
Opened 9 years ago

#12449 new enhancement

Implement max consecutive distance

Reported by: jseigneuret-pro@… Owned by: *Martin*
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin simplifyArea Version:
Keywords: max_distance Cc:


For this tool, there is simplify-way.max-error parameter and i have set it to 0.08 for cleaning natural=water data import.

My question is : It's possible to set a new parameter to avoid delete node if the distance betweew forward and backward nodes after delete is longer than a specific distance (in meters)

the parameter can be: simplify-way.max-consecutive-distance

this exemple explain what i mean

I set a parameter to 300 meters

And a threshold to 0.08


200 101


My way contain 3 nodes A,B,C (and other but to explain it more easy with 3 nodes)
The result of Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm want delete the B node but... I Don't want delete B because the result distance is longer than simplify-way.max-consecutive-distance paramerter
In my case 300m is the max accepted distance between two nodes.

Thank you

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