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Opened 14 months ago
#23420 new enhancement
Tag wikimedia_commons not in presets
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | team |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | Core | Version: | |
Keywords: | template_report | Cc: |
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Create any object with a tag wikimedia_commons=*
- Upload/validate
What is the expected result?
No warning/info is shown.
What happens instead?
Warning/info is shown. "Presets do not contain property key - Key "wikimedia_commons" not in presets."
Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.
Relative:URL: ^/trunk Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b Last:Changed Date: 2024-01-16 08:06:33 +0100 (Tue, 16 Jan 2024) Revision:18940 Build-Date:2024-01-17 02:31:01 URL: Identification: JOSM/1.5 (18940 en_GB) Linux Mint 21.3 Memory Usage: 840 MB / 3978 MB (566 MB allocated, but free) Java version: 17.0.9+9-Ubuntu-122.04, Private Build, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Look and Feel: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel Screen: :0.0 1920×1080 (scaling 1.00×1.00) Maximum Screen Size: 1920×1080 Best cursor sizes: 16×16→16×16, 32×32→32×32 Environment variable LANG: en_GB.UTF-8 System property file.encoding: UTF-8 System property sun.jnu.encoding: UTF-8 Locale info: en_GB Numbers with default locale: 1234567890 -> 1234567890 Desktop environment: X-Cinnamon Java package: openjdk-17-jre:amd64-17.0.9+9-1~22.04 libcommons-logging-java: libcommons-logging-java:all-1.2-2 fonts-noto: fonts-noto:all-20201225-1build1 VM arguments: [--module-path=/usr/share/openjfx/lib, --add-modules=java.scripting,java.sql,javafx.controls,,javafx.swing,javafx.web, -Djosm.restart=true,, --add-exports=java.base/, --add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.spi=ALL-UNNAMED] Dataset consistency test: No problems found Plugins: + Review.Changes (1.1.1) + apache-commons (36176) + buildings_tools (36200) + changeset-viewer (0.0.7) + imagery_offset_db (36126) + jaxb (36118) + mapwithai (827) + pmtiles (36156) + reverter (36196) + terracer (36196) + todo (137) + utilsplugin2 (36200) + wikipedia (605) Map paint styles: + Last errors/warnings: - 00161.391 E: ResponseCode=400, Error Body=<Requested bounding box is too big. Max edge length allowed is 10000 meters along each direction.>. Cause: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: ResponseCode=400, Error Body=<Requested bounding box is too big. Max edge length allowed is 10000 meters along each direction.>. Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: ResponseCode=400, Error Body=<Requested bounding box is too big. Max edge length allowed is 10000 meters along each direction.>. Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: ResponseCode=400, Error Body=<Requested bounding box is too big. Max edge length allowed is 10000 meters along each direction.>. Cause: ResponseCode=400, Error Body=<Requested bounding box is too big. Max edge length allowed is 10000 meters along each direction.> - 00161.397 E: Bad Request - <html>The OSM server '' reported a bad request.<br></html>
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