
Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#22127 new enhancement

Mapillary plugin: extract sequence GPX

Reported by: richlv Owned by: taylor.smock
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin mapillary Version: tested
Keywords: Cc:


There was a feature in the Mapillary website a long time ago to download sequence GPX - it seems to be gone by now[1]. It would be useful in some cases to upload GPX to OSM and/or use it for editing (when Mapillary sequence displaying in JOSM is too resource intensive).

Could that be implemented in the Mapillary plugin?
Perhaps a control in the "Image info" panel that would say "Extract sequence GPX".
Potential concern - when images are only downloaded inside the viewport, this would have to complete the whole sequence first.


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comment:1 by taylor.smock, 2 years ago

Technically yes.

With that said, I just did some profiling on that code path, so it should be much better once the next JOSM tested release is done.

Potential concern - when images are only downloaded inside the viewport, this would have to complete the whole sequence first.

This is honestly where a good chunk of time is spent -- I have to download images in the sequence in chunks (I think I'm doing 50 images at a time right now, to reduce likelyhood of running into API limits), and each request takes a few seconds. This should be done outside of the UI thread now, so you shouldn't experience freezes.

comment:2 by richlv, 2 years ago

Does it make sense implementing this?
I was considering a Perl script for my own use, but having it in the Mapillary plugin might be useful for other people :)

in reply to:  description comment:3 by taylor.smock, 2 years ago

Replying to richlv:

There was a feature in the Mapillary website a long time ago to download sequence GPX - it seems to be gone by now[1]. It would be useful in some cases to upload GPX to OSM and/or use it for editing (when Mapillary sequence displaying in JOSM is too resource intensive).

Replying to richlv:

Does it make sense implementing this?
I was considering a Perl script for my own use, but having it in the Mapillary plugin might be useful for other people :)

Maybe. But I'd really like a use case that isn't "performance is bad" (if performance is bad, I'd rather fix that).
As far as "upload GPX to OSM" goes, I'm not sold on it, as someone may think they ought to click on it. If anything, I'd want to ensure that the sequence "belongs" to the logged-in user before allowing upload to OSM (there may also be privacy implications for this, so I have to be a bit more careful). I cannot see who uploaded what sequence with Mapillary's current API.

comment:4 by richlv, 18 months ago

Put together a quick script, at .

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