
Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#15597 new enhancement

Wikidata Toolkit

Reported by: Polyglot Owned by: simon04
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin wikipedia Version:
Keywords: WDTK Wikidata Toolkit Cc:



I would like to see this project integrated into JOSM:

Do you think the Wikipedia plugin is the right place for that, or would it be better to create a separate plugin to encapsulate its functionality?

In a second phase, I would like to see a dialog window, allowing search for a corresponding Wikidata item. If there is none, it should be capable of creating one and setting the wikidata tag on the object (or its parent relation).

If there is a corresponding item, a dialog comparing attributes with OSM tags should be presented. The user should be in control of whether to transfer properties in one direction or another.

It's at the mappers discretion to make sure no problems arise regarding the differences in licensing between both projects. Ideally by verifying using another external (open data) source, that can be used for adding data to both projects. Or to decide to leave both properties different, by (un)ticking a box.

The first question is: add to the Wikipedia plugin, or create a separate plugin?

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comment:1 by Polyglot, 7 years ago

Summary: Wikdata ToolkitWikidata Toolkit

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