft Store team defect normal 22.10 Installer Windows
#22460 After squaring a building and uploading, the downloaded building is not square enough for the extrude tool to avoid creating unnecessary nodes team enhancement normal Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.