Custom Query (2318 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 2318)

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Owner: team (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#12532 History for imagery offset enhancement normal Core imagery
#12548 Proper colors for modified nodes in way history defect normal Core tested
#12579 Add inner polygons when using Tools → Create multipolygon defect normal Core multipoly tested
#12586 Command line option for fresh/temporary preferences enhancement normal Core
#12592 add memorial=stolpersteine enhancement normal Internal preset
#12595 Problem with keyboard layout 'RU' defect normal Core shortcuts
#12608 Add measurement plugin to core enhancement normal Core
#12609 suggesting recently used presets (multiple suggestions; iD is way better at this than JOSM) enhancement normal Core latest
#12613 Show preview image in the geotagging Plugin enhancement normal Plugin photo_geotagging latest
#12625 Propose to merge multipolygon tags into polygon tags when taking an outer polygon off the relation enhancement normal Core multipoly tested
#12629 Summarize changes in relation editor enhancement normal Core
#12659 Less complex tool to project a point(s) on way segment (current tools are not predictable) defect normal Core
#12667 Ability to swtich between latest JOSM configs via swticher or via hotkeys enhancement normal Core
#12668 Add posibility to discard tags during duplication (Ctrl+V) enhancement normal Core
#12671 Unbind J tool by default? Hide it from main menu? enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12673 Instead of an error during G tool, use Alt+J tool enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12679 Current "simplify way" Shift+Y is primitive compared to simplification steps in Fast Draw and other tools enhancement normal Core
#12716 <preset_link>: prefer target in current source, then search in defaultpresets, then search in other external presets defect normal Core
#12765 M hotkey should be default behaviour during node hover over another node enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12768 Work on a new layer when upload is in progress enhancement normal Core
#12772 Make it possible to temporarily select some validator tests before running it enhancement normal Core validator
#12785 Conflicts block downloading more areas when updating saved file defect normal Core tested
#12786 using the validator autofix when tags were changed after the validation process results in an incorrect autofix defect normal Core validator
#12790 Resolving member conflicts in relation shows member details only for one side of conflict defect normal Core tested
#12814 Allow multiselection of data primitives to selection from the Command stack enhancement normal Core
#12840 Add an option to snap also in other visible layers enhancement normal Core latest
#12841 Support splitted roundabouts in roundabout validation test enhancement normal Core validator
#12858 Layout of "Get access token" window defect normal Core latest
#12862 Shortcut to select the outer way of a selected multipolygon enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12866 Display disused:railway=* and abandoned:railway=* like railway=disused/abandoned whenever relevant enhancement normal Internal mappaint style tested
#12895 Show only "self-created" problem warnings in novice mode? defect normal Core
#12921 tag autocompletion has a weakness for trailing numbers defect normal Core latest
#12985 Move advanced info to expert mode enhancement normal Core
#13030 Allow the creation of two map views enhancement normal Core
#13036 More validation for commands enhancement normal Core
#13042 JOSM becomes unresponsive after "Test Access Token" after "New Acces Token" defect normal Core
#13065 Conflation: the conflict-resolution dialog shouldn't be modal defect normal Plugin conflation
#13074 Make notes movable if not uploaded. enhancement normal Core notes
#13099 Broken unit test: defect normal Unit tests
#13125 Allow to set Simplify Way tolerance in the interface enhancement normal Core
#13143 Make autosave not block on other threads enhancement normal Core
#13146 UnsupportedOperationException: Unable to remove primitives from TestError defect normal Core validator
#13152 Unecessary decision dialog while merging two ways that are part of a multipolygon defect normal Core multipoly
#13205 Warn users when trying to upload really large changesets enhancement normal Core
#13373 Adding a node with two selected ways may result in unintended node move defect normal Core latest
#13386 [Patch draft] Make imagery support multiple map views enhancement normal Core imagery
#13446 Preference cleanup enhancement normal Core
#13456 Structure/clean the main menu enhancement normal Core
#13457 Street area enhancement normal External mappaint style
#13472 Detect areas mapped on top of highway=* areas enhancement normal Core validator
#13478 IAE: Parameter 'member' must not be null when resolving relation conflict defect normal Core
#13517 Warn users if hw=path is a lone tag enhancement normal Core validator
#13519 "Selection" main menu enhancement normal Core
#13520 Add support for video in embedded help enhancement normal Core
#13538 Missing "Cannot add node outside of the world" message defect normal Core
#13600 too far away check does not use multipolygons defect normal Core validator latest
#13626 Paste as source position should be the default setting. enhancement normal Core shortcuts latest
#13651 conditional tag: False warning with complex opening_hours values in combination with AND defect normal Core validator latest
#13666 Unable to change "Paste at source position" keyboard shortcut to Ctrl-V defect normal Core shortcuts tested
#13678 Problem with closed multipolygon displaying and test defect normal Core
#13698 RelationEditor: "Zoom to" replaces selection without hint in text, it shoudn't enhancement normal Core
#13706 History browser: color moved relation members differently defect normal Core tested
#13734 Wishlist: Multitouch mouse zoom/pan gestures on mac OS enhancement normal Core
#13740 Should reverse highways by default, instead setting oneway=-1 enhancement normal Core
#13753 Option to keep or remove all ways when resolving conflicting merges enhancement normal Core
#13755 IAE at ImproveWayAccuracyAction.mouseReleased - on node removal defect normal Core
#13774 On GPS import do not change the viewport defect normal Core
#13788 Opening individual tracks from<Username>/traces/ via remote control enhancement normal Core
#13866 Improvement to the Scale bar - Readability plus zoom level addition enhancement normal Core
#13884 Option to save selected objects only enhancement normal Core
#13885 Option to paste the same object into another layer enhancement normal Core
#13887 More complete option to select nodes from ways enhancement normal Core
#13894 Object out of boundaries in JOSM enhancement normal Core
#13900 Presets: Add a combobox for name enhancement normal Internal preset latest
#13914 More descriptive network connection issues message enhancement normal Core
#13918 Better handle some dialogs marked as "never show again" enhancement normal Core
#13938 Provide faster way to edit imagery bookmark entries enhancement normal Core imagery
#13939 Should not create dialogs at the middle of two screens + should remember the dialog position defect normal Core
#13944 ImproveWayAccuracy should allow node merging to closest one when creating it enhancement normal Core tested
#13952 JOSM unresponsive when zooming out completely defect normal Core imagery
#13967 Direct option to save/load toolbar items enhancement normal Core
#13968 Optional display of current zoom level enhancement normal Core
#13971 Explain what "fix" "autofix" button will do for every check using captions enhancement normal Core validator
#13992 URL validator on source:url defect normal Core validator
#14003 Mouse moves trigger costly calculations to early enhancement normal Core
#14006 Multipolygon: combinedPolygons not updated on node merge defect normal Core mappaint
#14018 [WIP patch] JOSM is very slow defect normal Core
#14022 Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] Problem loading keys for file TMS_BLOCK_v2 defect normal Core imagery
#14045 OperationNotFoundException: Bursa wolf parameters required - North America Lambert Conformal Conical defect normal Plugin importimage
#14069 More coloring options for GPX files (HDOP circle) enhancement normal Core
#14077 Proxy authentication enhancement normal Core tested
#14083 Horizontal scrolling with mouse doesn't work defect normal Core
#14087 automatically switch to a mirror source if tile loading fails or takes very long enhancement normal Core imagery
#14092 Should not suggest to downgrade the classification of some roundabouts enhancement normal Core validator
#14094 Incomplete object info in the conflict dialog defect normal Core
#14096 Optional use of subgroups triggered by number of hits enhancement normal Core validator
#14111 Some improvements for notes enhancement normal Core notes
#14139 Customize track drawing, gpx, where did I stop, speed color scheme. enhancement normal Core latest
#14142 Rename "Toggle Dialogs" (sometimes "Windows") to "Panel" enhancement normal Core
#14168 JOSM not working with manual or system proxy settings defect normal Core latest
(more results for this group on next page)
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