4 years |
Don-vip |
update to latest JNA
4 years |
Don-vip |
fix Eclipse project
4 years |
Don-vip |
fix #20205 - dist
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #20205 - remove unneeded class
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #20205 - fix stupid bug + add Windows event logging
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #20205 - fix encoding issue
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #20205 - initiate native log system in JNA plugin
4 years |
Don-vip |
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #16860 - upgrade to JNA 5.6.0 + switch to Ivy
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #18755 - update to JavaFX 15.0.1 (dist)
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #18755 - update to JavaFX 15.0.1 (still compatible with Java 11)
4 years |
Don-vip |
fix #20154 - dist
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
flatlaf: update to flatlaf 0.44
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #20129 - dist
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #20129 - update PBF plugin to JOSM 17334
4 years |
Don-vip |
4 years |
Don-vip |
code cleanup in filters download
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #7548 - upgrade rasterfilters plugin to use ImageryPreference …
4 years |
Don-vip |
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #7548 - upgrade cadastre-fr plugin to use ProjectionPreference …
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #19968 - dist
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #19968 - see #7548 - move colorscheme preferences to Color …
4 years |
Don-vip |
see #16567 - see #20085 - JUnit to JUnitLauncher for plugins (patch by …
4 years |
Don-vip |
4 years |
Don-vip |
i18n update
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19582: Stays silent if download is incomplete cause of timeouts
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19582: Stays silent if download is incomplete cause of timeouts
- …
4 years |
GerdP |
4 years |
GerdP |
fix some javadoc/sonarlint issues
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19972: Resolve libs using Ivy
- some cleanup
4 years |
GerdP |
svn:eol-style native
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19972: Resolve libs using Ivy
- update eclipse files (hope I got …
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19972 - pbf: downgrade to protobuf-java 2.5.0, downgrade to …
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
EditLevel0LAction: support deleting tags
4 years |
simon04 |
EditLevel0LAction: move nodes
4 years |
simon04 |
Add EditLevel0LActionTest
4 years |
simon04 |
EditorLauncher: make field final
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19985: Circle arc: Nodes with multiple parents should still be …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19985: Circle arc: Nodes with multiple parents should still be …
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
Add PasteLevel0LAction
4 years |
simon04 |
EditLevel0LAction: updateEnabledState
4 years |
simon04 |
EditLevel0LAction: show notifications
4 years |
simon04 |
Add CopyLevel0LAction
4 years |
GerdP |
see #8396: Replace geometry: save node ids
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #8396: Replace geometry: save node ids
- "Upgrade a node to a way …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #18666 Extract node (alt+shift-J) Should not work outside …
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #18666 Extract node (alt+shift-J) Should not work outside …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19280 Select all inside: Child Nodes of inside ways not selected
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19280 Select all inside: Child Nodes of inside ways not selected …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19971 Undo Selection: selection order not preserved
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19971 Undo Selection: selection order not preserved
- Use …
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19459 - Remove PicLayer plugin, replace with an svn:external
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19979 Circle arc behaves like merge
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19979 Circle arc behaves like merge
- fix collection of parent …
4 years |
simon04 |
fix errorprone issues
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
see #19972 - pbf: cleanup
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19972 - pbf: resolve libs using Ivy
4 years |
Zverikk |
[reltoolbox] update dist
4 years |
Zverikk |
[reltoolbox] no-shortcut for the reconstruct polygon action
4 years |
Don-vip |
upgrade to JOSM 16548
4 years |
holgermappt |
Declare constructor of abstract class as protected
4 years |
holgermappt |
Add image for photo property editor
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19950: Improve Replace Geometry error message
4 years |
GerdP |
fix #19950: Improve Replace Geometry error message
- Use again "Please …
4 years |
holgermappt |
photo_geotagging: Distribution of version 35594 with previous removal …
4 years |
holgermappt |
photo_geotagging: Distribution of version 35594
4 years |
holgermappt |
Change icons to SVG, references #19958
4 years |
holgermappt |
photoadjust: Distribution of version 35592
4 years |
holgermappt |
Change icons to SVG, references #19957
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - dist again (forgot svn update)
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - dist
4 years |
simon04 |
Fix ivy-module info
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
comfort0: require init-ivy, update JavaCC JDK_VERSION
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19458 - Level0LParser: fix parsing of Unicode characters
4 years |
simon04 |
see #19458 - Remove U+200C and U+200E from generated Level0L
4 years |
simon04 |
see #19458 - Remove U+200C and U+200E from generated Level0L
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Fix shortcut names
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - dist
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Add missing import
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Fix line length
4 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #19851 - Fix shortcut names
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
see #18235 - turnrestrictions: i18n update
4 years |
Don-vip |
fix #josm19385 - pdfimport: resolve libs using Ivy
4 years |
GerdP |
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19885: memory leak with "temporary" objects in validator and …
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
fix #19819 - FlatLaf: specify/override colors (patch by DevCharly)
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19886: NoSuchElementException at …
4 years |
GerdP |
see #19886: NoSuchElementException at …
4 years |
simon04 |
4 years |
simon04 |
flatlaf: update to flatlaf 0.43
4 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
4 years |
Mkyral |
New dist package of PointInfo: Switch to SVG icons