Custom Query (2318 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 2318)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Owner: rebsc (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#7144 handle projection change defect normal Plugin piclayer
#7966 georef images wrong displayed after switching to correct projection defect normal Plugin piclayer
#7975 Entering position of calibration points enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#8391 piclayer extesion error loading jpg defect normal Plugin piclayer
#8484 Improve complicated procedure to align picture enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#8713 Both menu items in PicLayer menu are disabled (greyed out) defect normal Plugin piclayer latest
#10334 More control points in PicLayer enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#10669 active piclayer seems to slow down screen/mapping movements defect normal Plugin piclayer tested
#10990 .KMZ import for Piclayer plugin enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#15692 Cannot add/use buttons in PicLayer plug-in defect normal Plugin piclayer tested
#15834 Three targets impossible to grab unless zoomed in defect normal Plugin piclayer
#15836 Always a big gamble on what zoom levels and position the new image will end up being overlayed defect normal Plugin piclayer
#15919 Add "snap 1 to 1a" method enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#15924 "Drag to Move the Picture" will move 1. 2. and 3 to nonsense positions defect normal Plugin piclayer
#15974 The "drag to shear the picture" button is extremely overpowered defect normal Plugin piclayer
#16881 kml not working in piclayer plugin defect normal Plugin piclayer
#17743 Can KMZ/KML files from ArcGIS be displayed as picture layer in JOSM? defect normal Plugin piclayer
#20518 IAE: width*height > Integer.MAX_VALUE! at TIFFImageReader.getDestination defect normal Plugin piclayer
#21050 name of way drawn far from way defect normal Plugin ​indoorhelper
#15973 Add Aspect Ratio Lock checkbox enhancement minor Plugin piclayer
#15837 Right click on layer lacks "Info" choice enhancement trivial Plugin piclayer
#15983 Add all four image quality sliders enhancement trivial Plugin piclayer

Owner: ris (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#20979 Not a bug, but it is really hard to determine what areas you have downloaded. The contrast between the layers (particularly aerial) makes it almost impossible to keep track of your download areas. Thanks! enhancement normal Plugin markseen
#23678 RejectedExecutionException: Task org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.markseen.QuadTreeMeta$MarkBoundsSeenRequest from QuadTreeMeta.requestSeenBoundsMark defect normal Plugin markseen

Owner: roland.olbricht (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#15160 cannot add certain bus stops to a route defect normal Plugin public_transport
#16202 IAE at GTFSDeleteCommand.<init> defect normal Plugin public_transport
#19635 Crash with Public Transport plugin defect normal Plugin public_transport
#21379 public_transport plugin : remove or update to PTv2 scheme defect normal Plugin public_transport

Owner: Rub21 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#21725 Incorrect understanding of lanes=* and *:lanes=* damages data defect critical Plugin turnlanes-tagging
#12996 Turnlanes-tagging pluging having shortcut conflicts with Turn Restrictions plugin defect normal Plugin turnlanes-tagging latest
#19868 Plugin Conflict defect normal Plugin auto_tools
#20042 Close button doesn't cancel edits & doesn't add to undo list defect normal Plugin turnlanes-tagging
#21864 ReplaceBuilding: NPE at java.base/java.util.Hashtable.put defect normal Plugin auto_tools

Owner: simon04 (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#12597 Replace memberships of one object by another enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#13118 [Patch] wms imagery should probe for WMS Version or allow to set it defect normal Core imagery
#13121 Create/update Wikidata item using OSM data enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#13965 Allow keyboard shortcuts for WIkipedia functions enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia latest
#14051 Unhandled timeout exception in WikipediaApp.getWikidataForArticles defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#14448 wikidata IDs fetch should show number of added and unchanged values in popup enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#14853 Drop File->"Export to Gpx" enhancement normal Core
#15314 Investigate why Wikidata "fetch IDs" doesn't work behind TR firewall defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#15597 Wikidata Toolkit enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#19901 Update of FlatLaf PLugin fails defect normal Plugin flatlaf
#23986 Some lower levels of presets menu are displayed on wrong screen defect normal Plugin flatlaf

Owner: stoecker (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#11392 Styles, rules and presets translation enhancement normal Core
#20284 Move Mapillary Main to proper namespace task normal Trac
#20667 How to handle external presets/rules/styles on the wiki for different JOSM versions? enhancement normal Trac
#23591 A day was lost when changing to summer time defect normal Trac
#23716 JOSM Nexus upgrade to version 3 defect normal Trac

Owner: taylor.smock (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#20278 Mapillary filter: documentation task normal Plugin mapillary tested
#21584 Delete key only works every second time in the ToDo plugin defect normal Plugin todo
#22127 Mapillary plugin: extract sequence GPX enhancement normal Plugin mapillary tested
#22747 IOOBE in MapWithAIDefaultLayerTableModel.getRow defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23010 Issue when servers are down defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23214 MapWithAI plugin crashes during download defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23221 MapwithAI plugin issues defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23549 I cannot find any information (documentation, manual) on how to use this plugin! task normal Plugin openqa tested
#23659 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ToggleDialog$TitleBar.setVisible(boolean)" because "this.titleBar" is null defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23756 Crashed after undo sequence extrude way defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23856 JOSM crashed with mapwithai defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23922 intersection crashed on pre-upload validation with an existing changeset defect normal Plugin intersection tested

Owner: team (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#14278 [Patch] Plugin not printing any map defect blocker Plugin print
#6141 extend confict message on upload and provide a button to update. (WAS: warn before upload old/outdated data) enhancement critical Core
#6151 If upload ends with internal server error, no warning is shown defect critical Core tested
#7103 relation conflict dialog may lead to empty relations defect critical Core tested
#17677 Large upload with multiple changesets fails silently. Failed to automatically close a full changeset. defect critical Core
#571 node placement tools enhancement major Core
#724 Josm Extrude for multiple elements enhancement major Core
#2318 snap to ways / nodes while in select/move mode enhancement major Core latest
#2319 snap to markers enhancement major Core
#2710 [WIP Patch] The preferences should have multiple server profiles enhancement major Core latest
#3198 Disable keyboard shortcuts while a move or area selection is in progress enhancement major Core shortcuts latest
#3282 Syncing audio tracks not posible behind initial waypoint defect major Core audio latest
#3283 Improve audio markers enhancement major Core audio
#3841 Validator: show meaningful tooltips enhancement major Core validator
#4509 In addition to "conflicts", detect and resolve "potential map anomalies" enhancement major Core latest
#4798 relation editor: highlight "doubled" members with different roles differently than "doubled" members with the same role enhancement major Core latest
#4925 Dialog are placed wrong on dual-head X11 defect major Core
#5038 Proposal for editing object attributes in spreadsheet mode enhancement major Core latest
#5190 Rectify fails in WGS84 defect major Core
#5215 Automatically detect and fix situations, where server accepted upload and JOSM assumes upload failure defect major Core latest
#5325 Auto-Save when uploading, after each successful block of data. enhancement major Core latest
#6002 "Upload selection" should not check for parents defect major Core tested
#6205 Turnrestrictions plugin doesn't like adding a new restriction on two ways when they already intersect at a different location. defect major Plugin turnrestrictions latest
#6441 turnrestrictions plugin putting wrong end of split highway in "To" when selecting "Only Right Turn" defect major Plugin turnrestrictions latest
#6518 select and edit actions performed in inactive layer. defect major Core latest
#6764 Selecting anything in the vicinity of selected nodes is nearly impossible defect major Core
#6997 zoom controls for the slippy map enhancement major Core latest
#7282 OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset or uploading changes defect major Core
#7293 conflict when replacing a way in an inclomplete loaded relation with a new way defect major Core tested
#7297 Conflict management - Synchronize datasets efficiently defect major Core
#7807 State based drawing enhancement major Core
#8019 Sort relations by directional roles defect major Core
#8085 conflict management and deleted nodes and ways enhancement major Core latest
#8820 Tabular edit of name tags enhancement major Plugin tageditor
#8830 Keep autosave files in case of a crash defect major Core latest
#8835 Button to send download to background enhancement major Core
#8968 Combining ways: Roles not adjusted when changing direction defect major Core latest
#9353 Sync JOSM between multiple computers enhancement major Core
#11641 Hang when I close application and after popup send before exit defect major Core latest
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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