
Opened 9 months ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#23741 new task

Plugin statistics

Reported by: taylor.smock Owned by: team
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Plugin Version:
Keywords: Cc: stoecker


Do we have any plugin statistics we can make available? Specifically for the install base. I know we have no visibility into how many people actually use their installed plugins.

This is mostly so I know which plugins to prioritize for fixing things, adding new features, or profiling workflows. I've been prioritizing things based off of Trac ticket creation, but that isn't helpful for profiling or new features. Fixing broken things does tend to take priority though :)

For example, if I get a bug against buildings_tools, I'm going to prioritize it since I believe a good chunk of JOSM users have it installed. If I get a ticket against tracer2, I'm probably going to deprioritize it since I believe there are relatively few users of that plugin.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by stoecker, 9 months ago

By name and count (information approx. May/June 2024):

P          1 (   0.0%)                                       1 (   0.0%) jackan
P          2 (   0.0%) Aardvark                              1 (   0.0%) LShapedTerrace
P          1 (   0.0%) AddSidewalksPlugin                    1 (   0.0%) zzbuildings
P       1389 (*  6.2%) AddrInterpolation                     1 (-  0.0%) javafx-windows
P          2 (   0.0%) AddressHelper                         1 (   0.0%) uniqueidplugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT
P          2 (   0.0%) Aft                                   1 (   0.0%) myfirstplugin
P          2 (   0.0%) BTTagToggle                           1 (   0.0%) jMap
P          2 (   0.0%) Beta                                  1 (   0.0%) s2locator
P          1 (   0.0%) BuildingCollisionPlugin               1 (   0.0%) lexxpluss_importer_mi
P       2526 (* 11.3%) BuildingGeneralization                1 (   0.0%) NotificationManager
P          1 (   0.0%) BusRouteMaintenance                   1 (   0.0%) KartaView-Partner
P       1436 (*  6.4%) CADTools                              1 (   0.0%) apolloconverterlib-ex-0.1
P          4 (   0.0%) ChangesetReviewPlugin                 1 (   0.0%) OSRM
P       1059 (*  4.7%) ColorPlugin                           1 (   0.0%) InputCreatorOSRM1
P        464 (*  2.1%) ColumbusCSV                           1 (   0.0%) RandomNameGen
P        334 (*  1.5%) CommandLine                           1 (   0.0%) damn-dev
P        699 (*  3.1%) Create_grid_of_ways                   1 (   0.0%) 
P        773 (*  3.5%) CustomizePublicTransportStop          1 (   0.0%) OSM-Obj-Info-2
P         58 (   0.3%) DENote                                1 (-  0.0%) wikidata
P       1023 (*  4.6%) DirectDownload                        1 (   0.0%) josm-spectrum-tasks
P       1054 (*  4.7%) DirectUpload                          1 (   0.0%) BusRouteMaintenance
P        713 (*  3.2%) DxfImport                             1 (   0.0%) count_changes
P        224 (   1.0%) EasyPresets                           1 (   0.0%) BuildingCollisionPlugin
P        336 (*  1.5%) Elevation                             1 (-  0.0%) OpenStreetCam
P        535 (*  2.4%) ElevationProfile                      1 (   0.0%) ImproveOSM_Generic
P          2 (   0.0%) F5Flush                               1 (   0.0%) MakeBuildingPlugin
P          2 (   0.0%) F5Flush-dev                           1 (   0.0%) JtsJosmPlugin
P        110 (*  0.5%) FIT                                   1 (   0.0%) tmplugin
P       4011 (* 18.0%) FastDraw                              1 (   0.0%) AddSidewalksPlugin
P       1648 (*  7.4%) FixAddresses                          1 (   0.0%) tc
P         46 (   0.2%) HDMapTools                            1 (   0.0%) bulgariaaddresshelper
P          4 (   0.0%) HouseNumberTagging                    1 (   0.0%) lexxpluss_2
P       2508 (* 11.2%) HouseNumberTaggingTool                1 (-  0.0%) download_along
P        314 (*  1.4%) ImageIO                               1 (   0.0%) scripting-dev
P        571 (*  2.6%) ImageWayPoint                         2 (   0.0%) material
P          2 (   0.0%) ImageryTracingToolkit                 2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35895
P       2369 (* 10.6%) ImportImagePlugin                     2 (   0.0%) josm_magic_wand_stable
P          3 (   0.0%) ImproveOSM                            2 (   0.0%) ImageryTracingToolkit
P         69 (   0.3%) ImproveOSM-Generic                    2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35844
P          1 (   0.0%) ImproveOSM_Generic                    2 (   0.0%) josm_missingtools
P        881 (*  3.9%) ImproveOsm                            2 (   0.0%) AddressHelper
P          5 (   0.0%) ImproveOsm-V2                         2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_36266
P       1800 (*  8.1%) ImproveWay                            2 (   0.0%) videomap
P        675 (*  3.0%) InfoMode                              2 (   0.0%) josm_missingtools-dev
P          2 (   0.0%) InputCreatorOSRM                      2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35836
P          3 (   0.0%) InputCreatorOSRM(1)                   2 (   0.0%) MapWithOneClick
P          1 (   0.0%) InputCreatorOSRM1                     2 (   0.0%) InputCreatorOSRM
P          1 (   0.0%) JtsJosmPlugin                         2 (   0.0%) F5Flush
P       2639 (* 11.8%) KartaView                             2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35854
P          1 (   0.0%) KartaView-Partner                     2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35871
P         96 (   0.4%) KartaView-Private                     2 (   0.0%) MaxarEnabler
P          1 (   0.0%) LShapedTerrace                        2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35839
P        198 (   0.9%) Lanes                                 2 (   0.0%) BTTagToggle
P          7 (   0.0%) LatLonTool                            2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35855
P          1 (   0.0%) MakeBuildingPlugin                    2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_36179
P        815 (*  3.6%) MakeParallel                          2 (   0.0%) F5Flush-dev
P        643 (*  2.9%) MapRoulette                           2 (   0.0%) test
P          2 (   0.0%) MapWithOneClick                       2 (   0.0%) apache-http7
P       6054 (* 27.1%) Mapillary                             2 (   0.0%) Beta
P          2 (   0.0%) MaxarEnabler                          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35838
P        547 (*  2.4%) MicrosoftStreetside                   2 (-  0.0%) mapdust
P          3 (   0.0%) MoveTagsToParent                      2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35773
P        105 (*  0.5%) NanoLog                               2 (   0.0%) Aft
P         32 (   0.1%) NavionicsObjectSelection              2 (   0.0%) Aardvark
P          1 (   0.0%) NotificationManager                   2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35845
P          1 (   0.0%) OSM-Obj-Info-2                        3 (   0.0%) retail
P         32 (   0.1%) OSMRecPlugin                          3 (   0.0%) InputCreatorOSRM(1)
P          1 (   0.0%) OSRM                                  3 (   0.0%) ohm-date-filter
P         76 (   0.3%) ObjectEditor                          3 (   0.0%) gb-uprn-merge
P          1 (-  0.0%) OpenStreetCam                         3 (   0.0%) strava_heatmap
P       3761 (* 16.8%) OpeningHoursEditor                    3 (   0.0%) hexgrid-generator
P         51 (*  0.2%) PerpendicularWayFromNode              3 (   0.0%) SnapNewNodes
P       5281 (* 23.6%) PicLayer                              3 (   0.0%) freemapkapor
P       1322 (*  5.9%) PolygonCutOut                         3 (   0.0%) scripting-0.2.10
P        380 (*  1.7%) QuickLabel                            3 (   0.0%) copy-json
P         74 (   0.3%) RajmanOSM                             3 (   0.0%) ImproveOSM
P          1 (   0.0%) RandomNameGen                         3 (   0.0%) mapathoner_1.2.0
P        494 (*  2.2%) Relation.Validation.Plugin            3 (   0.0%) MoveTagsToParent
P        711 (*  3.2%) RelationDissolve                      3 (   0.0%) hello2
P        783 (*  3.5%) Review.Changes                        4 (   0.0%) ChangesetReviewPlugin
P       1837 (*  8.2%) RoadSigns                             4 (   0.0%) HouseNumberTagging
P        139 (*  0.6%) RovasConnector                        4 (   0.0%) groby
P         73 (*  0.3%) SaudiNationalAddress                  4 (   0.0%) imagery_used
P        354 (*  1.6%) SeaChart                              5 (   0.0%) ImproveOsm-V2
P          5 (   0.0%) SeaChart_Download_Rev36179            5 (   0.0%) SeaChart_Download_Rev36179
P        379 (*  1.7%) SeaMapEditor                          5 (   0.0%) apolloopendrive
P         76 (   0.3%) SelectionManager                      6 (   0.0%) print_custom
P       1417 (*  6.3%) ShapeTools                            6 (   0.0%) gbfsparser
P       1092 (*  4.9%) SimplifyArea                          7 (-  0.0%) geojson
P          3 (   0.0%) SnapNewNodes                          7 (   0.0%) LatLonTool
P          9 (   0.0%) TileService                           8 (   0.0%) nl_addresses
P        289 (*  1.3%) TombPlugin                            9 (   0.0%) TileService
P        509 (*  2.3%) Tracer                               12 (   0.1%) _jTaro
P        390 (*  1.7%) Tracer-testing                       15 (   0.1%) datepicker
P        652 (*  2.9%) Tracer2                              21 (   0.1%) destination_signs
P         92 (*  0.4%) Tracks2Map                           25 (   0.1%) serbiantransliterator
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35773                     32 (   0.1%) OSMRecPlugin
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35836                     32 (   0.1%) NavionicsObjectSelection
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35838                     32 (   0.1%) ini4j-0.5.4
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35839                     36 (   0.2%) openjfx
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35844                     37 (   0.2%) torcRasterBrowser
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35845                     37 (   0.2%) torcAutomater
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35854                     37 (   0.2%) changesetEditor
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35855                     37 (   0.2%) torcMlMapsBrowser
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35871                     37 (   0.2%) tagAdjuster
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_35895                     37 (   0.2%) torcVisualizer
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_36179                     37 (   0.2%) torcValidator
P          2 (   0.0%) __SeaChart_36266                     46 (   0.2%) HDMapTools
P         12 (   0.1%) _jTaro                               51 (*  0.2%) PerpendicularWayFromNode
P       2410 (* 10.8%) alignways                            53 (*  0.2%) lwjgl-osx
P      13828 (* 61.9%) apache-commons                       58 (   0.3%) DENote
P       6349 (* 28.4%) apache-http                          67 (   0.3%) nl-pdok-report
P          2 (   0.0%) apache-http7                         69 (   0.3%) ods-bag
P          1 (   0.0%) apolloconverterlib-ex-0.1            69 (   0.3%) ImproveOSM-Generic
P          5 (   0.0%) apolloopendrive                      73 (   0.3%) opendataservices
P       1127 (*  5.0%) areaselector                         73 (*  0.3%) SaudiNationalAddress
P       1385 (*  6.2%) austriaaddresshelper                 74 (   0.3%) RajmanOSM
P       1755 (*  7.9%) auto_tools                           75 (   0.3%) geotools-wfs
P      12747 (* 57.1%) buildings_tools                      76 (   0.3%) ObjectEditor
P          1 (   0.0%) bulgariaaddresshelper                76 (   0.3%) SelectionManager
P       1001 (*  4.5%) cadastre-fr                          78 (*  0.3%) gcsenabler-v0.0.1
P        213 (*  1.0%) canvec_helper                        79 (*  0.4%) plmergeaddresses
P        955 (*  4.3%) centernode                           83 (*  0.4%) sds
P       1434 (*  6.4%) changeset-viewer                     86 (*  0.4%) pTerry
P         37 (   0.2%) changesetEditor                      92 (*  0.4%) Tracks2Map
P        350 (*  1.6%) changessum                           96 (   0.4%) KartaView-Private
P        487 (*  2.2%) colorscheme                         105 (*  0.5%) NanoLog
P        299 (*  1.3%) comfort0                            108 (*  0.5%) globalsat
P        301 (*  1.3%) config                              108 (   0.5%) highwayNameModification
P       1446 (*  6.5%) conflation                          109 (*  0.5%) epci-fr
P       2190 (*  9.8%) continuosDownload                   109 (*  0.5%) matsim
P       2059 (*  9.2%) contourmerge                        110 (*  0.5%) FIT
P          3 (   0.0%) copy-json                           111 (*  0.5%) kendzi3d-dev
P          1 (   0.0%) count_changes                       134 (*  0.6%) lexxpluss_tools
P        331 (*  1.5%) damn                                139 (*  0.6%) RovasConnector
P          1 (   0.0%) damn-dev                            144 (*  0.6%) lwjgl-unixoid
P        671 (*  3.0%) dataimport                          148 (*  0.7%) lexxpluss_importer
P         15 (   0.1%) datepicker                          164 (   0.7%) mapwithai-dev
P         21 (   0.1%) destination_signs                   168 (*  0.8%) eventbus
P          1 (-  0.0%) download_along                      174 (*  0.8%) native_password_manager
P       1157 (*  5.2%) easypresets                         183 (*  0.8%) lexxpluss
P       1789 (*  8.0%) editgpx                             190 (*  0.9%) osmwiki-dataitem
P       9594 (* 42.9%) ejml                                194 (*  0.9%) michigan_left
P        109 (*  0.5%) epci-fr                             198 (   0.9%) Lanes
P        168 (*  0.8%) eventbus                            204 (*  0.9%) movemembership
P        707 (*  3.2%) ext_tools                           209 (*  0.9%) fhrsPlugin
P        617 (*  2.8%) fastdriveway                        210 (*  0.9%) highwaynamemodification
P        209 (*  0.9%) fhrsPlugin                          213 (*  1.0%) canvec_helper
P        648 (*  2.9%) fieldpapers                         214 (*  1.0%) osmai
P       1776 (*  8.0%) flatlaf                             215 (*  1.0%) indoorequal
P          3 (   0.0%) freemapkapor                        216 (*  1.0%) surveyor
P          3 (   0.0%) gb-uprn-merge                       224 (   1.0%) EasyPresets
P          6 (   0.0%) gbfsparser                          237 (   1.1%) nl_bag
P         78 (*  0.3%) gcsenabler-v0.0.1                   243 (*  1.1%) touchscreenhelper
P        678 (*  3.0%) geochat                             249 (*  1.1%) kartverketimport
P        313 (*  1.4%) geohash                             254 (*  1.1%) microdata_scraping
P          7 (-  0.0%) geojson                             261 (*  1.2%) o5m
P       8793 (* 39.4%) geotools                            264 (*  1.2%) wms-turbo-challenge2
P         75 (   0.3%) geotools-wfs                        289 (*  1.3%) TombPlugin
P        108 (*  0.5%) globalsat                           290 (*  1.3%) rasterfilters
P        433 (*  1.9%) gpsblam                             299 (*  1.3%) comfort0
P        995 (*  4.5%) graphview                           301 (*  1.3%) config
P       2363 (* 10.6%) gridify                             303 (*  1.4%) panoviewer
P          4 (   0.0%) groby                               313 (*  1.4%) geohash
P        382 (   1.7%) gson                                314 (*  1.4%) ImageIO
P          3 (   0.0%) hello2                              323 (*  1.4%) pointInfo
P          3 (   0.0%) hexgrid-generator                   325 (*  1.5%) tofix
P        108 (   0.5%) highwayNameModification             331 (*  1.5%) damn
P        210 (*  0.9%) highwaynamemodification             334 (*  1.5%) CommandLine
P        416 (*  1.9%) http2                               336 (*  1.5%) Elevation
P        499 (*  2.2%) imagery-xml-bounds                  338 (*  1.5%) russia-address-helper
P       5229 (* 23.4%) imagery_offset_db                   340 (*  1.5%) webp-v0.0.4
P          4 (   0.0%) imagery_used                        350 (*  1.6%) changessum
P        671 (*  3.0%) importvec                           353 (*  1.6%) indoor_sweepline
P        353 (*  1.6%) indoor_sweepline                    354 (*  1.6%) SeaChart
P        215 (*  1.0%) indoorequal                         360 (*  1.6%) openvisible
P        841 (*  3.8%) indoorhelper                        367 (*  1.6%) namemanager
P         32 (   0.1%) ini4j-0.5.4                         371 (*  1.7%) sidewalks
P        551 (*  2.5%) intersection                        379 (*  1.7%) SeaMapEditor
P          1 (   0.0%) jMap                                380 (*  1.7%) QuickLabel
P          1 (   0.0%) jackan                              381 (*  1.7%) livegps
P       8914 (* 39.9%) jackson                             382 (   1.7%) gson
P       1033 (*  4.6%) javafx                              387 (*  1.7%) openindoor-1.0.2-josm
P          1 (-  0.0%) javafx-windows                      390 (*  1.7%) Tracer-testing
P       9875 (* 44.2%) jaxb                                394 (*  1.8%) josm-batch-downloader
P       6637 (* 29.7%) jna                                 416 (*  1.9%) http2
P       1806 (*  8.1%) jogl                                433 (*  1.9%) gpsblam
P        394 (*  1.8%) josm-batch-downloader               451 (*  2.0%) phonenumber
P          1 (   0.0%) josm-spectrum-tasks                 457 (*  2.0%) tagging-preset-tester
P        763 (*  3.4%) josm_magic_wand                     464 (*  2.1%) ColumbusCSV
P          2 (   0.0%) josm_magic_wand_stable              467 (*  2.1%) waypoint_search
P          2 (   0.0%) josm_missingtools                   470 (*  2.1%) lwjgl-windows
P          2 (   0.0%) josm_missingtools-dev               487 (*  2.2%) colorscheme
P       9394 (* 42.1%) jts                                 487 (*  2.2%) routes
P        562 (*  2.5%) junctionchecking                    490 (*  2.2%) libphonenumber
P        249 (*  1.1%) kartverketimport                    494 (*  2.2%) Relation.Validation.Plugin
P        612 (*  2.7%) kendzi3d                            499 (*  2.2%) imagery-xml-bounds
P        111 (*  0.5%) kendzi3d-dev                        509 (*  2.3%) Tracer
P       1127 (*  5.0%) kendzi3d-resources                  515 (*  2.3%) notesolver
P        183 (*  0.8%) lexxpluss                           535 (*  2.4%) ElevationProfile
P          1 (   0.0%) lexxpluss_2                         540 (*  2.4%) plbuildings
P        148 (*  0.7%) lexxpluss_importer                  542 (*  2.4%) mbtiles
P          1 (   0.0%) lexxpluss_importer_mi               547 (*  2.4%) MicrosoftStreetside
P        134 (*  0.6%) lexxpluss_tools                     551 (*  2.5%) intersection
P        490 (*  2.2%) libphonenumber                      562 (*  2.5%) junctionchecking
P        381 (*  1.7%) livegps                             571 (*  2.6%) ImageWayPoint
P       4538 (* 20.3%) log4j                               612 (*  2.7%) kendzi3d
P        662 (*  3.0%) lwjgl                               617 (*  2.8%) fastdriveway
P         53 (*  0.2%) lwjgl-osx                           643 (*  2.9%) MapRoulette
P        144 (*  0.6%) lwjgl-unixoid                       648 (*  2.9%) fieldpapers
P        470 (*  2.1%) lwjgl-windows                       652 (*  2.9%) Tracer2
P       1576 (*  7.1%) mapathoner                          662 (*  3.0%) lwjgl
P          3 (   0.0%) mapathoner_1.2.0                    671 (*  3.0%) dataimport
P          2 (-  0.0%) mapdust                             671 (*  3.0%) importvec
P       2978 (* 13.3%) mapwithai                           675 (*  3.0%) InfoMode
P        164 (   0.7%) mapwithai-dev                       678 (*  3.0%) geochat
P       1115 (*  5.0%) markseen                            691 (*  3.1%) poly
P          2 (   0.0%) material                            699 (*  3.1%) Create_grid_of_ways
P        109 (*  0.5%) matsim                              707 (*  3.2%) ext_tools
P        542 (*  2.4%) mbtiles                             711 (*  3.2%) RelationDissolve
P       6365 (* 28.5%) measurement                         713 (*  3.2%) DxfImport
P       1787 (*  8.0%) merge-overlap                       742 (*  3.3%) routing
P        194 (*  0.9%) michigan_left                       763 (*  3.4%) josm_magic_wand
P        254 (*  1.1%) microdata_scraping                  773 (*  3.5%) CustomizePublicTransportStop
P        204 (*  0.9%) movemembership                      783 (*  3.5%) Review.Changes
P          1 (   0.0%) myfirstplugin                       815 (*  3.6%) MakeParallel
P        367 (*  1.6%) namemanager                         835 (*  3.7%) shrinkwrap
P        174 (*  0.8%) native_password_manager             836 (*  3.7%) rex
P         67 (   0.3%) nl-pdok-report                      841 (*  3.8%) indoorhelper
P          8 (   0.0%) nl_addresses                        877 (*  3.9%) print
P        237 (   1.1%) nl_bag                              881 (*  3.9%) ImproveOsm
P        515 (*  2.3%) notesolver                          918 (*  4.1%) openqa
P        261 (*  1.2%) o5m                                 955 (*  4.3%) centernode
P         69 (   0.3%) ods-bag                             995 (*  4.5%) graphview
P          3 (   0.0%) ohm-date-filter                    1001 (*  4.5%) cadastre-fr
P       6307 (* 28.2%) opendata                           1023 (*  4.6%) DirectDownload
P         73 (   0.3%) opendataservices                   1033 (*  4.6%) javafx
P        387 (*  1.7%) openindoor-1.0.2-josm              1040 (*  4.7%) public_transport
P         36 (   0.2%) openjfx                            1054 (*  4.7%) DirectUpload
P        918 (*  4.1%) openqa                             1059 (*  4.7%) ColorPlugin
P        360 (*  1.6%) openvisible                        1080 (*  4.8%) scripting
P       2453 (* 11.0%) osm-obj-info                       1092 (*  4.9%) SimplifyArea
P        214 (*  1.0%) osmai                              1115 (*  5.0%) markseen
P        190 (*  0.9%) osmwiki-dataitem                   1127 (*  5.0%) kendzi3d-resources
P         86 (*  0.4%) pTerry                             1127 (*  5.0%) areaselector
P        303 (*  1.4%) panoviewer                         1141 (*  5.1%) photoadjust
P       1587 (*  7.1%) pbf                                1157 (*  5.2%) easypresets
P       1158 (*  5.2%) pdfimport                          1158 (*  5.2%) pdfimport
P        451 (*  2.0%) phonenumber                        1284 (*  5.7%) photo_geotagging
P       1284 (*  5.7%) photo_geotagging                   1291 (*  5.8%) waydownloader
P       1141 (*  5.1%) photoadjust                        1322 (*  5.9%) PolygonCutOut
P        540 (*  2.4%) plbuildings                        1385 (*  6.2%) austriaaddresshelper
P         79 (*  0.4%) plmergeaddresses                   1389 (*  6.2%) AddrInterpolation
P       2897 (* 13.0%) pmtiles                            1411 (*  6.3%) pt_assistant
P        323 (*  1.4%) pointInfo                          1417 (*  6.3%) ShapeTools
P        691 (*  3.1%) poly                               1434 (*  6.4%) changeset-viewer
P        877 (*  3.9%) print                              1434 (*  6.4%) splinex
P          6 (   0.0%) print_custom                       1436 (*  6.4%) CADTools
P       1411 (*  6.3%) pt_assistant                       1446 (*  6.5%) conflation
P       1040 (*  4.7%) public_transport                   1576 (*  7.1%) mapathoner
P        290 (*  1.3%) rasterfilters                      1587 (*  7.1%) pbf
P       2688 (* 12.0%) reltoolbox                         1648 (*  7.4%) FixAddresses
P          3 (   0.0%) retail                             1755 (*  7.9%) auto_tools
P       6175 (* 27.6%) reverter                           1776 (*  8.0%) flatlaf
P        836 (*  3.7%) rex                                1787 (*  8.0%) merge-overlap
P        487 (*  2.2%) routes                             1789 (*  8.0%) editgpx
P        742 (*  3.3%) routing                            1800 (*  8.1%) ImproveWay
P        338 (*  1.5%) russia-address-helper              1806 (*  8.1%) jogl
P          1 (   0.0%) s2locator                          1837 (*  8.2%) RoadSigns
P       1080 (*  4.8%) scripting                          1986 (*  8.9%) turnlanes
P          3 (   0.0%) scripting-0.2.10                   2059 (*  9.2%) contourmerge
P          1 (   0.0%) scripting-dev                      2190 (*  9.8%) continuosDownload
P         83 (*  0.4%) sds                                2363 (* 10.6%) gridify
P         25 (   0.1%) serbiantransliterator              2369 (* 10.6%) ImportImagePlugin
P        835 (*  3.7%) shrinkwrap                         2371 (* 10.6%) wikipedia
P        371 (*  1.7%) sidewalks                          2410 (* 10.8%) alignways
P       1434 (*  6.4%) splinex                            2453 (* 11.0%) osm-obj-info
P          3 (   0.0%) strava_heatmap                     2508 (* 11.2%) HouseNumberTaggingTool
P        216 (*  1.0%) surveyor                           2526 (* 11.3%) BuildingGeneralization
P         37 (   0.2%) tagAdjuster                        2639 (* 11.8%) KartaView
P       3377 (* 15.1%) tageditor                          2688 (* 12.0%) reltoolbox
P        457 (*  2.0%) tagging-preset-tester              2797 (* 12.5%) turnlanes-tagging
P          1 (   0.0%) tc                                 2897 (* 13.0%) pmtiles
P       3784 (* 16.9%) terracer                           2978 (* 13.3%) mapwithai
P          2 (   0.0%) test                               3377 (* 15.1%) tageditor
P          1 (   0.0%) tmplugin                           3761 (* 16.8%) OpeningHoursEditor
P       4094 (* 18.3%) todo                               3784 (* 16.9%) terracer
P        325 (*  1.5%) tofix                              4011 (* 18.0%) FastDraw
P         37 (   0.2%) torcAutomater                      4094 (* 18.3%) todo
P         37 (   0.2%) torcMlMapsBrowser                  4538 (* 20.3%) log4j
P         37 (   0.2%) torcRasterBrowser                  4643 (* 20.8%) undelete
P         37 (   0.2%) torcValidator                      5229 (* 23.4%) imagery_offset_db
P         37 (   0.2%) torcVisualizer                     5281 (* 23.6%) PicLayer
P        243 (*  1.1%) touchscreenhelper                  5937 (* 26.6%) turnrestrictions
P       1986 (*  8.9%) turnlanes                          6054 (* 27.1%) Mapillary
P       2797 (* 12.5%) turnlanes-tagging                  6175 (* 27.6%) reverter
P       5937 (* 26.6%) turnrestrictions                   6307 (* 28.2%) opendata
P       4643 (* 20.8%) undelete                           6349 (* 28.4%) apache-http
P          1 (   0.0%) uniqueidplugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT        6365 (* 28.5%) measurement
P      15086 (* 67.5%) utilsplugin2                       6637 (* 29.7%) jna
P          2 (   0.0%) videomap                           8793 (* 39.4%) geotools
P       1291 (*  5.8%) waydownloader                      8914 (* 39.9%) jackson
P        467 (*  2.1%) waypoint_search                    9394 (* 42.1%) jts
P        340 (*  1.5%) webp-v0.0.4                        9594 (* 42.9%) ejml
P          1 (-  0.0%) wikidata                           9875 (* 44.2%) jaxb
P       2371 (* 10.6%) wikipedia                         12747 (* 57.1%) buildings_tools
P        264 (*  1.2%) wms-turbo-challenge2              13828 (* 61.9%) apache-commons
P          1 (   0.0%) zzbuildings                       15086 (* 67.5%) utilsplugin2

Note that I don't know the real user count, because the statistics only track requests to JOSM server and there is by-design no mechanism to detect individual users.

Legend: * means known plugins, - deprecated ones.

comment:2 by stoecker, 9 months ago

Well, for building_tools your guess is pretty good. Place 3 ;-)

comment:3 by taylor.smock, 9 months ago

OK. Thanks for the statistics.

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