Custom Query (2543 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 2543)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#15726 Not returning the value when using tag() new team enhancement normal
#15751 [PATCH] oneway=reversible|alternating for highways new team enhancement normal
#15752 Test for landuse inside landuse new team enhancement normal
#15768 Encourage using "best" imagery new team enhancement normal
#15788 Keyboard input gets ignored and menu items are greyed out after closing certain dialog boxes new team defect normal
#15831 Add keyboard shortcut for opacity slider new team enhancement normal
#15834 Three targets impossible to grab unless zoomed in new rebsc defect normal
#15836 Always a big gamble on what zoom levels and position the new image will end up being overlayed new rebsc defect normal
#15854 Cancel in settings does not discard changes to shortcuts new team defect normal
#15864 Images not resized in Help Window new team defect normal
#15882 NegativeArraySizeException at AbstractTileSourceLayer$DeepTileSet.<init> new team defect normal
#15919 Add "snap 1 to 1a" method new rebsc enhancement normal
#15924 "Drag to Move the Picture" will move 1. 2. and 3 to nonsense positions new rebsc defect normal
#15925 AIOOBE in Java2D rendering code (wireframe/AA mode with large dataset) new team defect normal
#15943 Misbehaviour or wrong description of search string 'key=' reopened team defect normal 18.02
#15962 support letter-prefixed numbers (address interpolation plugin) new team enhancement normal
#15963 remember "numbering scheme" choice new team enhancement normal
#15964 allow adding numbers without selecting a street new team enhancement normal
#15970 Add equatorial stereographic projection new team enhancement normal
#15974 The "drag to shear the picture" button is extremely overpowered new rebsc defect normal
#15981 Option to add multiple wms_endpoint layers as separate layers assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#15982 Option to suggest format for wms_endpoint imagery new team enhancement normal
#15984 Image forward direction in drawing direction way, problem. new team defect normal
#16000 Allow per-map setting of imagery.generic.*_expires new team enhancement normal
#16012 IAE: Node is already deleted when joining two ways (JoinAreasAction) new team defect normal
#16029 Warn about keys representing quantities when splitting a way new team enhancement normal
#16054 Make utilsplugin2 core part of JOSM new team enhancement normal
#16061 GeoBretagne orthophotos assigned Stereo task normal
#16075 AIOOBE at BuildingGeneralizationAction.findSegment new team defect normal
#16076 Second dialog window underneath the first window on macOS reopened team defect normal
#16082 Strange artifacts when warping imagery at South/North Pole new team defect normal
#16093 handling of (lifecycle) prefixes new team enhancement normal
#16100 Strava Global Heatmap in JOSM new allier-osm enhancement normal
#16108 Improve Remove function new Tyndare enhancement normal
#16109 Measurements layer not showing up again after deleting new team defect normal
#16110 Plugin colorscheme is broken after rework of color preferences new team defect normal
#16112 improve relation member handling / consistency map, tags window and relation editor new team defect normal
#16120 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) new team defect normal
#16123 External Imagery/Styles/Presets/Plugins/Rules https new team task normal Longterm
#16149 layer france : missing permission-ref <> attribution-url <> terms-of-use-url new team enhancement normal
#16165 Collapsible "Edit Relation" Windows new team enhancement normal
#16174 please consider adding offset-start and offset-end style setting for lines new team enhancement normal
#16181 JosmRuntimeException: orthogonalize error new team defect normal
#16183 StackOverFlowError when using `:areaStyle` in map paint style reopened team defect normal 18.04
#16190 add validator warning for fire_hydrant:type=pond new team enhancement normal
#16202 IAE at GTFSDeleteCommand.<init> new roland.olbricht defect normal
#16205 map paint style menu in JOSM - icon changes when enabling a setting new team defect normal
#16206 IAE: Way is already deleted new team defect normal
#16209 RFE: In draw nodes mode allow snap to segment centre new team enhancement normal
#16226 Integrate osm-community-index new team enhancement normal
#16240 Merge function is single threaded new team enhancement normal
#16262 [PATCH] Add BuildingOutsideResidentialArea test. assigned marxin enhancement normal
#16280 autofix for almost square check for buildings is suboptimal new marxin defect normal
#16283 [PATCH] Add new validation test for broken circle buildings. new team enhancement normal
#16315 add indoor=* to internal preset new team enhancement normal
#16323 Add context menu to change active WMS/WMTS layer for WMS_ENDPOINT / WMTS layers assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#16324 Use AddImagery*Panels to edit entries assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#16326 Add imagery boundary selector during editing assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#16347 Nexus Server: SNAPSHOT is not a good version for plugins new team defect normal
#16348 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange new team defect normal
#16360 I18n script creates data for transifex directories new team defect normal
#16363 After Using "Gebiet erstellen" (X) with modifier ALT, you have to click twice to modify it new team defect normal
#16373 When opening new ticket from JOSM, pre-fill component field (if known) new team enhancement normal
#16374 Skip "Diable plugin"/"Keep plugin" choice when allowing the user to file a ticket for plugin (when plugin didn't fully crash) new team enhancement normal
#16395 Warning/test for possible wrong lanes count reopened team enhancement normal
#16409 Not rendering some office=* types new team enhancement normal
#16411 [patch] Adds a new utils2plugin action, tool menu item and shortcut to copy features with parent relations new team enhancement normal
#16434 Delayed line drawing/slow JOSM new team defect normal
#16449 Presets 'default' field is ignored new team defect normal
#16455 Action "Fetch Wikidata ID" adds Q-ID when the article in wikipedia=* is a redirect assigned floscher defect normal
#16482 assign role platform to highway=bus_stop, highway=platform and railway=platform members new team enhancement normal
#16497 relative path in .joz session file new team enhancement normal
#16505 Assign (some) minimum frame size to the Overpass API download entry field new team defect normal
#16516 Listener actions.mapmode.DrawAction was not registered before or already removed new team defect normal
#16522 IAE: StreetsideViewerDialog was not registered before or already removed new team defect normal
#16523 Built-in level filter ignores min_level/max_level and building:min_level/building:levels new team defect normal
#16526 Simplify Way on Polygon deletes it with very high values of error new team defect normal
#16530 Dual head monitor setup: menus and dialogs are on the wrong screen new team defect normal
#16539 OSM data + GPS Raw data download does not come to an end new team defect normal
#16553 "failed to remove primitive" after upload new team defect normal
#16595 search for bus stops when double splitting a way new Biswesh enhancement normal
#16597 button on top bar of relation editor, which shows public_transport:version new Biswesh enhancement normal
#16598 new button in relation editor that finds ways adjacent to stops and add them to the route new Biswesh enhancement normal
#16614 Add button to relation editor to remove all ways for which problems are reported in validator new Biswesh enhancement normal
#16654 add shop=religion & shop=general new team enhancement normal
#16655 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u171) new team defect normal
#16658 Add highway=corridor, attraction=animal, man_made=water_tap new team enhancement normal
#16697 reversing a way improperly changes turn:lanes:both_ways new team defect normal
#16710 Move Node onto Way more difficult at high zoom new team defect normal
#16732 Support Brazilian ABNT/ABNT2 keyboard layouts when reordering imagery layers new team defect normal
#16736 screen and slippy map downloading not in sync when below or above 85 degr latitude new team defect normal
#16745 Poor performance when Command Stack pane is visible new team defect normal
#16746 keyboard stops working new team defect normal
#16747 Should not download tiles from other zoom levels if not necessary reopened wiktorn enhancement normal
#16748 Map is briefly displayed without filters after load_and_zoom new team defect normal
#16752 opening a closed way is not obvious when using P or G new team enhancement normal
#16760 Event loop stuck on ForkJoinPool new team defect normal
#16767 fails to parse PH or when <time_selector> is not seperated by <space> after <weekday_selector> (only valid option) or when <rule_modifier> present, but accepts and saves some wrong values without warning new boman defect normal
#16782 JVM crash - kendzi.jogl.model.render.ModelRender.setupTextures new kendzi defect normal
#16803 [Patch needs rework] Validator: Wrong warning Highway link is not linked to adequate highway/link reopened team defect normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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