
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#20568 new defect

potentially wrong validator warnings on PTv2 relations for first/last segments of bus routes

Reported by: aceman Owned by: Biswesh
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin pt_assistant Version:
Keywords: validator route last first stop Cc: michael2402, floscher, Polyglot


I get the "last stop does not match the last way" warning from the PT validator on relations where I think it is wrong: a loop is needed to arrive at the last stop/platform. there are 2 stops by the same name at the end of the route but the membering way segments seem OK

The relations and their members seem correct to me (also OSM Inspector does not flag them).

Similarly I get "first stop does not match first way on relations: the first and last stop is the same as it is a loop, but the membering way segments seem OK (first one is going away of the first stop).

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by skyper, 4 years ago

Component: Core validatorPlugin pt_assistant
Keywords: validator route last first stop added
Owner: changed from team to Biswesh
Priority: minornormal
Version: latest

Yes, two annoying false positives.

For the loop part see also #20242.

The first stop problem, I notice with last stop, too, as long as the first/last way is a new way with id:0 false positives are thrown.

PTNA does not report a single problem with any variant of line 264.

comment:2 by skyper, 3 years ago

Cc: michael2402 floscher Polyglot added

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