Custom Query (1192 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 1192)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#23695 JOSM warns about usage=spillway on water=canal areas even though that seems to be the accepted pattern new team normal Core validator
#23696 JOSM doesn't respond. new team normal Core
#23697 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -4592 out of bounds for length 1148000 new team normal Core image mapping
#23703 Failed to load kendzi3d new kendzi normal Plugin kendzi3d
#23708 String Index Out of Bounds in pt_assistant’s new Biswesh normal Plugin pt_assistant
#23709 Tiles from MVT cannot be displayed. new team normal Core imagery
#23710 Fully automatic OAuth does not work new team normal Core
#23711 Error not fully downloaded referrers when opening from osm file new team normal Core
#23716 JOSM Nexus upgrade to version 3 new stoecker normal Trac
#23749 The `State: all-referrers-downloaded` is not saved to file new team normal Core
#23752 error during conflict resolution new team normal Core
#23753 [Patch] False positive from destination_sign relation validation new team normal Core
#23755 Upload to open changeset doesn't work well new team normal Core
#23756 Crashed after undo sequence extrude way new taylor.smock normal Plugin mapwithai
#23758 Mass upload incomplete with option "Fill up one changeset and return to the Upload Dialog" new team normal Core
#23759 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset new akks normal Plugin FastDraw
#23760 JOSM looses its undo stack if a changeset is rejected due to the new bbox limit new team normal Core
#23761 Merging a way fails and leaves stranded nodes if a shared node in the target layer has been modified new team normal Core
#23768 Export from MATSim to Shape file new double-m normal Plugin matsim
#23773 Missing icons and toolbar actions without name new double-m normal Plugin matsim
#23790 Clicking on an image icon opens wrong image at a very different location new team normal Core
#23794 False positive for power line? new team normal Core validator
#23797 JOSM does not always respect the viewport in a session file new team normal Core image mapping
#23799 Error loading shapefile new team normal Core
#23800 WMS username/password login needinfo anonymous normal Core imagery
#23808 Cannot align nodes in circle on a specific way segment reopened team normal Core
#23812 Does not zoom to downloaded data new team normal Plugin reverter
#23818 openindoor: Port 8432: Conflicts with another plugin and makes JOSM unable to startup due to conflict in port usage. new clement_openindoor normal Plugin openindoor
#23819 [Plugin panoviewer] JOSM crashes with ```Inconsistency detected by dl-lookup.c: 106: check_match: Assertion `version->filename == NULL || ! _dl_name_match_p (version->filename, map)' failed!```. new team normal Plugin
#23820 Cannot delete empty relation needinfo jfd553 normal Core
#23827 Operation was not performed, as per delete_outside_nodes preference new team normal Core
#23829 validator not recognizing highway=pedestrian on multipolygon areas as part of the highway grid new team normal Core validator
#23842 Routing plugin crash when removing a destination new franpd normal Plugin routing
#23854 JOSM on OpenSuSE really slow needinfo berndw normal Core
#23855 IOException in OpenQACache#getUrl needinfo anonymous normal Plugin openqa
#23856 JOSM crashed with mapwithai new taylor.smock normal Plugin mapwithai
#23861 DXFImport PlugIn new team normal Plugin DxfImport
#23867 After Upload all new ways get "State: referrers-not-all-downloaded" new team normal Core
#23868 Cad tools bug and deleted file new Anamaria.Rotariu normal Plugin cadtools
#23875 Deploy pom.xml files to nexus new team normal unspecified
#23882 Just clicking on a blue icon from Kartaview plugin new jBeata normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#23896 Incorrect warning about possibly invisible referrers deleting a relation with or without members inside downloaded area new team normal Core
#23897 System of measurment changes after new install new team normal Core
#23902 JOSM Imagery layers outdated / sync with osmlab/editor-layer-index new team normal External imagery source
#23913 "Error: Attribution is not loaded yet" on using Bing imagery reopened team normal External imagery source
#23921 Resolve conflicts button to select an element new team normal Core
#23922 intersection crashed on pre-upload validation with an existing changeset new taylor.smock normal Plugin intersection
#23931 JOSM-Plugins git mirror new team normal Git mirror
#23933 Correlate with GPX - decimal separator bug for position offset new team normal Core image mapping
#23936 "unusual value of direction" validator should include "inbound" and "outbound" new team normal Core validator
#23938 "key"=value crash the validator new team normal Core validator
#23939 NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "this.myDataset" is null needinfo anonymous normal Core
#23940 History Dialog: No new version listed if the object is deleted new team normal Core
#23941 bicycle:conditional=dismount results in a validation error new team normal Core validator
#23946 Application blocked by Java Security new team normal Core
#23949 [PATCH] sidewalk=* missing new team normal Internal preset
#23963 panoviewer assigned GhostFoxSledgehammer normal Plugin panoviewer
#23965 IAE: Way is already deleted (Delete command) (Way not properly removed after merging buildings) needinfo hun.30d@… normal Core
#23966 MapCSS validator: Turn:lanes:forward and change:lanes:forward with oneway=* tag is marked as a suspicious combination new team normal Core validator
#23967 The routes are not saving needinfo marion@… normal Core
#23970 An exception thrown when undoing a big deletion new team normal Core
#23972 Source is not Displayed in Pop-up Window when Importing Data Manually via the HOT Tasking Manager new team normal Core
#23984 Convert from GPX to OSMdata file not support gpx:extension: new team normal Core
#23986 Some lower levels of presets menu are displayed on wrong screen new simon04 normal Plugin flatlaf
#23999 Tags merging not working properly in Conflate plugin new Tyndare normal Plugin conflation
#24001 sport=chess and amenity=table combination wrongly detected as missing a physical feature new team normal Core validator
#24002 Impossible to move inside 360 photos new team normal Core image mapping
#24003 GUI issues in windows 11 new team normal Core
#24005 [PATCH] Missing direction on last image when adding direction on an image layer new team normal Core image mapping
#24008 Afdrukken van kaartgegevens needinfo lowelg@… normal Core
#24010 GPS Points Layer: Velocity Legend Hard to Read new team normal Core
#24017 JOSM scans trough entire Capabilities.xml file and fails if non-square tiles are present new team normal Core imagery
#24019 ISE in MultiValueResolutionDecision.keepOne needinfo anonymous normal Core
#24021 Task Data is Imported into Multiple Data Layers (or Existing Ones) when Multitask Validating via the HOT Tasking Manager: II (cloned) new team normal Core remotecontrol
#24022 OsmTransferException: new team normal Core
#24025 Error while opening .gpkg file new team normal Plugin opendata
#24034 Add {apikey} support for TIGER Roads 2023 new team normal Core imagery
#24036 Not all relations purged from Relations Window and app crashes upon attempt to edit purged relation new team normal Core
#24042 Text in download menu, dialogs panel, and presets rendered as text rather than icons appears too small to be readable. Other text (e.g. menu bar, tool tips, title bars, initial info screen) is okay. new team normal Core
#24046 Slow geometry check in canvec area new team normal 25.01 Core
#24047 When the http2 plugin is enabled, Socks proxy settings are ignored new team normal Plugin http2
#24048 Crash when opening folders new team normal Core
#24049 Exception when revert edits new team normal Plugin reverter
#24050 error message after starting JOSM new team normal Core
#24051 Error while entering street name containing diacritics with Compose key new team normal Core
#24055 : Impossible to rename new team normal Plugin photo_geotagging
#24064 Keyboard shortcut for switching active layers does not work needinfo busterama@… normal Core
#24067 JOSM I18n contest 2025 new team normal 25.07 Core
#24070 Allow tracktype=grade2 together with surface=ground new team normal 25.01 Core validator
#24073 Treat the tag waterway=fish_pass like waterway=stream new team normal Core
#24077 Unexpected Exception when increasing value of "downloadAlongWay.area" new team normal Core
#24083 KartaView plugin throws NullPointerException new jBeata normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#24084 wiki Help/Menu/Mode : Split mode new team normal Wiki content
#24089 Exception while mapping speed limits. new team normal Core
#24094 Fehler beim aktivieren vom Plugin pt_assistant_layer new Biswesh normal Plugin pt_assistant
#24096 Child() is not working in match_expression of presets (although the documentation suggests that it should) new team normal Core
#24097 Zoom to imagery layer reopened taylor.smock normal 25.01 Core
#24099 JOSM loading tiles outside of min/max-zoom range new team normal Core imagery
#24107 Plugin uses deprecated API which will be removed new qeef normal Plugin damn
#1547 Wrong play position for Audio markers new team minor Core audio
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Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.