Custom Query (47 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#24080 Conflating Subject Data Beyond the Downloaded Area Causes JOSM to Softlock new Conflation Softlock Downloaded Area Tyndare defect critical
#8835 Button to send download to background new download, background, mirrored_download team enhancement major
#21 Bookmarks new bookmark download team enhancement normal
#6146 Hatch entire data layers without download bounds new hatch data download team enhancement normal
#6337 Add option to download incomplete multipolygons new multipolygon download incomplete team enhancement normal
#6864 Can't "download along" a pure waypoints gpx file / marker layer / geotagged images layer new waypoint gpx marker download geotagged enhancement normal
#7489 [patch needs rework] Undo merge and download actions new redo undo merge download command stack team enhancement normal
#8946 Download Location: option to undelete when downloading older versions new download location undelete history team enhancement normal
#10537 Imagery menu hangs when an external layer icon cannot be loaded new menu icon connection download asynchronous team defect normal
#10999 Download area status not preserved when moving node new template_report download area move team defect normal
#11045 New optional parameters to "import" remote control handler for tag replacement and OSM API download new import tag replacement download team enhancement normal
#11198 Option "download relation members" do not download relations which this members belongs to new download incomplete relation members team defect normal
#11481 JOSM freezes for some time on slow Internet connection assigned wms connection download progress wiktorn defect normal
#11871 Searching "Area around places" should allow to center slippy map for further selection new Area, search, download, slippy map, bad request team enhancement normal
#15085 Fetch overpass turbo queries from OSM preferences API new mirrored_download overpass turbo team enhancement normal
#16539 OSM data + GPS Raw data download does not come to an end new template_report download team defect normal
#17785 Download only your own GPS tracks from the site when downloading data from the selected site. new gpx download team enhancement normal
#17867 Download object changed in changeset in background new template_report download background team enhancement normal
#17878 Cannot download full old version of an OSM object new template_report download api team defect normal
#17898 better protection of relation member order new split way relation order download team enhancement normal
#17978 More user-friendly message about deleted objects after downloading a changeset new template_report changset download deleted message team enhancement normal
#18463 changeset download: only download modified members of relations new template_report changeset content relation download team enhancement normal
#18668 JOSM downloads to geojson layer new download team defect normal
#18671 Silent download to other layer new template_report download never osm file layer team defect normal
#18971 Improve handling of "The area you tried to download is too big or your request was too large" error new download team enhancement normal
#19008 Differences in results outside downloaded area between no download area at all and small download area somewhere new template_report download area team defect normal
#19308 Download as new layer not respected if new_layer=false is present new template_report download new layer team defect normal
#19333 Download (incomplete) members: No message about incomplete download after connection broke while downloading new template_report incomplete download member team defect normal
#19528 Download Dialog: Bounding Box: Context menu partly hidden new template_report download dialog bbox context menu team defect normal
#19602 OsmTransferException while downloading GPX new template_report gpx download truncated-file team defect normal
#19702 Open location: Download as new layer option could be a button instead new download team enhancement normal
#20256 False positives of some validator rules caused by incomplete data new template_report validator download area incomplete Biswesh defect normal
#20416 Download (incomplete) members: Cancel does not work and timeouts while download relation with members works new template_report cancel download members team defect normal
#21563 Opening history of relation with high version number leads to exceeding OSM bandwidth limit new template_report history error 509 bandwidth limit download team defect normal
#21904 [Patch] Pasting a changeset URL causes the changeset's objects and their historys to be downloaded new changeset url download layer team enhancement normal
#22596 [Patch] Elevation at current map location / Automatic download of SRTM HGT files new elevation, SRTM HGT, current map location, automatic download team enhancement normal
#22847 Objects of a data layer with no downloaded area at all should be considered as object outside of downloaded area new downloaded area team enhancement normal
#22870 Mouse cursor doesn't show/change mode modifer after a data download new mouse cursor download team defect normal
#22956 Notes missing - download from OSM along this track new download along note team enhancement normal
#22972 I need help on adding bus routes. new download along overpass team defect normal
#23007 Show progress on plugin downloads new template_report plugin download progress team defect normal
#23749 The `State: all-referrers-downloaded` is not saved to file new template_report save state refferrers downloaded team defect normal
#23867 After Upload all new ways get "State: referrers-not-all-downloaded" new template_report upload state refferrers downloaded team defect normal
#24077 Unexpected Exception when increasing value of "downloadAlongWay.area" new template_report download along team defect normal
#9260 Zoom level changes when downloading map data new zoom, download team defect minor
#14573 slippy map in download window jumps unexpectedly when doing a consecutive download in one session new download slippy_map team defect trivial
#19529 Download Dialog: Tile numbers: Button offset new template_report download dialog tile numbers button team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.