15 years |
mjulius |
fix messages for io
15 years |
jttt |
Added progress monitor to JpgImporter, allow to cancel importing
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed NPE with new location for elemstyles.xml, see r2827
15 years |
stoecker |
removed wrong translation calls
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4328: No visible error message when trying to upload to a …
15 years |
Gubaer |
see #4339: applied patch by andre68: MessageFormat fixes
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3063: Downloading a plugin yields 3 dialogs at the same time: …
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed line endings of recent checkins
15 years |
stoecker |
don't create empty image layer - closes #4274 - patch by bomm
15 years |
jttt |
Allow to load incomplete gpx files
15 years |
jttt |
Fixed some FindBugs warnings
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4170: Downloaded open changesets are not listed
15 years |
stoecker |
15 years |
Gubaer |
Improved user feedback when downloading relations
15 years |
Gubaer |
new: JOSM now supports OAuth
See also …
15 years |
framm |
message fixes
15 years |
framm |
message fixes
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed last checkin
15 years |
stoecker |
removed obsolete code (re-add when necessary)
15 years |
stoecker |
fix bad line endings
15 years |
bastiK |
correct errors from last check in
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #4100 - unable to simply load already referenced images
Added …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Partial commit due to issue described in #4137
Breaks the build
15 years |
jttt |
Fix some of the warnings found by FindBugs
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed proxy test
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4214: error opening prefrences window
15 years |
jttt |
Fixed #4161 Major slowdown in recent versions, used correct pattern …
15 years |
Gubaer |
new: supports system defined proxies if JOSM is started with …
15 years |
jttt |
Fixed some of the warnings found by FindBugs
15 years |
jttt |
Remove OsmPrimitive.setIncomplete()
15 years |
Gubaer |
new: global in-memory cache for downloaded changesets
new: toggle …
15 years |
stoecker |
applied #4146 - patch by mjulius - fix downloading incomplete relation
15 years |
bastiK |
geoimage: add thumbnail caching (fixes #4116, see #4101)
15 years |
Gubaer |
New: JOSM reading, writing, merging changeset attribute
fixed #4090: …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4130: Chunked upload mode counter is wrong
fixed #4118: Upload …
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4114 - NPE when zooming out after updating a partially downloaded …
15 years |
jttt |
Added Way.hasIncompletNodes(), Way.isIncomplete() now returns true …
15 years |
jttt |
Encalupse OsmPrimitive.incomplete
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3684: Add "chunked" upload mode
Removed support for API "0.5" …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3400: relation editor: improvement to highlight an element …
15 years |
stoecker |
i18n updated, fixed files to reduce problems when applying patches, …
15 years |
jttt |
Removed unnecessary setting of OsmPrimitive.incomplete
15 years |
jttt |
Added Dataset.beginUpdate and Dataset.endUpdate that can be used to …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3925: Download relation members takes a long time to return
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3937: Closed changeset (due to timeout) remains in the upload dialog
15 years |
Gubaer |
ChangesetProcessingType not used any more. Removing.
15 years |
Gubaer |
see #3887: java.lang.NullPointerException while uploading …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3975: Loading of data breaking off at objects with visible=false
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3976: Loading of 0.5 data floods with warnings
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3908: Exception when updating a way
fixed a few I18n issues
15 years |
Gubaer |
Fixes problems with merging
15 years |
Gubaer |
Improved test cases for MergeVisitor.
Moved MergeVisitor and removed …
15 years |
jttt |
Add clearId parameter to primitives copy constructor, replace some …
15 years |
jttt |
Make sure incomplete relation member is not added twice into the dataset
15 years |
Gubaer |
Made nodes, ways, and relations in DataSet private. Plugin updates to …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3443: Illegal value for attribute 'version' when loading OSM file
15 years |
jttt |
Change most occurrences of Dataset.nodes/ways/relations with …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3443: Illegal value for attribute 'version' when loading OSM file
15 years |
Gubaer |
Improved tab "Places" in download dialog (download on double click, …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3822: Error on load gpx
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #1100: patch by bastikK: Tolerate minor errors in GPX loader
15 years |
Gubaer |
Cleanup in download logic (less global, more encapsulation)
15 years |
Gubaer |
Added canceling of DownloadOsmTaskLists
Removed error remembering in …
15 years |
Gubaer |
see #3761: Precondition failed: Node is still used by way
Also added …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Replaced OsmPrimtive.user by setters/getters
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #3718: patch by oancea: Feature request: add *.log on file …
15 years |
jttt |
Replace testing for id <= 0 with isNew() method
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3670: delete actions are ignored for uplaod when reopening …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Fixes provided by stoeckr, got accidentally overwritten in r2243
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3650: Double-click on items in history dialog should open …
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed #3649 - show node coordinates in history dialog
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3625: "Upload" error (410) while fetching items for relation
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3182: GPX consisting of only markers loads as two layers …
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed #3580 - patch by bastiK - no longer send username/password for …
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #3287: patch by email@…: link in gpx causes …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Typo in I18n message
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed typo in I18n
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3249: Resolve conflicts between invisible and deleted …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3564: i18n fail in error when uploading OSM data to a fresh server
15 years |
stoecker |
lots of i18n fixes
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #3555: patch by Claudius Henrichs: More typos and closing html tags
15 years |
stoecker |
applied #3532 - path by Dave Hansen - infrastructure for faster data access
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed typos
15 years |
Gubaer |
see #3449: action='modified' lost on file reopening
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #3526: patch by glebius@...: be more verbose about available …
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3488: "No open changeset" appears in changeset list every …
16 years |
framm |
fix <bound> exception (again)
16 years |
Gubaer |
See #3483: "Load list of changesets from the server" is broken for …
16 years |
Gubaer |
new: reading open changesets from the server
new: reading user info …
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3449: action='modified' lost on file reopening
16 years |
Gubaer |
see #3446: JOSM throws an XML parsing error when opening an OSM file …
16 years |
Gubaer |
see #3443: Illegal value for attribute 'version' when loading OSM file
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3443: Illegal value for attribute 'version' when loading OSM file
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3393: loooong delay when using presets with a large osm file - …
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3413: ProgressException when uploading osmChange file
16 years |
Gubaer |
Had to replace DataSet:getPrimitiveById(id) with …
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3422: Upload dialog allows modification of the created_by=* tag …
16 years |
Gubaer |
new: rewrite of CombineWay action
new: conflict resolution dialog for …
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3404: Regression: JOSM does not automatically zoom and center …
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3398: Changeset tags should be editable in subsequent uploads