Custom Query (4428 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 4428)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4811 lübeck anonymous defect normal Core
#4829 wish tablepc: copy to / insert to-button team defect normal Core
#4843 JOSM should not allow creation of tags that are too long team enhancement normal Core
#4845 exception when adding a new node team defect normal Core
#4863 nothing special team defect normal Core
#4865 Fehlermeldung durch plugin terracer zerebubuth@… defect normal Plugin terracer
#4880 Draw assistant - comfortable creating of a parallel way team enhancement normal Core
#4886 right-to-left problem with arabic way name team defect normal Core
#4889 Improve ticks for scale slider team enhancement normal Core
#4893 validator: warns when way with tag addr:interpolation=* ends close to other way team defect normal Core validator
#4894 deleting a way within conflict-management does not delete unconneted nodes team defect normal Core
#4896 josm 3140. error on commit anonymous defect normal Core
#4898 AssertionError: unexpected null value for n.getEastNorth - when adding a new node (drag virtual node) wiml@… defect normal Core
#4918 Assign basic keys in Relation dialogue team enhancement normal Core
#4922 possibility to mark objects/layer to exclude from upload team enhancement normal Core
#4924 Exception while send data team defect normal Core
#4940 plugin update intervall not changeable team defect normal Core
#4942 tracer + testing josm = error dialog team defect normal Core
#4945 Tool for selecting areas team enhancement normal Core
#4954 ConcurrentModificationEx during upload team defect normal Core
#4960 The error which is not expected during a Japanese input occurs. team defect normal Core
#4961 The error which is not expected during a Japanese input occurs. team defect normal Core
#4962 Add a tool to draw parallel lines team enhancement normal Core
#4963 Validator to Fix abbreviated street names team enhancement normal Core validator
#4966 Programm crash on typing accent team defect normal Core
#4975 Network Exception when uploading through a proxy team defect normal Core
#4977 It became a coding error. team defect normal Core
#4980 Unable to upload edited osm file team defect normal Core
#4993 Feature to right click on a attribute and be able to select all similar team enhancement normal Core
#4994 Improve search with selected properties team enhancement normal Core
#5019 Merge + Unglue action produces strange results team defect normal Core
#5021 behaviour of function 'Join node to way' team defect normal Core
#5024 no idea, just errors when I try to add plugins team defect normal Core
#5027 vertical and horizontal lines make display unusable Weide defect normal Core
#5029 Coding error reported on editing (moving) node on existing way team defect normal Core
#5039 upload area (version 3223) team defect normal Core
#5040 Crash at start-up of JOSM team defect normal Core
#5047 Relationeditor: Not possible to reduce selection team enhancement normal Core
#5050 Filter hides to many nodes team defect normal Core
#5051 Lots of "Unexpected Exceptions" dialogs team defect normal Core
#5055 Osmarender plugin is not working team defect normal Core
#5057 JOSM crash during opening plugin-dialog in settings team defect normal Core
#5059 plugins update with new (last) josm version fails with error team defect normal Core
#5065 WayTag is too long team defect normal Core
#5080 Indicate distance (old -> new) during moving nodes team enhancement normal Core
#5086 warn when editing object with not downloaded relation-membership. team defect normal Core
#5087 Synchronizing photos / Timezone team defect normal Core image mapping
#5090 Don't use Proxy Settings for local connections on localhost (livegps - gpsd) framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#5095 "An unexpected error occured" after downloading data from api team defect normal Core
#5096 NullPointerException trying to add a new relation team defect normal Core
#5099 Fault report when trying to create new relation team defect normal Core
#5103 Popups machen das Arbeiten unmöglich team defect normal Core
#5111 Create a relation team defect normal Core
#5116 Exception when selecting way inside relation team defect normal Core
#5122 save last directory for each type of usage team enhancement normal Core
#5142 Slippy map with lambert cc 9 projections framm enhancement normal Core imagery
#5147 plug-in error team defect normal Core
#5156 Ask for password 3 times while uploading team defect normal Core
#5158 wish: reduce entry in pull-down tools team defect normal Core
#5161 Exception when moving point team defect normal Core
#5164 Extend a straight line team enhancement normal Core
#5177 TangoGPS log support team enhancement normal Plugin dataimport
#5187 Error when loading WMS from file team defect normal Core imagery
#5198 Combining two ways with relations caused crash and corrupted OSM file team defect normal Core
#5211 Error in JOSM team defect normal Core
#5217 no snap in building mode Upliner enhancement normal Plugin buildings_tools
#5222 Validator Zoom to problem doesn't zoom close enough team enhancement normal Core validator
#5223 Validator: Incorrectly warns of "similarly named ways" team defect normal Core validator
#5227 problem with columbus audio-files in josm dk31519 defect normal Plugin
#5230 loading wms from file halts JOSM team defect normal Core imagery
#5239 Short Cuts in File Open List. team enhancement normal Core
#5246 Cancel-buttons do not work team defect normal Core
#5260 Terracer Plugin crashes Sellerhäuser defect normal Plugin terracer
#5277 Way end node near other highway, by category team enhancement normal Core validator
#5282 Fehler beim Upload team defect normal Core
#5283 Invalid characters in XML-file team defect normal Plugin osmarender
#5294 image not found reported incorrectly as fatal error on gpx import team enhancement normal Core
#5300 error by merge areas team defect normal Core
#5305 Unexpected Exception on upload team defect normal Core
#5313 unhandled exception team defect normal Core
#5314 Remote control deadlock on empty selecton framm defect normal Core remotecontrol
#5329 Joining two large overlapping areas (with many points on the common boundary) crashes JOSM team defect normal Core
#5340 exception when showing message about closed changeset team defect normal Core
#5347 nothing to upload, but "upload needed" team defect normal Core
#5350 initialisation or installation of plugins dont succeed trekki <bergenholtz@…> defect normal Plugin
#5360 Hotkeys not working with several unpinned sub-windows team defect normal Core
#5391 Unexpected error while uploading changeset to OSM team defect normal Core
#5392 Revision: 3475 Register to OAuth failed team defect normal Core
#5403 create parallel way team enhancement normal Core
#5409 error in use Luebeck defect normal Core
#5412 print the visible area team enhancement normal Core
#5444 Add node should accept varied coordinate formats team enhancement normal Core
#5468 Add a node in the middle of a way using mouse pointer click causes error team defect normal Core
#5476 Error when moving a node whith mouse pointer team defect normal Core
#5483 exception when uploading to closed changeset team defect normal Core
#5486 Unexpected Error while trying to update/downloading plugings team defect normal Core
#5490 Store multiple set of authentication credentials team enhancement normal Core
#5499 Button to delete old autosave data not functional team defect normal Core
#5505 Exception at upload team defect normal Core
#5516 JAVA error when uploading (V3514) team defect normal Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.