Custom Query (95 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#9908 [WIP patch] Filter downloaded notes ToeBee enhancement major Core notes
#14426 "what changed but not yet saved" view team enhancement major Core
#14921 Support Sentinel 2 data directly team enhancement major Core imagery
#16860 Resolve all dependencies and tools using Apache Ivy team enhancement major Longterm Core
#18295 [Patch] Splitting large multipolygons Don-vip enhancement major Plugin utilsplugin2
#24124 Please don't use AI images in JOSM team defect major Core
#5381 mouse cursor not always what it should be dieterdreist defect normal Core
#5404 OSM-API-close and HTTP-Request-Pipelining don't work over some proxies - JOSM must be restarted for further edits Fabi2 defect normal Core
#5515 Single Key Shortcuts for activating and showing/hiding layers jttt enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#5662 display timestamp of individual GPX trackpoints team enhancement normal Core
#5706 [Patch needs rework] Role Verification Warnings team defect normal Core
#5879 Force purge nodes with tags along way team enhancement normal Core
#6172 Terracer: Does not check for existing associatedStreet relation and silently deletes members zerebubuth@… defect normal Plugin terracer
#6285 "Use address node" as a seperate plugin Upliner enhancement normal Plugin buildings_tools
#6396 (Experimental PATCH) Allow plugins to be reloaded without restart olejorgenb enhancement normal Core
#6489 turnlane plugin: add extra left lane on the outer left side of all lanes. benshu enhancement normal Plugin turnlanes
#7317 Cycle list is different for middle-click and Alt+click team defect normal Core
#7328 building_tools -> core? team enhancement normal Core
#7513 [Patch] Warn non-experts when combining ways with conflicting tags or ways being part of relations team enhancement normal Core
#7614 preferences.xml: invalid XML character / reference to entity team defect normal Core
#8559 unhide toggle dialog buttons should not hide contents of focused dialog team enhancement normal Core
#8660 [Patch] False positive conflict detection with reverter plugin Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#9103 Show photo waypoints in KMZ file Don-vip enhancement normal Plugin opendata
#9125 shop=ice_cream should be detected and fixed to amenity=ice_cream team enhancement normal Core validator
#9270 Show icons on map also for areas and lines, not only for nodes team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#9679 [Incomplete Patch] Validator complains about key: *:lanes:conditional (etc.) team defect normal Core validator
#9892 JOSM sometimes not saving properly Roadsguy defect normal Core
#9929 Replace geometry does not use nodes with multiple parents team enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#10551 Tag that imply linear object and tag that imply area object should not be used on element without explicit area=yes/no team enhancement normal Core validator
#11176 Propose to upload notes in upload dialog ToeBee enhancement normal Core notes
#11233 How to make icons in route relation editor continuous? team defect normal Core
#11288 Can't cancel undelete process team defect normal Plugin undelete
#11595 Elements still marked as changed even if changes were manually removed team enhancement normal Core
#11599 Relation Editor should update after splitting a member team defect normal Core
#11874 No progress bar while downloading plugins team defect normal 16.07 Core
#11982 duplicated nodes which is not used in way or relation team enhancement normal Core validator
#12117 JOSM Turn Restriction Enhancement Suggestion team enhancement normal Core
#12483 Should not silently delete layers with upload=false team defect normal Core
#13344 Unable to run unit tests in Eclipse on Windows team defect normal 16.08 Unit tests
#13589 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (ElevationProfileLayer) OliverW defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#13604 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (OsmDataLayer) team defect normal Core mappaint
#13814 Zoom is extremely sensitive now team defect normal Core
#13915 Allow rotating images quazgar enhancement normal Core image mapping
#14182 Cancel upload produces a mess :) team defect normal Core
#15374 problem deleting multilevel relations team defect normal 17.10 Core
#15943 Misbehaviour or wrong description of search string 'key=' team defect normal 18.02 Core
#16076 Second dialog window underneath the first window on macOS team defect normal Core
#16183 StackOverFlowError when using `:areaStyle` in map paint style team defect normal 18.04 Core mappaint
#16395 Warning/test for possible wrong lanes count team enhancement normal Core validator
#16747 Should not download tiles from other zoom levels if not necessary wiktorn enhancement normal Core imagery
#16803 [Patch needs rework] Validator: Wrong warning Highway link is not linked to adequate highway/link team defect normal Core validator
#17118 Sort out axis=neu for EPSG:4326 team defect normal External imagery source
#17184 Memory Leaks GerdP defect normal Core
#17196 [RFC] [Patch] Undo/Redo may change data in inactive layer GerdP defect normal Core
#17533 Check waterway flow direction team enhancement normal Core validator
#17751 error with custom mapcss using regex team enhancement normal Core validator
#18372 Notes description does not fit in box (sometimes) team defect normal Core notes
#18637 Option of keyboard shortcut for "switch (background-)imagery view to next available (background-)imagery in list" team enhancement normal Core imagery
#19001 download object reports downloading incomplete data team defect normal Core
#19077 Presets: label suffix/unit at end of text input box team enhancement normal Core
#19384 GPX: additional filter for downloading OSM data along gps-tracks team enhancement normal Core
#19434 include socket:type2_cable in default preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19484 Describe building=university multipolygon better ("university building", not "university") team enhancement normal Core
#19566 In case of OSM server failure provide generic error message team enhancement normal Core
#19956 [WIP Patch] Double check if error still exists before executing autofix GerdP defect normal Core validator
#20014 Tiles constantly reloading team defect normal Core imagery
#20414 achavi like view team enhancement normal Core
#20537 [Patch] Bad installation of plugin nicolac76@… defect normal Plugin
#20760 Private phone numbers and proprietary sources team enhancement normal Core validator
#20778 TMS server cache team defect normal Core imagery
#20879 History browser: which version changed a tag (git blame)? simon04 enhancement normal Core
#21286 [Patch] Add validate rule min_height < height team enhancement normal 23.05 Core validator
#21334 [PATCH] image direction is wrong when position is beetween 2 gpx point Don-vip defect normal 21.10 Core image mapping
#21868 PT Assistant plugin layer problem Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#22285 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive cannot be modified in read-only dataset team defect normal Core
#22352 GeoJSON: when multiple nodes have the same coordinates, they are merged team defect normal Core geojson
#22423 [Patch] Do not mix capital/lowerkey letter keys in Tags/Memberships window team defect normal Core
#22549 bug remonté mais que je ne sais pas plus analyser team defect normal Core
#22689 Save as: File name extension should be adjusted when changing the file type. team enhancement normal Core
#23008 [WIP patch] Improve PowerLines test performance team enhancement normal Core
#23260 kendzi3D-dev doesn't work kendzi defect normal Plugin kendzi3d
#23358 Better warning for bridge on suspicious object team enhancement normal Core validator
#23360 [PATCH] Saving the TODO task list Gnonthgol defect normal Core
#23738 Mass upload: JOSM tries to upload changes even though changeset is already closed GerdP enhancement normal Core
#23808 Cannot align nodes in circle on a specific way segment team defect normal Core
#23912 Hide validator after upload team enhancement normal Core validator
#23913 "Error: Attribution is not loaded yet" on using Bing imagery team defect normal External imagery source
#24100 Loosing supplemental CS tags under Upload > Settings tab. Bug or Feature? team enhancement normal Core
#3888 Save layer doesn't update title bar team enhancement minor Core
#10098 adding a new tag with a already existing key makes you loose your value if you do not overwrite team enhancement minor Core
#17314 Change "Join Node to Way" to "Join Way with Node" team enhancement minor Core
#21451 Unhandled exception: deleted relation is still listed in other relations Don-vip defect minor 21.10 Core
#21778 Validation error: oneway + oneway:conditional + bicycle:backwards:conditional team defect minor Core validator
#23810 Way Split shows superfluous warning of splitting way with possible referrers anonymous defect minor Core
#2173 Show the Progress of preparing Data after downloading an Area team enhancement trivial Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.