Custom Query (2318 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 2318)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Owner: akks (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#10311 Add direction enhancement normal Plugin InfoMode
#12663 Viewport following mode (Ctrl+Shift+F) doesn't interact with FastDraw tool defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#19230 IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'data' must not be null defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#20534 Split the setting 'Auto add tag' for lines and polygons. enhancement normal Plugin FastDraw
#23156 How to stay in the FastDraw mode when a way finished drawing like Building_tools defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#23561 Support undo in FastDraw enhancement normal Plugin FastDraw
#23759 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset defect normal Plugin FastDraw

Owner: allier-osm (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#16100 Strava Global Heatmap in JOSM enhancement normal Plugin strava_heatmap

Owner: Anamaria.Rotariu (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#22385 [NEEDS RELEASE] NoSuchMethodError: defect normal Plugin cadtools
#23868 Cad tools bug and deleted file defect normal Plugin cadtools

Owner: bastiK (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#10926 Support MATE keyring with native password manager enhancement normal Plugin native_password_manager

Owner: benshu (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#7644 IAE: There is no road containing the given way defect normal Plugin turnlanes tested
#13656 IAE in turnlanes plugin ModelContainer.getJunction defect normal Plugin turnlanes
#13806 StackOverflowError at Path$Line.getLength defect normal Plugin turnlanes

Owner: Biswesh (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#21084 Sorting more complex route relations completely fails defect critical Plugin pt_assistant
#23981 i use this plug in for creation of bridges and culverts. Intermittently, JOSM crashes and this plug in is highlighted as the problem. defect major Plugin pt_assistant
#16595 search for bus stops when double splitting a way enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16597 button on top bar of relation editor, which shows public_transport:version enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16598 new button in relation editor that finds ways adjacent to stops and add them to the route enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16614 Add button to relation editor to remove all ways for which problems are reported in validator enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16828 Validator does not catch PT2 relations routing along highway=construction enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#17662 Wrong warnings for route=ferry relation defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#18955 NoSuchElementException at SplitRoundaboutAction.actionPerformed defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#19413 incorrect route_ref warning defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#19414 Options to disable/hide validator test, relation editor buttons and layer enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#20242 Validator: False positive for first/last stop does not match first/last way with roundtrip defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#20256 False positives of some validator rules caused by incomplete data defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#20410 Hidden Layer visible with focus in relation editor dialog defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#20568 potentially wrong validator warnings on PTv2 relations for first/last segments of bus routes defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#21055 Layer: Wrong and misleading direction arrows for routes with dual directions defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#22829 IAE: Listener org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.pt_assistant.actions.DoubleSplitAction was not registered before or already removed. defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#23708 String Index Out of Bounds in pt_assistant’s defect normal Plugin pt_assistant

Owner: Bjoeni (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#7037 [WIP PATCH] Median of gps tracks enhancement normal Core

Owner: boman (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#8913 PH and SH unknown defect major Plugin openinghourseditor
#20735 "Edit Opening Hours" changes hours when dragging to create time. defect major Plugin openinghourseditor
#6656 OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor latest
#7890 Add columns for the opening hours on public holidays (PH) and school holidays (SH) enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor latest
#7932 Allow change of first day of week enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8288 Hour resolution enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8289 Opening the dialog. enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8290 Month ranges enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#9085 opening_hours, "off" and OpeningHoursEdit defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor tested
#10157 IAE in OpeningTimeUtils.ensureValidMinute defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#10840 IAE in OpeningTimeUtils.ensureValidDay defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor latest
#15582 SyntaxException with a possibly valid opening_hours defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#16767 fails to parse PH or when <time_selector> is not seperated by <space> after <weekday_selector> (only valid option) or when <rule_modifier> present, but accepts and saves some wrong values without warning defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#17566 Add support `lunch:*` to OpeningHoursEditor enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#20783 Common hours override exceptions defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22108 The work hours editor cannot edit some some values defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22258 opening_hours value: error in plugin but parsed correctly by other evaluation tool defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22930 IAE: newMinuteEnd is not a valid minute (0-1441) defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#23173 Plugin: Opening Hours Editor has a problem with the indication "PH" for holidays defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8965 timespan ::= ... wrong specification, so is generation wrong too? defect minor Plugin openinghourseditor
#14556 Editor for the duration=* enhancement minor Plugin openinghourseditor
#22468 Particular tags not managed Plugin won't open defect minor Plugin openinghourseditor

Owner: ce (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#5900 Presets: combo box styled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined value enhancement normal Core
#6990 Preset: option to allow to enter user-defined value with multiselection (WAS: cuisine tag entry form should allow to enter any value, not only pick from list) enhancement normal Core

Owner: clement_openindoor (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#23818 openindoor: Port 8432: Conflicts with another plugin and makes JOSM unable to startup due to conflict in port usage. defect normal Plugin openindoor

Owner: darya (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#15038 compare route_ref tag to the list of actually served lines/route relations enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#15415 PT_assistant: remove warning about gap if route contains only one way defect normal Plugin pt_assistant latest

Owner: DevCharly (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#19819 Issues with dark modes defect normal Plugin flatlaf
#20827 JOSM GUI becomes tiny after update defect normal Plugin flatlaf tested

Owner: Don-vip (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#21323 KML: when nodes have same coordinates, only 1 is imported defect major Plugin opendata
#12750 Ouverture fichiers Neptune defect normal Plugin opendata
#17958 Doesn't reload tiles after a timeout defect normal Plugin http2
#19305 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: cannot open shared object file defect normal Plugin javafx
#19486 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Called endChange before beginChange defect normal Plugin javafx
#19518 Reproduced 19359 in Flatpak version defect normal Plugin javafx
#19688 prevent or discourage download of blocked data into non-blocked layer enhancement normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#20108 citygml and gmllight, difference with gml opendata enhancement normal Plugin opendata tested
#20178 Opendata plugin uses approximate transformation on shapefile in BNG projection, even if the patch in #20160 has been applied defect normal Plugin opendata tested
#20527 KMZ from G.Earth does not retain description/notes data defect normal Plugin opendata latest
#20825 IllegalStateException at DataSetMerger.mergeRelationMembers after downloading from FR cadastre defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#20828 Downloading French cadaster data in the wrong layer defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr latest
#21638 [RFC][Patch] Extend opendata plugin to support CKAN open data platforms enhancement normal Plugin opendata
#21891 Support for stops.txt from GTFS data enhancement normal Plugin opendata
#21984 .zip file in session file isn't reopened defect normal Plugin opendata tested
#22573 Excel-produced CSV file with doublequotes in fields not parsed as expected defect normal Plugin opendata tested
#22851 Error while opening .gpkg file defect normal Plugin opendata
#22958 KML importer stop after the first malformed coordinates defect normal Plugin opendata
#23048 Opendata plugin shouldn't offer to download geojson defect normal Plugin opendata tested

Owner: double-m (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#20231 MATSim plugin error (JOSM and all plugins updated) defect normal Plugin matsim
#22061 error when saving matsim layer defect normal Plugin matsim
#22267 Route master New relation not possible defect normal Plugin matsim
#23029 MatSim plugin simulation error defect normal Plugin matsim
#23409 export matsim network to shapefile is crashing defect normal Plugin matsim
#23682 Matsim Plugin simulate issue defect normal Plugin matsim
#23768 Export from MATSim to Shape file defect normal Plugin matsim latest
#23773 Missing icons and toolbar actions without name defect normal Plugin matsim

Owner: floscher (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#17705 "IAE: The site ID is not given in the expected format!" when try get wikidata tag from existing wikipedia tag defect normal Plugin wikipedia tested
#17832 wikipedia tag false positive defect normal Plugin wikipedia tested
#18173 Detect mismatch object type enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#18398 NPE in WikipediaToggleDialog with language code yue defect normal Plugin wikipedia latest
#18490 JsonParsingException in SophoxDownloadReader defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#19943 Rework wikipedia unit tests to not depend on external website defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#20287 Characters such as "+" trigger spurious validator error in brand:wikipedia defect normal Plugin wikipedia tested
#20710 Problems with wikipedia plugin in case of a redirection. defect normal Plugin wikipedia
#20872 Compare coordinates with Wikidata enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#20873 Copy coordinates from OSM to Wikidata enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#20881 Add names from Wikidata defect normal Plugin wikipedia
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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