Custom Query (2529 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 2529)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Priority Milestone
#17653 "Duplicate housenumber" warnings on interpolations team new defect normal
#17660 AIOOBE at PrintDialog.unmarshallPrintSetting team new defect normal
#17662 Wrong warnings for route=ferry relation Biswesh new defect normal
#17672 class at different zoomlevels for dashes, not overruled team new defect normal
#17673 OpenStreetCam: ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.Time jBeata new defect normal
#17697 Plugin Conflation: distance is always 0 & conflict with utilsplugin2 Tyndare new defect normal
#17705 "IAE: The site ID is not given in the expected format!" when try get wikidata tag from existing wikipedia tag floscher new defect normal
#17743 Can KMZ/KML files from ArcGIS be displayed as picture layer in JOSM? rebsc new defect normal
#17751 error with custom mapcss using regex team reopened enhancement normal
#17755 Search dialog should remember combination of search string and some settings team new enhancement normal
#17770 deprecate service=irrigation/transportation/water_power? team new enhancement normal
#17778 Add zoom parameter for load_object remote command team new enhancement normal
#17782 Switch layers continuous download fills new layer. team new enhancement normal
#17785 Download only your own GPS tracks from the site when downloading data from the selected site. team new enhancement normal
#17803 Automatically unglue nodes when children of filtered objects are moved team new enhancement normal
#17811 Session is discarded when updating shortcut team new defect normal
#17816 No conflict resolution after detection of conflicts at uploading when using overpass as data source team new defect normal
#17822 Change source:geometry -> source:position MapCSS rule team new enhancement normal
#17832 wikipedia tag false positive floscher new defect normal
#17846 Complain about an unreasonably small buildings for types indicating bigger buildings team new enhancement normal
#17849 macos: erratic extra window behaviour richlv needinfo defect normal
#17850 macos: add a way to shade [image] windows team new enhancement normal
#17851 conflict manager: automatically add child objects which are in common team new enhancement normal
#17853 relation.nameOrder not working anonymous needinfo defect normal
#17854 Add time slider based on custom start/end tags team new enhancement normal
#17865 macos: "Centre view" not indicating the status team new defect normal
#17867 Download object changed in changeset in background team new enhancement normal
#17868 misleading impression of saving when exiting team new enhancement normal
#17874 Propose to change landuse=reservoir to natural=water+water=reservoir team new enhancement normal
#17878 Cannot download full old version of an OSM object team new defect normal
#17891 Add support for junction:ref=* in relation editor team new enhancement normal
#17898 better protection of relation member order team new enhancement normal
#17899 relation editor: oneway direction with route=bicycle and oneway:bicycle team new defect normal
#17905 Store the imagery layers names used to edit data and use them in source team new enhancement normal
#17911 Option to automatically run "update modified" before upload team new enhancement normal
#17925 Support leap seconds Don-vip assigned enhancement normal
#17927 Rollback Introduction page to ver 65 team new enhancement normal
#17954 highlighting of virtual nodes is not working correctly team new defect normal
#17955 Wrong multipolygon validation when filter is applied team new defect normal
#17956 Inserting tags with Shift+Enter don't update the Tags dialog team new enhancement normal
#17958 Doesn't reload tiles after a timeout Don-vip new defect normal
#17959 add shop=agrarian and shop=trade team new enhancement normal
#17978 More user-friendly message about deleted objects after downloading a changeset team new enhancement normal
#17980 search dialog: better user interaction with "deleted" and "incomplete" team new enhancement normal
#17992 Combine Way ... Could not combine ways... highlight ends team new enhancement normal
#17998 check for correct value of access team new enhancement normal
#18006 Handle all from-via-to relations in the same way as turn restrictions team new enhancement normal
#18014 Validator marks no_entry and no_exit-restrictions as an error team new enhancement normal
#18018 split way: wrong position of new member in route relation in loops team new defect normal
#18019 [Patch] Creating a multipolygon is wrongly moving highway=* to the relation GerdP assigned enhancement normal
#18021 Merge photo_geotagging and photoadjust holgermappt new enhancement normal
#18022 The `except` tag is not supported in Turn Restrictrions (GraphView) tordanik new enhancement normal
#18031 Complain about natural=rock used for large areas and suggest natural=bare_rock instead team new enhancement normal
#18033 integrate OpeningHoursEditor plugin into JOSM team new enhancement normal
#18042 complain where wikipedia tag is used instead of correct brand:wikipedia (or wikidata instead of brand:wikidata) team new enhancement normal
#18063 ImproveOSM requires java.sql.Time, not included in Java >= 10 jBeata new defect normal
#18065 Add fix for "Ways with same position" warning in Validator team new enhancement normal
#18074 Small issue with precision team new enhancement normal
#18076 AIOOBE at DrawableSegment.paint team new defect normal
#18101 Josm doesn't send the changeset comment team new defect normal
#18121 [Patch] Align images in the photoadjust plugin holgermappt new enhancement normal
#18132 "Download along" should automatically download smaller areas in places with many objects team new enhancement normal
#18133 [Patch draft] Undo edit to selected object(s) team new enhancement normal
#18135 Add emergency=access_point preset and map style team new enhancement normal
#18161 Enable drag&drop for plugin.jar, presets.xml, style.mapcss, rules.validator.mapcss team new enhancement normal
#18173 Detect mismatch object type floscher new enhancement normal
#18204 Weird results from JoinNodeWayActionTest unit test team new defect normal
#18211 Allow to handle direction arrows in MapCSS team new enhancement normal
#18214 during edit conflict on deleted vs edited object it should be possible to delete tags team new enhancement normal
#18234 [Possible PATCH] render sides of barrier=guard_rail team new enhancement normal
#18240 Force/propose/automatically download of incomplete multipolygon relations for validation team new enhancement normal
#18306 reltoolbox does not set outer when creating a boundary relation Zverikk new defect normal
#18309 mapcss find one or more nodes next to current one team new enhancement normal
#18364 [WIP PATCH] Find routing islands team new enhancement normal
#18372 Notes description does not fit in box (sometimes) team reopened defect normal
#18376 HiDPI font problems with 3840x2160 screen (Linux) helge.hafting@… needinfo defect normal
#18377 Merge (selection) into a new layer team new enhancement normal
#18380 [RFC] Add implied tags to presets team new enhancement normal
#18383 [WIP PATCH RFC] Add class and methods to expand `access` tags team new enhancement normal
#18398 NPE in WikipediaToggleDialog with language code yue floscher new defect normal
#18402 add search box/filter in the relation editor team new enhancement normal
#18415 interpret things like change:lanes=no as 0 lanes for the validator team new enhancement normal
#18433 An easier way to display untagged images team new enhancement normal
#18457 Default snap distance is too small on modern monitors team new enhancement normal
#18461 Unresolved conflicts: Warn before or deny some data layer actions team new enhancement normal
#18463 changeset download: only download modified members of relations team new enhancement normal
#18488 Lane count validation team new enhancement normal
#18490 JsonParsingException in SophoxDownloadReader floscher new defect normal
#18515 no warning about adding new end node to a way with membership team new defect normal
#18522 "Automatically obtain source from current layers" should obtain "cuzk:ruian" for various Czech layers team new enhancement normal
#18526 Different order of items: windows menu <-> lower left vertical toolbar team new defect normal
#18541 Obtain tagging descriptions from OpenStreetMap Wiki item team new enhancement normal
#18563 Window: Change Relation team new task normal
#18564 Disabling filter only affects active layer team new defect normal
#18579 Warn when adding a url with /commons.wikimedia/ to image= team new enhancement normal
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously team new enhancement normal
#18593 IAE at mergeoverlap.hack.MyCombinePrimitiveResolverDialog.buildWayResolutionCommands team new defect normal
#18597 Combine Way does not generate conflict when joining maxspeed with maxspeed:forward in expert mode team new defect normal
#18604 Validator doesn't give warning when a natural=scrub and natural=wood areas overlap team new defect normal
#18610 Do not show warning about modified incomplete multipolygon when only tags were added/modified team new enhancement normal
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