Custom Query (207 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 207)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#6141 extend confict message on upload and provide a button to update. (WAS: warn before upload old/outdated data) new confict update upload team enhancement critical
#7103 relation conflict dialog may lead to empty relations new conflict relation team defect critical
#5038 Proposal for editing object attributes in spreadsheet mode new selection,editing, spreadsheet, attribute table team enhancement major
#5190 Rectify fails in WGS84 new projection orthogonalize rectify wgs84 team defect major
#5215 Automatically detect and fix situations, where server accepted upload and JOSM assumes upload failure new double, changeset, duplicate, node, and, way, conflict, management, upload-api-response team defect major
#6002 "Upload selection" should not check for parents new upload selection conflict parent team defect major
#6102 Non-Connected way checks in validator needs to be projection independent new unconnected_way defect major
#6518 select and edit actions performed in inactive layer. new edit select inactive layer data team defect major
#7297 Conflict management - Synchronize datasets efficiently new conflict, synchronization team defect major
#8085 conflict management and deleted nodes and ways new conflict resolution reference deleted object team enhancement major
#12630 IllegalStateException: Tag collection does not include the selected value new template_report conflict tag merge team defect major
#13348 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Deleted member referenced" attempting to revert a changeset new template_report conflict Upliner defect major
#14196 Conflict manager allows to create inconsistent ways with zero or only one node new template_report merge conflict team defect major
#16932 IAE: Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) new template_report conflict team defect major
#20006 Merge layer: specific order of layers needed to find conflicts new template_report merge layer revert conflict team defect major
#21154 Split Object: Invalid, self-crossing closed ways created new template_report Split Object self-intersecting overlapping ways team defect major
#22939 Improve ways & data layer tool softlock new template_report, softlock, tool_selection, shortcut kolesar defect major
#3034 open relation editor by click on turn-restriction symbol new restriction symbol editor team enhancement normal
#4368 conflict-list sorting new conflict list sort team enhancement normal
#4507 conflict manager: option to switch freeze after all members on/off. new conflict manager freeze team enhancement normal
#4615 conflict manager: tags: provide buttons use all my/their tags new conflict manager tag button team enhancement normal
#4654 warning when deleting an object with remaining conflict new conflict delete team enhancement normal
#4689 conflict management: Remember width of columns in member window new conflict manager column width team enhancement normal
#4738 no_left_turn turn restrictions are displayed in 2 different ways. new turn restriction team enhancement normal
#4746 conflict manager: please highlight deleted members and conflict in roles separately new conflict manager member highlight team enhancement normal
#4748 conflict manager: member dialog: possibility to apply role to all selected members new conflict manager role member team enhancement normal
#5097 [α Patch] possibility to repeat the last action (macro recording) new repeat action google summer of code team enhancement normal
#5439 Implement ability to hide selected object new hide expose object team enhancement normal
#5619 "update data" does not find conflicts new update conflict team defect normal
#6095 Rescan conflicts when tags change new conflict rescan modified team enhancement normal
#6189 Duplicate nodes in two un-closed ways new unconnected_way team enhancement normal
#6302 general function for splitting areas into multiple rows and columns new split object team enhancement normal
#6319 More information and options on error 410 pop up (deleted object) new 401 error deleted object ResponseCode upload-api-response team enhancement normal
#6401 offer option to orthogonalize a building based on selected nodes, not just the way new orthogonalize rectify team enhancement normal
#6955 (patch (unfinished)) Introducing JMapView SceneGraph new scene graph objects labels jhuntley enhancement normal
#6980 no horizonzal scrollbars in conflict resolution new scrolling conflict scrollbar team defect normal
#6990 Preset: option to allow to enter user-defined value with multiselection (WAS: cuisine tag entry form should allow to enter any value, not only pick from list) new preset multiselect ce enhancement normal
#7063 Early selection makes it hard to duplicate the last (tagged) node of a way at a specified distance new selection team defect normal
#7144 handle projection change new projection rebsc defect normal
#7148 Nodes that are not selectable are posible select via selection history new deleted selection patch team defect normal
#7317 Cycle list is different for middle-click and Alt+click reopened cycle select list team defect normal
#7513 [Patch] Warn non-experts when combining ways with conflicting tags or ways being part of relations reopened combine conflict tag membership team enhancement normal
#7571 Lasso needs no-snap mode new lasso,selection team enhancement normal
#7628 confirmation on way combine for relation turn_restriction new combine way turn_restriction membership conflict team defect normal
#7651 Alignment granularity for 30 and 45 degree angles new alignment granularity orthogonalize rectify team enhancement normal
#7826 conflict dialogue bottom buttons half hidden new window size conflict team defect normal
#8225 split object with several split ways selected. new split, object team enhancement normal
#8265 unwanted move action new unwanted move action team defect normal
#8390 [Patch draft] save conflicts to file new conflict team enhancement normal
#8407 Add checkbox to 'merge selected' dialog box to remove merged objects from source layer new merge selected team enhancement normal
#8660 [Patch] False positive conflict detection with reverter plugin reopened conflict node Upliner defect normal
#8782 Possibility to disable core functions new disable core function team enhancement normal
#8891 Preset: new multiselect for multiselection of same value with two separators new preset lanes multiselect team enhancement normal
#8935 Colour pipette for roof:colour=* new color selection team enhancement normal
#9330 JOSM upload hangs on slow Internet connection new cancel upload hang slow connection team defect normal
#9604 Projection problem with Import Image plugin new Projections, ImportImage, CoordinateReferenceSysrem team defect normal
#10178 bogus "Superfluous turnrestriction as "to" way is oneway (1)" new turn restriction oneway team defect normal
#10537 Imagery menu hangs when an external layer icon cannot be loaded new menu icon connection download asynchronous team defect normal
#10972 Additional third column marks for public transport relation member display new route relation public transport stop connectivity team enhancement normal
#11233 How to make icons in route relation editor continuous? reopened public-transport-v1 connectivity team defect normal
#11454 Cannot upload gpx track with DirectUpload plugin (JOSM behind HTTP proxy with authentication) new directupload, gpx, proxy, authentication team defect normal
#11461 Problem with plug in to import satellite images new reprojection geotools team defect normal
#11481 JOSM freezes for some time on slow Internet connection assigned wms connection download progress wiktorn defect normal
#12117 JOSM Turn Restriction Enhancement Suggestion reopened turn_restriction team enhancement normal
#12137 Make File>Open recognize Imagery pictures new File Open Imagery pictures team enhancement normal
#12334 Validate some more unneeded turn restrictions cases new turn restriction team enhancement normal
#12365 Better deal with conflicts on deleted nodes new conflict team enhancement normal
#12548 Proper colors for modified nodes in way history new ObjectHistory background highlight children team defect normal
#12790 Resolving member conflicts in relation shows member details only for one side of conflict new template_report conflict incomplete information team defect normal
#13478 IAE: Parameter 'member' must not be null when resolving relation conflict new template_report conflict relation member team defect normal
#13519 "Selection" main menu new mainmenu, selectionmenu team enhancement normal
#13706 History browser: color moved relation members differently new ObjectHistory background highlight children team defect normal
#13894 Object out of boundaries in JOSM new projection team enhancement normal
#14045 OperationNotFoundException: Bursa wolf parameters required - North America Lambert Conformal Conical new template_report projection bursa wolf lambert america team defect normal
#14094 Incomplete object info in the conflict dialog new conflict incomplete information team defect normal
#14191 Get route segments from overlapping way or GPS trace new route, member, segment, matching, selection team enhancement normal
#14290 Parent selector is selecting both child and parent new mapcss parent child selector team defect normal
#14569 Replace geometry: remember tag conflict resolution for next items new template_report conflict team enhancement normal
#14651 No tag conflict handling for "Update Multipolygon" new multipolygon conflict team defect normal
#14834 IOException: Shape goes outside the world new template_report projection team defect normal
#15136 Ignore validator warning for no_u_turn where from and to new template_report turn restriction conditional team enhancement normal
#15361 IAE: Comparison method violates its general contract! (SelectionListDialog.sort) new template_report upload sort selection team defect normal
#15475 Should offer more options when clicking on GPX tracks' pictures new gpx picture photo jpg zoom team enhancement normal
#15530 Designated direction for railway tracks new railway direction team enhancement normal
#15595 Improve conflict resolving dialog for relations new template_report, relation, multipolygon, conflict team enhancement normal
#15640 Check for possible unneeded only_* restrictions new turn restriction team enhancement normal
#15671 Preview the valid bounds of map projections new projection bounds preview team enhancement normal
#15970 Add equatorial stereographic projection new projection stereographic equatorial team enhancement normal
#16082 Strange artifacts when warping imagery at South/North Pole new template_report projection warping stereographic antarctic south pole polar team defect normal
#16658 Add highway=corridor, attraction=animal, man_made=water_tap new highway corridor attraction animal tourism historic citywalls team enhancement normal
#16941 Display the default projection new projection team enhancement normal
#17118 Sort out axis=neu for EPSG:4326 reopened projection wgs84 axis wmts team defect normal
#17356 GUI should announce the Edit Layer similar to the Active layer new edit layer inactive team enhancement normal
#17442 [Patch] Avoid to show conflict dialog with Replace Geometry new template_report replace geometry conflict parent relation team enhancement normal
#17511 Incorrect validation warning: turn restriction for oneway=yes with oneway:bicycle=no new Validator, oneway, turn restriction bicycle team defect normal
#17533 Check waterway flow direction reopened waterway direction team enhancement normal
#17816 No conflict resolution after detection of conflicts at uploading when using overpass as data source new Conflict resolution team defect normal
#17851 conflict manager: automatically add child objects which are in common new conflict manager team enhancement normal
#17891 Add support for junction:ref=* in relation editor new junction ref relation relation-sorting team enhancement normal
#17899 relation editor: oneway direction with route=bicycle and oneway:bicycle new template_report relation editor oneway bicycle connectivity team defect normal
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.