
Opened 17 months ago

Last modified 16 months ago

#23192 needinfo defect

Do not warn "House number without a street" when there is addr:substreet

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: template_report Cc:


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Create a node with addr:housenumber and addr:substreet but without addr:street
  2. Perform data validation

What is the expected result?

No validator warning.

What happens instead?

The validator raises a warning that "House number without a street".

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

In the UK house numbers can refer to a street e.g. 4 Ratho Street or they can refer to a different entity, e.g. 4 Allermuir Cottages, Ratho Street. It has been agreed that the latter situation should be mapped as addr:housenumber=4, addr:substreet=Allermuir Cottages, addr:parentstreet=Ratho Street. (See also

In this situation the JOSM validator raises the warning "House number without a street" because the object has addr:housenumber but not addr:street. This warning should not be raised when the object has addr:substreet.

Build-Date:2023-08-30 11:52:18

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (18822 en_GB) Mac OS X 12.6.3
OS Build number: macOS 12.6.3 (21G419)
Memory Usage: 913 MB / 2048 MB (296 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 17.0.8+7-LTS, Azul Systems, Inc., OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Look and Feel:
Screen: Display 69733824 1440×900 (scaling 2.00×2.00)
Maximum Screen Size: 1440×900
Best cursor sizes: 16×16→16×16, 32×32→32×32
System property file.encoding: UTF-8
System property sun.jnu.encoding: UTF-8
Locale info: en_GB
Numbers with default locale: 1234567890 -> 1234567890
VM arguments: [, --add-modules=java.scripting,java.sql,javafx.controls,,javafx.swing,javafx.web, --add-exports=java.base/, --add-exports=java.desktop/, --add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.spi=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.imageio.spi=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.text.html=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.prefs/java.util.prefs=ALL-UNNAMED,]
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

+ apache-commons (36034)
+ ejml (35924)
+ geotools (36068)
+ jackson (36034)
+ jaxb (36118)
+ jts (36004)
+ opendata (36126)
+ utilsplugin2 (36134)

Last errors/warnings:
- 00004.512 W: Update plug-ins - You updated your JOSM software. To prevent problems the plug-ins should be updated as well.  Update plug-ins now?
- 02363.198 W: Unexpected token: <equals>

Attachments (0)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by taylor.smock, 17 months ago

Owner: changed from team to anonymous
Status: newneedinfo

I'm reading the wiki page on addr:substreet and addr:parentstreet.

It sounds like the following address:

451 SubMain Street
Main Street

would have the tags:

addr:substreet=SubMain Street
addr:parentstreet=Main Street

Although it looks like addr:substreet could be the addr:street tag. I really need a better explanation of why addr:substreet is needed. Please keep in mind that I do not live in the UK, so I don't understand the UK addressing system, and I may be generating an address that is invalid for the UK.

comment:2 by osmuser63783@…, 16 months ago

You are right, and some mappers would use street + parentstreet e.g.

addr:street=SubMain Street
addr:parentstreet=Main Street

But what do you do when the thing in addr:street is not a street? It could be a business or retail park, a building or a small group of buildings (examples).

Some mappers propose using addr:street anyway but that is semantically wrong and leads to issues, for example Nominatim expects the thing in addr:street to also exist as a street. Some use addr:place but addr:place has been widely misused in the UK to mean addr:suburb (i.e. as something that comes after the street, not instead of it). Therefore addr:substreet has been invented.

If you want to read the full rationale it is here.

Time will tell what mappers prefer. I am suggesting this change only because I hope it's only a small code change - not to raise the validator warning when addr:substreet is present, same as how the validator warning isn't raised when addr:place is present.

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