#18235 closed enhancement (fixed)
Add new language Serbian with Latin script (sr@latin)
Reported by: | Klumbumbus | Owned by: | stoecker |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 20.08 |
Component: | Trac | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: | Don-vip |
see wiki:/Translations/Statistics#Problempages
I'm not sure where the language code needs to be added.
Attachments (3)
Change History (47)
comment:1 by , 5 years ago
comment:2 by , 5 years ago
Cc: | added |
You have to change TracLanguages.
But like always this is more complex. There is no code Rs. And a code with script specification is neither supported by the wiki nor by JOSM. I have to think about how this needs to be handled first.
Aaargh. Why is I18N always so complicated? Each language brings a new bunch of trouble.
I think if we follow our existing schema the correct prefix should be "Sr-Latn_RS" and in josm "sr-latn_RS". But that needs code adaptions I fear.
My proposal for now would be to use "Sr_RS". That's not wrong, but does not use the script spec. We can postpone the work to support script codes to the time when we get the situation that Sr-Cyrl_RS also appears. For Chinese we also Use CN_Zh and CN_TW and not the script variants of these languages which would be more correct.
Any other ideas?
You know that without software translation in JOSM the translated wiki pages like StartupPage aren't accessible from JOSM?
comment:3 by , 5 years ago
No, but I'm planning to translate JOSM server messages, as well JOSM interface. I will need help to find lang file because I have found one ~200+ kB, but I have a problem with formating, so I believe it is a wrong file.
Also, can you please change sr_RS as you proposed or to sr-Latn_RS?
Thanks in advance,
comment:4 by , 5 years ago
JOSM core is translated at Launchapd (see Translations). Launchpad and Transifex use "sr@latin" as language code. That is already supported by the software as ca@valencia uses the same method (Ca-Valencia for the wiki). That would mean the wiki code is "Sr-Latin".
So new proposal: Use Sr-Latin: for wiki pages (we can rename them, don't recreate!) and sr@latin as software-code. This does not need any new code and follows rules established by the translation platforms.
I don't think the _RS is needed, as we probably never will have a second Sr variant (and if, then the second one simply will get the underscore with correct specs).
P.S. Launchpad also has sr@Latn. Don't use this, as it is not compatible.
comment:5 by , 5 years ago
I'm already translating at Launchpad. I can see there is 31 → 40 of 11575 results, I hope I'm on the right one.
comment:6 by , 5 years ago
Yes. It's the right one. I renamed wiki pages and added sr@latin to trac languages. That works already now (thought not yet from within JOSM).
Note that the mimimum for JOSM inclusion of a new language is 2000 core texts. It will probably take you some time to reach that goal.
Though as far as I remember the initial Japanese translation reach 100% (about 8 to 10000 texts a that time) after about 3 or 4 days. :-)
comment:7 by , 5 years ago
Nice, thanks for help and confirmation that I'm in the right file.
Haha 3-4 days? As you said: Japanese... :)
comment:8 by , 5 years ago
NOTE: "A translation still in progress" note may be added with outdated=.... message in TranslatedPages macro. This is also shown in the status tables. I changed the download page accordingly.
Also note the revision in translation macro indicates the original english page. That's very important for later updates.
comment:10 by , 5 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:11 by , 5 years ago
I can see that Serbian Latin wasn't included in latest official build, even I have translated 2455 strings (20%).
I have downloaded nightly build as well, but there is no Serbian Latin also. Can anyone tell me why?
follow-up: 13 comment:12 by , 5 years ago
That doesn't work automatically. Each language needs to be added manually.
comment:13 by , 5 years ago
Replying to Klumbumbus:
That doesn't work automatically. Each language needs to be added manually.
I didn't know that. Who can I ask to add it?
comment:14 by , 5 years ago
Milestone: | → 20.08 |
Resolution: | fixed |
Status: | closed → reopened |
comment:15 by , 5 years ago
Summary: | Rs: Translated page language code unknown → Add new language Serbian with Latin script (sr@latin) |
comment:16 by , 5 years ago
2000 core strings verified.
[exec] Created file ../core/resources/data/sr-latin.lang : Added 2169 strings out of 9418 ( 23.0%).
I'll do the necessary changes tomorrow (testing writing to new SVN copy in the process :-)
comment:17 by , 5 years ago
Thanks! I have uploaded a new .po file and it is waiting for validation. Will updated translations automatically be taken, or I have to raise the flag each time?
comment:18 by , 5 years ago
No further action from your side necessary except reaching the 100%...
Updates are manual as well (maybe we should automate them, it's anyway a single command only), but are done for all supported languages at least once before each tested version, sometimes more often.
comment:19 by , 5 years ago
Thanks for clarification!
Can you help me to understand how I can manually add the translation file (.po or .mo) and test it, if it is updated just once a month (on tested version release)?
I thought it would automatically pull new translations files for each night build.
comment:22 by , 5 years ago
Please check if everything is fine (access to OSM wiki, to JOSM wiki, ...).
One thing I noted, but wasn't able to fix: In the language preferences the other languages are shown in cyrillic and not latin. Either a java bug or we need to find a fix. But the script is correctly set as far as I can see.
Can you help me to understand how I can manually add the translation file (.po or .mo) and test it, if it is updated just once a month (on tested version release)?
Easiest way would be to checkout JOSM as stated here: Source code (full checkout, not only josm) and call ant updatecore
in the i18n directory. Then build JOSM (with ant
in core) and start it. Needs a proper build environment.
I thought it would automatically pull new translations files for each night build.
No, not yet. Sorry for that.
by , 5 years ago
Attachment: | for_translation_josm_josm-plugin_matsim_sr@latin.po added |
MATSim - Serbian (Latin) Translation
by , 5 years ago
Attachment: | for_translation_josm_josm-plugin_Mapillary_sr@latin.po added |
Mapillary - Serbian (Latin) Translation
comment:23 by , 5 years ago
Hello once again.
I have translated Mapillary and MATSim plugins offline.
Since there is no sr@latin @ https://www.transifex.com/josm/josm/language/sr/ where should I upload it?
Can you, please, place it to correct location?
Also, how can I filter out all JOSM Server translation to complete that translation firstly?
PS. I'm using paid version of Poedit to translate JOSM and its modules.
Thank you in advance,
comment:24 by , 5 years ago
For translation aside from JOSM infrastructure you need to contact the relevant developers directly (usually via GitHub). They've choosen not to use the established JOSM standard.
comment:25 by , 5 years ago
Type: | defect → enhancement |
follow-up: 29 comment:27 by , 5 years ago
Yes if you ask me. :)
Please just tell me how can I filter out in PO file all server messages to translate these first.
comment:29 by , 5 years ago
Replying to BrackoNe:
Yes if you ask me. :)
Please just tell me how can I filter out in PO file all server messages to translate these first.
What do you mean with "server" messages?
comment:30 by , 5 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | reopened → closed |
comment:31 by , 5 years ago
I ment on this:
JOSM server data
English (113 normal strings)
Which is available here:
comment:32 by , 5 years ago
In the i18n directory you can show the strings: ./langinfo.pl ../core/nodist/trans/en.lang
These currently are the plugins descriptions, see wiki:Plugins, they are marked with "build/trans_plugins.java" as source in the po files.
follow-up: 35 comment:33 by , 4 years ago
Hi! Sorry for reusing this topic, but it is somehow related.
I have translated the "turn restriction" plugin completely which is part of JOSM core now, but it is still displaying only English strings. What's wrong?
comment:35 by , 4 years ago
Replying to BrackoNe:
What's wrong?
Thanks for your translation efforts. Nothing is wrong. The i18n update has always been a manual process which is typically performed shortly before a new JOSM stable release. Just now, I've updated the turnrestrictions plugin.
comment:37 by , 4 years ago
Hmm, I have updated it to 35577, but still all things are in English, except tabs in Editor.
by , 4 years ago
Attachment: | turn-restriction_plugin.png added |
Maybe the problem is that we have set sr-Latin for Serbian?
comment:38 by , 4 years ago
The i18n process has a delay of up to 1 day (manual download is needed when this is to slow). Maybe simon was too fast and your translations aren't really incorporated when you did them shortly before?
comment:44 by , 4 years ago
I've opened #19929 in order to get this fix listed under the correct milestone.
Me neither. I'm adding Serbian language with "rs" official abbreviation. Please feel free to change to "sr-latn-rs" if you want to have more specific description.