Work in Progress - not suitable for translation now
Missing description for "Left mouse click will add nodes on overlapping ways"
Some content still missing - like "snap to nodes"
This page needs some rework. The OSM-wiki page is better structured and better readable.
This page is incomplete. The options need some more explanation.
The example screenshots need to be retaken with bigger node render setting.
Description is incomplete and a screenshot is missing.
The page needs rework and new screenshots. Context menu is partly missing. Waiting for #19470 #20770 #20879 and #20880 to be fixed.
This page is incomplete. A table which shows which plugin adds which file format is missing.
This window is no longer available in JOSM since it was integrated into the default Download dialog in September 2017.
Recheck supported file types, especially on Windows.
What leads to the second confirmation dialog? The Tags/Memberships choice dialog should get its own page. Some more examples might be nice.
The targets Membership; Roles and MultipolySingleOuterAndInner do not exist in the corresponding pages
This page covers too much context. The concept of changeset and upload might be better placed on an own page. Screenshots are outdated and obtain sources is not explained.
This page is partly incomplete and outdated. See EPSG:4326 and the proj4 plugin exists !
Member; Membership; Roles; Child and Parent not explained properly. Any need to split Tags into two parts ?
Outdated: changes from tickets #12438 are not yet explained
Tabs "Tags" and "Content" and "Discussion" need some more explanation
This page is incomplete. Messages are not explained.
This page is incomplete. See "TODO"s. Screenshot is outdated.
Some preferences still need a description
The Authorization Wizard was removed from JOSM with the deprecation of OAuth 1.0a. This page still exist mainly for historical reasons.
This page needs some rework. The overview in the first part needs integration to the rest.
This page might need some clean up and more internal links.
The gif animation should get an update which should include the usage of the lookup button.
This page is incomplete. please continue and expand with Notes; Validation errors; Plugins and Images from 3rd party servers
The whole page is confusing. A complete overhall or a move of single snippets to other pages and deleting the page should be considered.
The search part would better fit under Help/Preferences/Toolbar or even Help/Action/Search.
This page is incomplete, Some actions are not explained.
The page "Correlate to GPX" needs to be created.
This is just a short description. For further information see JOSM/Plugins/indoorhelper on the OSM wiki.
Some description links are missing.
This page is outdated. The buttons in the panel have changed.
Page needs rework and better structure. Some screenshots are outdated.
Page was split into several pages but some links are still incorrectly leading to this page.
Description of setttings is missing.
This page is incomplete. The individual dialogs for adding customized sources are not explained.
Page content was split into several pages but there are still incorrect links leading to this page.
Page is incomplete. Lots of detailed description is missing.
Page needs some rework.
This page is incomplete. Options description is missing.
Page is incomplete. Detailed description is missing.
Screenshots are outdated.
This page is incomplete. Lot's of tests not described. Screenshot for rules is missing.
This page is missing command features.
This preset does not include a primary tag.
Please, review the MacOS specific part about middle mouse click
This page is incomplete.
Цю сторінку порібно доповнити в зв'язку із змінами, що відбулись останім часом; опис вкладки member відсутній.
This page is outdated. JOSM has improved and the buttons are not really explained.
This page is incomplete. Some buttons are not explained.
This page is incomplete and needs some more content.
Ця сторінка є неповною і потребує переробки. Було б непогано додати скріншоти.
відсутні посилання на сторінки довідки, деякі комбінації є застарілими та багато чого відсутнє