
Opened 3 years ago

#21302 new enhancement

Create areas tool should unselect object

Reported by: mariotomo Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: Cc:


I started using the "create areas" tool in combination with "draw buildings" from the buildings_tools. this allows me create more complex areas than just rectangles with a minimum of mouse clicks, keeping my hand on the keyboard and alternating 'b' (building), 'a' (add a node along an edge), 'x' (extrude segment).

in my editing workflow, I also regularly activate the "improve way accuracy mode" 'w'.

both "draw buildings" and "improve accuracy" behave differently when an object is selected, and the "create areas" tool always selects the last edited object.

while this seems to have no impact on the create areas tool itself, it does require me to unselect (esc) the object before I can draw a new —unaligned— building, or select a way to improve its accuracy. since I focus on the screen, I generally "blind-press" the 'esc' to unselect, which causes me to occasionally hit F1, with the obvious subsequent "oh, jee" reaction!

it would be helpful if the create areas tool did not leave the last edited object as selected.

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