Custom Query (948 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 948)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#20300 problem with Crossing railways validation new template_report team enhancement normal
#20306 "Water area inside water area" triggered for reedbeed in a lake new template_report water wetland area inside team defect normal
#20316 Opening_hours: Does not like `PH +1 day PH` new template_report opening_hours team defect normal
#20356 Join areas action may create "Ways with same position" new template_report team defect normal
#20362 information=board --> ask board:title instead of name new template_report information board title name team enhancement normal
#20374 Preset default text is not applied when element already has any tag new template_report team defect normal
#20383 Shorten middle mouse button displayed context new template_report middle mouse button team enhancement normal
#20384 Flag changed way segments going outside of the download area new template_report team enhancement normal
#20410 Hidden Layer visible with focus in relation editor dialog new template_report hidden layer relation editor Biswesh defect normal
#20416 Download (incomplete) members: Cancel does not work and timeouts while download relation with members works new template_report cancel download members team defect normal
#20426 Request preset for emergency_bay new template_report team enhancement normal
#20430 The OSM server '' reported a bad request. Error message(untranslated): Placeholder node not found for reference -102307 in way -106846 needinfo template_report sharcrash defect normal
#20441 Remove pointless duplicates of motor_vehicle=no new template_report team enhancement normal
#20451 Warn about supermassive avoidable multipolygons (landuse=farmland for start) new template_report team enhancement normal
#20473 Multipolygon repeating the tag of an outer way is not flagged new template_report multipolygon team defect normal
#20477 Devanagari input - issue in typing consonantal conjuncts new template_report i18n devanagari macos team defect normal
#20479 Querying history from custom api server causes crash new template_report team defect normal
#20485 Inconsistent handling of fixme tags new template_report fixme node team defect normal
#20492 Conflict with elements that have an OSM ID but are not yet in OSM's server, new template_report team defect normal
#20498 fixChangeKey is proposing autofix when data may be erased new template_report team enhancement normal
#20518 IAE: width*height > Integer.MAX_VALUE! at TIFFImageReader.getDestination new template_report tiff rebsc defect normal
#20559 Improve text "House number without street" new template_report team enhancement normal
#20572 Overflowing text labels in the corner of the display new template_report team defect normal
#20605 Relation editor: Connectivity: Problem with dual-carriage, open end on top with only one way for one direction new template_report route dual carriage connectivity team defect normal
#20644 Relation editor: Sorting of route relation never stops under certain conditions (gaps). new template_report relation sort route team defect normal
#20655 Command line option "update plugins" new template_report plugin update command line team enhancement normal
#20666 In opposite to the previous version (17428) the latest Version (17580) slows down massively on my system after a few minutes of editing until being totally unresponsive new template_report performance memory team defect normal
#20686 Cancel of MultiFetchServerObjectReader does not work new template_report cancel team defect normal
#20688 Tagging Presets Preferences: Own tab for preferences settings (check boxes) new template_report preferences tab tagging presets team enhancement normal
#20710 Problems with wikipedia plugin in case of a redirection. new template_report floscher defect normal
#20721 NPE at BasicTextUI$RootView.changedUpdate while starting up new template_report team defect normal
#20752 Reorder imagery layers: Three shortcuts in preferences but non is working new template_report reorder imagery layer shortcut team defect normal
#20760 Private phone numbers and proprietary sources reopened template_report team enhancement normal
#20775 Change Value: Misleading, incorrect warning about changes in value when changing the key only new template_report change value overwrite team defect normal
#20783 Common hours override exceptions new template_report boman defect normal
#20786 Relation Editor: Display more (useful) information in window title new template_report relation editor header title name team enhancement normal
#20788 RespondsCode from overpass completely wrong formatted new template_report ResponseCode error overpass team defect normal
#20808 PicLayer: memory issue with a transparent image new template_report team defect normal
#20809 Tags/Memberships panel: Search for "Key/Value(/Type)" with multiple tags selected new template_report tags memberships panel search key value team enhancement normal
#20814 Angle / direction in bottom status bar not updated when deselecting newly drawn way new template_report angle compass_direction team defect normal
#20822 Incomplete objects marked as modified new template_report incomplete modified upload team defect normal
#20825 IllegalStateException at DataSetMerger.mergeRelationMembers after downloading from FR cadastre new template_report Don-vip defect normal
#20826 Option to allow conflating of node with (multiple) parent way new template_report node multiple parent way Tyndare enhancement normal
#20827 JOSM GUI becomes tiny after update new template_report DevCharly defect normal
#20828 Downloading French cadaster data in the wrong layer new template_report Don-vip defect normal
#20832 [patch] Unknown turn restriction for restriction:hgv:conditional=no_left_turn new template_report turn restriction conditional GerdP defect normal
#20833 [WIP Patch] Restrictions `no_exit` and `no_entry` missing new template_report turn restriction no_entry no_exit team defect normal
#20837 Disconnect node from way: No notification about the possibility of breaking relations new template_report disconnect node parent relation team defect normal
#20861 Tagging preset: "value_template" always overwrites value without strong indication and without option to disable. new template_report tagging preset value_template team defect normal
#20864 Orphaned building parts needinfo template_report building:part building JsfasdF252 enhancement normal
#20866 amenity=parking icon not displayed in latest tags when adding it to area new template_report add tag icon team enhancement normal
#20883 Unglue Ways: Wrong order of checks raising confimation dialog without following action new template_report unglue way warning team enhancement normal
#20884 Unglue Ways: Description in notification and actual selection after action differ new template_report unglue ways nodes selection team defect normal
#20896 Add Tag and Change Value dialogs open at the same time new template_report focus team defect normal
#20904 IllegalStateException: Already registered a conflict for primitive without conflict listed in conflict list panel new template_report merge conflict delete team defect normal
#20907 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced at (delete action) after undelete new template_report deleted node referenced state visibility team defect normal
#20909 "No area style for multipolygon" produces lots of duplicates new template_report multipolygon area style team defect normal
#20923 Multiple images displayed from restored session file new template_report session team defect normal
#20929 Tried to import a defective geojson and JOSM crashed new template_report team defect normal
#20931 Warn about leading and trailing white spaces in role values and offer a fix new template_report role leading trailing white space team enhancement normal
#20979 Not a bug, but it is really hard to determine what areas you have downloaded. The contrast between the layers (particularly aerial) makes it almost impossible to keep track of your download areas. Thanks! new template_report ris enhancement normal
#21001 Relation editor: Select previous/next gap: Ignore adjacent incomplete members new template_report relation editor select gap incomplete members team enhancement normal
#21013 Customize track drawing dialog needs scrollbar new template_report gpx customize drawing scrollbar team defect normal
#21037 Option to automatically update data opening a file with old data new template_report open file update data team enhancement normal
#21039 Wetland multipolygons should have their name be the type of wetland if specified. new template_report team enhancement normal
#21051 Status report: Add indication of (active) internal preset and mappaint style new template_report status report internal presets style team enhancement normal
#21054 Work offline does not work with imagery new template_report work offline team defect normal
#21055 Layer: Wrong and misleading direction arrows for routes with dual directions new template_report layer direction arrow role Biswesh defect normal
#21081 Own presets for enforcement relations per type of enforcement new template_report enforcement relation role team enhancement normal
#21098 Strange behavior of the gpx track loader when the connection is broken new template_report offline team defect normal
#21129 Warn about missing primary key for all known relations new template_report relation primary key team enhancement normal
#21146 ClassNotFoundException: org.openstreetmap.josm.Main after adding RGB Filter new template_report Nipel-Crumple defect normal
#21163 [WIP Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails new template_report conditional highway lanes team defect normal
#21164 Reading folder with image sequence over network is slow new template_report network exif performance cache team enhancement normal
#21179 Sporadic crashes right after download - Failed to load module "topmenu-gtk-module" - BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) new template_report linux gtk team defect normal
#21181 Panning using touchscreenhelper deselects ways new template_report team defect normal
#21186 Undo Selection + Select last modified nodes/ways do not work with deleted objects new template_report undo selection select last modified deleted objects team defect normal
#21187 Command Stack deleted after unsuccessful upload and conflict not found in first place new template_report upload selection conflict deleted object parent command stack team defect normal
#21188 Upload Selection fails without info on read timeout during check of parents of deleted objects new template_report upload selection deleted object parent team defect normal
#21189 Wrong number of objects in upload dialog and no option to upload only some deleted objects. new template_report upload selection deleted objects team defect normal
#21201 Display problem for riverbank multipolygon new template_report incomplete multipolygon team defect normal
#21207 Tagging presets: Align text behind icons and center icons new template_report tagging preset align center icon team enhancement normal
#21208 Align text and center icons in lists in preference dialogs new template_report preferences center icon align text list team enhancement normal
#21212 text rendered on tiles is too small on retina screens new template_report hidpi macos team defect normal
#21222 DataIntegrityProblemException: Complete node with null coordinates needinfo template_report anonymous defect normal
#21227 [WIP PATCH] Too many autocomplete suggestions for roles in relation editor new template_report role autocompletion filter relation editor team enhancement normal
#21247 NPE: Cannot read field "width" because "this.componentInnards" is null new template_report floscher defect normal
#21261 Command line option --status-report does not exit new template_report command line status report regression team defect normal
#21262 The imagery toolbar buttons periodically disappear new template_report toolbar team defect normal
#21270 IOException to open fieldpapers by local file new template_report mojodna defect normal
#21273 kendzi3d: 'NSWindow drag regions should only be invalidated on the Main Thread!' new template_report kendzi defect normal
#21278 JOSM.exe runs upscaled new template_report jpackage windows hidpi scaling usablity team defect normal
#21303 Searching for empty role with hasRole does not work new template_report search hasRole empty role team defect normal
#21332 Role verification: Always list parent relation in addition to members new template_report relation member role validation team enhancement normal
#21342 Viewing the article on wikipedia does not work new template_report wikipedia macOS team defect normal
#21347 double-clicking on items in turn restriction windows no longer works new template_report team defect normal
#21358 Update substance values new template_report substance team enhancement normal
#21362 better navigation of change history new template_report history browser team defect normal
#21368 NPE at new template_report team defect normal
#21378 Use an own, temporally flag to block layer on upload. new template_report upload flag layer state locked team defect normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.