
Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#14077 new enhancement

Proxy authentication

Reported by: javiersanp Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: network proxy Cc:


Behind a coorporative proxy, Josm don't trigger an ask for username:password and fails to access to network resources like the startup page. Unable to tunnel through proxy. proxy returns http/1.1 407 proxy authentication required

I have to show an TMS layer and then the authentication dialog it's showed correctly. By the way, I'm asked many times for authentication (one for each tile) even if I check the box to remember username and password.

It would be better if the pop-up would asks for authentication in the startup when trying to access the startup message just like it does when tries to download tiles.

Best regards.

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comment:1 by Penegal, 4 years ago

I'm also subject to this problem, even if I added proxy credentials in JOSM preferences. Why does it not simply use these instead of trying to connect directly, without authenticating?

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