4 years |
simon04 |
EditLevel0LAction: updateEnabledState
4 years |
simon04 |
EditLevel0LAction: show notifications
4 years |
simon04 |
Add CopyLevel0LAction
4 years |
GerdP |
see #8396: Replace geometry: save node ids
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #8396: Replace geometry: save node ids
- "Upgrade a node to a way …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #18666 Extract node (alt+shift-J) Should not work outside …
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #18666 Extract node (alt+shift-J) Should not work outside …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19280 Select all inside: Child Nodes of inside ways not selected
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19280 Select all inside: Child Nodes of inside ways not selected …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19971 Undo Selection: selection order not preserved
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19971 Undo Selection: selection order not preserved
- Use …
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19459 - Remove PicLayer plugin, replace with an svn:external
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19979 Circle arc behaves like merge
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19979 Circle arc behaves like merge
- fix collection of parent …
4 years |
simon04 |
fix errorprone issues
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
see #19972 - pbf: cleanup
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19972 - pbf: resolve libs using Ivy
4 years |
Zverikk |
[reltoolbox] update dist
4 years |
Zverikk |
[reltoolbox] no-shortcut for the reconstruct polygon action
4 years |
Don-vip |
upgrade to JOSM 16548
4 years |
holgermappt |
Declare constructor of abstract class as protected
4 years |
holgermappt |
Add image for photo property editor
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19950: Improve Replace Geometry error message
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19950: Improve Replace Geometry error message
- Use again "Please …
4 years |
holgermappt |
photo_geotagging: Distribution of version 35594 with previous removal …
4 years |
holgermappt |
photo_geotagging: Distribution of version 35594
4 years |
holgermappt |
Change icons to SVG, references #19958
4 years |
holgermappt |
photoadjust: Distribution of version 35592
4 years |
holgermappt |
Change icons to SVG, references #19957
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - dist again (forgot svn update)
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - dist
4 years |
simon04 |
Fix ivy-module info
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
comfort0: require init-ivy, update JavaCC JDK_VERSION
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19458 - Level0LParser: fix parsing of Unicode characters
4 years |
simon04 |
see #19458 - Remove U+200C and U+200E from generated Level0L
4 years |
simon04 |
see #19458 - Remove U+200C and U+200E from generated Level0L
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Fix shortcut names
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - dist
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Add missing import
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Fix line length
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Fix shortcut names
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
see #18235 - turnrestrictions: i18n update
4 years |
Don-vip |
fix #josm19385 - pdfimport: resolve libs using Ivy
4 years |
GerdP |
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19885: memory leak with "temporary" objects in validator and …
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19819 - FlatLaf: specify/override colors (patch by DevCharly)
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19886: NoSuchElementException at …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19886: NoSuchElementException at …
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
flatlaf: update to flatlaf 0.43
4 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
4 years |
Mkyral |
New dist package of PointInfo: Switch to SVG icons
4 years |
Mkyral |
PointInfo: Switch to SVG icons
4 years |
GerdP |
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19864: DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced
- …
4 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
4 years |
GerdP |
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19856: DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of …
4 years |
GerdP |
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19853: plugin adds duplicated member to associatedStreet relation
4 years |
GerdP |
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #josm19680: Error when reverting changeset with JOSM reverter …
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
change icon to svg
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
change icon to svg and update to current JOSM style
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19831 - add image file extension in xml file again
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
change icon to svg and update to current JOSM style
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
change icon to svg (forgotten file)
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
change icon to svg, based on core icon markers/web, original based on …
5 years |
stoecker |
update instructions for moved repo
5 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
5 years |
simon04 |
see #19027 - dist flatlaf.jar
5 years |
simon04 |
see #19027 - Use UIManager.installLookAndFeel
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19726 - Update plugin to JOSM version 16976
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #19027 - dist flatlaf.jar
5 years |
simon04 |
see #19027 - Add FlatLaf logo (Apache License 2.0)
Source: …
5 years |
simon04 |
see #19027 - Specify negative plugin.stage for very early loading
5 years |
simon04 |
see #19027 - Update to flatlaf 0.40
5 years |
simon04 |
Simplify boolean expression
5 years |
simon04 |
Fix typo in Javadoc
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #15240 - Add addsegment icon removed from josm core in r16949
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
Plugin reltoolbox: use default JOSM edit icon
5 years |
simon04 |
Remove indoorhelper plugin, replace with an svn:external
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #19698 - Refactoring: make private fields final
5 years |
simon04 |
see #19334 - https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/StringSplitter
5 years |
simon04 |
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18916 - Use Ivy tasks from build-common.xml
5 years |
stoecker |
improve ivy support, see #19562
5 years |
Klumbumbus |