Custom Query (98 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#13984 Add: spatial resolution, date new team enhancement major
#14072 eula not displayed when adding imagery from Imagery menu new team defect major
#14921 Support Sentinel 2 data directly reopened team enhancement major
#5930 imagery once initialized does not use new network-settings new team defect normal
#8270 Add support for rectifing service Georeferencer new team enhancement normal
#9972 Add Quick Preview of WMS Capabilities URL assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#10537 Imagery menu hangs when an external layer icon cannot be loaded new team defect normal
#10813 Use ID for imagery sources in toolbar, image offsets and source-entry for uploads instead of name new team enhancement normal
#11481 JOSM freezes for some time on slow Internet connection assigned wiktorn defect normal
#11483 Unexpected action on list when press right key new team defect normal
#11695 Add possibility to specify URL which sets the Cookie that should be used with further imagery requests assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#12142 Save default imagery layers (background image) without having to use a session new team enhancement normal
#12179 maps ( needs a context field to guide translation new team enhancement normal
#12528 Zoom offset adjustment for one imagery template new team enhancement normal
#12532 History for imagery offset new team enhancement normal
#13118 [Patch] wms imagery should probe for WMS Version or allow to set it new simon04 defect normal
#13155 Better handling of Layer.checkLayerMemoryDoesNotExceedMaximum new michael2402 defect normal
#13386 [Patch draft] Make imagery support multiple map views new team enhancement normal
#13938 Provide faster way to edit imagery bookmark entries new team enhancement normal
#13952 JOSM unresponsive when zooming out completely new team defect normal
#14022 Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] Problem loading keys for file TMS_BLOCK_v2 new team defect normal
#14087 automatically switch to a mirror source if tile loading fails or takes very long new team enhancement normal
#14483 Occasional timeout while waiting on to be loaded new team defect normal
#15604 Display more metadata for ESRI layer new team enhancement normal
#15768 Encourage using "best" imagery new team enhancement normal
#15882 NegativeArraySizeException at AbstractTileSourceLayer$DeepTileSet.<init> new team defect normal
#15981 Option to add multiple wms_endpoint layers as separate layers assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#15982 Option to suggest format for wms_endpoint imagery new team enhancement normal
#16000 Allow per-map setting of imagery.generic.*_expires new team enhancement normal
#16061 GeoBretagne orthophotos assigned Stereo task normal
#16082 Strange artifacts when warping imagery at South/North Pole new team defect normal
#16323 Add context menu to change active WMS/WMTS layer for WMS_ENDPOINT / WMTS layers assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#16324 Use AddImagery*Panels to edit entries assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#16326 Add imagery boundary selector during editing assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#16655 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u171) new team defect normal
#16747 Should not download tiles from other zoom levels if not necessary reopened wiktorn enhancement normal
#16844 Also include layers with a JPG option new team enhancement normal
#16872 Serialize imagery preferences to string containg XML conformant to maps.xsd assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#16880 Add support for WFS layer new team enhancement normal
#17153 Add per imagery server restrictions for requests per second new team enhancement normal
#17156 Download imagery from a certain zoom level new team enhancement normal
#18637 Option of keyboard shortcut for "switch (background-)imagery view to next available (background-)imagery in list" reopened team enhancement normal
#18750 Use territories/boundaries for maps new team enhancement normal
#18848 Provide a way to override overzoom new team enhancement normal
#18911 Clicking on layer's opacity slider "toggles" instead of sliding new team defect normal
#19004 Tile cache seems to forget tiles exist, momentarily new team defect normal
#19141 wms parameter maxcc new team enhancement normal
#19245 Adding Bing Aerial Imagery freezes JOSM new team defect normal
#19302 Add support for ESRI REST Services new team enhancement normal
#19314 Zoom is blocked and JOSM freezes new team defect normal
#19934 Smarter retry mechanism to avoid thousands repeated requests in case of errors 500 from imagery servers new team enhancement normal
#20014 Tiles constantly reloading reopened team defect normal
#20030 Add support for HDPI imagery new team enhancement normal
#20215 Kalmar WMS reprojection problem new team defect normal
#20258 Window for editing imagery entry new team enhancement normal
#20283 Add support for GetFeatureInfo WMS functionality new team enhancement normal
#20478 Naming of imagery layers / considering attribution aspects in changesets new team defect normal
#20666 In opposite to the previous version (17428) the latest Version (17580) slows down massively on my system after a few minutes of editing until being totally unresponsive new team defect normal
#20778 TMS server cache reopened team defect normal
#21054 Work offline does not work with imagery new team defect normal
#21087 Dialogs for adding custom imagery need scrollbar new team defect normal
#21141 EULA for background-image new team defect normal
#21212 text rendered on tiles is too small on retina screens new team defect normal
#21250 Implement TileJson specification for Mapbox Vector Tiles new team enhancement normal
#21318 MVT style drops data when two points have same coordinates new team defect normal
#21392 IAE: Width and height cannot be <= 0 at ImageWarp.warp new team defect normal
#21808 OSM Inspector / JOSM layer new team defect normal
#21831 Add confirmation message to flush the tile cache new team enhancement normal
#21842 Cannot connect to WMS service : layer not defined into the query new team defect normal
#22204 NPE: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "<parameter1>" is null new team defect normal
#22503 JOSM claims that TMS URL change requires restart needinfo richlv defect normal
#22698 Wms and viewport dynamic generated tiles. new team enhancement normal
#22721 [PATCH] JOSM crashes when loading vector tiles (MVT) new team defect normal
#22725 Add legend for WMS new team enhancement normal
#22809 Improvvisa chiusura duranteuno spostamento in un area contigua a quella scaricata. new team defect normal
#22812 When I attempt to use a custom image tile server, JOSM crashes new team defect normal
#22823 WMTS layer max zoom isn't detected by Josm new team defect normal
#22824 WMTS : No way to refresh capabilities manually new team defect normal
#22869 LVM WMTS fails: "stream is closed" new team defect normal
#22917 How to reload(update) the active map quickly? new team enhancement normal
#23030 PBF/MVT toggle with no effect? new team defect normal
#23307 JosmRuntimeException: tileXYToLatLon returned Coordinate[-83.09827383814462, NaN] (WAS: Ljubljana: Orthophoto 2023 (WMTS) imagery provider does not work) new team defect normal
#23345 Improve WMS Layer Selection for Sources with Numerous Layers new team enhancement normal
#23374 Delete Cached file in case of error new team defect normal
#23402 Error saving offset bookmark new team defect normal
#23709 Tiles from MVT cannot be displayed. new team defect normal
#23779 Support TILED WMS parameter new team enhancement normal
#23800 WMS username/password login needinfo anonymous defect normal
#24017 JOSM scans trough entire Capabilities.xml file and fails if non-square tiles are present new team defect normal
#24026 Interpolate upscaled imageries new team enhancement normal
#24034 Add {apikey} support for TIGER Roads 2023 new team defect normal
#24099 JOSM loading tiles outside of min/max-zoom range new team defect normal
#11825 Set imagery.wms.simultaneousConnections to 6 by default assigned wiktorn enhancement minor
#15813 Momentary "No Tiles at this Zoom level" and then they fill in new team defect minor
#24079 Add the ability to entirely clear imagery cache with one button new team enhancement minor
#14730 Display a notice to the user if functionality (imagery layer display) is reduced in case of low memory allocation new team enhancement trivial
#17618 Add {x+1} etc. tile simple math capabilities for URL templates new team enhancement trivial
#18921 Minimum height of dialog field to avoid endless flickering new team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.