Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 121)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#8820 Tabular edit of name tags new matrix tag edit team enhancement major
#8913 PH and SH unknown new PH SH syntax boman defect major
#17480 "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid scanline stride" in PicLayer when loading a large image new exception javabug rebsc defect major
#20566 Changed Notes don't always upload when quitting JOSM new upload when exiting team defect major
#3417 GPX parsing error messages shown in the console aren't shown in the UI new gpx team enhancement normal
#4949 PicLayer calibration - ozi .map file support new oziexplorer calibration rebsc enhancement normal
#5439 Implement ability to hide selected object new hide expose object team enhancement normal
#5541 Audio and Gpx new gpx team enhancement normal
#5662 display timestamp of individual GPX trackpoints reopened GPX, timestamp team enhancement normal
#5930 imagery once initialized does not use new network-settings new imagery change network setting proxy team defect normal
#6656 OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements new openinghourseditor plugin enhancement boxes shortcut description dialog list drop-down holiday boman enhancement normal
#6864 Can't "download along" a pure waypoints gpx file / marker layer / geotagged images layer new waypoint gpx marker download geotagged enhancement normal
#7308 Syntax highlighting in search dialog new search syntax highlighting gsoc-candidate team enhancement normal
#7621 DataIntegrityProblemException: 'Deleted member referenced' after adding ways to relation new DataIntegrityProblemException deleted member referenced team defect normal
#8399 Validator could merge two ways with same position if one is an inner without tags new same position fix team enhancement normal
#8933 External presets / rules / styles: Update does not work new update external preset validator rule style cache team defect normal
#9400 validate source:maxspeed new maxspeed team enhancement normal
#9895 checking correct use of noexit new noexit team enhancement normal
#9904 Add node: Linux middle mouse button paste not supported new linux add node paste mouse middle team defect normal
#10056 support to include chunks from default preset in external presets new chunk external tagging preset team enhancement normal
#10286 extruder: problem with shared nodes new template_report extruder shared node team defect normal
#10736 JOSM ignores keyboard shortcuts after opening another window new template_report, focus, shortcut, arch linux team defect normal
#10912 UI problems with LXDE / OpenBox new template_report lubuntu lxde openbox team defect normal
#10954 Red "edit line" not visible after upgrading linux to Slackware 14.1 new mouse linux slackware team defect normal
#11017 3GPP audio files open in browser on Linux new 3gpp audio file gpx browser team defect normal
#11454 Cannot upload gpx track with DirectUpload plugin (JOSM behind HTTP proxy with authentication) new directupload, gpx, proxy, authentication team defect normal
#12449 Implement max consecutive distance new max_distance *Martin* enhancement normal
#12595 Problem with keyboard layout 'RU' new template_report layout russian linux ubuntu java8 team defect normal
#12613 Show preview image in the geotagging Plugin new photo_geotagging EXIF team enhancement normal
#12866 Display disused:railway=* and abandoned:railway=* like railway=disused/abandoned whenever relevant new lifecycle prefix display validator team enhancement normal
#12985 Move advanced info to expert mode new expert mode team enhancement normal
#13814 Zoom is extremely sensitive now reopened osx sierra mac scroll zoom team defect normal
#14069 More coloring options for GPX files (HDOP circle) new gpx color hdop team enhancement normal
#14077 Proxy authentication new network proxy team enhancement normal
#14139 Customize track drawing, gpx, where did I stop, speed color scheme. new gpx team enhancement normal
#14168 JOSM not working with manual or system proxy settings new proxy, manual, auto, system team defect normal
#14934 Interface improvement for `destination` tags and all other semicolon-separated list values new list tag semicolon GUI combobox team enhancement normal
#15007 Tagging preset: check and set key/value for more then one kv. new tagging preset multiple tags checkbox team enhancement normal
#15475 Should offer more options when clicking on GPX tracks' pictures new gpx picture photo jpg zoom team enhancement normal
#15609 Accessing tiles from the download dialog behind a proxy new template_report javabug proxy ntlm team defect normal
#16093 handling of (lifecycle) prefixes new lifecycle prefix team enhancement normal
#16347 Nexus Server: SNAPSHOT is not a good version for plugins new nexus team defect normal
#16360 I18n script creates data for transifex directories new i18n transifex team defect normal
#17032 improve display of unordered gps traces new gpx gps visualisation team enhancement normal
#17118 Sort out axis=neu for EPSG:4326 reopened projection wgs84 axis wmts team defect normal
#17175 ConcurrentModificationException at GpxData$LinesIterator.getNext new template_report gpx team defect normal
#17785 Download only your own GPS tracks from the site when downloading data from the selected site. new gpx download team enhancement normal
#18014 Validator marks no_entry and no_exit-restrictions as an error new no_exit no_entry restriction team enhancement normal
#18065 Add fix for "Ways with same position" warning in Validator new same position fix team enhancement normal
#18376 HiDPI font problems with 3840x2160 screen (Linux) needinfo template_report hidpi linux helge.hafting@… defect normal
#18490 JsonParsingException in SophoxDownloadReader new template_report sophox sparql json floscher defect normal
#18597 Combine Way does not generate conflict when joining maxspeed with maxspeed:forward in expert mode new combine conflict tag expert team defect normal
#18651 add more context-sensitive help to code new context sensitive help team enhancement normal
#18673 Selection toggle dialog: Harmonize display of icons for "fixme" and "note" new template_report selection toggle dialog fixme note icon team enhancement normal
#18892 Features missing in OpeningHoursParser compared to JS library new opening_hours auto fix message team enhancement normal
#19044 JavaFX calls unknown class assigned template_report, javafx, mapillary, openwebstart, java11 Don-vip defect normal
#19077 Presets: label suffix/unit at end of text input box reopened preset unit suffix label i18n team enhancement normal
#19235 Toolbar: Support flexible space new toolbar flexible space team enhancement normal
#19305 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: cannot open shared object file new template_report linux java11 Don-vip defect normal
#19511 Support of complete tag in fixChange and FixRemove new template_report tag fixChange fixRemove team enhancement normal
#19528 Download Dialog: Bounding Box: Context menu partly hidden new template_report download dialog bbox context menu team defect normal
#19602 OsmTransferException while downloading GPX new template_report gpx download truncated-file team defect normal
#19666 GPXSettingsPanel should leverage IPreferences new gpx preference refactoring team enhancement normal
#20100 UI problems with route layers new gpx route team defect normal
#20197 Highway=… related presets: add maxspeed:type to presets new maxspeed, preset team enhancement normal
#20407 Enable opening of other JOSM supported formats via remote control's import command new geojson import gpx remote control team enhancement normal
#20485 Inconsistent handling of fixme tags new template_report fixme node team defect normal
#20516 SOCKS proxy without authentification demands "credentials for host" new socks proxy team defect normal
#20667 How to handle external presets/rules/styles on the wiki for different JOSM versions? new max min version external style preset rule stoecker enhancement normal
#20833 [WIP Patch] Restrictions `no_exit` and `no_entry` missing new template_report turn restriction no_entry no_exit team defect normal
#21013 Customize track drawing dialog needs scrollbar new template_report gpx customize drawing scrollbar team defect normal
#21164 Reading folder with image sequence over network is slow new template_report network exif performance cache team enhancement normal
#21179 Sporadic crashes right after download - Failed to load module "topmenu-gtk-module" - BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) new template_report linux gtk team defect normal
#21208 Align text and center icons in lists in preference dialogs new template_report preferences center icon align text list team enhancement normal
#21318 MVT style drops data when two points have same coordinates new mvt mapbox vector tile team defect normal
#21487 Save Session: Using a dot in file name does not add file extension new template_report save session file extension team defect normal
#21493 Split up preferences file new preferences xml state config team enhancement normal
#21518 Paint expressway=yes (similar to motorroad=yes) new expressway team enhancement normal
#21599 Fatal Error when opening a surveyed GPX file new template_report, gpx team defect normal
#21691 Group inside group not properly allocated within the menu new template_report external tagging preset team enhancement normal
#21798 No empty combobox item in preset names for deleting values new template_report combobox name regression team defect normal
#21821 allow to call external validator from JOSM new external,validation,validator,plugin team enhancement normal
#21831 Add confirmation message to flush the tile cache new template_report context menu flush tile cache team enhancement normal
#21891 Support for stops.txt from GTFS data new template_report public_transport GTFS stops.txt Don-vip enhancement normal
#21917 'except' tag in the turnrestrictions plugin new template_report except tag undocumented team defect normal
#21931 [Patch] .nmea/.pos/.wpt files always ask to be saved new nmea, pos, wpt, gpx, save team defect normal
#21932 [WIP Patch] Save NMEA / RTKLib values as extensions in .gpx files new nmea, pos, rtklib, extension team enhancement normal
#21933 Customization of GPS drawing options new gpx, color, mapcss team enhancement normal
#22002 Presets: XmlParsingException using reference plus list_entry in chunk new template_report preset xml exception chunk reference list_entry team defect normal
#22112 Elevation data new elevation, gpx team enhancement normal
#22329 Many false positives for ":lanes" tagging with additional prefix new template_report lanes prefix team defect normal
#22346 ToggleDialog: fix maximum height new toggle dialog maximum height team enhancement normal
#22460 After squaring a building and uploading, the downloaded building is not square enough for the extrude tool to avoid creating unnecessary nodes new extrusion square node shift rounding team enhancement normal
#22466 Mapcss: allow [/REGEX/=string] selectors new template_report regex mapcss team enhancement normal
#22637 Allow positive matching for match_expression attribute in preset item new match_expression team enhancement normal
#22678 Wrong track names when exporting multiple route relations to gpx new gpx export team defect normal
#22689 Save as: File name extension should be adjusted when changing the file type. reopened template_report save file type name extension team enhancement normal
#22695 MAPCSS, Note on: icon-rotation: way; text-rotation: way; coordinate transformation, documentation new mapcss, text and icon rotation team enhancement normal
#22766 Text input eventually stops working new template_report, linux team defect normal
#22790 [PATCH] Minimal support for aeroway=taxilane new aeroway taxilane team enhancement normal
1 2
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.