Custom Query (1320 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 1320)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#17770 deprecate service=irrigation/transportation/water_power? new team normal Core validator
#17778 Add zoom parameter for load_object remote command new team normal Core remotecontrol
#17782 Switch layers continuous download fills new layer. new team normal Plugin continuosDownload
#17785 Download only your own GPS tracks from the site when downloading data from the selected site. new team normal Core
#17803 Automatically unglue nodes when children of filtered objects are moved new team normal Core
#17822 Change source:geometry -> source:position MapCSS rule new team normal Core validator
#17846 Complain about an unreasonably small buildings for types indicating bigger buildings new team normal Core validator
#17850 macos: add a way to shade [image] windows new team normal Core
#17851 conflict manager: automatically add child objects which are in common new team normal Core
#17854 Add time slider based on custom start/end tags new team normal Core
#17867 Download object changed in changeset in background new team normal Core
#17868 misleading impression of saving when exiting new team normal Core
#17874 Propose to change landuse=reservoir to natural=water+water=reservoir new team normal Core validator
#17891 Add support for junction:ref=* in relation editor new team normal Core
#17898 better protection of relation member order new team normal Core
#17905 Store the imagery layers names used to edit data and use them in source new team normal Core
#17911 Option to automatically run "update modified" before upload new team normal Core
#17925 Support leap seconds assigned Don-vip normal Core
#17927 Rollback Introduction page to ver 65 new team normal Wiki content
#17956 Inserting tags with Shift+Enter don't update the Tags dialog new team normal Core
#17959 add shop=agrarian and shop=trade new team normal Internal preset
#17978 More user-friendly message about deleted objects after downloading a changeset new team normal Core
#17980 search dialog: better user interaction with "deleted" and "incomplete" new team normal Core
#17992 Combine Way ... Could not combine ways... highlight ends new team normal Core
#17998 check for correct value of access new team normal Core validator
#18006 Handle all from-via-to relations in the same way as turn restrictions new team normal Core
#18014 Validator marks no_entry and no_exit-restrictions as an error new team normal Core validator
#18019 [Patch] Creating a multipolygon is wrongly moving highway=* to the relation assigned GerdP normal Core
#18021 Merge photo_geotagging and photoadjust new holgermappt normal Plugin photoadjust
#18022 The `except` tag is not supported in Turn Restrictrions (GraphView) new tordanik normal Plugin graphview
#18031 Complain about natural=rock used for large areas and suggest natural=bare_rock instead new team normal Core validator
#18033 integrate OpeningHoursEditor plugin into JOSM new team normal Core
#18042 complain where wikipedia tag is used instead of correct brand:wikipedia (or wikidata instead of brand:wikidata) new team normal Core validator
#18065 Add fix for "Ways with same position" warning in Validator new team normal Core validator
#18074 Small issue with precision new team normal Core validator
#18121 [Patch] Align images in the photoadjust plugin new holgermappt normal Plugin photoadjust
#18132 "Download along" should automatically download smaller areas in places with many objects new team normal Core
#18133 [Patch draft] Undo edit to selected object(s) new team normal Core
#18135 Add emergency=access_point preset and map style new team normal Internal preset
#18161 Enable drag&drop for plugin.jar, presets.xml, style.mapcss, rules.validator.mapcss new team normal Core
#18173 Detect mismatch object type new floscher normal Plugin wikipedia
#18211 Allow to handle direction arrows in MapCSS new team normal Core mappaint
#18214 during edit conflict on deleted vs edited object it should be possible to delete tags new team normal Core
#18234 [Possible PATCH] render sides of barrier=guard_rail new team normal Internal mappaint style
#18240 Force/propose/automatically download of incomplete multipolygon relations for validation new team normal Core validator
#18309 mapcss find one or more nodes next to current one new team normal Core
#18364 [WIP PATCH] Find routing islands new team normal Core validator
#18377 Merge (selection) into a new layer new team normal Core
#18380 [RFC] Add implied tags to presets new team normal Core
#18383 [WIP PATCH RFC] Add class and methods to expand `access` tags new team normal Core
#18402 add search box/filter in the relation editor new team normal Core
#18415 interpret things like change:lanes=no as 0 lanes for the validator new team normal Core validator
#18433 An easier way to display untagged images new team normal Core image mapping
#18457 Default snap distance is too small on modern monitors new team normal Core
#18461 Unresolved conflicts: Warn before or deny some data layer actions new team normal Core
#18463 changeset download: only download modified members of relations new team normal Core
#18488 Lane count validation new team normal Core validator
#18522 "Automatically obtain source from current layers" should obtain "cuzk:ruian" for various Czech layers new team normal Core
#18541 Obtain tagging descriptions from OpenStreetMap Wiki item new team normal Core
#18579 Warn when adding a url with /commons.wikimedia/ to image= new team normal Core validator
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously new team normal Core
#18610 Do not show warning about modified incomplete multipolygon when only tags were added/modified new team normal Core validator
#18616 Enhance reltoolbox with button + shortcut to find gaps new Zverikk normal Plugin reltoolbox
#18637 Option of keyboard shortcut for "switch (background-)imagery view to next available (background-)imagery in list" reopened team normal Core imagery
#18645 relation editor: Show continuity line with nodes in between ways for some types of relation new team normal Core
#18647 Ability to create layer groups new team normal Core
#18650 combine objects: tag conflict: support more keys with option to sum up values new team normal Core
#18651 add more context-sensitive help to code new team normal Longterm Core
#18664 avoid the need to add quotes manually for copy/paste new team normal Core
#18672 icon for amenity=social_facility new team normal Internal mappaint style
#18673 Selection toggle dialog: Harmonize display of icons for "fixme" and "note" new team normal Core
#18691 link to English version in the internal help browser new team normal Wiki content
#18712 Extend offline mode to disallow downloads to third party sites new team normal Core
#18733 Add support for PROJ datum grid CDN new team normal Core
#18750 Use territories/boundaries for maps new team normal Core imagery
#18763 Way terminates on Area is - sometimes - a False Positive? Slipway? Entrance? new team normal Core validator
#18813 Recategorize error, warning and info level and subgroup them new team normal Core validator
#18831 Switch to ConditionalRestrictionParser new team normal Core validator
#18841 Reverse Ways: Option to remember choice for action new team normal Core
#18848 Provide a way to override overzoom new team normal Core imagery
#18854 Validation for stream and river direction new team normal Core validator
#18892 Features missing in OpeningHoursParser compared to JS library new team normal Core validator
#18893 [Patch] OpeningHourTest highlight erroneous part in string assigned simon04 normal Core validator
#18908 [Patch] Normalize the direction of all images in a GeoImageLayer new holgermappt normal Plugin photoadjust
#18938 Launch JOSM help always in web browser new team normal Core
#18942 add railway=stop new team normal Internal preset
#18944 Extend bus (psv) lane rendering support new team normal External mappaint style
#18970 Way.hasIncompleteNodes() should remember the result new team normal Core
#18971 Improve handling of "The area you tried to download is too big or your request was too large" error new team normal Core
#18974 [patch] Add support for shortcut 'zoom to selection' (key '3') when note is selected new team normal Core notes
#18977 Make it more obvious what the 'add / remove map mode' menu does new team normal Core
#18978 Evaluate java.awt.Taskbar for JOSM (Java 9) new team normal Core
#18986 How to handle missing upper level pages new team normal Wiki content
#18989 Some more warnings for direction and railway new team normal Core validator
#19023 Tagging presets preferences: Several usability issues new team normal Core
#19061 [WIP PATCH] Allow SelectionManager to work on non-OsmDataLayer layers new team normal Core
#19077 Presets: label suffix/unit at end of text input box reopened team normal Core
#19090 Recently added tags: Separate number of displayed items and lenght of list new team normal Core
#19093 Warn about "destination" with "turn:lanes" new team normal Core validator
#19095 Warning about "*:lanes=*" tagging without "oneway=yes" new team normal Core validator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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