Custom Query (74 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#12726 Include command stack actions in saved sessions new team enhancement major
#9125 shop=ice_cream should be detected and fixed to amenity=ice_cream reopened team enhancement normal
#9270 Show icons on map also for areas and lines, not only for nodes reopened team enhancement normal
#9297 detect nodes with unneeded railway=level_crossing new team enhancement normal
#9299 detect nodes with unneeded railway=crossing new team enhancement normal
#9319 Lines with higher layer value should be drawn on top of lines of lower layer value (also while line with lower layer is marked) new team enhancement normal
#9376 For building=roof without layer tag, intersecting with roads, footways, cycleways etc validator should mention that typical roof is above other objects and it should have "layer=1" tag new team enhancement normal
#9385 colour of arrows on oneway paths with bicycle=designated, foot=designated new team defect normal
#9400 validate source:maxspeed new team enhancement normal
#9671 Less than perfect "Zoom to problem" for relation problems reported by validator new team enhancement normal
#9876 Filter moved up/down is not followed after it leaves visible area new team enhancement normal
#10001 Allow ungluing multiple nodes new team enhancement normal
#10003 Convert access=hov to access=no + hov=yes [PATCH] new team enhancement normal
#10122 Atempt to list nameless ways in validation results menu new team enhancement normal
#10162 consider touching node in relation edit window as connected new team enhancement normal
#10163 Copy amazing turn restrictions editing widget from iD new team enhancement normal
#10167 Attempt to sort route roles in relation new team enhancement normal
#10178 bogus "Superfluous turnrestriction as "to" way is oneway (1)" new team defect normal
#10310 remove shop=yes and shop=no from presets new team enhancement normal
#10551 Tag that imply linear object and tag that imply area object should not be used on element without explicit area=yes/no reopened team enhancement normal
#10912 UI problems with LXDE / OpenBox new team defect normal
#11652 Give better error message on known failure of OSM server new team enhancement normal
#15217 [PATCH][RFC] Use name-suggestion-index new team enhancement normal
#16917 Give zoom-to the first on right click of validator groups and subgroups new team enhancement normal
#16918 Autoexpand validator report classes (Error, Warning, Other) new team enhancement normal
#16971 support cycleway:left/cycleway:right in map style or discourage it in validator new team defect normal
#17074 detect railway=level_crossing nodes that are not on crossing of railway=* and highway=* ways new team enhancement normal
#17102 difference in area styling between forest tagged as natural=wood and landuse=forest is much greater than between landuse=forest and landuse=farmland new team enhancement normal
#17103 Add unsigned_ref to presets new team enhancement normal
#17134 platform roles membership should be moved to newly created multipolygon (in route=tram/subway/light_rail/train/trolleybus/bus relations) new team enhancement normal
#17390 provide autofix for removal of unneded boundary=administrative tags new team enhancement normal
#17403 Complain about crossing administrative boundary with road and stop offering to join administrative boundary and road due to duplicated nodes new team enhancement normal
#17406 Complain about nodes shared by man_made=pipeline and highway=*, do not offer to merge nodes of man_made=pipeline and highway=* new team enhancement normal
#17488 complain about cycleway=opposite_lane, cycleway=opposite without oneway=yes new team enhancement normal
#17846 Complain about an unreasonably small buildings for types indicating bigger buildings new team enhancement normal
#17874 Propose to change landuse=reservoir to natural=water+water=reservoir new team enhancement normal
#18031 Complain about natural=rock used for large areas and suggest natural=bare_rock instead new team enhancement normal
#18033 integrate OpeningHoursEditor plugin into JOSM new team enhancement normal
#18042 complain where wikipedia tag is used instead of correct brand:wikipedia (or wikidata instead of brand:wikidata) new team enhancement normal
#18214 during edit conflict on deleted vs edited object it should be possible to delete tags new team enhancement normal
#19306 Complain about free-floating building:part new team enhancement normal
#19462 Complain about addr:housename matching addr:housenumber and differing solely by capitalization new team enhancement normal
#19484 Describe building=university multipolygon better ("university building", not "university") reopened team enhancement normal
#19566 In case of OSM server failure provide generic error message reopened team enhancement normal
#19649 Specify key name in Number of lanes greater than *:lanes new team enhancement normal
#19652 abandoned:building disused:building - convert to building new team enhancement normal
#19673 allow single quotes as quotes in query generator new team enhancement normal
#19674 Always have "between node dragging handle that will create a new node" visible new team enhancement normal
#19764 Nice message about closing already closed note new team enhancement normal
#20147 add more tags to hasAreaTags (synchronize with StreetComplete) new team enhancement normal
#20245 Simplify login panel, especially for people without expert mode enabled new team enhancement normal
#20300 problem with Crossing railways validation new team enhancement normal
#20306 "Water area inside water area" triggered for reedbeed in a lake new team defect normal
#20441 Remove pointless duplicates of motor_vehicle=no new team enhancement normal
#20451 Warn about supermassive avoidable multipolygons (landuse=farmland for start) new team enhancement normal
#20498 fixChangeKey is proposing autofix when data may be erased new team enhancement normal
#20866 amenity=parking icon not displayed in latest tags when adding it to area new team enhancement normal
#21461 Complain about water=river (or waterway=riverbank) with names new team enhancement normal
#21711 Allow tourism=attraction inside tourism=attraction new team defect normal
#21712 Report overlap between building=* and highway=pedestrian areas new team enhancement normal
#21832 Complain about disused:shop with opening_hours new team enhancement normal
#21958 Is it possible to use JOSM with OS other than Windows, Linux or Mac? new team enhancement normal
#22369 Enable "Download from OSM along this track" for freefloating GPX nodes new team enhancement normal
#22412 Complain about end_date in the past new team enhancement normal
#22668 Complain about disused:shop=yes shop=florist and similar combinations new team enhancement normal
#22758 Dedicated, error level complaint about combining highway=* and building=* on one way new team enhancement normal
#24144 Incomplete pedestrian crossing tagging. Required tags are highway=crossing|traffic_signals and crossing=*. (4) - appearing on cycleway with foot=no new team defect normal
#18131 Antialias JOSM logo on loading screen - jaggy steps are not very nice new team defect minor
#18270 Special rendering for highway=construction construction=footway/path/cycleway/steps new team enhancement minor
#18479 Consider making highway=track color-adaptive based on aerials or add halo new team defect minor
#19415 For "member of" menu try to generate better descriptive name of a route - use route and color tags new team enhancement minor
#23884 Lanes and Road Attributes mappaint style has unspecific license new team defect minor
#17395 download described as upload in an error message what is a bit confusing new team defect trivial
#23594 surface=unspecified in preset LCA from HDDM Optional for: LCA v1.01/Roads new team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.