Custom Query (38 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#23741 Plugin statistics new team minor Plugin
#24032 JOSM plugin for history viewing new team minor Plugin
#15185 Bus stop platform node and Tram stop platform node in One Click preset assigned Polyglot normal External preset
#16061 GeoBretagne orthophotos assigned Stereo normal Core imagery
#16123 External Imagery/Styles/Presets/Plugins/Rules https new team normal Longterm External imagery source
#16859 Tagging nice GSOC tickets new team normal Trac
#16867 Define list of official supported plugins assigned Don-vip normal Plugin
#17047 Document how to use the checkstyle plugin provided by JOSM in Eclipse assigned Don-vip normal Core
#17201 fix common typo in progressMonitor beginTask() new team normal Core
#17394 change lat/lon of Node using remote control new team normal Core remotecontrol
#18563 Window: Change Relation new team normal Core
#19236 checkstyle complains about CRLF in plugin sources new team normal Core
#19296 Actions should avoid to install listeners which are not needed assigned GerdP normal Longterm Core
#19793 RFC: Memory leaks: Bad programming pattern reg. listeners new team normal Core
#20124 Revise osmwiki:JOSM/Installation and osmwiki:JOSM/Linux new team normal Wiki content
#20278 Mapillary filter: documentation new taylor.smock normal Plugin mapillary
#20284 Move Mapillary Main to proper namespace new stoecker normal Trac
#20433 Imagery Integration tests assigned Don-vip normal Longterm Unit tests
#20619 Move to the LINZ Basemap service new team normal External imagery source
#20718 Remove deprecation warnings for is_in tag in the DRC new team normal Core validator
#21230 Update developing plugin documentation of selection change listener new team normal Wiki content
#21308 defaultpresets.xml revamp assigned reichg normal Core
#21876 query along gpx-track new team normal Core
#22290 Vi-like keyboard shortcuts - binding templates new team normal Core
#22441 Reconsider fee=<interval> syntax in internal presets new team normal Internal preset
#22909 The tag waterway=water_point is no longer deprecated (since 2015) new team normal Core validator
#22941 Remove javax.json dependencies new team normal 24.12 Core
#22995 ParkingLanes Preset translation new team normal External preset
#23286 Move JOSM plugins without maintainer back to JOSM-Plugins-SVN (GitHub SVN support ends) new team normal Core
#23549 I cannot find any information (documentation, manual) on how to use this plugin! new taylor.smock normal Plugin openqa
#23564 Java 21 migration new team normal Longterm Core
#23679 Update OSM Server preference page new team normal Wiki content
#23729 Investigate moving from jmockit to something actively maintained new team normal Longterm Core
#23873 Check power related presets and add validation assigned gaben normal Internal preset
#23904 Write new routing plugin assigned taylor.smock normal Plugin
#23935 Add addr:streetnumber for same function like addr:housenumber in needinfo f.ales1@… normal Core validator
#23960 Delete/update on Styles/PhilippinesTrafficSigns new team normal External preset
#20919 Review/apply/reject all pending patches new team major Longterm Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.