Custom Query (948 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 948)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#14155 Warning: amenity=place_of_worship inside amenity=place_of_worship new template_report team defect trivial
#17395 download described as upload in an error message what is a bit confusing new template_report team defect trivial
#18718 Updating of relation members connected to roundabout new template_report team defect trivial
#18797 Same layer name used multiple times new template_report data layer name session team defect trivial
#18921 Minimum height of dialog field to avoid endless flickering new template_report java8 windows classic laf team defect trivial
#19529 Download Dialog: Tile numbers: Button offset new template_report download dialog tile numbers button team defect trivial
#20381 Validation text crushes ValidateUploadHook dialog. Help button missing. new template_report team enhancement trivial
#22863 Incorrect Dutch translation of preset value new template_report i18n team defect trivial
#23578 First restart after adding plugins error new template_report hhtznr defect trivial
#23654 [WIP patch] Attribution text misalignment new template_report team defect trivial
#24081 Right sidebar is always shown on start - if it wasn't shown when last closed, first press of tab key doesn't close it new template_report team defect trivial
#12697 Improve conflicts window usability new template_report team enhancement minor
#13621 Disconnect node from way: incorrect message and option to disconnect from more than one way at once new template_report disconnect team defect minor
#14274 Autocomplete in relation editor behaves different from Tags/Memberships dialog new template_report team defect minor
#14996 Draw tool helper line starting at wrong node new template_report team defect minor
#15040 Inconsistent count of nodes, ways and relations new template_report team defect minor
#16046 UI elements not accessible in Advanced preferences tab new template_report team defect minor
#17986 elevation layer always created new template_report layer OliverW defect minor
#18131 Antialias JOSM logo on loading screen - jaggy steps are not very nice new template_report logo antialiasing svg clip path team defect minor
#18270 Special rendering for highway=construction construction=footway/path/cycleway/steps new template_report highway construction team enhancement minor
#18352 add tag dialog: prevent window size to be bigger than screen new template_report expert mode add tag dialog recent window size team enhancement minor
#18479 Consider making highway=track color-adaptive based on aerials or add halo new template_report highway track team defect minor
#18562 command stack toggle dialog: conflation delete icon not properly scaled new template_report comman stack delete icon Tyndare defect minor
#19157 Layer panel context menu: Save option not disabled with no changes new template_report save layer context menu team enhancement minor
#19211 Plugin update interval: Allow to set zero to always update on startup new template_report update plugin interval team enhancement minor
#19291 Exception on timeout when loading imagery logo new template_report, imagery, timeout team defect minor
#19415 For "member of" menu try to generate better descriptive name of a route - use route and color tags new template_report team enhancement minor
#19503 Rules validation throws exception instead or warning new template_report rules validator mapcss team defect minor
#19575 Missing translation test needs tweaks new template_report team defect minor
#20078 Unconnected ways and areas special cases new template_report team enhancement minor
#20657 MAPCSS :selected pseudoclass doesn't update for child items with selection change new template_report mapcss selected pseudoclass team defect minor
#21109 Default upload comment if single node with name new template_report upload comment team enhancement minor
#21301 Broken format of message for invalid searches new template_report search invalid team defect minor
#21451 Unhandled exception: deleted relation is still listed in other relations reopened template_report relation child Don-vip defect minor
#21512 Preferences: Missing warning about restart when changing icon size new template_report advanced preference restart icon size team defect minor
#21561 Symbol in search expression missing in notification and enable filter menu new template_report search filter notification menu team defect minor
#21778 Validation error: oneway + oneway:conditional + bicycle:backwards:conditional reopened template_report dismount oneway conditional team defect minor
#22105 Wrong informational message: Incomplete pedestrian crossing tagging new template_report crossing team defect minor
#22388 Warn about cycle-route tags used on ways with bicycle=no/use_sidepath new template_report team enhancement minor
#22501 Command Stack is empty after unsuccesfull upload new template_report team defect minor
#22535 Huge button to dock the image viewer new template_report viewer button size team defect minor
#22591 Center text in raised layer button in image viewer new template_report layer button text team enhancement minor
#22614 [WIP patch] Combine ways is very slow new template_report performance team defect minor
#22714 disabled:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 09:00-20:00;Sa 09:00-18:00) not valid? new template_report conditional team defect minor
#22769 Checked "I would like someone to review my edits" checkbox isn't persisted when reopening the Upload dialog new template_report team defect minor
#22827 Settings in Mac Menu Bar is displayed only in English needinfo template_report matheusgomesms enhancement minor
#22842 No Preset Icons new template_report icon relation site street team enhancement minor
#22903 Warning with mmrtext.ttf, monbaiti.ttf and new template_report java17 windows team defect minor
#23213 UI: Add buttons to enable/disable all validator tests new template_report UI validator tests team enhancement minor
#23303 Magnetic declination is not considered for drawing the image arrows on photos needinfo template_report rexendor@… defect minor
#23580 Authorize Now (Manual) Has Bug When Entering Access Token Key new template_report team defect minor
#23644 validator suggests suspicious replacement new template_report communications_tower tower mast height team defect minor
#23724 Defunct payment methods in preset new template_report team defect minor
#23762 Exception after switching OSM server and test access token new template_report team defect minor
#23806 The error message window can be huge and won't fit on the screen new template_report team defect minor
#23810 Way Split shows superfluous warning of splitting way with possible referrers reopened template_report anonymous defect minor
#23834 Sidebar sometimes cannot be hidden new template_report sidebar focus team defect minor
#6384 Uncaught OsmTransferCancelledException new template_report team defect normal
#8207 Detect captive portals new template_report hotel wifi access point captive portal team enhancement normal
#8489 IllegalStateException deleting some nodes new template_report team defect normal
#8979 Impossible to set a custom page size new template_report custom page size team enhancement normal
#9070 print in A2 size only prints the top left quarter new template_report team defect normal
#9137 routing error with the routing plugin new template_report franpd defect normal
#9857 Address Preset doesn't keep the entry from before new template_report address prefill team defect normal
#9972 Add Quick Preview of WMS Capabilities URL assigned template_report wiktorn enhancement normal
#10157 IAE in OpeningTimeUtils.ensureValidMinute new template_report boman defect normal
#10286 extruder: problem with shared nodes new template_report extruder shared node team defect normal
#10631 Filling in inner parts with the outer area doesn't work as expected new template_report multipolygon team defect normal
#10669 active piclayer seems to slow down screen/mapping movements new template_report rebsc defect normal
#10733 Rephrase dialog about failed capabilities/imagery/MOTD request new template_report team enhancement normal
#10736 JOSM ignores keyboard shortcuts after opening another window new template_report, focus, shortcut, arch linux team defect normal
#10840 IAE in OpeningTimeUtils.ensureValidDay new template_report boman defect normal
#10912 UI problems with LXDE / OpenBox new template_report lubuntu lxde openbox team defect normal
#10926 Support MATE keyring with native password manager new template_report bastiK enhancement normal
#10943 remember last entered comment in add comment to note new template_report ToeBee enhancement normal
#10992 Missing warning for object exchange in utilsplugin2 new template_report replace geometry team enhancement normal
#10999 Download area status not preserved when moving node new template_report download area move team defect normal
#11189 Geotagged images taken out on surveys taken close together do not show seperately in JOSM new template_report, images, icons team defect normal
#11218 Cancel on upload + window size new template_report upload ToeBee defect normal
#11274 Updating plugin (turnlanes) causes exception new template_report team defect normal
#11316 auto completion: last entered tags not remembered after restart. new template_report auto completion restart team defect normal
#11333 AssertionError: Node was removed when purging, but is still there on undo new template_report purge undo team defect normal
#11348 Crossing way check works only for "on demand" but not for "on upload" new template_report upload crossing way team defect normal
#11480 Projection PUWG 2000 5 does not zoom to bbox properly new template_report team defect normal
#11643 startup: check online resources (presets, imagery..) only in reasonable intervals new template_report team enhancement normal
#11652 Give better error message on known failure of OSM server new template_report team enhancement normal
#11722 No images after removing active geo-images layer new template_report team defect normal
#11739 Hotkeys don't work, but those with modifiers do. new template_report team defect normal
#11754 Discrepancy in behaviour of Building Tool ("B") & Orthoganalise Shape ("Q") new template_report Upliner defect normal
#11783 Terracer splits in wrong direction new template_report team defect normal
#11854 Shortcuts with Cmd key stops working unexpectedly (OSX) new template_report team defect normal
#11902 Geotagging, then using jhead results in message 'Suspicious offset of first Exif IFD value' new template_report team enhancement normal
#11994 left and right casing rendering not synchronous new template_report team defect normal
#12069 magnification lock wanted to disable change of map size due to overly sensitive mouse new template_report team enhancement normal
#12154 autocompletion in combos should ignore lower and upper case lettes new template_report team enhancement normal
#12161 Presets: Non-editable Comboboxes are Lower than Editable Comboboxes new template_report team defect normal
#12208 Misleading error message during failed import from 3rd-party servers new template_report team defect normal
#12251 Localized names of mappaint styles are not updated when changing the language new template_report i18n team defect normal
#12310 Validator: add "gap between buildings" new template_report building gap osmose team enhancement normal
#12595 Problem with keyboard layout 'RU' new template_report layout russian linux ubuntu java8 team defect normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.