
Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#22220 new enhancement

golf=bunker preset should offer surface as a sub tag rather than natural

Reported by: Dave F Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Internal preset Version:
Keywords: template_report golf surface Cc:


golf=bunker preset should offer surface as a sub tag rather than natural.

Given that other golf features use the surface tag to indicate their, err... surface, it appears illogical to auto add natural=sand to golf=bunker.

natural=* is a primary tag, designed to be used in isolation, not a supplementary, sub/adjective tag.

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Build-Date:2022-04-05 19:23:14

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by skyper, 3 years ago

Component: CoreInternal preset
Keywords: golf surface added
Type: defectenhancement

According to taginfo ǹatural=sand is the most used tag (89% vs 12%). The wiki does not mention any additional key.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by anonymous, 3 years ago

Replying to skyper:

According to taginfo ǹatural=sand is the most used tag (89% vs 12%).

"most used" doesn't mean it's correct & shouldn't be amended.

I'm pretty sure those disparate percentages are mostly due to editors' incorrect 'validation' implementation of a primary tag.***/natural/sand&***/surface/sand

The wiki does not mention any additional key.

Then I'm unsure why JOSM prescribes it.

There's a general note for all golf features on golf=leisure.

iD editor have agreed to correct this error:

comment:3 by taylor.smock, 3 years ago

natural=sand was removed from the wiki page on 2021-11-12 ("sand is not necessary"), added back on 2022-06-07 and removed on 2022-06-08 ("sand is not necessary"). (Actually, all sand tagging was removed in "sand is not necessary" commits).

In other words, it appears that there may be a tagging war going on in the wiki. As such, I'm strongly disinclined to fix it at this time. My general rule of thumb for changing tagging (other maintainers may have different standards):

  • There must have been a proposal that was voted on for the change OR
  • There was a tagging mailing list discussion on the change OR
  • The wiki page must have been substantially the same for an extended period of time (I use 2 years UNLESS the change makes sense, at which point I use 1 year -- natural -> surface does make sense to me, so if the wiki doesn't substantially change over the next year with respect to tagging the surface, I will apply the change). TagInfo may be relevant for determining actual usage as well, with the caveat that tagging presets from editors will overwhelm those manually tagging.

Anyway, once I get around to making a patch for this, it will be the following:

  1. Change the preset
  2. Create an autofix validator rule (this would need some investigation -- we want autofixes to have a very high (ideally 100%) confidence)

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