
Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#22168 new defect

Add 'man_made=quay' to ferry route connection check

Reported by: tpikonen Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version:
Keywords: ferry route member Cc:


Currently the geometry check for ferry routes allows the end point of a 'route=ferry' to be either 'amenity=ferry_terminal' or 'man_made=pier'. Some ferry routes also depart from a 'man_made=quay', (example), so it should also be allowed in the check.

Build-Date:1970-01-05 04:23:22

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Change History (6)

comment:1 by skyper, 3 years ago

Component: CoreInternal preset
Keywords: ferry route member added

comment:2 by taylor.smock, 3 years ago

Milestone: 22.07
Summary: Add 'man_made=quay' to ferry route connection check[PATCH] Add 'man_made=quay' to ferry route connection check

Looking at osmwiki:Tag:man_made=quay, the meaning appears to not have been significantly modified since 2015.

  • resources/data/validator/geometry.mapcss

    405405way[man_made=pier] > node {
    406406  set node_in_terminal_pier;
    408 way[route=ferry]!:closed >[index= 1] node[amenity!=ferry_terminal][man_made!=pier]!.node_in_terminal_pier!.node_in_ferry_bridge_tunnel:in-downloaded-area,
    409 way[route=ferry]!:closed >[index=-1] node[amenity!=ferry_terminal][man_made!=pier]!.node_in_terminal_pier!.node_in_ferry_bridge_tunnel:in-downloaded-area {
     408way[route=ferry]!:closed >[index= 1] node[amenity!=ferry_terminal][man_made!=pier][man_made!=quay]!.node_in_terminal_pier!.node_in_ferry_bridge_tunnel:in-downloaded-area,
     409way[route=ferry]!:closed >[index=-1] node[amenity!=ferry_terminal][man_made!=pier][man_made!=quay]!.node_in_terminal_pier!.node_in_ferry_bridge_tunnel:in-downloaded-area {
    410410  throwWarning: tr("Ferry route is not connected to a ferry terminal or branches.");

comment:3 by skyper, 3 years ago

Component: Internal presetCore validator

comment:4 by Klumbumbus, 2 years ago

I wonder if there should always be amenity=ferry_terminal mapped anyway. In the mentioned example node
Even the current exclusion of man_made=pier is questionable (although it seems I made some deeper data analysis back in the days ticket:15097#comment:8)

comment:5 by taylor.smock, 2 years ago

Milestone: 22.07
Summary: [PATCH] Add 'man_made=quay' to ferry route connection checkAdd 'man_made=quay' to ferry route connection check

You are probably right. The only reason I was open to making the change was due to the exclusion of man_made=pier.

@tpikonen: Do you know of any real-world instances where a ferry departure point should not be tagged as amenity=ferry_terminal?

@GerdP: I suspect we should probably remove the exclusion of man_made=pier.

comment:6 by tpikonen, 2 years ago

Calling a piece of shoreline with mooring and a lowered section (like in the example I gave) a ferry terminal is a bit excessive. Across the bay there you can see a real ferry terminal for RORO ships with 1000s of passengers, also tagged as 'amenity=ferry_terminal'.

But there is of course the point that ferries taking passengers always end on some kind of ferry terminal, so I'm not really against changing the check to be more restrictive.

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