
Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#3198 new enhancement

Disable keyboard shortcuts while a move or area selection is in progress

Reported by: Daeron Owned by: team
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core shortcuts Version: latest
Keywords: Cc:


While moving objects (holding the mouse button) and hitting ESC, the move should be canceled. Currently when the ESC is pressed while moving, the move is done (and no confirmation appears even if there were more than 20 nodes), and also a bogus move of 0 nodes appear in the command history after the "correct" move.

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comment:1 by Daeron, 15 years ago

Priority: minormajor
Summary: Hitting ESC while dragging objects should undo the moveDisable keyboard shortcuts while a move or area selection is in progress

When a move or area selection is in progress and a keyboard shortcut is used that can apply to the current selection, the command that was requested via the shortcut is done. In the case of move, the move is also done and added to the command history, and a new move is instantiated and carries on with the selected (can be different) objects.

eg. moving a way and pressing "o" will make the way circular and continue the move, pressing ESC will unselect all objects and add a bogus line in the command history for 0 nodes. Other tools produce different results.

While the move or selection is in progress, ESC should abort the action. Additionally, undo should work while a move is in progress and work similarly to ESC,

comment:2 by stoecker, 13 years ago

Type: defectenhancement

comment:3 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Component: CoreCore shortcuts

comment:4 by ygramul, 4 years ago

This extends to other gestures as well. E.g. while creating a building (with building-tools, may be different with creating a way via A), Ctrl+Z will undo the last operation before starting the gesture and other shortcuts also work as if no gesture were in progress.

Not sure whether that's fixable in the core or every plugin that adds a gesture has to take care of that as well, though ...

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