Custom Query (1315 matches)


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Results (901 - 1000 of 1315)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#21250 Implement TileJson specification for Mapbox Vector Tiles new team normal Core imagery
#21263 Railway signals: Common non-country-specific presets new team normal Internal preset
#21286 [Patch] Add validate rule min_height < height reopened team normal 23.05 Core validator
#21302 Create areas tool should unselect object new team normal Core
#21311 Preset amenity=vehicle_inspection is missing new team normal Internal preset
#21331 Can't create a gpx layer from images without exporting to a file new team normal Core image mapping
#21332 Role verification: Always list parent relation in addition to members new team normal Core validator
#21341 Access restriction node without object new team normal Core validator
#21351 Gratuitious warning on turn restrictions new team normal Core validator
#21358 Update substance values new team normal Internal preset
#21399 Check for valid secondary tags of power plant and generator new team normal Core validator
#21425 Include/exclude layers from changeset source new team normal Core
#21429 Enable relative timestamp search new team normal Core
#21432 [WIP PATCH] Tile images so that we can zoom in to full resolution assigned taylor.smock normal Longterm Core image mapping
#21439 Add support for more advertising=* new team normal Core
#21442 Do not remove recent file entries when they are not found new team normal Core
#21449 Replace relations/multipolygons new team normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#21461 Complain about water=river (or waterway=riverbank) with names new team normal Core validator
#21464 Dynamically display hints for new search keywords/functions added by plugins in search dialogue new team normal Core
#21468 Add red;white preset colour value to power towers new team normal Internal preset
#21471 A line perpendicular to the line at the selected point new team normal Plugin
#21482 Tidy, polish or completely update style and preset icons new team normal Longterm Internal preset
#21492 Using OSM offline ".map" format in JOSM (mapsforge) new team normal Plugin
#21493 Split up preferences file new team normal Longterm Core
#21506 Warn when moving elements by a large distance new kolesar normal Plugin ImproveWay
#21518 Paint expressway=yes (similar to motorroad=yes) new team normal Internal mappaint style
#21525 Boundaries for specific areas inside a country for validation rules new team normal Core validator
#21542 Problem with Ignore list and new objects new team normal Core validator
#21562 Search suggestions ordered by "last used" rather than A-Z new team normal Core
#21572 [RFC][Patch] Allow matching by object history in search function new team normal Core
#21576 Please add support for the species:wikidata=* key, as it is implemented in the iD new floscher normal Plugin wikipedia
#21588 "Recurse-up" as default for Overpass queries new team normal Core
#21595 Missmatches in comparison between ​ELI and JOSM imagery lists new team normal Wiki content
#21602 Role verification problem with route_marker as member of recreation route new team normal Internal preset
#21616 RFC: If a relation has wikidata tag hinder deletion of relation new team normal Core
#21624 Optimise images on github Windows builds new team normal Installer Windows
#21627 Add mixed mode interpolation increment option new team normal Plugin addrinterpolation
#21636 Validator should give warning for leisure=horse_riding without name new team normal Core validator
#21638 [RFC][Patch] Extend opendata plugin to support CKAN open data platforms new Don-vip normal Plugin opendata
#21644 Add live edit new JeroenHoek normal Plugin Gridify
#21663 [PATCH] Keep changeset tags when write to file. new team normal Core
#21691 Group inside group not properly allocated within the menu new team normal Core
#21701 Add option to open image via remote control w/o preview new team normal Core image mapping
#21702 Add option to load geotagged image via RC into existing image layer new team normal Core image mapping
#21707 validator test for post_office:type=* new team normal Core validator
#21712 Report overlap between building=* and highway=pedestrian areas new team normal Core validator
#21722 [patch] Warn about turning_circle with barrier new team normal Core validator
#21731 Add an option for splitting large bbox changesets into smaller ones new team normal Core
#21742 Proposal add presets new team normal Internal preset
#21743 Add preset for music school new team normal Internal preset
#21753 Windows Installer never respects personalized settings new team normal Installer Windows
#21754 enhancement - rendering healthcare nurse new team normal Core
#21755 Add highway=speed_camera validator new team normal Core validator
#21777 [patch] Tag combination: foot=no + sidewalk=left/right/both new team normal Core validator
#21789 Add snowshoeing and running checkboxes to guidepost preset new team normal Internal preset
#21814 Please add a preset for post_office=* and modify the "Post Office" preset new team normal Internal preset
#21821 allow to call external validator from JOSM new team normal Core
#21826 [WIP patch] Upcoming API 0.6 change: limit maximum number of relation members new team normal Core
#21831 Add confirmation message to flush the tile cache new team normal Core imagery
#21832 Complain about disused:shop with opening_hours new team normal Core validator
#21840 [Patch] Automatically refresh relation editor on external changes new team normal Core
#21851 [WIP PATCH] Rewrite of the presets system new team normal Core
#21873 Upload Dialog: Checkboxes for sources new team normal Core
#21874 Add note referencing to upload dialog new team normal Core
#21891 Support for stops.txt from GTFS data new Don-vip normal Plugin opendata
#21904 [Patch] Pasting a changeset URL causes the changeset's objects and their historys to be downloaded new team normal Core
#21907 [WIP-Patch] Update leisure values in sport presets and add one for ice_rink (Was: Remove horse_riding (facility) from preset for sport=horse_racing) new team normal Internal preset
#21911 Add support for boundary=forest and boundary=forest_compartment new team normal Internal preset
#21915 Validator: Similarly named ways (dealing with road names with '/' in them) new team normal Core validator
#21927 [Patch] Add optional direction tag to cycleway=asl preset new team normal Internal preset
#21932 [WIP Patch] Save NMEA / RTKLib values as extensions in .gpx files new team normal Core
#21933 Customization of GPS drawing options new team normal Core
#21943 Standardize the windows of « convert gpx to osm » new team normal Core
#21944 [Patch] Add 'replace member(s) with selected object(s)' button to relation editor new team normal Core
#21949 Adding a validation rule for key:bus:lanes:forward shouldn't have numeric value new team normal Core validator
#21958 Is it possible to use JOSM with OS other than Windows, Linux or Mac? new team normal Wiki content
#21963 Spelling of "center" and other words with differences in AE vs. BE new Klumbumbus normal Internal preset
#21964 Include leisure=sports_hall assigned skyper normal Internal preset
#21970 Only activate data layer loading a session new team normal Core
#21971 Command stack for relation editor new team normal Core
#21985 Allow remote control to start/stop as JOSM gains or loses window focus new team normal Core remotecontrol
#21991 Remember camera position offset new team normal Core image mapping
#21992 Smoother position correlation for automotive vehicules new team normal Core image mapping
#21999 Automatically trunken pasted url (from buffer) new Upliner normal Plugin reverter
#22000 Use core functions for recognizing objects ids and types plus automatically include buffer content new team normal Plugin undelete
#22012 Ability to jump to the first and last point of the line new team normal Core
#22018 Download Track - Column re-arrangement doesn't arrange the actual rows only the header new team normal Core
#22019 Download Track Window - Visibility column new team normal Core
#22023 Warn on mixed use of sidewalk:both=* and sidewalk=* new team normal Core validator
#22034 [PATCH] Improve OpenAPI and remote control output new team normal Core
#22044 Render embankment=dyke the same as embankment=yes new team normal Internal mappaint style
#22067 Add fuzzy string matching for search menu items action new team normal Core
#22078 Localized names should be in Traditional and Simplified Chinese new team normal Core
#22083 Add tunnel=* and bridge=* to highway preset [RFC patch] new team normal Internal preset
#22099 Conflict resolution: allow to obtain more information new team normal Core
#22112 Elevation data new team normal Core
#22118 Conflict Dialog Panel should close after Resolving all new team normal Core
#22127 Mapillary plugin: extract sequence GPX new taylor.smock normal Plugin mapillary
#22138 Parse and use the status element in OpenStreetMap GET /api/capabilities new team normal Core
#22147 For waterway start node avoid "Way end node near other way" warning new team normal Core validator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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