Custom Query (948 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 948)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#22999 Kann man disued:shop als feste Regel einführen? - Can you use disused:shop as a fixed rule? Often there are wrong entries like "disued:shop" new template_report shop disused team enhancement normal
#23007 Show progress on plugin downloads new template_report plugin download progress team defect normal
#23009 UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/damn/DamnPlugin has been compiled by a more recent version of Java new template_report qeef defect normal
#23010 Issue when servers are down new template_report taylor.smock defect normal
#23016 OAuth authentication failed new template_report team defect normal
#23017 Paste Tags without Tags/Memberships Conflict Dialog new template_report team defect normal
#23019 kendzi3d plugin cannot be loaded. new template_report kendzi defect normal
#23020 Error when try to add WMS new template_report team defect normal
#23029 MatSim plugin simulation error new template_report double-m defect normal
#23030 PBF/MVT toggle with no effect? new template_report team defect normal
#23031 Using the escape button while having shapetools activated results in errors new template_report team defect normal
#23032 Error when sorting the modifications by creation date. new template_report team defect normal
#23033 Просто запустил ПО и нажал "Скачать" new template_report team defect normal
#23048 Opendata plugin shouldn't offer to download geojson new template_report Don-vip defect normal
#23050 NPE in WikipediaToggleDialog.processDatasetEvent new template_report floscher defect normal
#23053 Confusing UX when modifying a relation new template_report team enhancement normal
#23054 "Segregated" on railway=tram_crossing new template_report railway crossing tram segregated team defect normal
#23055 error after upload new template_report team defect normal
#23068 Heading and angle status bar fields should not show when not in draw mode new template_report team enhancement normal
#23082 NPE in MapSlider#zoomChanged (in Component#findUnderMouseInWindow) new template_report javabug team defect normal
#23084 The last toggled map paint style is toggled on its own when clicking the map new template_report team defect normal
#23087 Naturvårdsverket Trails (overlay) not working new template_report team defect normal
#23089 Use standard macos text editing shortcuts with `Cmd` in Metal/Nimbus themes new template_report macos team enhancement normal
#23094 To update FranceSpecificRules according Pifomètre V3 (ref:FR:FANTOIR) new template_report team defect normal
#23096 Error when trying to organize custom presets. new template_report maripogoda defect normal
#23106 Shortcut T has moved new template_report team defect normal
#23130 Randomly UI panels are re-rendering on wrong position new template_report, graphics, UI, user interface team defect normal
#23141 Une erreur inattendue est survenue needinfo template_report vincent.becker@… defect normal
#23144 Key:railway:switch = inner_curved (or outer_curved) wrong translation in german new template_report team defect normal
#23147 Add validation for missing pylons in aerialway ways new template_report aerialway pylon team enhancement normal
#23150 Remove default shortcuts for Move Object actions new template_report team enhancement normal
#23155 Can't open jos file I saved a few days ago new template_report team defect normal
#23176 Enhancment: Allow to remove Validator error-candifdates from selection new template_report team enhancement normal
#23192 Do not warn "House number without a street" when there is addr:substreet needinfo template_report anonymous defect normal
#23193 False positive warning on source:*:conditional new template_report conditional team defect normal
#23206 Placeholders in mapcss expressions don't work in suggestAlternative new template_report suggestAlternative team defect normal
#23210 When drawing a cliff line and selecting the preset to add the cliff tag, same also land on last cliff line node. new template_report team defect normal
#23211 Validator gives error message when there are high lane counts at motorway tollgates new template_report team defect normal
#23214 MapWithAI plugin crashes during download new template_report taylor.smock defect normal
#23221 MapwithAI plugin issues new template_report taylor.smock defect normal
#23260 kendzi3D-dev doesn't work reopened template_report kendzi defect normal
#23263 NegativeArraySizeException in ProtobufParser.readNextBytes needinfo template_report malynpolissia@… defect normal
#23299 Update to API v2 new template_report jBeata defect normal
#23301 IAE: EastNorth is invalid in ParallelWays.changeOffset needinfo template_report anonymous defect normal
#23307 JosmRuntimeException: tileXYToLatLon returned Coordinate[-83.09827383814462, NaN] (WAS: Ljubljana: Orthophoto 2023 (WMTS) imagery provider does not work) new template_report team defect normal
#23312 Downloaded french cadastre, had this error message new template_report team defect normal
#23313 nefunkční trasovač new template_report team defect normal
#23320 SVG import error new template_report team defect normal
#23321 Square brackets in filename result in error (and not loading the file) new template_report team defect normal
#23326 RoadSigns dialogue not showing custom entry icons new template_report team defect normal
#23330 Make relation ID copyable new template_report team enhancement normal
#23338 Nameless highway areas reported as error new template_report team defect normal
#23344 After correcting errors flagged by pre-upload validation, restarting upload does not clear the highlights new template_report team defect normal
#23356 Incorrect dialog sizes new template_report team defect normal
#23360 [PATCH] Saving the TODO task list reopened template_report Gnonthgol defect normal
#23369 JOSM crashes during large uploads needinfo javabug, template_report jmarchon defect normal
#23375 Mapcss: allow retrieving current year new template_report year mapcss date team enhancement normal
#23382 History dialog doesn't show changes from imported OSC file assigned template_report history taylor.smock defect normal
#23402 Error saving offset bookmark new template_report offset team defect normal
#23420 Tag wikimedia_commons not in presets new template_report team enhancement normal
#23424 Lots of error messages "Failed to locate image 'Flag, Blue'" new template_report team enhancement normal
#23425 Improve handling of missing images when loading a session with image layers new template_report team enhancement normal
#23428 Strange window focus bug new template_report team defect normal
#23448 JOSM uploaded thousands of duplicate ways and relations new template_report team defect normal
#23449 Bad url for osm server causes crash on startup new template_report team defect normal
#23450 moving the map does not give focus to the map window new template_report team defect normal
#23452 DataIntegrityProblemException after usage of utilsplugin2.selection.NodeWayUtils needinfo template_report Peter Agenga defect normal
#23457 Address duplication and street name formatting Issue new template_report team defect normal
#23458 Hitting Plus Twice in Turn Lanes Throws an Error needinfo template_report anonymous defect normal
#23461 NPE in com.kaart.laneconnectivity.gui.RoadGui.paintLanes new template_report team defect normal
#23464 Layer Boundary for task will not be removed automaticly when you want to remove a finished task after uploading mappings. needinfo template_report watergeus defect normal
#23470 DataIntegrityProblemException in Test DuplicateWay new template_report GerdP defect normal
#23478 Add potentially problematic URLs to reported exceptions new template_report team defect normal
#23479 Error when trying to create new way in parallel way mode needinfo template_report anonymous defect normal
#23480 while using Makeparallel plugin, get fatal error. new template_report jjww-osm defect normal
#23484 When hitting "Upload All Changes" button the upload proceeds without the Upload window showing before needinfo template_report SekeRob defect normal
#23486 Activating background unsuccessful (ES GRAFCAN ORTOEXPRESS and ES GRAFCAN ORTOEXPRESS Canarian Islands new template_report team defect normal
#23498 my mouse pointer has disappeared when I'm in the data window needinfo template_report manu@… defect normal
#23502 DataIntegrityProblemException after splitting polygon that is member of site relation new template_report KiaaTiX defect normal
#23503 DataIntegrityProblemException when split way is member of a route relation new template_report KiaaTiX defect normal
#23511 Copy + paste file paths into the mapstyle addition workflow sometimes have quotes around them. This causes errors later. new template_report team defect normal
#23520 Error occurs when closing JOSM new template_report, gpx, markerlayer team defect normal
#23522 upload: suspicious data dialog cannot be closed with Esc key new template_report focus team defect normal
#23525 Username in title bar does not change new template_report team defect normal
#23531 Connection problem causes freeze/hang new template_report team defect normal
#23534 The mouse pointer gets disappeared on the map data while in selection mode ! It makes me difficult to start adding nodes from the exact point and select exact point and features. new template_report team enhancement normal
#23548 Help Center does not work new template_report linux team defect normal
#23571 Meaningless informational messages for contact: prefix new template_report team defect normal
#23573 Add markers when downloading track from OSM new template_report team defect normal
#23585 Allow "Ignore for now" on multiple validation items new template_report team enhancement normal
#23588 Erreur new template_report team defect normal
#23589 josm validator reports: "the key from a template is invalid in this region new template_report region team defect normal
#23614 NPE: Cannot invoke "javax.swing.JRadioButton.isSelected()" because "this.this$0.rbGraalVMScriptingEngine" is null needinfo template_report engine anonymous defect normal
#23615 Incorrect warning: crossing barrier/way, for fence entering water new template_report barrier water team defect normal
#23616 Nodes without roles generate unnecessary warnings in walking relations, specifically Node2Node routes in Node Networks. new template_report route node network role team defect normal
#23617 Locale setting is not reflected in font selection new template_report windows locale language detection team defect normal
#23620 man_made=clarifier being corrected to =clarifer new template_report team defect normal
#23650 rasterfilter not working new template_report Nipel-Crumple defect normal
#23653 Error when inputting a token from Earthdata with the Elevation plugin new template_report team defect normal
#23659 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ToggleDialog$TitleBar.setVisible(boolean)" because "this.titleBar" is null new template_report taylor.smock defect normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.