
Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#17697 new defect

Plugin Conflation: distance is always 0 & conflict with utilsplugin2

Reported by: hvalentim Owned by: Tyndare
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin conflation Version: tested
Keywords: template_report Cc:

Description (last modified by hvalentim)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

Compare two sets of data (one downloaded from overpass api, another a previous OSM dump).

What is the expected result?

Conflation would normally (in the past) show the distance between moved points.

What happens instead?

Conflation always shows Distance(m)=0
Nevertheless, trying to conflate two points with different geometries (moved locations) throws an exception error mentioning utilsplugin2.

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

Relative:URL: ^/trunk
Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2019-04-28 04:36:41 +0200 (Sun, 28 Apr 2019)
Build-Date:2019-04-28 02:37:58

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (15031 en) Windows 10 64-Bit
OS Build number: Windows 10 Pro 1809 (17763)
Memory Usage: 1018 MB / 8192 MB (409 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 11.0.2+9-LTS, Oracle Corporation, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Screen: \Display0 2560x1080
Maximum Screen Size: 2560x1080
VM arguments: [-Djosm.cache=<josm.cache>]
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

+ BuildingGeneralization (23)
+ CADTools (1008)
+ ColorPlugin (1537115529)
+ Create_grid_of_ways (34908)
+ EasyPresets (1537621333)
+ ElevationProfile (34977)
+ FastDraw (34977)
+ FixAddresses (34977)
+ HouseNumberTaggingTool (34977)
+ ImageWayPoint (34908)
+ ImportImagePlugin (34908)
+ ImproveOsm (167)
+ ImproveWay (26)
+ InfoMode (34908)
+ Mapillary (1.5.18)
+ MovementAlert (1511141840)
+ OpeningHoursEditor (34977)
+ PicLayer (34908)
+ PolygonCutOut (v0.6)
+ QuickLabel (18)
+ RoadSigns (${version.entry.commit.revision})
+ ShapeTools (1240)
+ SimplifyArea (34977)
+ TombPlugin (58)
+ alignways (34977)
+ apache-commons (34908)
+ apache-http (34908)
+ areaselector (349)
+ austriaaddresshelper (57)
+ auto_tools (73)
+ buildings_tools (34982)
+ changeset-viewer (22)
+ colorscheme (34908)
+ conflation (0.6.3)
+ contourmerge (v0.1.4)
+ ejml (34908)
+ geojson (124)
+ geotools (34908)
+ gpsblam (34908)
+ gpxfilter (34908)
+ gridify (1556174547)
+ gson (34908)
+ imagery_offset_db (34908)
+ importvec (34908)
+ indoor_sweepline (34908)
+ indoorhelper (34977)
+ jaxb (34908)
+ jna (34908)
+ jogl (1.2.3)
+ jts (34908)
+ junctionchecking (34977)
+ kendzi3d-resources (0.0.2)
+ log4j (34908)
+ mapathoner (0.9.0)
+ mapdust (${version.entry.commit.revision})
+ mbtiles (v2.5.0)
+ measurement (34977)
+ merge-overlap (34972)
+ namemanager (34977)
+ opendata (34997)
+ osm-obj-info (51)
+ osmarender (34908)
+ pbf (34908)
+ pdfimport (34977)
+ photo_geotagging (34908)
+ photoadjust (34977)
+ pointInfo (34908)
+ poly (34991)
+ print (34972)
+ public_transport (34977)
+ rasterfilters (34908)
+ reltoolbox (34977)
+ reverter (34977)
+ rex (53)
+ splinex (34908)
+ tag2link (34977)
+ tageditor (34977)
+ tagging-preset-tester (34908)
+ terracer (34977)
+ turnrestrictions (34977)
+ undelete (34977)
+ utilsplugin2 (34977)
+ waypoint_search (34977)
+ wikipedia (v1.1.1)

Tagging presets:
+ E:\Downloads\Presets_Heritage\Presets_Heritage-preset.xml

Map paint styles:
+ <josm.pref>\styles\sit.mapcss

Last errors/warnings:
- E: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: E:\Downloads\Presets_Heritage\Presets_Heritage-preset.xml
- E: E:\Downloads\Presets_Heritage\Presets_Heritage-preset.xml
- W: No configuration settings found.  Using hardcoded default values for all pools.
- W: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 11; columnNumber: 11; cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'presets' is not complete. One of '{"":chunk, "":group, "":item, "":separator}' is expected. (at line 11, column 11). Cause: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'presets' is not complete. One of '{"":chunk, "":group, "":item, "":separator}' is expected.
- W: Cannot start IPv4 remotecontrol https server on port 8112: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
- W: Cannot start IPv6 remotecontrol https server on port 8112: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
- E: Handled by bug report queue: java.util.NoSuchElementException

No data collected.

Warning issued by: BugReportExceptionHandler#handleException

Thread: AWT-EventQueue-0 (20) of main
	at java.base/java.util.LinkedList$
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand.<init>(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand.<init>(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.MergeNodesAction.mergeNodes(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.MergeNodesAction.mergeNodes(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.utilsplugin2.replacegeometry.ReplaceGeometryUtils.buildReplaceNodeCommand(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.utilsplugin2.replacegeometry.ReplaceGeometryUtils.buildReplaceCommand(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.conflation.command.ConflateMatchCommand.buildReplaceGeometryCommand(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.conflation.command.ConflateMatchCommand.buildCopyAndReplaceGeometryCommand(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.conflation.command.ConflateMatchCommand.buildCommand(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.conflation.command.ConflateMatchCommand.executeCommand(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.conflation.ConflationToggleDialog$ConflateAction.conflateMatchActionPerformed(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.conflation.ConflationToggleDialog$ConflateAction.actualActionPerformed(
	at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.conflation.ConflationToggleDialog$BatchAction.actionPerformed(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
	at java.desktop/javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.processEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Container.processEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$
	at java.base/ Method)
	at java.base/$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(
	at java.base/$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$
	at java.base/ Method)
	at java.base/$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
	at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
	at java.desktop/

Attachments (1)

josm_conflation_capture.PNG (53.6 KB ) - added by hvalentim 6 years ago.
You can see that 1) the point is matched but different geometries (moved location) not recognize; 2) conflation fails with error.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

comment:1 by hvalentim, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

by hvalentim, 6 years ago

Attachment: josm_conflation_capture.PNG added

You can see that 1) the point is matched but different geometries (moved location) not recognize; 2) conflation fails with error.

comment:2 by hvalentim, 6 years ago

Version: latesttested

comment:3 by hvalentim, 6 years ago

I have since came to the conclusion that this only happens when comparing current data to an .osm file. It works as expected when comparing to a .geojson file (backups made from the same data at the exact same time, saved from JOSM).

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