
Opened 6 months ago

#23773 new defect

Missing icons and toolbar actions without name

Reported by: skyper Owned by: double-m
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin matsim Version:
Keywords: template_report icon toolbar action name Cc:


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Install the plugin
  2. Restart JOSM

What is the expected result?

No warnings about missing icons and toolbar actions without name

What happens instead?

Missing icons and a lot of "toolbar action without name"

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

Relative:URL: ^/trunk
Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2024-07-02 17:10:50 +0200 (Tue, 02 Jul 2024)
Build-Date:2024-07-03 01:31:15

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (19128 en) Linux Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Memory Usage: 356 MB / 1970 MB (84 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 17.0.11+9-Debian-1deb12u1, Debian, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Look and Feel: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
Screen: :0.0 1366x768x[Multi depth]@60Hz (scaling 1.00×1.00) :0.1 1920x1080x[Multi depth]@[Unknown refresh rate] (scaling 1.00×1.00)
Maximum Screen Size: 1920×1080
Best cursor sizes: 16×16→16×16, 32×32→32×32
Environment variable LANG: en_US.UTF-8
System property file.encoding: UTF-8
System property sun.jnu.encoding: UTF-8
Locale info: en_US
Numbers with default locale: 1234567890 -> 1234567890
Desktop environment: GNOME
Java package: openjdk-17-jre:amd64-17.0.11+9-1~deb12u1
Java ATK Wrapper package: libatk-wrapper-java:all-0.40.0-3
fonts-noto: fonts-noto:all-20201225-1
VM arguments: [--module-path=/usr/share/openjfx/lib, --add-modules=java.scripting,java.sql,javafx.controls,,javafx.swing,javafx.web, -Djosm.restart=true,,, --add-exports=java.base/, --add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.spi=ALL-UNNAMED]

+ ImproveWay (32)
+ apache-commons (36273)
+ conflation (0.6.11)
+ ejml (36176)
+ flatlaf (36176)
+ geotools (36273)
+ imagery_offset_db (36226)
+ jackson (36273)
+ javafx (36200)
+ jaxb (36118)
+ jts (36004)
+ matsim (d70ae5a)
+ opendata (36256)
+ pt_assistant (637)
+ reverter (36256)
+ terracer (36205)
+ undelete (36226)
+ utilsplugin2 (36241)

Tagging presets:

Map paint styles:

Validator rules:
- ${HOME}/JOSM/new/resources/data/validator/combinations_18674_21286.mapcss
- ${HOME}/JOSM/new/resources/data/validator/numeric_18535_min_height.mapcss

Last errors/warnings:
- 00016.109 E: unable to find dependency jaxb for plugin geotools
- 00016.111 E: unable to find dependency jaxb for plugin opendata
- 00016.111 E: unable to find dependency javafx for plugin matsim
- 00021.241 E: Failed to locate image 'open.png'
- 00021.248 E: Failed to locate image 'new.png'
- 00021.326 E: Failed to locate image 'matsim-scenario.png'
- 00021.326 W:  null: Could not get presets icon matsim-scenario.png
- 00021.328 E: Failed to locate image 'images/dialogs/logo.png'
- 00021.328 W:  Link: Could not get presets icon images/dialogs/logo.png
Using /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64/bin/java to execute josm-latest.
2024-07-03 15:30:44.802 INFO: Log level is at INFO (INFO, 800)
2024-07-03 15:30:46.516 INFO: loading plugin 'flatlaf' (version 36176)
2024-07-03 15:30:47.547 INFO: loading plugin 'jaxb' (version 36118)
2024-07-03 15:30:47.573 INFO: loading plugin 'javafx' (version 36200)
2024-07-03 15:30:50.896 INFO: GET -> HTTP/1.1 200 (809 ms; 926 B)
2024-07-03 15:30:54.399 INFO: Obtained 157 Tag2Link rules from resource://META-INF/resources/webjars/tag2link/2024.2.8/index.json
2024-07-03 15:31:00.720 SEVERE: unable to find dependency jaxb for plugin geotools
2024-07-03 15:31:00.721 SEVERE: unable to find dependency jaxb for plugin opendata
2024-07-03 15:31:00.722 SEVERE: unable to find dependency javafx for plugin matsim
2024-07-03 15:31:00.727 INFO: loading plugin 'reverter' (version 36256)
2024-07-03 15:31:01.062 INFO: RemoteControl: adding command "revert_changeset" (handled by RevertChangesetHandler)
2024-07-03 15:31:01.076 INFO: loading plugin 'apache-commons' (version 36273)
2024-07-03 15:31:01.077 INFO: loading plugin 'jts' (version 36004)
2024-07-03 15:31:01.078 INFO: Adding to tag checker
2024-07-03 15:31:01.092 INFO: loading plugin 'ejml' (version 36176)
2024-07-03 15:31:01.096 INFO: loading plugin 'geotools' (version 36273)
2024-07-03 15:31:02.518 INFO: Warp/affine reduction enabled: true
2024-07-03 15:31:04.998 INFO: loading plugin 'utilsplugin2' (version 36241)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.184 INFO: loading plugin 'ImproveWay' (version 32)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.186 INFO: loading plugin 'imagery_offset_db' (version 36226)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.218 INFO: loading plugin 'conflation' (version 0.6.11)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.259 INFO: loading plugin 'opendata' (version 36256)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.343 INFO: loading plugin 'pt_assistant' (version 637)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.371 INFO: Reassigning shortcut 'menu:Public Transport' from null to 576 because of conflict with Alt+P
2024-07-03 15:31:05.371 INFO: Silent shortcut conflict: 'menu:Public Transport' moved by 'menu:Presets' to 'Alt+Shift+F1'.
2024-07-03 15:31:05.413 INFO: Registered toolbar action help/PTWizard overwritten: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.pt_assistant.actions.PTWizardAction gets org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.pt_assistant.actions.PTWizardAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.420 INFO: Defaults for differ: [ExtractPlatformNodeAction, 71, 5008, 71, 640, true, false] != [Extract platform node, 71, 5008, 71, 640, true, false]
2024-07-03 15:31:05.422 INFO: loading plugin 'jackson' (version 36273)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.424 INFO: loading plugin 'undelete' (version 36226)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.489 INFO: loading plugin 'matsim' (version d70ae5a)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.839 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.840 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.843 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.844 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.849 INFO: Reassigning shortcut 'menu:matsimImport' from null to 576 because of conflict with Ctrl+Alt+G
2024-07-03 15:31:05.851 INFO: Silent shortcut conflict: 'menu:matsimImport' moved by 'tools:extplatformnode' to 'Alt+Shift+F2'.
2024-07-03 15:31:05.851 SEVERE: Failed to locate image 'open.png'
2024-07-03 15:31:05.856 INFO: Reassigning shortcut 'menu:matsimNetwork' from null to 576 because of conflict with Ctrl+Alt+G
2024-07-03 15:31:05.857 INFO: Silent shortcut conflict: 'menu:matsimNetwork' moved by 'tools:extplatformnode' to 'Alt+Shift+F3'.
2024-07-03 15:31:05.858 SEVERE: Failed to locate image 'new.png'
2024-07-03 15:31:05.863 INFO: Reassigning shortcut 'menu:matsimConvert' from null to 576 because of conflict with Ctrl+Alt+G
2024-07-03 15:31:05.863 INFO: Silent shortcut conflict: 'menu:matsimConvert' moved by 'tools:extplatformnode' to 'Alt+Shift+F4'.
2024-07-03 15:31:05.864 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.ConvertAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.867 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.ShapeExporter
2024-07-03 15:31:05.869 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.DownloadAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.871 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.DownloadVBBAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.873 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.875 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.TransitScheduleExportAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.877 INFO: Defaults for differ: [Menu: Simulate, 71, 5007, 71, 576, true, false] != [Menu: Convert to MATSim Network, 71, 5007, 71, 576, true, false]
2024-07-03 15:31:05.879 INFO: Keystroke shift alt pressed F4 is already assigned to org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.ConvertAction@efe49ab, will be overridden by org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.OTFVisAction@59fea5f5
2024-07-03 15:31:05.880 INFO: Registered toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.OTFVisAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.936 SEVERE: Failed to locate image 'matsim-scenario.png'
2024-07-03 15:31:05.937 WARNING:  null: Could not get presets icon matsim-scenario.png
2024-07-03 15:31:05.938 SEVERE: Failed to locate image 'images/dialogs/logo.png'
2024-07-03 15:31:05.939 WARNING:  Link: Could not get presets icon images/dialogs/logo.png
2024-07-03 15:31:05.965 INFO: loading plugin 'terracer' (version 36205)
2024-07-03 15:31:05.993 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ptl.PublicTransportLayer$AddLayerAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.994 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ptl.DistanceBetweenStops
2024-07-03 15:31:05.995 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.ConvertAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.996 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.ShapeExporter
2024-07-03 15:31:05.996 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.DownloadAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.996 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.DownloadVBBAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.996 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.997 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.TransitScheduleExportAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.997 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.josm.actions.OTFVisAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.997 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.997 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.998 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction
2024-07-03 15:31:05.998 INFO: Toolbar action without name: org.matsim.contrib.osm.RepairAction

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