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Seiten mit Aktualisierungsbedarf
De:Help/Action/CombineWay | @14-@32 | |
De:Help/Action/CreateCircle | @18-@24 | |
De:Help/Action/CreateCircleArc | @13-@23 | |
De:Help/Action/DownloadNotesInView | @1-@7 | |
De:Help/Action/DownloadObject | @32-@37 | |
De:Help/Action/DownloadOsmInView | @10-@14 | |
De:Help/Action/DownloadParentWaysAndRelation | @24-@26 | |
De:Help/Action/Draw | @26-@92 | |
De:Help/Action/EditDelete | @7-@9 | |
De:Help/Action/Extrude | Übersetzung unvollständig bzw. in Arbeit
| |
De:Help/Action/Help | @4-@12 | |
De:Help/Action/JoinAreas | @12-@22 | |
De:Help/Action/JoinNodeWay | @13-@18 | |
De:Help/Action/MergeLayer | @24-@28 | |
De:Help/Action/MergeNodes | @20-@43 | |
De:Help/Action/MoveNodeWay | @14-@20 | |
De:Help/Action/Open | @30-@34 | |
De:Help/Action/OpenLocation | @42-@49 | |
De:Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape | @7-@30 | |
De:Help/Action/OverpassDownload | @17-@19 | |
De:Help/Action/Paste | @32-@36 | |
De:Help/Action/PasteAtSourcePosition | @8-@10 | |
De:Help/Action/PasteTags | @21-@23 | |
De:Help/Action/Preferences | @18-@38 | |
De:Help/Action/Redo | @10-@13 | |
De:Help/Action/ReorderImageryLayers | @13-@15 | |
De:Help/Action/Save | @21-@32 | |
De:Help/Action/SaveAs | @17-@26 | |
De:Help/Action/Select | @107-@108 | |
De:Help/Action/SelectNonBranchingWaySequences | @5-@8 | |
De:Help/Action/ShowStatusReport | @26-@37 | |
De:Help/Action/SimplifyWay | @11-@15 | |
De:Help/Action/SplitMode | @4-@3 | |
De:Help/Action/SplitWay | @20-@34 | |
De:Help/Action/TaggingPresetSearch | @4-@6 | |
De:Help/Action/UnGlue | @7-@21 | |
De:Help/Action/UpdateData | @24-@26 | |
De:Help/Action/UpdateModified | @14-@16 | |
De:Help/Action/UpdateSelection | @21-@25 | |
De:Help/CommandLineOptions | @36-@47 | |
De:Help/Concepts/Object | @34-@117 | |
De:Help/Dialog/Filter | @66-@92 | |
De:Help/Dialog/MapPaint | @28-@34 | |
De:Help/Dialog/MapPaint/StyleSettings | @16-@20 | |
De:Help/Dialog/Measurement | @3-@11 | |
De:Help/Dialog/Minimap | @8-@10 | |
De:Help/Dialog/Notes | @57-@68 | |
De:Help/ExpertMode | @45-@70 | |
De:Help/MainToolbar | @8-@25 | |
De:Help/MapView | @32-@67 | |
De:Help/Menu | @13-@20 | |
De:Help/Menu/Audio | @31-@33 | |
De:Help/Menu/Edit | @35-@74 | |
De:Help/Menu/File | @62-@83 | |
De:Help/Menu/GPXLayer | @22-@23 | |
De:Help/Menu/Help | @38-@43 | |
De:Help/Menu/MoreTools | @10-@16 | |
De:Help/Menu/OSMLayer | @49-@52 | |
De:Help/Menu/Selection | @12-@24 | |
De:Help/Menu/Tools | @37-@53 | |
De:Help/Menu/View | @46-@61 | |
De:Help/Preferences/Plugins | @24-@51 | |
De:Help/StatusBar | @26-@32 | |
De:Help/ToggleDialogs | @96-@112 | |
De:HowTo | @28-@43 | |
De:InstallNotes | @0-@99 | |
De:Introduction | @63-@147 | |
De:Presets | @160-@174 | |
De:Presets/LaneAttributes | @29-@54 | |
De:Rules | @20-@21 | |
De:Shortcuts | @0-@199 | |
De:Styles | @171-@173 | |
De:Styles/Lane_and_Road_Attributes | @63-@69 | |
Help/Action/Draw/AngleSnap | Some content still missing - like "snap to nodes"
| |
Help/Action/FastDrawingMode | This page needs some rework. The OSM-wiki page is better structured and better readable.
| |
Help/Action/GPXLayerCustomizeLineDrawing | This page is incomplete. The options need some more explanation.
| |
Help/Action/MergeNodes | The example screenshots need to be retaken with bigger node render setting.
| |
Help/Action/MultiTag | Description is incomplete and a screenshot is missing.
| |
Help/Action/ObjectHistory | The page needs rework and new screenshots. Context menu is partly missing. Waiting for #19470 #20770 #20879 and #20880 to be fixed.
| |
Help/Action/Open | This page is incomplete. A table which shows which plugin adds which file format is missing.
| |
Help/Action/OverpassDownload | This window is no longer available in JOSM since it was integrated into the default Download dialog in September 2017.
| |
Help/Action/SplitMode | Draft. Page should be expanded with some more details.
| |
Help/Action/UpdateMultipolygon | The targets Membership; Roles and MultipolySingleOuterAndInner do not exist in the corresponding pages
| |
Help/Action/Upload | This page covers too much context. The concept of changeset and upload might be better placed on an own page. Screenshots are outdated and obtain sources is not explained.
| |
Help/Concepts/Coordinates | This page is partly incomplete and outdated. See EPSG:4326 and the proj4 plugin exists !
| |
Help/Concepts/Object | Member; Membership; Roles; Child and Parent not explained properly. Any need to split Tags into two parts ?
| |
Help/Dialog/AddValue | Outdated: changes from tickets #12438 are not yet explained
| |
Help/Dialog/ChangesetManager | Tabs "Tags" and "Content" and "Discussion" need some more explanation
| |
Help/Dialog/EditValue | This page is incomplete. Messages are not explained.
| |
Help/Dialog/Filter | This page is incomplete. See "TODO"s. Screenshot is outdated.
| |
Help/Dialog/ImageViewer | Some preferences still need a description
| |
Help/Dialog/OAuthAuthorisationWizard | The Authorization Wizard was removed from JOSM with the deprecation of OAuth 1.0a. This page still exist mainly for historical reasons.
| |
Help/Dialog/SelectionList | This page needs some rework. The overview in the first part needs integration to the rest.
| |
Help/Dialog/TagsMembership | This page might need some clean up and more internal links.
| |
Help/Dialog/Validator | The gif animation should get an update which should include the usage of the lookup button.
| |
Help/Downloading data | This page is incomplete. please continue and expand with Notes; Validation errors; Plugins and Images from 3rd party servers
| |
Help/JOSM interface customization | The whole page is confusing. A complete overhall or a move of single snippets to other pages and deleting the page should be considered.
| |
Help/MainToolbar | The search part would better fit under Help/Preferences/Toolbar or even Help/Action/Search.
| |
Help/Menu/GPXLayer | This page is incomplete, Some actions are not explained.
| |
Help/Menu/PhotoLayer | The page "Correlate to GPX" needs to be created.
| |
Help/Plugin/IndoorHelper | This is just a short description. For further information see JOSM/Plugins/indoorhelper on the OSM wiki.
| |
Help/Plugin/UtilsPlugin2 | Some description links are missing.
| |
Help/Plugin/Wikipedia | This page is outdated. The buttons in the panel have changed.
| |
Help/Preferences/Connection | Page needs rework and better structure. Some screenshots are outdated.
| |
Help/Preferences/Display | Page was split into several pages but some links are still incorrectly leading to this page.
| |
Help/Preferences/GPXPreference | Description of setttings is missing.
| |
Help/Preferences/Imagery | This page is incomplete. The individual dialogs for adding customized sources are not explained.
| |
Help/Preferences/Map | Page content was split into several pages but there are still incorrect links leading to this page.
| |
Help/Preferences/MapPaintPreference | Page is incomplete. Lots of detailed description is missing.
| |
Help/Preferences/ProxyPreference | Page needs some rework.
| |
Help/Preferences/RemoteControl | This page is incomplete. Options description is missing.
| |
Help/Preferences/Toolbar | Screenshots are outdated.
| |
Help/Preferences/Validator | This page is incomplete. Lot's of tests not described. Screenshot for rules is missing.
| |
Help/RemoteControlCommands | This page is missing command features.
| |
Presets/Navigation_target | This preset does not include a primary tag.
| |
Shortcuts | Please, review the MacOS specific part about middle mouse click
Last modified
7 years ago
Last modified on 2018-02-25T13:13:11+01:00
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