
Opened 8 months ago

Closed 8 months ago

#23774 closed enhancement (invalid)

New hydrants

Reported by: stefan.thams@… Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: unspecified Version:
Keywords: Cc:


I have entered several hydrants via CSV file for OpenFiremap. Somehow I didn't get any feedback on whether it worked. The hydrants that I later entered by hand are now visible.

How can I check whether the hydrants are registered correctly and are still in the queue or something went wrong?

Kind regards

ich habe mehrere Hydranten per csv Datei für Openfiremap eingetragen. Ich habe irgendwie keine Rückmeldung bekommen ob es geklappt hat. Die Hydranten die ich später von Hand eingetragen habe sind mittlerweile sichtbar.

Wie kann ich prüfen ob die Hydranten richtig eingetragen sind und sich noch in der Warteschleife befinden oder etwas falsch gelaufen ist?


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comment:1 by skyper, 8 months ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This is the ticket system for the editor software "JOSM". If you are looking for a site to talk about OSM objects and editing OSM the forum is the appropriate place.

A short answer: Just look at the data, e.g. download the area in JOSM or any other editor software and take a look if the hydrants are present.

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