Custom Query (2339 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 2339)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#10881 Cannot select and move nodes if "Mapnik (true)" map style is enabled team defect normal External mappaint style
#10912 UI problems with LXDE / OpenBox team defect normal Core
#10926 Support MATE keyring with native password manager bastiK enhancement normal Plugin native_password_manager
#10937 <CTRL><ALT>J (jump to next marker not working team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#10943 remember last entered comment in add comment to note ToeBee enhancement normal Core notes
#10954 Red "edit line" not visible after upgrading linux to Slackware 14.1 team defect normal Core
#10972 Additional third column marks for public transport relation member display team enhancement normal Core
#10974 Avoiding collateral damages in PTv2 routes team enhancement normal Core
#10982 Validate turn restrictions with to = from team enhancement normal Core validator
#10983 Check double housenumbers team enhancement normal Core validator
#10990 .KMZ import for Piclayer plugin rebsc enhancement normal Plugin piclayer
#10992 Missing warning for object exchange in utilsplugin2 team enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#10999 Download area status not preserved when moving node team defect normal Core
#11017 3GPP audio files open in browser on Linux team defect normal Core audio
#11045 New optional parameters to "import" remote control handler for tag replacement and OSM API download team enhancement normal Core remotecontrol
#11048 improve autocompletion (by frequentness, object type, ...) team enhancement normal Core
#11091 Smartly create boundary relations team enhancement normal Core
#11099 'Move node into way' can sometimes result in multiple duplicate nodes team defect normal Core
#11101 Issue a warning when multipolygon relations grow too large team enhancement normal Core validator
#11122 add shop=motorcycle_repair team enhancement normal Internal preset
#11153 [WIP PATCH] improve readability of validator warnings team enhancement normal Core validator
#11182 update preset Sports/sport/skiing team enhancement normal Internal preset
#11189 Geotagged images taken out on surveys taken close together do not show seperately in JOSM team defect normal Core image mapping
#11198 Option "download relation members" do not download relations which this members belongs to team defect normal Core
#11218 Cancel on upload + window size ToeBee defect normal Core notes
#11226 Strava Slide plugin for JOSM team enhancement normal Plugin
#11251 Should not conflict on unmodified objects team defect normal Core
#11274 Updating plugin (turnlanes) causes exception team defect normal Core
#11295 No way of automatic check of plugins team enhancement normal Core remotecontrol
#11316 auto completion: last entered tags not remembered after restart. team defect normal Core
#11333 AssertionError: Node was removed when purging, but is still there on undo team defect normal Core
#11348 Crossing way check works only for "on demand" but not for "on upload" team defect normal Core validator
#11349 addr:street autocompletion is broken team enhancement normal Core
#11367 Download notes when using remote control on with note layer enabled team enhancement normal Core remotecontrol
#11368 Merge locally modified note comments when downloading notes ToeBee enhancement normal Core notes
#11373 Sorting within stop/platform members of type=route relations team enhancement normal Core
#11377 Change redo shortcut for dialogs team defect normal Core shortcuts
#11392 Styles, rules and presets translation stoecker enhancement normal Core
#11402 Tracer2 - always create new nodes when fix buildings [patch] team defect normal Plugin tracer2
#11446 Download around node team enhancement normal Core
#11451 Allow references to inner object matches with ∈ (element of) operator team enhancement normal Core validator
#11454 Cannot upload gpx track with DirectUpload plugin (JOSM behind HTTP proxy with authentication) team defect normal Plugin DirectUpload
#11455 Allow explicit fix target selection with ∈ (element of) operator team enhancement normal Core validator
#11460 Generate statistics when multiple objects are selected team enhancement normal Plugin measurement
#11461 Problem with plug in to import satellite images team defect normal Plugin importimage
#11463 Can't zoom after importing image team enhancement normal Core
#11480 Projection PUWG 2000 5 does not zoom to bbox properly team defect normal Core
#11483 Unexpected action on list when press right key team defect normal Core imagery
#11492 No memory warning when loading OSM data team defect normal Core
#11497 Options to solve conflicting tags while merging ways team enhancement normal Plugin merge-overlap
#11544 leisure=recreation_ground should display as landuse=recreation_ground team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#11643 startup: check online resources (presets, imagery..) only in reasonable intervals team enhancement normal Core
#11652 Give better error message on known failure of OSM server team enhancement normal Core
#11692 Better test for "Crossing boundaries" team defect normal Core validator
#11722 No images after removing active geo-images layer team defect normal Core
#11725 Unusable drawing performance in maximized mode even with small area team defect normal Core
#11739 Hotkeys don't work, but those with modifiers do. team defect normal Core
#11754 Discrepancy in behaviour of Building Tool ("B") & Orthoganalise Shape ("Q") Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#11783 Terracer splits in wrong direction team defect normal Plugin terracer
#11786 Support tag inheritance or tag sets for Add:Alt-LClick team enhancement normal Core
#11796 MapCSS text-offset implementation not compatible to MapCSS specification team defect normal Core mappaint
#11845 (More) nagging/warning for empty changeset comment or source team enhancement normal Core
#11854 Shortcuts with Cmd key stops working unexpectedly (OSX) team defect normal Core
#11870 Better prevention of overlapping ways when appending a node to a way team enhancement normal Core
#11871 Searching "Area around places" should allow to center slippy map for further selection team enhancement normal Core
#11873 ClassNotFoundException after canceling a plugin download team defect normal Core
#11902 Geotagging, then using jhead results in message 'Suspicious offset of first Exif IFD value' team enhancement normal Plugin photo_geotagging
#11904 Option to undo move of a picture holgermappt enhancement normal Plugin photoadjust
#11906 Option to snap image(s) to a given way team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#11907 Selected images should behave as in a file browser team enhancement normal Plugin photo_geotagging
#11910 [Patch in discussion] Adding imagery_used to changeset tags team enhancement normal Core
#11970 Possible problem when comparing key with a replace() value team defect normal Core validator
#11976 Option to highlight relation members team enhancement normal Core
#11983 "Crossing ways" operator in MapCSS team enhancement normal Core validator
#11991 josm conflict not showing the error team defect normal Core
#11994 left and right casing rendering not synchronous team defect normal Core mappaint
#12024 turnrestrictions plugin should support restriction=no_entry / restriction=no_exit team enhancement normal Plugin turnrestrictions
#12055 toggling draw.rawgps.lines.force does not affect drawing immediately team defect normal Core mappaint
#12066 Option to restore object to its original state team enhancement normal Core
#12069 magnification lock wanted to disable change of map size due to overly sensitive mouse team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12085 Droid fonts no longer shipped by Android upstream, switch to Noto fonts team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#12096 Getting "Read timed out" when trying to download a layer team defect normal Core
#12103 Show split way dialog only for high value geometries team enhancement normal Core
#12106 Issue while adding multiple key/values with colon team defect normal Core
#12124 area icons team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#12137 Make File>Open recognize Imagery pictures team enhancement normal Core
#12142 Save default imagery layers (background image) without having to use a session team enhancement normal Core imagery
#12154 autocompletion in combos should ignore lower and upper case lettes team enhancement normal Core
#12161 Presets: Non-editable Comboboxes are Lower than Editable Comboboxes team defect normal Core
#12179 maps ( needs a context field to guide translation team enhancement normal Core imagery
#12202 Include extrusion behavior as part of building tools Upliner enhancement normal Plugin buildings_tools
#12208 Misleading error message during failed import from 3rd-party servers team defect normal Core
#12214 do not load everything when going to a directory from "import images" team defect normal Core
#12243 Quick apply tags team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12251 Localized names of mappaint styles are not updated when changing the language team defect normal Core
#12261 make JOSM more friendly for new users team enhancement normal Core
#12270 [patch] allow modifying note data that has not been uploaded yet team enhancement normal Core notes
#12285 Hide name on ways during dragging to allow precise alignment team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#12310 Validator: add "gap between buildings" team enhancement normal Core validator
#12327 Advanced alignment and distribute for selected objects team enhancement normal Core
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.